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This book is one of seven volumes of Title 41-Public Contracts and Property Management, revised as of January 1, 1970. This revision replaces the 1969 revision and becomes an integral part of the Code of Federal Regulations.

The text in this revision is derived from the latest text of the rules and regulations general and permanent in nature, duly promulgated in the Federal Register on or before December 31, 1969. Source materials from which the text is derived are cited with the text and should be consulted to determine the effective date of any given provision. All dates appearing in the source citations are dates of publication in the Federal Register and should not be construed as effective dates.

Title 41 was reorganized, 24 F.R. 10952, December 30, 1959, to provide for the further development of the Federal Procurement Regulations System established March 10, 1959 (24 F.R. 1933), and for the codification of other Government-wide regulations affecting public contracts. Subsequently Title 41 was expanded to include the Federal Property Management System Regulations, 29 F.R. 13251, September 24, 1964.

The Federal Procurement Regulations System (Subtitle A of this title) consists of (1) the procurement policies and procedures for Government agencies prescribed by the Administrator of General Services (Chapter 1Federal Procurement Regulations), and (2) regulations of various agencies implementing or supplementing the Federal Procurement Regulations (Chapters 2 through 49). In each of Chapters 2 through 49, the first 49 parts are reserved for regulations implementing the Federal Procurement Regulations and numerically keyed thereto; the remaining parts in these chapters will contain regulations supplementing the Federal Procurement Regulations.

Subtitle B (Chapters 50 through 100) consists of Government-wide regulations affecting procurement policies and procedures which are not included in the Federal Procurement Regulations System. Former Chapters II and III of Title 41, containing regulations of the Division of Public Contracts, Department of Labor, and the Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made Products, respectively, were redesignated Chapters 50 and 51 and assigned to this subtitle.

The Federal Property Management System Regulations (Subtitle C of this title) consists of (1) the property management policies and procedures for Government agencies prescribed by the Administrator of General Services (Chapter 101-Federal Property Management Regulations), and (2) regulations of various agencies implementing or supplementing the Federal Property Management Regulations (Chapters 102 through 149).

Subtitle D (Chapter 150 to End) will consist of other provisions relating to property management.

The numbering system of Title 41 is unique in the Code of Federal Regulations, and is especially designed to permit the keying of similar subject matter throughout the chapters in Subtitles A and C. Chapters are numbered in arabic. Each section number is a combination showing to the left of the decimal point the chapter and part numbers, separated by a dash. To the right of the decimal point the subpart, section, and subsection numbers are indicated in that order. Thus, an agency assigned to Chapter 2, and wishing to implement the cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract provisions contained in Chapter 1 Part 1-3, Subpart 1-3.4, section 04, subsection 3 of the Federal Procurement Regulations (section 1-3.404-3), would assign the section number "2-3.404-3" to the implementing provisions.

Current regulatory material appearing in the daily issues of the Federal Register follows the numbering system used herein and serves as a daily supplement hereto. This book contains the following finding aids: a table of CFR titles and chapters; an alphabetical list of CFR subtitles and chapters; and a list of sections affected which furnishes Federal Register citations to all changes in this book beginning January 1, 1964, including changes which are no longer in effect.

A compilation of the list of sections affected for the entire Code of Federal Regulations from January 1, 1949, through December 31, 1963, is published in a separate volume entitled "List of Sections Affected, 1949–1963."

A General Explanation of the Code of Federal Regulations, a list of current CFR volumes, and a list of superseded CFR volumes appear in the volume containing Title 1 and in the General Index volume. A list of titles, subtitles, chapters, subchapters, and parts of the entire Code of Federal Regulations is also published in the General Index volume.

This volume is published pursuant to Part 30 of the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (34 F.R. 19106; 1 CFR Part 30), under the authority contained in section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The contents of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations are by law prima facie evidence of the text of the original documents and are required to be judicially noticed (44 U.S.C. 1507, 1510). The preferred citation of the Code is "CFR". Thus the citation “41 CFR 19-1.000" refers to section 19-1.000 of this Title.


January 2, 1970..

Cite this Code CFR

thus: 41 CFR 19-1.000

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