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BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the twenty-third day of September, Anno Domini 1830, in the fifty-fifth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Jonathan Youmans, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit:

"The Christian Remembrancer, or short reflections upon the faith, life, and conduct of a real Christian.-Of these things put them in remembrance. 2 Tim. ii. 14. Second edition. By Jonathan Youmans."

In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned." And also to an act, entitled "An act, supplementary to an Act, entitled An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."


Clerk of the Southern District of New York.




THIS little treatise is divided into three parts; the first of which relates chiefly to the word and work of God in the redemption of souls by Jesus Christ: the second, to the inward and practical experience of this redemption in the heart of the believer; and the third, to his outward converstaion and conduct with others.-The addresses to God, at the end of each part, may be read alone, or all together, in their order, as one prayer.

On this wide and great subject, the reflections, which might have been greatly multiplied, are brought into as narrow a compass as possible, being intended rather for hints to carry on the mind to farther meditations, than for full or exact meditations themselves.

As the author humbly believes, that he has had no other view in these reflections, which have employed some of his solitary hours, than the glory of a gracious God, and the edification of believers, he only requests, as one of the greatest favors he needs, that the pious reader will remember him, in return, before the throne of grace; that these things, of which he hath endeavored to put others in remembrance, may never be forgotten by him

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self, but be felt, experienced, and enjoyed, more and The acquisition of many prayers on this account from his Christian brethren is of such value and importance in his mind, as would make him a far higher compensation indeed, than he has a right to expect, for these humble labors, which need the mercy and favor of God, and the kindness and candor of every good man.

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