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DEC 31 1996


The Century Association


THE library here catalogued was a gift from James Lorimer Graham, who by his will left his books as a memorial of his membership in and his love for the Century Association. In appreciation not merely of the gift, but of the giver, a commemorative meeting of the Association was held on January 20th, 1894, at which a biographical sketch of the donor and an account of the library were read. The proceedings of this meeting were printed, and thus make unnecessary further tribute here to either Mr. Graham or his books.

As a further recognition of Mr. Graham's generosity it was suggested to the Committee on Literature that a catalogue of the library should be printed, and with its approval the present work was undertaken. A slight examination will show that the method has been distinctly eclectic, valuable or unique books being described with very considerable fullness, while works of less rarity have been more briefly catalogued. At the same time a card catalogue of the library was prepared, which included a subject as well as an author list. In consequence neither subject references nor an index have been considered necessary in the present catalogue, the purpose being to show, by a simple author list, the books given by Mr. Graham.

Cotton Mather maintained that "unto those Three Things which the Ancients held Impossible, there should be added this Fourth, to find a Book Printed without Errata's. It seems, the Hands of Briareus, and the Eyes of Argus, will not prevent them." The present work undoubtedly contains numerous errors, but it is a pleasure to the compiler to acknowledge the

correction of many by the librarian of the Association, Mr. J. H. Senter, who kindly compared the proof sheets with the books. Another debt of thanks is due to the Committee on Literature, and especially to its former Chairman, Mr. Edward Cary, whose suggestion and encouragement were a principal cause in inducing the compiler to volunteer his services.



(A. d'). Esquisses Américaines, ou Tablettes d'Un Voyageur aux États-Unis d'Amérique. Par Ad. d'A. Paris, Chez Ébrard, 1841. 16mo. pp. 178.

A (T. B.)-See Aldrich, T. B.

ABBOTT (Edwin A.), and J. R. SEELEY. English Lessons for English People. London. MDCCCLXXI. 12mo. pp. 292.

[ABELIN (Jean-Philippe)]. Newe Welt / Und Americanische Historien. Inhaltende / Warhafftige und vollkommene Be-/ schreibungen Aller West-Indianischen Landschafften Insulen / Königreichen und Provintzien Seecusten fliessenden und stehenden Wassern Port und Anländungen Gebürgen Thälern Stätt Flecken und Wohnplätzen zusampt der Natur und Eygenschafft dess Erdrichs der Lufft der / Mineren und Metallen der Brennenden Vulcanen oder Schwefelbergen der / Siedenden und anderer Heilsamen Quellen wie auch der Thier Vögel Fisch und Gewürm in denselben sampt andern Wunderbaren Creaturen / und Miraculn der Natur in diesem halben Theil/dess Erdkreyses. / Dessgleichen / Gründlicher Bericht von der Innwohner Beschaffen heit Sit-/ ten Qualitäten Policey und Götzendienst Leben und Wesen Barbarischer Un-/ wissenheit. und unerhörter Grausamkeit dess meisten theils dieser Wilden Leute sampt Unterscheyd der Nationen Sprachen und Gebräuchen. / Item,/ Historische und Aussführliche Relation 38. Fürnembster Schiffarten unterschiedlicher Völcker in West-Indien von der Ersten Entdeckung durch Christopho- /

Columbum in 150. Jahren vollbracht. Alles auss verscheidenen West-Indianischen Historien-Schreibern unnd man-cherley Sprachen mit sonderm fleiss zusamen getragen extrahirt, in ein richtige Ordnung / der Materien und Zeit und in diese Käuffliche Form gebracht / Durch Johann Ludwig Gottfriedt. Mit zugehörigen Landtafeln Contrafacturen und Geschichtmässigen Kupfferstücken / zum Lust und Nachrichtung reichlich gezieret und verlegt / Durch Mattheum Merian Buchhändlern und Kunststechern zu Franckfurt am Mäyn. / Franckfurt. Ben denen Merianischen Erben. M. DC. LV. Folio. pp. (8), 661, maps.

*** "Jean-Philippe Abelin published this work under the assumed name of Jean Louis Gottfriedt. It contains a resumé of the histories of Acosta, Oviedo, Peter Martyr, Herrera, Laet, &c.; an account of 33 voyages to America, from Columbus to Spilbergen and Schouten; notices of the expeditions of Lemaire and Peter Heyen; the conquests of Brazil by the Dutch; and descriptions of Greenland and Spitzbergen."

ABERCROMBIE (John). Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Powers, and the Investigation of Truth. From the second Edinburgh edition. With questions for the examination of students. New-York: 1835. 16mo. pp. 376.

ABOUT (Edmond). Les Mariages de Paris. 1870. 121110. pp. 440.

4e éd. Paris:

ABRIA (J. J. B.). De Quelques Propriétés générales des Corps et en particulier de la Force Répulsive des Gaz. Paris: 1867.

24m10. pp. 46.

Voyage de la Lumière au Travers des Cristaux ou de la Structure des Corps étudiée a l'aide de leurs propriétés optiques. Paris: 1868. 24mo. pp. 47.

AN ABRIDGEMENT/ of the Laws In Force and Use in / Her Majesty's Plantations; / (Viz.) Of / Virginia, / Jamaica, / Barbadoes, Maryland, / New-England, / New-York, / Carolina, &c. / Digested under proper Heads in the Me- /thod of Mr. Wingate, and Mr. Washington's / Abridgements. / London / Printed for John Nicholson at the King's-Arms in / Little Britain, R. Parker, and R. Smith, under the Royal-Exchange, and Benj. Tooke at the Middle- / Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1704. 'Svo. pp. (4), 304, 87, 104.


* *

See Hildeburn's Tower Collection of American Colonial Laws for a fuller collation, from which however the above copy varies somewhat.

Absalom and Achitophel.-See Dryden.

ABU ISHAC. Liber Climatum auctore Abu Ishac el-faresi vulgo 1-Issthachri. E codice Gothano edidit Dr. J. H. Moeller. Gothæ, in officina Beckeriana MDCCCXXXIX. 4to. 126 11. pls.

* Except for the title, the book is in Arabic character.

ACTES de ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable / a la diéte / de Suède, des années 1755 et 1756; / Tirés des Regîtres de cette Diète, / & traduits du Suèdois: / Avec / Une Relation circonstantiée de la dernière révolte. [1. p.] M. DCC. LVI.

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