CONTENTS. THE RETURN VOYAGE-KHARTUM TO MERNAT ISLAND. Khartum taken by Mahdi-The steamers turned- xi Proposed night-march-Sudanese will not move— Wortley's boat-journey-The first night—Khashm el Mus-The zeribah-The garrison-Call to arms-Shagiyeh visitors-Loyalty of Khashm el Mus-The second night-Boat - mending-Feki Mustafa-Abd ul Hamid deserts-The last night Established on the right bank-March down the - Nile The nuggar afloat-Junction with Beres- ford-Loss of kit-Beresford's action Reach Sir Herbert Stewart-Departure from Gubat-Wells of Abu Klea-Abu Klea battle-field-Camp at Jebel Sergain-Jakdul-Jakdul to Howeiyat- 300 INTRODUCTION. On the 16th December 1884, Lord Wolseley reached Korti, and joined the camp which had been established on the previous day by Brigadier-General Sir Herbert Stewart. The troops then in camp were the Guards Camel Regiment, the Mounted Infantry Camel Regiment, and detachments of the South Staffordshire Regiment and of the Royal Engineers. The latest direct news from General Gordon that the Expedition possessed at that time, was contained in a letter,1 dated 1 1 Appendix I. |