REGISTER OF PENNSYLVANIA. DEVOTED TO THE PRESERVATION OF FACTS AND DOCUMENTS, AND EVERY KIND ог USEFUL INFORMATION RESPECTING THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. EDITED BY SAMUEL HAZARD Kee. Philadelphia: PRINTED BY WM. F. GEDDES, NO. 9 LIBRARY STREET. 5 Geology of Bradford co. lectures proposed 335 report of committee and two 390 200 the Allegheny mountains Girard's legacy, report of committee to improve Governor, votes for Greensburg, monument erected at, to gen. St. 305 treasurer to prepare a state- 413 the city Wolf's message inaugural address 232 281 369 400 ib Clair 365 43 173, 281, 368 45 46,72 professor of anator Heister, gov. Joseph, biography 23 302 65 Horticultural Society, premiums awarded 159 45 report on exhibition 361 Huntingdon, first canal boat from, to Hollidays- burg 365 out Water-st. resolution for executors to pay collateral inheritance tax committee appointed to inquire mayor authorized to pay the executors authorized to pay С. treasurer authorized to receive executors authorized to pay application for decrease of report of committee on proper. ordinance for the management nominations by councils for di- Iron, furnaces at Connellsville ib Ithaca and Owego rail road, report of 172 Jury, singular circumstance on drawing a K 274, 289 ib Keim, general, of Reading, undertakes a new 189 and singular voyage 16 187 packages, Beard & Kirby 4 report on revised code 76 Intestate, bill and remarks 108,321 rectors, treasurer, and audi- chief justice McKean's opinion on 205 election of do. proprietary claims, 1779 113 224 sureties of the treasurer historical view of punishments in 230 Water-st. ordinance for laying Pennsylvania, Tyson's, 117 essays on penitentiary discipline 152, out anew reported 45,72 do. recorded in court Q. S. 170, 177 230 expenses of committee for clerk hire, &c. allowed ib act for inspection of tobacco relating to aldermen District Court 220- 221 239 Girard committee discharged 230 act to enable mayor, &c. to on the eastern front, &c. act to appropriate the legacy of ment by canal navigation organization of trust committees to enable mayor, &c. to effect certain improvements 244 244 to appropriate the legacy of Stephen 246 for establishing a general system of 246 education 266 332 289, 273 339 the Great Law" 277 |