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Subjects are printed in Italics; Authors and Books referred to in Roman. The References are to the printed Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library and to the Supplement. Suppose the subject to be Americanisms the word following in the Index is Bartlett, J. R., under that name in the Catalogue will be found the Title and Description of the work referred to. When the name of the author is not given the work will be found by the first leading word of its title; thus for example, under the subject Athens, the first reference is Athenian Letters, which will be found under Athenian in the Catalogue. Where the reference is simply to the Catalogue, it is to be understood that the subject is found there under that head. If the subject is not found in the Index, it may be that it is already in the Catalogue as subject in its Alphabetical place, many books being there entered by their subjects, and in such cases, to avoid repetition, they are omitted in the Index. When not found in either it may be concluded that the Library contains no separate work on the subject. The Alphabetical order is retained throughout the Index, except as respects Subdivisions of Scientific and Historical subjects, in which Classification was important. In these cases, to make it more easy of consultation, a supplementary Index of subordinate subjects is appended to the general one. The limits to which the Index was restricted, necessarily render it meagre and forbidding compared with what it would have been, if the references had been made in full. It will, however, be found to afford important facilities to readers in consulting the books of the Library, and with that special object it was compiled.


The subjects are in Italic, the books referred to in Roman type.


Abailard P. Berington J., Cousin V., Frag-| Eschylus. Ludwig A., Patin M., Wieseler
ments philosophiques, Guizot F.,
F., and under Eschylus in Vol. I. of
sat C. de.


Chassant L. A., Desbosses,
Gerard J., Morcelli J. A., Nouveau Traité
de Diplomatique, Rasche J. C., Ursatus
S., Walter J. L.

Abernethy J. Life by Macilwain J.

Abingdon, Mass. Sketch of, by Hobart A.
Abipones. Dobrizhoffer M.

Abnaquis. Bigot J.

Abraham (Patriarch). Christianity of.
Abruzzi. Excursion in, by Craven K.
Abury. Bowles W. L., Stukeley W.
Abyssinia. Bruce J., Combes E., Des Murs,

Gobat S., Isenberg & Krapf, Johnston
C., Lefebure T., Ludolph J., Munzinger
W., Noel-Desvergers, Parkyn M., Pearce
N., Salt H.

Acclimation. Tschudy M. de.

Achæan and other leagues. Mayer C. J.
Acoustics. August E. F., Chladni E. F. F.,

Hautefeuille, Inman W. S., Peirce B.,
Reid D. B., Seebeck A., Weber E. H.
Acropolis. Beulé E., Ross L., Schinkel C. F.,
Stuart J.

Acts of the Apostles. Alexander J. A.
Adam (Scriptural). Sa vie par Loredano
G. F.

Adams J. (Pres.). Life by C. S. Adams.
Adams J. Q. (Pres.) Life by J. Quincy and
by W. H. Seward.

Addington H. Viset. Sidmouth. Life by G.

Addison L. Life by L. Aikin.

Adorna & Botta. Istoria, da Rossi B. de.
Adriatic. Montanari G.

Adulteration of Food. Chevallier A., Hassall
A. H., Marcet W.

Adulteration of Medicines and Chemicals.
Peirce C. H.

Advertising. Handbook for Advertisers.
Aerolites. Baumhauer E. H., Bigot de Moro-
gues, Browne P. A., Fleuriau de Belle-
Yue, Izarn J., Maréchal G. A., Münter
F., Rémusat J. P. A.

Aeronautics. Cenni storici sull' Aeronautica,
Deparcieux A., Dupuis-Dalcourt, Faujas
de Saint Fond, Jeffries J., Kratzenstein
C. G., Mason M., Montgolfier M. de,
Steinmann F.

Aerostatics. Baumgartner A., Drieberg F.,

Hénin de Cuvillers E. F. D., Inarre C.
F. d', Lambert J. H., Mayer J. F., and
under Air.


Esthetics. Alison A., Cousin V., Jeitteles I.,
Knight R. P., Lambert J. H., Mundt J.,
Pictet A., Schimmelpenninck M. A.,
Schleiermacher F. E. D. Phil. Werke
V. 7, Thiersch F.

Afghans. Neamet Ullah.

Afghanistan. Atkinson J., Nash C.
Africa. Bibliography of. Ternaux-Compans.
Discoveries in. Atlas, Leyden J., Mur-
ray H.


Ethnography of Chaix P., Duprat P.
History and Geography. Abulfeda,
Avezac D., Cardonne D. D., Dapper O.,
Dureau de la Malle, Guillain M., Hodg-
son W. B., La Renaudière P., Leo J., Le
Predour M. P., M'Queen J., Marmol C.,
Napier E. E., Nicholson J., Ogilby J.,
Papencordt F., Pellissier E., Poujoulat
M., Renou E., Roscher A., Santarem V.
de, Walckenaer C. A., Wilson J. L.

Voyages and Travels in. Walckenaer
Collection, Adams J., Andersson C. J.,
Barrow J., Barth H., Bory de St. Vin-
cent, Browne W. G., Bruce J., Burchell
W. J., Burckhard J. L., Burton R. F.,
Cailliaud F., Davidson J., Denham,
Duncan J., Golberry S. M. X., Gray W.,
Hemprich W. F., Horneman F., Jomard
E. F., Keppel A., Krapf L., Laing A. G.,
Laird M., Lander R., Le Vaillant F.,
Lichtenstein H., Livingston D., Lyon G.
F., Malte Brun V. A., Moore F., Owen
W. F. W., Omboni T., Pacho M., Park
M., Raffenel A., Rüppel E., Taylor B.,
Thierry M. C., Wurmb, Zutphen.
African Languages. See under the head

Agincourt. Hunter J., Nicolas H.
Agnesi M. G. Éloge par Frisi A. F.
Agnew A. Memoirs of by M'Crie T.
Agriculture. Bibliography. Musset-Pathay.


Dictionaries & Cyclopædias. Doyle M.,
Hoefer F., Loudon J. C., Maison rus-
tique, Richard du Cantal, Tessier Abbé,
Van den Broeck, Wilson J. M.

General Treatises. Agriculture Nou-
veau Cours, Armstrong J., Babb L. D.,
Blake J. L., Boussingault J. B., Bradley
R., Burger J., Complete Farmer, Cours
Complet, Crescenzi P. de, Darwin E.,
Daubeny C., Davy H., Dombasle M. de,
Downing A. J., Doyle M., Duhamel H.

L., Ellsworth H., Farmer's Directory,
Fellenberg E., Gandolfi G. C., Gasparin
A. E., Gray J. C., Hall B. F., Joigneaux
P., Lawrence C., Lejeune P.. Lépinois,
Liebig T. v., Norton J. P., Olmsted F.
L., Passy H., Plaw J., Practical Farmer,
Rei Rustic Scriptores, Rendu V., Rus-
sel Bp., Saboureaux de la Bonneterie,
Serres O., Stephens H., Suarez M. G.,
Tusser T., Wilson J., Yvart V., Young
J., Ysabeau A.

Agricultural Chemistry. Boussingault J. B.,
Chemistry and Physics, Davy H., John-

ston F. W., Liebig J., Sibson A., Stöckhardt J. A., Wolff E. Agricultural Implements. Andrews G. H., Diverses Machines, Granvoinet J. A., Instruments d'Agriculture, Lange u. Stegemann, Lasteyrie, Le Docte M., Slight J. Agricultural Journals. Agric. Soc. of England, Agric. and Hortic. Soc. of India, American Q. Journal of Agriculture, Annales de l'Agric. Franc., Annales de l'institution agronomique de Grignon, Annuaire des Agriculteurs, Bulletino agrario, Cultivator, Florence Accad. Econ. agraria, Giornale agrario Toscano, Giornale agrario di Grossetto, Journal d. neuesten Fortschritte, Mémoires d'Agriculture Turin, Wells D. Yearbook of Agriculture.

Agricultural Reports in America. U. States,

Patent Documents, Maine, Massachu-
Betts, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Wis-

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[ocr errors]

In England. Agricultural State, Condition of the Agricultural Classes, Lock J., Marshall W., Morton J. C., the Prince Consort Farms, Rigby E., Holkam Agriculture.

In France. M. de.

Pradt D., Saint Amans

In Naples. Gasparrin G.

In Russia. Maslov S.

In Scotland. Douglas R., Henderson
J., Kerr R., Leslie W., Loudon J. C.,
Mackenzie G. S., Naismith J., Robertson
Jas., Singer D., Smith J., Smith S., So-
merville R., Trotter J.
Agricultural Shows. Concours d'Animaux.
Agrippa H. C. Life by Morley H.
Air. Cavendish H., Deluc J. A., Ellis D.,

Forster T., Hero Spiritalia, Humboldt A.
von, Leslie J., Minkelers, Plana J.,
Priestley J., Rouland P., Scheele C. W.,
Sigaud Le Fond, Tomlinson C.

Akenside M. Life by Bucke C.
Alabama. History of by Pickett A. J.
Albania. Hahn T. G., Hobhouse J. C.
Albano. Antichità, da Piranesi.
Albany, N. Y. Annals of by Munsell J.
Albany, Countess of. Reumont A. v.
Albigenses. Croisade contre, Collection des

Mémoires par Guizot V. 15, Guillaume
de Podio in Bouquet, V. 19, 20, Sis-
mondi J. C. L., Vaux-Cernay P. de.

Alchemy. Figuier L., Geber, Hitchcock E. A., Quattrami da Gubbio, Ruland M., Williams B. B.

Alcoholic Liquors. Carpenter W. B., Morewood S.

Alcuin. Life by Lorenz F.

Aldini. Edizioni Aldine, Laire F. X.
Alembert J. d'. Éloge par Condorcet.
Aleppo. Maundrell H. Journey.
Aleutian Islands. Stählin J. von.
Alexander the Great. Clarke E. D., Classici
auctores ed. Mai, V. 7, Quatremère de
Quincy, Sainte Croix G. E. J., Wil-
liams J.

Alexander of Russia. Montferrand A. R. de,
Schnitzler M. J. H.

Alexander A. Life by Alexander J. W. Alexandria. Matter J., Parthey G., Rein

hard K., Ritschl F., Saint Hilaire J. B.
Alfred the Great. Annals of his reign by
Asser and by Pauli R., Spelman J. S,
Stolberg C., Weiss J. B.
Alga. See Botany.

Algebra. See Mathematics.
Algeria. Abd-el-Kader, Algérie, Algiers,
Baude M., Berbrugger A., Berteuil A.,
Blofeld J. H., Christian P., Daumas E.,
Dureau de la Malle, Exploration scien-
tifique, Fillias A., Gastineau B., Gomot
F., Gordon D., Hædo D. de, Laugier de
Tassy, Nott L., Morgan H., Nettement,
Pananti F., Quetin M., Renou E., Rozet
and Carette, St. Marie, Shaler W.,
Walmsley H. M.

Alhambra. Jones & Goury, Lewis J. F.
Alland. Leouzunle Duc.

Allibone S. Memoir by Lee A
Alloys. Hervé.

Allston W. Genius and Works by Ware W.
Alluvial. Rivière A.

Alphabets Ornamental. Alphabet illustrated, Delamotte F., Shaw H., Silvestre J. B. Alphabets of Languages. See Languages. Alps. Alpina, Beaumont A., Berlepsch, Bourrit M. T., Desaussure, Durheim, Ebel J. G., Fauche-Prunelle, Gioffredo, Kasthofer R., Ladoucette, Mayr J. G., Panorama des Alpenbirgs, Saluzzo A. de. Alsace. Golbery P. de, Schoepflin J. D. Altai Mountains. Ledebour C. F., Schott W., Tchihatcheff P. de.

Altars. Heider G., Rossi G. de, Tosi and
Becchio, Voigt G.

Altenberger. Hermann P. Sitten.
Alton Trials. Lincoln W. S.
Amalgamation. Born S., Charpentier D.,
Fragon de Siqueira, Müller M.
Amazon River. Acuña, Expeditions into
the Valley of, Herndon W. L., Pagan B.
F. de, Rodriguez M., Wallace A. R.,
Warren J. E.

Amazons. History of, Guyon C. M.
Ambassadors. Finett J., Machiavel V. 1,
Wicquefort M. de.

Amber. Berendt G. C., Goeppert H, R,
Sendel N., Werlauff E. C.
Amboyna. Rumph G. E

Amelia Island. Narrative of a Voyage.
America, North and South collectively.


Bibliography. Bibliotheca Americana,
Kennett W. B., Murphy H. C., Rich O., |
Smith J. R., Stevens H., Ternaux-Com-
pans, Trübner N.

Geography and Topography.


A. de, Dapper, Enciso M. F. de, Fritsch
J. G., Gazzettiere Americano, Grynæus
S., Herrera A. de, Humboldt A. de, Jef-
ferys T., Juan de la Cosa, Ogilby J., Ott-
manns J., Scherer J. B., Thevet A.,
Wytfleet C.

Discoveries, Antiquities, and History.
Abbot J., Acosta J., Antiquitates Ame-
ricanæ, Art de vérifier les dates 4me
partie, Baluffi G., Barcia A. G., Beamish
N. L., Bennet R. G., Benzoni G., Bissel
J., Bollaert W., Bonnycastle R. H.,
Bosch S. H., Brandin A. V., Bry T. de,
Buckingham J. S., Caleffi G., Calveto
U., Carli G. B., Casas B. de las, Cladera
C., Columbus C., Compagnoni G., Dela-
field J., Eden R., Engel S., Frasso P.,
Garcia G., Grotius H., Helps A., Her-
rera A. de, Holmes A., Horn G., Hornot
A., Jones G., Laet J. de, McCulloh J. H.,
Martyr P., Mather S., Monardes N.,
Muñoz J. B., Murr C. G. von, Orbigny
A. de, Oviedo y Valdes G. F. de, Para-
vey C. H., Pauw C. de, Pernetty D.,
Philoponus H., Pizarro y Orellana F.,
Rafn C. C., Raynal G. T. F., Robertson
W., Robinson I., Simon P. P., Smith J.
T., Storia dell' America, Spanish Empire
in America, Ternaux-Compans, Torque-
mada J. de, Touron A., Ulloa A. de,
Vargas Machuca, Vater J. S., Vries A.
de, Walton W.

America North. Geography and Topography.
Ampère J. J., Assall F. W., Boturini B.
L., Castelnau F. de, Chabert J. B. de,
Charlevoix P. F. X., Cluny A., Crève-
cœur J. H., Gage_T., Gottfriedt J. W.,
Harmon D. W., Hennepin L., Jefferys
T., La Hontan J., Murray H., Rafn C. Č.,
Robertson C. C., Tonti.

Colonial History. Ashley J., Bancroft
G., Bouquet H., Burton R., Butel-Du-
mont, Chalmers G., Charters of the Br.
Colonies, Contest in America, Douglass
W, Force P., Grahame J., Hildreth R.,
Knox J., La Potherie de Bacqueville,
Lettres d'un Français, Londonio C. G.,
Mante T., Marshall J., Martin R., Mitchil
J., Oldmixon J., Political Reflections,
Pownall T., Rights of Colonies Examined,
Sargent W., Stokes A., Swedberg J.,
Trumbull H., Wynne J. H.

America South. Geography and History.
Antepara J. M., Calcleugh A., Holinski
A., Juan de la Cosa, Juan y Ulloa, La
Cruz Cano, Lafitau J. H., Niles J. M.,
Orbigny A. de, Outline of the Revolu-
tion in S. America, Rolt R., Veitia
Linage J. de, Wappaus J. E., Wood
W. M.

See under the several countries and
states of America other works relating
to it.

American Indians. See under the head In-

American Literature. See under United

American Revolution. See under Adams J.,
Almon J., American War, Andrews J.,
Argument in Defence, Bancroft G., Bar-
bé-Marbois, Botta C., Boucher J., Burke
E., Chalmers G., Coffin C., Coggeshall G.,
Collection of interesting authentic pa-
pers, Considerations on the Measures,
Conway H. S., Correspondence of the
Revolution, Curwen S., Deane S., Dick-
inson J., Diplomatic Correspondence of
the Revolution, Dwight N., Eddis W.,
Endicott C. M., Estwick S., Frothingham
R., Galloway J., Gibbes R. W., Gilpin
T., Gordon W., Graydon A., Haven C.
C., Hazard E., Heath W., Henry J. J.,
Hewes R. T., History of the Rise and
Progress, Hubley B., Izard R., Jefferson
T., Johnson J., Judson L. C., Lee H.,
Linde J., Lossing B. J., Loyalists, Mar-
shall C, Melvin J., Military journals of
two private soldiers, Moore F., Moore
G. H., Moultrie W., Neilson C., Niles H.,
Onderdonk H., Paine T., Phinney E
Plans and Forts, Price R., Pulteney W.,
Ramsay D., Riedesel M. de, Rights of G.
Britain, Robinson M., Rochambeau, Sa-
bine L, Saffell W. J. R., Sanderson J.,
Sargent W., Schoolcraft H. R., Sewall
J., Smith and Jay, Smith J. H., Soules
Fr., Sparks J., Sprengel M. C., Staples
W. R., Stedman C., Sullivan W., Tarle-
ton B., Teatro della guerra, Thacher J.,
Thomas E. S., Trescot W. H., Tucker
J., View of the evidence, Warren M.,
Washington G., Walton E., Wyatt


Americanisms. Bartlett J. R., Pickering J.
Amman Jost. Becker C.
Ammon. Parthey das Orakel u. die Oase.
Amoor. Atkinson T. W., Schrenck L. v.
Amphibia. See Natural History.
Amphitheatres. Maffei S.
Amsterdam. Ferrier A., Waagenaar J.
Anaesthetic. Morton W. T. G.
Analysis. See under Mathematics.
Anas. Encyclopædiana, Menage G.
Anastatic Printing. De la Motte P. H.
Anatomy General. Encyclopédie Anato-

mique, Allen J. M., Alton E. d', Auzoux
L., Béchard P. A., Behr A., Bennett J.
R., Bichat X., Bischoff T. L. W., Cas-
tellaci A., Cloquet H., Henle J., Leydig
T., Meckel J. F., Paxton J., Peaslee H.,
Prochaska G., Quain J., Quekett -J
Schwann T., Smith H. H., Todd and Bow-
man, Vesalius A., Wistar C.

Anatomy Comparative. Bergmann C, Bla-
sius G., Blumenbach J. F., Cuvier G.,
Henle F. G. J., Home E., Lawrence W.,
Meckel J. F., Siebold C. T. v., Van Be

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