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Preparation of news items for the press; receiving and replying to inquiries from newspaper correspondents; preparation and distribution to officials of the Department of daily press summaries and special articles; furnishing them with press bulletins, copies of texts, and general information bearing upon foreign relations.

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General administration of the Foreign Service, including matters of appropriations and expenditures, rentals, equipment and supplies, organizations, instruction of diplomatic and consular officers, etc. Correspondence relating to the foregoing and to customs courtesies and free entry, letters rogatory, decoration of American citizens by foreign governments, international exchange of publications, diplomatic pouch service between the United States and foreign countries, and the designation of commercial, military, and naval attachés; whereabouts and welfare of Americans abroad, shipping and seamen, settlement of estates of deceased Americans in foreign countries, consular protection of American interests and, other than commerce, the general work of consular offices, such as immigration, quarantine, notarial acts, protection of the customs revenues, etc.

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Charged with arrangements for international conferences, congresses, and conventions in Washington and abroad, including appointment of delegates, preparation of expenditure estimates, and allotment of funds appropriated therefor; with the clearance of expenditures for international obligations; with the drafting of correspondence concerning agréments to appointments of American ambassadors and ministers abroad and of foreign ambassadors and ministers to the United States, concerning appointments of members of international treaty commissions, committees, bureaus, offices, etc., concerning recognition of foreign consular officers in the United States, and concerning medals and decorations conferred by foreign governments upon military, naval, or civilian officers of the United States (exercising custody thereof prior to Congressional authorization); with matters involving immunities and rights of representatives of foreign governments in the United States; with the preparation of the Diplomatic List and list of employees of embassies and legations; with all matters of ceremonial, involving the presentation of ambassadors and ministers at the White House, the entertainment of distinguished visitors and their presentation to the President, visits of foreign naval vessels, foreign aircraft, and foreign military organizations, White House functions, and functions held under the auspices of the Government of the United States.

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Drafts treaties and other international agreements and correspondence pertaining to the negotiation, construction, and termination of treaties. The division is also charged with maintaining a set of treaties and other international agreements in force to which the United States is a party, and likewise those to which it is not a party, together with the pertinent laws, procla mations, Executive orders, and resolutions; maintaining lists of treaties and other international agreements between the United States and foreign governments which are in process of negotiation or ratification; collecting and keeping available information regarding the application, interpretation, and status of treaties; analyzing treaties by subject, and assembling, comparing, and studying the provisions on the same subject in different treaties; examining the texts of treaties, conventions, or international agreements to which the United States is a party, with a view to recommending such action as may be required to obtain the fulfilment by the other party of its duties and obligations and to effect the performance of the duties and obligations of the United States by legislative or administrative acts; maintaining lists of treaties, conventions, or international agreements expiring or subject to extension with a view to considering the renewal or extension thereof; and with performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Secretary of State.

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Recording and indexing the correspondence of the Department; custody of the archives; telegraph telephone, and cipher communications.

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