Navy Department-Continued Motion-pictures, newsreels, training films, etc., commercial; Navy cooperation in making of, 32 § 765.18 (e) Mustering-out payments to military personnel in United States Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, 32 Part 717 Naval Academy; admission of candidates as midshipmen, 32 Part 710 Admission; methods, 32 §§ 710.13-710.25 Age, citizenship and moral requirements, 32 §§ 710.10, 710.11 Course of Instruction, 1950-51, 32 Part 710, Appendix A Entrance procedure and equipment; 32 §§ 710.57-710.69 General; appointments as midshipmen and engagement to serve, 32 §§ 710.1, Graduation, disposition of midshipmen after, 32 § 710.9 Qualifying mentally for admission, methods of: Based on certificate only, 32 §§ 710.26-710.30 Based on certificate and substantiating examination, 32 §§ 710.31 710.39 Based on regular examination, 32 §§ 710.40-710.42 Subjects covered in entrance examinations, 32 §§ 710.46-710.50 Naval reservations: Entertainments on; admission fees, 32 § 765.8 Naval Reserve. See Reserves. Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps. See Reserves. Note endorsing by naval personnel, 32 § 765.9 Nurse Corps; regulations governing termination of commissions, 32 § 714.1 Officers, Reserve. See Reserves. Patents: Inventions by Navy personnel; uniform patent policy, 32 Part 739 Pay and allowances: Allowances: To dependents of servicemen, 32 Part 715 To members of Naval Reserve, 32 §§ 713.71-713.74 Uniforms, 32 §§ 713.91-713.93 To members of Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 32 §§ 711.701-711.708 Mentally incompetent personnel, payment of amounts due to, 32 Part 726 Mustering-out payments, 32 Part 717 Naval Reserve members; pay and allowances, 32 §§ 713.71-713.74 Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps; pay and allowances, 32 §§ 711.701 711.708 Federal income tax, 32 § 711.708 Pearl Harbor; defensive sea area, 32 § 765.6 Personnel claims, for damage, etc., to personal property; rules and procedure, 32 Part 751 Photographs and sketches of military or naval subjects, 32 §§ 765.18, 765.19 Physical disability. See Disability, physical. Procurement: For joint procurement regulations of armed services, see main heading Defense Department. Contracts. See Contracts. Property: See also Real estate. Disposition of real and personal property, 32 Part 736 Approval by Attorney General, 32 § 736.7 Authority, etc., 32 § 736.1 Certification prior to disposition, 32 § 736.6 Navy Department-Continued Property-Continued Disposition of real and personal property, 32 Part 736-Continued Contracts, dispositions under, 32 § 736.2 Disposal of real and personal property, under special statutory au thority, 32 § 736.5 Donations or loans of personal property to schools, States, Boy Exchange of property for replacement purposes, 32 § 736.5 (e) National defense or public interest, disposal for, 32 § 736.5 (b) Vessels, disposition of, 32 § 736.5 (d) Personal property, excess; sale to public, 32 § 736.3 Real property, excess, to be transferred to Federal Works Administra tion for disposition, 32 § 736.4 Procurement contracts. See Contracts. Public, rules applicable to, 32 Part 765 Contests held on naval reservations or on board naval vessels; ad mission fees, 32 § 765.8 Outside competition, restrictions on, 32 § 765.7 Civil activities; relations with, 32 § 765.2 Commanding officers; enforcement of laws by, 32 § 765.1 Dependents, failure to provide for, 32 § 765.9 Accomplices, 32 § 765.11 Rewards, 32 § 765.12 Entertainments and athletic contests held on naval reservations or on board naval vessels; admission fees, 32 § 765.8 Hospitals, naval; admission of civilians to, 32 § 765.5 Indebtedness of naval personnel, 32 § 765.9 Insignia to be worn on uniform by persons not in service; definition of "occasion of ceremony," 32 § 765.13 Liquors, alcoholic, on naval stations, prohibited, 32 $ 765.14 Medical facilities, naval; admission of civilians to, 32 § 765.5 Merchant crews on Navy vessels in foreign ports; navigation laws applicable to, 32 § 765.15 Military or naval subjects; photographs and sketches, 32 § 765.19 Minors, discharge of, upon request from parent or guardian, 32 § 765.10 32 § 765.18 (e) Pearl Harbor; defensive sea area, 32 § 765.6 Photographs and sketches of military or naval subjects, 32 §§ 765.18, 765.19 Vessels: Merchant crews on naval vessels in foreign ports; navigation laws appli- Trespassing on naval vessels, 32 § 765.3 Visitors on vessels under construction, 32 § 765.4 Quarters, allowance for, 32 Part 715 Real estate, acquisition of, by Department; reimbursement to owners and ten ants for expenses of moving, etc., 32 Part 742 Records: Availability of official records, 32 Part 701 Courts, civil; production of documents in response to subpoena duces tecum, 32 § 701.2 Description of records to which public will or will not be given access, 32 § 701.1 Production of records in absence of court order, 32 § 701.3 Navy Department-Continued Records-Continued Board for Correction of Naval Records; functions, procedure, etc., 32 Naval Reserve, records of, 32 §§ 713.211-713.219 Reservations. See Naval reservations. Air Reserve, Naval. See Naval Reserve. Mentally incompetent personnel, payment of amounts due to, 32 Part 726 Administrative regulations and procedures, 32 §§ 713.301-713.451 Advancement and changes in rates or ratings, 32 §§ 713.381, 713.382 Civil matters, policy relating to, 32 §§ 713.441-713.447 Discipline, 32 §§ 713.401-713.403 Distribution, 32 §§ 713.351-713.354 Enlistments, reenlistments and extensions, 32 §§ 713.331-713.336 General policies, 32 §§ 713.301, 713.302 Physical qualifications, 32 §§ 713.391-713.397 Precedence, 32 §§ 713.341-713.343 Procurement requirements, general, 32 §§ 713.311, 713.312 Promotion of officers, 32 §§ 713.371-713.377 Retirement, 32 §§ 713.421-713.434 Separations, 32 §§ 713.411-713.413 Transfers, 32 §§ 713.361-713.364 Uniform regulations, 32 § 713.451 Air Reserve, Naval; training, 32 §§ 713.531-713.535 Appointments, enlistment, promotion, etc. See Administrative regula tions. Control, plans, and organization, 32 §§ 713.1-713.93 Allowances. See Pay and allowances. Control, 32 §§ 713.1-713.6 Disability and death benefits, 32 §§ 713.81-713.85 Inspections, 32 §§ 713.11-713.14 Obligated service, categories, and status of members, 32 §§ 713.31 713.34 Organization, 32 §§ 713.41-713.43 Pay and allowances, 32 §§ 713.71-713.74 Personnel planning, 32 §§ 713.21-713.23 Training facilities and equipment, 32 §§ 713.51-713.63 Uniform allowances, 32 §§ 713.91-713.93 Correspondence, records, and report, 32 §§ 713.201-713.219 Correspondence, 32 §§ 713.201, 713.202 Disability and death benefits, 32 §§ 713.81-713.85 Records and reports, 32 §§ 713.211-713.219 Air Reserve, Naval, training provided for, 32 §§ 713.531-713.535 Naval Reserve, training provided for, 32 §§ 713.511-713.520 Training personnel, 32 §§ 713.541-713.544 Uniforms: Allowances, 32 §§ 713.91-713.93 General requirements, 32 § 713.451 Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 32 Part 711 Administration, 32 §§ 711.401-711.413 Conditions of service, 32 §§ 711.301-711.316 Facilities, supplies and equipment, 32 §§ 711.901-711.910 Forms and reports, 32 §§ 711.1001, 711.1002 General principles; mission, supervision, etc., 32 §§ 711.101-711.104 Marine Corps, 32 §§ 711.601-711.605 Organization, 32 §§ 711.201-711.210 Navy Department-Continued Reserves-Continued Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 32 Part 711-Continued Pay and allowances, 32 §§ 711.701-711.707 Federal income tax, 32 § 711.708 Reports and forms, 32 §§ 711.1001, 711.1002 Training, 32 §§ 711.501-711.513 Uniform and insignia, 32 §§ 711.801-711.808 Physical disability cases, 32 Part 725 Women officers; regulations governing termination of commissions, 32 § 714.1 Retirement: Naval Reserve; retirement, 32 §§ 713.421-713.434 Physical disability, separation or retirement because of, 32 Part 725 Retiring Review Board, Naval; membership, jurisdiction, proceedings, etc., 32 Part 722. Review boards. See Boards. Safeguard technical information. See Information. Security; release of technical information to foreign governments; protection of proprietary rights, 32 Part 744 Separations. See Discharges, dismissals, etc. Subpoenas; appearance of witnesses before civil or naval courts, 32 §§ 701.2, 719-6, 719.7, 720.9, 720.10 Surplus or excess property, disposal of. See Property. Technical information. See Information. Tort claims, handling of, 32 §§ 750.1-750.16 Training. See Education and training. Training films, commercial; naval cooperation in making of, 32 § 765.18 (e)(5) Trespassing on naval vessels, 32 § 765.3 Uniforms: Naval Reserve; allowances, etc., 32 §§ 713.91-713.93, 713.451 Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 32 §§ 711.801–711.808 United States Naval Academy; admission of candidates into, as midshipmen. Merchant crews on vessels under Navy jurisdiction; navigation laws appli- Surplus vessels, disposal of, 32 § 736.5 (d) Trespassing on naval vessels, 32 § 765.3 Visitors on vessels under construction, 32 § 765.4 Visitors on naval vessels under construction, 32 § 765.4 Witnesses, before civil or naval courts and fact finding bodies. See Courts. Women officers; regulations governing termination of commissions, 32 § 714.1 Necessity and payment certificates in connection with tax amortization of emer gency facilities. See Emergency facilities. Neckwear, men's, industry; minimum wage determination for persons employed on public contracts, 41 § 202.3 Needlework (embroideries). See Embroideries industries. Military procurement by; armed services procurement regulations, 32 Parts Netherlands; income taxation pursuant to treaty or tax convention with, 26 §§ 7.8007.868; 26 (1954) Part 505 Nets, fishing. See Fishing. Network affiliations of radio and television broadcast stations, 47 §§ 3.131-3.138, 3.231-3.238, 3.658 Neutrality, maintenance of, in connection with operation and navigation of Panama Canal and adjacent waters, 35 §§ 4.161-4.176 Neutron standardization; test fee schedules, 15 § 204.701 Nevada lands: Carey Act grants to certain States for irrigation and reclamation purposes, 43 Reclamation of arid lands in; development and utilization of subterranean. New drugs. See Drugs. New Mexico lands: Carey Act grants to certain States for irrigation and reclamation purposes, 43 Part 272 Classification of grazing lands containing sulphur deposits, 43 § 296.2 Color of title claims; lands contiguous to Spanish or Mexican land grants, 43 New Zealand; income taxation pursuant to treaties with, 26 §§ 7.600-7.610 Accompanying armed forces; regulations for, 32 Part 147 Newspapers: See also Publications. Consolidation of newspaper operations; computation of net income under excess profits tax regulations, 26 § 40.459 (c)-1 Copyrighting of, 37 § 202.3 Customs entry; invoices, exception, 19 § 8.15 (c) (30) Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 § 4.124 Export control, 15 § 371.20 Information for; customs entry, 19 § 26.5 Mailing of newspapers (second-class matter), 39 Part 22 Press radio services, 47 §§ 3.293-3.295, 3.319, 6.1, 6.2, 6.51-6.53, 11.451-11.454 Newsreels. See Motion pictures, sound pictures, etc. Nickel, alloys, etc.: See also Metals, minerals, and ores. Export control, 15 §§ 373.41, 399.1 (Group 6) Night pay differential, for Federal employees, 5 §§ 25.231, 25.232 Nightclubs and similar places of entertainment, admissions to; excise tax regula tions, 26 §§ 101.1-101.21, 101.31-101.44 Nitrate lands, public, entries on. See Land Management Bureau. Nobility, order of, or title; renunciation of, by petitioner for naturalization, 8 § 337.3 Nonbroadcast radio programming services; news, time, weather, functional music, etc., 47 §§ 3.293-3.295, 3.319 Noncompetitive appointment and acquisition of competitive status of Federal em ployees. See Civil Service Commission. Nondiscrimination because of race, color, creed, etc. See Discrimination. fense Mobilization, 32A Chapter I, DMO V-1, Supp. 1 Nonimmigrant aliens: Admission of; immigration regulations. See Immigration and Naturalization Service. Visas for nonimmigrants entering United States. See State Department. Nonmailable matter (harmful, illegal, perishable, etc.); prohibitions or restrictions on mailing, 39 Parts 14, 15 Non-metallic minerals, mining of. See Mines and mining. Non-Metallic Minerals Committee, Interdepartmental; establishment in Office of Defense Mobilization, 32A Chapter I, DMO V-1, Supp. 1 Nonnutritive constituents of certain foods; regulations respecting label statements, 21 § 125.7 Nonprofit institutions and organizations: Foreign relief, voluntary agencies for, 22 Part 203 Income tax regulations. See Internal Revenue Service. Mailings of; third-class and fourth-class matter, 39 §§ 24.4, 24.5, 25.9 Research contracts with; regulations of armed services, 32 §§ 13.505, 13.506, 15.300-15.305 Veterans education or training in; payment of tuition and charges, 38 §§ 21.468, 21.470-21.479 Nonresident aliens. See Aliens. Nonresidents entering United States; exemption from customs duties for personal effects, etc., 19 §§ 10.18, 10.20 |