Defense Department-Continued Procurement regulations, armed services-Continued Interdepartmental procurement, 32 Part 5-Continued Prison-made products, procurement of, 32 §§ 5.401-5.408 Labor, 32 Part 12 Basic labor policies, 32 §§ 12.102-12.103 Construction contracts, labor standards in, 32 §§ 12.400-12.404-12 Copeland ("Anti-kickback") Act, 32 §§ 12.400-12.404-12 Davis-Bacon Act, 32 §§ 12.400-12.404-12 Discrimination in employment, contract clause prohibiting, 32 §§ 12.801-12.805-7 Eight-Hour Law of 1912, 32 §§ 12.300-12.303-2 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 32 §§ 12.701-12.703 Security purposes, employment restrictions for, 32 §§ 12.901-12.903 Manual for control of Government property: In possession of contractors (Appendix B), 32 § 30.2 In possession of nonprofit research and development contractors (Ap pendix C), 32 § 30.3 Negotiation, procurement by, 32 Part 3 Contracts, types of (fixed price, cost, cost-plus-fixed fee, etc.), 32 §§ 3.400-3.405-6 Determinations and findings, 32 §§ 3.300-3.308 Circumstances permitting, 32 §§ 3.200-3.219-5 Use of, 32 §§ 3.100-3.107-2 Payments, advance, 32 §§ 3.500-3.507 Reports of, 32 § 3.506 Resolution of disagreements respecting, 32 § 3.507 Small business, aids to, 32 § 3.104 Small purchases, 32 §§ 3.600-3.609 Patents and copyrights; policy, contract clauses, etc., 32 Part 9 Copyrights, contracts for personal services, 32 §§9.200-9.205 Security: Clause respecting military security requirements, 32 §§ 7.104-12, 7.204-11, 7.504-1 Employment of aliens on certain contracts, 32 §§ 12.901-12.903 Short supply items, coordinated procurement of, 32 § 4.204 Small business concerns, provisions respecting, 32 §§ 1.302-3, 3.104 Taxes, Federal, State, and local, 32 Part 11 Contract clauses respecting, 32 §§ 11.401, 11.402 Termination of contracts, 32 Part 8 Definitions, 32 §§ 8.200-8.231 Forms, 32 §§ 8.700-8.712-7 Contracts terminated for convenience (fixed-price and cost-type contracts), 32 §§ 8.500-8.522-7 Terminated fixed-price contracts, 32 §§ 8.400-8.406 Termination for convenience, 32 §§ 8.300-8.311 Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act; applicability to contracts, 32 §§ 12.60112.604 War material purchases abroad; customs duties, etc., 32 §§ 6.302-6.302-5 Defense Department-Continued Production equipment and machine tools, owned by Department, listed in Railroads, transportation of freight of military agencies by; loading rules, test Fees and charges for copying, certification, and search of records, 32 Medical records of members and former members of armed forces; release of information from, 32 Part 41 Official records, release and authentication of copies of, 32 Part 142 Research contracts with commercial or nonprofit organizations, 32 §§ 13.505, 13.506, 15.200-15.205, 15.300-15.305 Reserve, industrial. See National Industrial Reserve regulations. trial security regulations. Security: Aliens, employment of, on military aircraft contracts; restrictions on, for security purposes, 32 §§ 12.901-12.903 7.204-11, 7.504-1 Industrial security. See Industrial security regulations. National Security Clause in instruments of transfer of property in national Servicemen. See Military personnel. Small business concerns, placing of contracts for military supplies with, 32 §§1.302-3, 3.104 Stamps, for inspection and acceptance of supplies or services; design, specifi cations, etc., 32 Part 146 Taxes, Federal, State, and local; procurement regulations, 32 Part 11 Technical military information, safeguarding of. See Industrial security regulations. Termination of procurement contracts, 32 Part 8 Transportation: Aircraft transportation. See Aircraft. Explosives, Class A and B, transportation of, by military or commercial motor vehicles: Certification, inspection, of vehicles, etc., 32 Part 34 Special instructions for drivers; index of commodity groupings, 32 Household goods of uniformed personnel: Freight forwarders; transportation of uncrated household goods, 32 Motor van carriers, transportation by, 32 Part 36 Motor carriers, transportation by. See Explosives; and Household goods. shipments, 32 Part 35 Travel, on military aircraft. See Aircraft, transportation by. Uniforms, wearing of, by persons honorably discharged from armed forces, 32 Part 49 Wages; procurement regulations respecting labor and wages. See Procurement regulations. Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act; procurement regulations, 32 §§ 12.60112.604 War material purchases abroad, customs duties on, etc., 32 §§ 6.302-6.302-5 Without compensation. See Persons of outstanding qualifications, serving without compensation. Defense Facilities Maintenance Board; establishment, 32A Chapter I, DMO VII-7 Defense housing. See Housing. Defense identification zones, air; designation of, and rules for operations within, 14 Part 620 Defense information. See Information; and Security. Defense Materials System, regulations respecting. See Business and Defense Serv ices Administration. Defense Minerals Exploration Administration, Interior Department: Exploration for strategic or critical metals and minerals; Government aid in, defense exploration projects, 32A Chapter XII, DMEA 1 Defense Mobilization, Office of, 32A Chapter 1 Administrative proceedings under Defense Production Act of 1950, GAO I-2 Agricultural manpower: Manpower policy on, DMP 6 Use of domestic and foreign migratory agricultural workers, DMP 10 Allocations. See Priorities and allocations. Amortization of emergency facilities. See Emergency facilities. Authority, delegation of: Agriculture Department, Secretary; authority respecting priorities and allocations in connection with food, domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizers, DMO I-7, par. 1 Commerce Department, Secretary; authority respecting priorities and allocations of materials and facilities not otherwise assigned, DMO I-7, par. 1 Defense Department, Secretary; authority to issue payment certificates under section 168 (formerly section 124A) of Internal Revenue Code of 1954 in regard to payments for unamortized cost of emergency facilities, DMO I-11 General Services Administrator: Issuance of payment certificates under section 168 (formerly section Loans, certain, certification of, to Reconstruction Finance Corporation Exploration for foreign programs, encouragement of, DMO 1-7 Interior Department, Secretary: Exploration of strategic and critical minerals and metals for programs in United States, its Territories and possessions, encouragement of, DMO I-7 Priorities and allocations respecting petroleum, gas, solid fuels, and electric power, DMO I-7, par. 1 Interstate Commerce Commission, Commissioner responsible for supervision of Bureau of Service; authority respecting priorities and allocations in connection with domestic transportation, storage, and port facilities, DMO I-7, par. 1, DMO I-15 Boards. See Committees and boards. Central Task Force on Post-Attack Industrial Rehabilitation; termination, DMO VII-8 Certificates, necessity and payment, in connection with amortization of emergency facilities. See Emergency facilities. Civil defense and disaster conditions: Central Task Force on Post-Attack Industrial Rehabilitation; termination, Critical materials; expansion of supplies of, in event of diseaser, DMO V-5, Disaster conditions; defense mobilization programs, DMO V-5, DMO V-6, Protective construction for facilities important to industrial mobilization Defense Mobilization, Office of, 32A Chapter 1-Continued Civil defense and disaster conditions Continued bilities with respect to, DMO VI-2 Transportation, storage, and port industries; preparedness measures, DMO Committees and boards; establishment, functions, membership, etc.: Commodity Advisory Committee, Interdepartmental (metals, minerals, chemicals, rubber, forest products, fibers), DMO V-1, Supp. 1 Defense Areas Advisory Committee, DMO I-3 Defense Facilities Maintenance Board, DMO VII-7 Defense Mobilization Board; membership of Federal Civil Defense Admin istrator on, DMO I-16 Defense Mobilization, Regional Committees and Central Coordinating Com mittee, DMO I-1 Defense Transportation and Storage, Committee on, DMO 1-2 Industrial Defense Committee, DMO VII-8 Labor-Management Manpower Policy Committee, DMO IV-2 Materials Advisory Committee, Interdepartmental, DMO V-1 Mobilization Production Committee, DMO VII-9 National Censorship Planning Committee, Interagency, DMO X-1 Stockpile Storage Committee, Interdepartmental, DMO V-1, Supp. 2 Telecommunications Planning Committee, DMO IX-1 Watch industry, advisory committee of, DMO IV-3 Control of materials and facilities by use of priorities and allocations authority, policy respecting, DMO VII-3 Critical defense housing areas, procedures for designation and certification of, Critical materials. See Strategic and critical minerals and materials. Mobilization base, maintenance of, to meet minimum wartime mobilization Defense Facilities Maintenance Board; establishment and membership, Emergency action under disaster conditions, DMO VII-7, Supp. 1 Responsibilities of various agencies: See also Authority. Agriculture Department; responsibilities respecting food, farm equip ment and commercial fertilizer, DMO 1-9 Commerce Department; responsibilities relating to industries assigned by Executive Order 10480 and DMO 1-7 and VII-5, DMO 1-8 Defense Department; responsibilities respecting development and administration of industrial mobilization measures, DMO I-12 Housing and Home Finance Agency; responsibilities relating to housing and community facilities for which Agency has responsibility, DMO I-14 Interior Department; responsibilities relating to certain industries (solid fuels, petroleum and gas, electric power, metals and minerals), DMO I-13 Interstate Commerce Commissioner (car service functions); responsibilities: Preparedness measures for transportation, storage, and port in dustries, DMO I-15 Transportation under attack conditions, DMO VI-2 Labor Department; responsibilities relating to expansion of labor force, improvement of skills, and distribution and utilization of civilian labor force, DMO I-10 Defense training, manpower policy on, DMP 5 Defense Mobilization, Office of, 32A Chapter 1-Continued Disaster conditions. See Civil defense and disaster conditions. Expansion goods; accelerated tax amortization certificates for listed areas of production, DMO VII-6 and Supps. 1-4 Policy for establishment, DMO III-1, Supp. 1 Regulation respecting issuance, ODM Regulation 1 for unamortized cost of emergency facilities: Delegation of authority to Secretary of Defense and General Services Administrator respecting DMO I-11 Protective construction for industrial facilities, availability of tax amortiza- Engineering manpower. See Scientific and engineering manpower. Policy for establishment of expansion goals, DMO III-1, Supp. 1 Handicapped persons, utilization in mobilization program, DMP 9 Civil defense. See Civil defense and disaster conditions. ment, DMO VII-1B Inventory production equipment group, established pursuant to Defense Directive of April 30, 1952; transfer to Defense Department of management of Department's equipment in, DMO VII-1A Labor. See Manpower mobilization. Machine tools. See Production equipment and machine tools. Manpower mobilization; policies, etc.: Agricultural manpower: Policy on, DMP 6 Use of domestic and foreign migratory agricultural workers, DMP 10 Defense mobilization responsibilities of Labor Department respecting labor force, DMO I-10 Defense training, policy on, DMP 5 Engineering and scientific manpower. See Specialized personnel. ship, functions, etc., DMO IV-2 Machine tool industry, manpower program for; statement of policy, DMP 2 ship, DMO IV-1 Older workers, employment of, in defense program, DMP 7 power mobilization policy respecting, DMP 1 Specialized personnel (scientists, engineers, etc.): Committee on Specialized Personnel; establishment, functions, etc., DMO IV-1 Training and utilization of; policy, DMP 8 Vocational assistance to men being released from armed forces, DMP 11 Wage adjustments, applications for, filed on grounds of present or imminent manpower shortages; policy and procedure with respect to, DMP 3 Minerals, strategic. See Strategic and critical minerals and materials. Mobilization base (capacity to permit rapid expansion of production); policy and agency responsibilities and assignments for maintaining mobilization base, DMO I-4, DMO VII–7, DMO VII-7, Supp. 1 |