Panama Canal (Canal Zone Government and Panama Canal Company)-Con. Taxes on drugs or narcotics; payment by dealers or dispensers: Internal revenue taxes; registration of information in connection with, 35 § 16.3 Special tax, payment of, 35 § 16.3 Tolls for use of Canal, 35 Part 27 Board of Admeasurement; application and interpretation of rules, 35 § 27.95 Certificates, tonnage. See Levying of tolls; Gross tonnage; and Net tonnage. Gross tonnage, determination of, 35 §§ 27.20-27.52 Closed in spaces, 35 §§ 27.22-27.24 Covered space, 35 §§ 27.22-27.24 Deductions from, to ascertain net tonnage. See Net tonnage, deter mination of. Empty vessels, rules for measurement of gross tonnage of, 35 §§ 27.3727.48 Exempted from measurement and gross tonnage, certain spaces, 35 §§ 27.25-27.32 Spaces available for passengers not to be exempted, 35 § 27.33, 27.34 Laden vessels, rules for measurement of gross tonnage of, 35 §§ 27.4927.51 Moorsom system of measurement, 35 §§ 27.35, 27.36 Open vessels, rules for measurement of gross tonnage of, 35 § 27.52 System (Moorsom) for measurement of cubical contents of spaces included in gross tonnage, 35 §§ 27.35, 27.36 Tonnage certificates, officials authorized to measure vessels and issue or correct certificates, 35 §§ 27.86-27.88 Levying of tolls, 35 §§ 27.2-27.8 Measurements, plans and copies (making and correction of), 35 § 27.3 Small vessels, partial transit by, 35 § 27.8 Tolls: Exemption; vessels transiting for repairs, 35 § 27.6 Vessels making partial transit and return, 35 § 27.7 Tonnage certificates, 35 § 27.2 Measurement of vessels: See also Gross tonnage; and Net tonnage. General provisions, 35 §§ 27.17-27.19 Colliers, vessels included as, 35 § 27.19 Supply ships, vessels included as, 35 § 27.19 Vessels generally to present tonnage certificate to be measured, 35 § 27.17 Warships: See also Vessels of war. To present documents stating displacement tonnage, 35 § 27.18 Net tonnage, determination of, 35 §§ 27.53-27.88 All vessels, 35 §§ 27.53, 27.55-27.69 Deducted spaces, miscellaneous provisions respecting, 35 §§ 27.54, 27.84, 27.85 Tonnage certificates; officials authorized to measure vessels and issue or correct certificates, 35 §§ 27.86-27.88 Vessels propelled by engines, additional deductions allowed, 35 §§ 27.7027.76 Vessels with bunkers having movable partitions, or having fuel-oil compartments that may be used to stow cargo or stores, propelling power deduction for, 35 §§ 27.77-27.80 See also Deducted spaces. Panama Canal (Canal Zone Government and Panama Canal Company)-Con. Tolls for use of Canal, 35 Part 27-Continued Vessels with fixed bunkers, or having fuel-oil compartments that can- Rates of tolls, 35 § 27.1 Tolls: Levying of. See Levying of tolls. Payment of, revocation of provisions respecting, Canal Zone Order 36 (35 Chapter I, Appendix) Rates of, 35 § 27.1 Vessels of war, other than Army and Navy transports, colliers, supply ships, and hospital ships, rules applying to: Displacement: Commander of warship to exhibit vessel's displacement scale and curves, 35 § 27.92 Determination and expression of actual displacement of warships not supplied with displacement scale and curves, 35 § 27.93 Determining displacement of warship not supplied with displace ment scale and curves, 35 § 27.94 Tolls on warships levied upon actual displacement, 35 § 27.89 Draft, anchoring of warships to facilitate ascertainment of, 35 § 27.91 Measurement of warships, 35 §§ 27.18, 27.19 "Warships" defined, 35 § 27.90 Tonnage of vessels, determination of, in connection with tolls for use of Canal. Typhus; quarantine requirements, 35 § 24.84 Belligerent or neutral countries, vessels of; regulations respecting, in con- Customs regulations affecting. See Customs. Board of Local Inspectors: Accidents; reports, investigation, etc., 35 §§ 12.6, 12.7, 12.11 Employment of inspectors, 35 § 12.3 Inspection of records of Board, 35 § 12.10 Officials constituting, 35 § 12.2 Recorder of Board, 35 §§ 12.4, 12.5 Reports to Governor, 35 §§ 12.8, 12.9 Supervising inspector (Marine Director), 35 §§ 12.1, 12.2a Measurements of vessels, in connection with tolls for use of Canal. See Tolls for use of Canal. Operation and navigation regulations for vessels. See Operation and navi gation of Panama Canal. Pratique, vessels. See Sanitation, health, and quarantine. Tolls, rates of. See Tolls for use of Canal. Tonnage, determination of, in connection with tolls for use of Canal. See Tolls for use of Canal. Undesirable or excludable persons; precautions required of vessels, etc., 35 §§ 10.22-10.26 Visaing of alien crew lists by customs officers, 35 § 25.2 Vital statistics (births, deaths, etc.), Canal Zone Order 21 (35 Chapter I, Appendix) Wastes, vessel; discharging into Canal, 35 §§ 4.152-4.155 Waterfront facilities, safeguarding of. See Safeguarding of vessels, harbors, ports, and waterfront facilities. Yellow fever; quarantine requirements, etc., 35 §§ 24.44, 24.45, 24.54, 24.55, 24.85, 24.86 Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona: Paper and paper products: British Token Import Plan, export to United Kingdom under, 15 § 361.13 Currency and securities of United States, distinctive paper for, 31 Part 300 Employment of minors in occupations involving operation of machinery, 29 § 4.63 Export control, 15 §§ 373.28, 399.1 (Group 4) Glass opacity standards, for paper industry; standard samples, 15 § 230.11 (w) Paper manufacturing industries; minimum wage determinations for persons employed on public contracts, 41 §§ 202.13, 202.33 Procurement of paper and paperboard by Government agencies, 44 § 53.5 (h) Trade practice conference rules, for various paper manufacturing industries: Waste paper dealers and packers, 16 Part 81 Distributing, 16 Part 189 Transparent and translucent materials, multi-color printers of, 16 United States currency and other securities, distinctive paper for; regulations of Public Debt Bureau, Treasury Department, 31 Part 300 Parachute lofts and parachute riggers; issuance of certificates for: Lofts, 14 Parts 54, 406 Riggers, 14 Parts 25, 406 Parachutes: Approved types, etc.; civil air regulations, 14 § 43.49 Export control of parachutes, etc., 15 §§ 399.1 (Group 3), 399.2, Interpretation 5 Parades. See Ceremonies, exhibitions, etc. Paraldehyde (habit-forming drug). See Drugs. Parcel post; domestic and international mail service. See Post Office Department. Pardon for persons committing offenses against United States; petitions for Execu tive clemency, regulations respecting, 28 Part 1 Parents: Dependents. See Dependents. Employment of their children by; exemption from child labor provisions of Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 § 4.126 Parity prices, determination of, for various agricultural commodities (grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, olives, honey, hops, livestock, milk, poultry, eggs, rice, sugar, oilseeds, mohair, cotton, wool, tobacco, pine gum, etc.), 7 Part 5 Parking meter industry; trade practice conference rules, 16 Part 196 See also National forests, parks, monuments, etc. Sale of public lands for, to cities and towns, 43 Part 254 State grants for park purposes, 43 Part 270 State parks, lands patented for; mineral leases, 43 §§ 199.40-199.56 Parole of aliens into United States; immigration regulations, 8 §§ 212.9, 252a.4 Parole of persons convicted of offenses against United States, regulations respecting, 28 Part 2 Parsnips. See Vegetables. Part time Federal employees; leave regulations, 5 §§ 30.501-30.504 Passenger carriers: Air carriers. See Civil Aeronautics Administration; and Civil Aeronautics Board. Passenger carriers-Continued Rail, motor, and water carriers in interstate commerce. See Interstate Commerce Commission. Vessels and maritime carriers of passengers. See Coast Guard; and Maritime Administration. Passengers, on aircraft or vessels: See also Passenger carriers. Canal Zone regulations respecting. See Panama Canal. Customs regulations respecting. See Customs Bureau. Immigration regulations; visas, etc. See Immigration and Naturalization Serv ice; and State Department. Quarantine, and medical care of aliens. See Public Health Service. Passes and free transportation: By air carriers; free transportation of postal employees and safety inspectors, 14 Parts 223, 224, 233 By railroads, motor carriers and water carriers, 49 Parts 101, 201, 330 Passports and other travel documents of aliens or American nationals; issuance of, etc. See Immigration and Naturalization Service; and State Department. Patent Office, Commerce Department: Patents: Foreign countries, filing of patent applications in, 37 §§ 5.11-5.17 Government interests in patents, register of; requirements, assignments, licenses, etc., 37 Part 7 Rules of practice, 37 Part 1 Agents and attorneys: Appointment in prosecution of application, 37 §§ 1.31-1.36 Recognition, 37 §§ 1.341-1.348 Allowance and issue, 37 §§ 1.311-1.317 Amendment of rules, publication, 37 §§ 1.351, 1.352 Appeals: Board of Appeals, 37 §§ 1.191-1.198 Commissioner, 37 §§ 1.181-1.184 U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 37 §§ 1.301-1.304 Applicants: Action and further consideration, 37 §§ 1.111-1.113 Correspondence, 37 §§ 1.1-1.7 Interviews, 37 § 1.133 Oath, 37 §§ 1.65-1.67 Petition for patent, 37 § 1.61 Qualifications, 37 §§ 1.41-1.47 Response time; abandonment of application, 37 §§ 1.135-1.138 Applications: Abandonment; time for response by applicant, 37 §§ 1.135-1.138 Assignments and recording, 37 §§ 1.331-1.334 Division of application in case of multiple inventions, or joinder of inventions in one application, 37 §§ 1.141-1.147 Joinder of inventions in one application, or division of application in case of multiple inventions, 37 §§ 1.141-1.147 Examination, 37 §§ 1.101-1.108 General requirements, 37 §§ 1.51-1.59 Interferences: Definition, preparation, declaration, 37 §§ 1.201-1.212 Miscellaneous provisions, 37 §§ 1.241-1.248 Motion period, dissolution, reformation, 37 §§ 1.231-1.238 Preliminary statement, 37 §§ 1.215-1.227 Termination of interference, 37 §§ 1.261-1.267 Testimony, 37 §§ 1.271-1.286 Trial, 37 §§ 1.251-1.259 Petition for patent, 37 § 1.61 Prosecution of application and appointment of attorney or agent, 37 §§ 1.31-1.36 Patent Office, Commerce Department-Continued Patents Continued Rules of practice, 37 Part 1-Continued Applications-Continued Recording and assignments, 37 §§ 1.331-1.334 Reissue of patent, application for, 37 §§ 1.171-1.179 Assignments and recording, 37 §§ 1.331-1.334 Attorneys and agents: Appointment in prosecution of application, 37 §§ 1.31-1.36 Correction of errors in patents, 37 §§ 1.322-1.325 Design patents, 37 §§ 1.151-1.155 Disclaimer, 37 § 1.321 Drawings, 37 §§ 1.81-1.88 Exhibits, models, specimens, 37 §§ 1.91-1.95 Fees and payment of money, 37 §§ 1.21-1.26 Files and records, 37 §§ 1.11-1.14 General information and correspondence, 37 §§ 1.1-1.7 Issue and allowance, 37 §§ 1.311-1.317 Models, exhibits, specimens, 37 §§ 1.91-1.95 Official Gazette, 37 §§ 1.21, 1.84 (k) Payment of money and fees, 37 §§ 1.21-1.26 Petitions to and action by the Commissioner, 37 §§ 1.181-1.184 Plant patents, 37 §§ 1.161-1.167 Protests, 37 § 1.291 Public use proceeding, 37 § 1.292 Recording of assignments, 37 §§ 1.331-1.334 Records and files, 37 §§ 1.11-1.14 Specifications, 37 §§ 1.71-1.79 Specimens, models, exhibits, 37 §§ 1.91-1.95 Secrecy of certain inventions, and licenses to file applications in foreign countries, 37 Part 5 Foreign filing, licenses for, 37 §§ 5.11-5.17 Effect of secrecy order, 37 § 5.16 General regulations respecting use English language, effect of modification, rescission or license, and correspondence, 37 §§ 5.21-5.23 Secrecy orders, 37 §§ 5.1-5.8 Appeal to Secretary from secrecy order, 37 § 5.8 Compensation, request for, 37 § 5.7 Defense agencies, inspection of certain applications, 37 § 5.1 General and group permits, 37 § 5.6 Issuance of order, 37 § 5.2 Prosecution of application under secrecy order; withholding patent, 37 § 5.3 Rescission of secrecy order, petition for, 37 § 5.4 Trade-marks: Classification of goods and services under Trademark Act, 37 Part 6 Forms for trade-mark cases, 37 Part 4 Rules of practice, 37 Part 2 Affidavits: Cancellation of registration for failure to file during sixth year, 37 §§ 2.161-2.165 Incontestability, acquirement of, 37 §§ 2.167, 2. 168 Amendment of rules, 37 § 2.189 Appeals, 37 §§ 2.141-2.145 Allowance and publication, 37 §§ 2.81-2.84 |