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ately notify the Inspections Division and the Installation Security Office.

§1214.611 Applicability of this subpart.

(a) Acknowledgement of requirements. (1) When this subpart goes into effect, or upon his/her selection each individual shall sign an acknowledgement that he/she has read the subpart and will comply with its requirements, and provide the acknowledgement to the Director, Johnson Space Center.

(2) The acknowledgement required by this section shall be updated upon the assignment of an individual to a flight.

(3) Acknowledgements required by this section and made by individuals who are NASA employees, shall be retained in the individual's official personnel folder.

(4) Acknowledgements made by individuals who are not NASA employees shall be retained by the program Associate Administrator sponsoring their activities, or by the Associate Administrator for Space Transportation Systems, as appropriate.

(b) Procedures required to bring nonNASA employees under this subpart. (1) The requirements of this subpart will be made applicable to individuals who participate on a flight who are not NASA employees.

(2) The Associate Administrator for External Relations, the Associate Administrator for Space Transportation Systems, or the Director, Procurement Office, is responsible for ensuring that individuals not employed by NASA are made subject to these requirements through the terms of the applicable interagency agreement, contract, or other agreement.

Subpart 1214.11-NASA Astronaut Candidate Recruitment and Selection Program

AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 2473.

SOURCE: 44 FR 36024, June 6, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1214.1100 Scope.

This Subpart 1214.11 sets forth NASA procedures and assigns responsibilities for recruitment and selection of astronaut candidates. It applies to all pilot and mission specialist astro

naut candidate selection activities conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

§ 1214.1101 Announcement.

(a) Astronaut candidate opportunities will be announced by the Johnson Space Center (JSC) on a nationwide basis and reannounced annually as required.

(b) Announcements will be open to the general public for a two-month period and to the military services for a longer period as necessary for the DOD screening process and will cover all positions to be filled for one year following the establishment of rosters of qualified applicants. To be considered, civilian applicants must apply prior to the end of the specified period. Military personnel on active duty must apply through and be nominated by the military service with which they are affiliated.

(c) Notification will be sent to the Department of Defense as early as possible with a request for their nominations.

(d) The Director of Equal Opportunity Programs, NASA Headquarters, will be notified as early as possible and requested to provide assistance in the recruiting process.

§ 1214.1102 Evaluation of applications.

(a) All incoming applications will be reviewed by the JSC personnel office to determine whether or not applicants meet basic qualifications. Those not meeting the basic qualification requirements will be so notified in writing and will not be eligible for further consideration. Those meeting the basic qualification requirements will have their applications retained for review by designated rating panels.

(b) Rating panels of at least three members each will be appointed by the Director of JSC and will include discipline specialists, current astronauts, and management officials as appropriate.

(c) Each member of a rating panel will initially review each incoming application from qualified applicants. The overall initial score will be determined by the rating panel. This initial score may be determined through averaging of individual ratings or con

sensus of the rating panel meeting as a group.

(d) To assure consistency across the rating panels, a review panel appointed by the Director of JSC will monitor the rating process. The JSC Personnel Officer will assure adherence to applicable rules and regulations.

(e) The Director of JSC will make every reasonable effort to assure that minorities and females are included among the members of the rating panels and the review panel.

(f) Based on the numerical scores, the JSC personnel officer will establish rosters of qualified applicants. Separate rosters will be established for civilian applicants and for active duty military applicants nominated by the, DOD.

(g) Based on requirements approved by NASA Headquarters, the Director of JSC will decide the number of astronaut candidates to be selected. A decision on the number of applicants to be selected from the roster established for civilian applicants and from that established for active duty military applicants, will be made by the JSC Director based upon program needs. The Director of Flight Operations and the JSC Personnel Officer will determine the number of highest scoring applicants from the rosters to receive final consideration (at least twenty times the number of vacancies). Reference forms and physical examination forms will be obtained from these applicants.

(h) Upon receipt of psical examination forms (completed by personal physicians or appropriate public health or military medical authorities), the JSC medical staff will identify those applicants who appear to meet the physical requirements.

(i) For those applicants appearing to have met the physical requirements, the respective rating panels will review and rate the references received. The score for references will be incorporated into the initial score and the rosters adjusted accordingly.

§ 1214.1103 Selection committee activities. (a) The Director, JSC, will appoint a separate selection committee for each discipline, which will include appropriate discipline specialists, and will make

evey reasonable effort to assure that minorities and females are included among selection committee members.

(b) The JSC Personnel Officer will issue to the selection committee appropriate certificates of the highest scoring applicants in the disciplines in which selections will be made. Normally at least four applicants will be listed for each vacancy.

§ 1214.1104 Interviews and medical evaluation.

Applicants included on the certificates will be interviewed by the selection committee and will be given detailed medical evalution by the JSC medical staff. The interview process will result in a numerical score based on scoring criteria previously established by the selection committee.

§ 1214.1105 Final score.

The composite scores, based on the adjusted initial rating and interview score, will be transmuted to a 0 to 100 range with 70 being the minimum passing score. Points for veteran preference will be applied to total scores and the roster adjusted accordingly.

1214.1106 Committee recommendations.

The committee will recommend to the JSC Director, the selection of specific candidates from among those having the highest final scores, and who are found to be medically qualified by the JSC medical staff.

§ 1214.1107 Selection of astronaut candidates.

The JSC Director will review the selection committee's recommendations and will make final selections subject to review and approval by the Administrator.

§ 1214.1108 Notification.

Selectees and appropriate military services will be notified and the public informed. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified of nonselection.

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Quality Improvement Act of 1970, amended (42 U.S.C. 4371 et seq.); sec. 309 of the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7609); Executive Order 11514 (Mar. 5, 1970, as amended by Executive Order 11991, May 24, 1977); the Council on Environmental Quality NEPA Regulations (43 FR 55978); and Executive Order 12114, Jan. 4, 1979 (44 FR 1957), unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 1216.1-Policy on Environmental Quality and Control

SOURCE: 44 FR 44485, July 30, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1216.100 Scope.

This subpart sets forth NASA policy on environmental quality and control and the responsibilities of NASA officials in carrying out these policies.

§ 1216.101 Applicability.

This subpart is applicable to NASA Headquarters and field installations. § 1216.102 Policy.

NASA policy is to:

(a) Use all practicable means, consistent with NASA's statutory authority, available resources, and the national policy, to protect and enhance the quality of the environment;

(b) Provide for proper attention to and ensure that environmental amenities and values are given appropriate consideration in all NASA actions, including those performed under contract, grant, lease, or permit;

(c) Recognize the worldwide and long-range character of environmental concerns and, when consistent with the foreign policy of the United States and its own responsibilities, lend appropriate support to initiatives, resolutions, and programs designed to maximize international cooperation in anticipating and preventing a decline in the quality of the world environment;

(d) Use systematic and timely approaches which will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and environmental design arts in planning and decisionmaking for actions which may have an impact on the human environment;

(e) Pursue research and development, within the scope of NASA's authority or in response to authorized agencies, for application of technol

ogies useful in the protection and enhancement of environmental quality;

(f) Initiate and utilize ecological and other environmental information in the planning and development of resource-oriented projects; and

(g) Invite cooperation, where appropriate, from Federal, State, local, and regional authorities and the public in NASA planning and decisionmaking processes.

§ 1216.103 Responsibilities of NASA officials.

(a) The Associate Administrator for External Relations or designee shall:

(1) Coordinate the formulation and revision of NASA policies and positions on matters pertaining to environmental protection and enhancement;

(2) Represent NASA in working with other governmental agencies and interagency organizations to formulate, revise, and achieve uniform understanding and application of governmentwide policies relating to the environment;

(3) Develop and ensure the implementation of agencywide standards, procedures, and working relationships for protection and enhancement of environmental quality and compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

(4) Develop, as an integral part of NASA's basic decision processes, procedures to ensure that environmental factors are properly considered in all proposals and decisions;

(5) Establish and mai ain working relationships with the Council on Environmental Quality, Environmental Protection Agency, and other national, state, and local governmental agencies concerned with environmental matters;

(6) Acquire information for and ensure the preparation of appropriate NASA reports on environmental matters.

(b) Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices and NASA Field Installation Directors are responsible for:

(1) Identifying matters under their cognizance which may affect protection and enhancement of environmental quality and for employing the proper procedures to ensure that necessary actions are taken to meet the

requirements of applicable laws and regulations;

(2) Coordinating environmental quality-related activities under their cognizance with the Associate Administrator for External Relations; and

(3) Supporting and assisting the Associate Administrator for External Relations on request.

(c) Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices are additionally responsible for:

(1) Giving high priority, in the pursuit of program objectives, to the identification, analysis, and proposal of research and development which, if conducted by NASA or other agencies, may contribute to the achievement of beneficial environmental objectives; and

(2) In coordination with the Associate Administrator for External Relations, making available to other parties, both governmental and nongovernmental, advice and information useful in protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment.

(d) NASA Field Installation Directors are additionally responsible for:

(1) Implementing the NASA policies, standards and procedures for the protection and enhancement of environmental quality and supplementing them as appropriate in local circumstances;

(2) Specifically assigning responsibilities for environmental activities under the installation's cognizance to appropriate subordinates, while providing for the coordination of all such activities; and

(3) Establishing and maintaining working relationships with national, state, regional and governmental agencies responsible for environmental regulations in localities in which the field installations conduct their activities.

Subpart 1216.2—Floodplain and
Wetlands Management

At THORITY: Executive Orders 11988 and 11990; 42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(1).

SOURCE: 44 FR 1089, Jan. 4, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1216.200 Scope.

This Subpart 1216.2 prescribes procedures to:

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(a) Avoid long- and short-term adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains and wetlands;

(b) Avoid direct or indirect support of floodplain and wetlands development wherever there is a practicable alternative;

(c) Reduce the risk of flood loss; (d) Minimize the impact of floods on human health, safety and welfare;

(e) Restore, preserve and protect the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains and wetlands;

(f) Develop an integrated process to involve the public in the floodplain and wetlands management decisionmaking process;

(g) Incorporate the Unified National Program for Flood Plain Management; and,

(h) Establish internal management controls to monitor NASA actions to assure compliance with the Orders.

§ 1216.201 Applicability.

These procedures are applicable to Federal lands and facilities under the management control of NASA Headquarters and field installations regardless of location.

§ 1216.202 Responsibility of NASA officials.

(a) Directors of Field Installations and, as appropriate, the Associate Administrator for Management Operations at NASA Headquarters, are responsible for implementing the requirements and procedu es prescribed in §§ 1216.204 and .205.

(b) The Director, Facilities Division, NASA Headquarters, is responsible for overall coordination of floodplain and wetlands management activities, and for conducting periodic on-site reviews of each installation's floodplain and wetlands management activities to assure compliance with the Orders.

§ 1216.203 Definition of key terms.

(a) Action-any NASA activity including, but not limited to, acquisition, construction, modification, changes in land use, issuance of facilities use permits, and disposition of Federal lands and facilities.

(b) Base Flood-is that flood which has a one percent chance of occur

rence in any given year (also known as a 100-year flood). This term is used in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to indicate the minimum level of flooding to be used by a community in its floodplain management regulations.

(c) Base Floodplain—the 100-year floodplain (one percent chance floodplain). Also see definition of floodplain.

(d) Critical Action-any activity for which even a slight chance of flooding would be too great, such as storing lunar samples or highly toxic or water reactive materials.

(e) Facility-any item made or placed by a person including buildings, structures and utility items, marine structures, bridges and other land development items, such as levees and drainage canals.

(f) Flood or Flooding—a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland and/ or tidal waters, and/or the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source.

(g) Flood Fringe-that portion of the floodplain outside of the regulatory floodway (often referred to as "floodway fringe").

(h) Floodplain-the lowland and relatively flat areas adjoining inland and coastal waters including flood-prone areas of offshore islands, including at a minimum, that area subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. The base floodplain shall be used to designate the 100-year floodplain (one percent chance floodplain). The critical action floodplain is defined as the 500-year floodplain (0.2 percent chance floodplain). A large portion of NASA coastal floodplains also encompasses wetlands.

(i) Floodproofing-the modification of individual structures and facilities, their sites, and their contents to protect against structural failure, to keep water out or to reduce the effects of water entry.

(j) Minimize-to reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree.

(k) One Percent Chance Flood-the flood having one chance in 100 of being exceeded in any one-year period (a large flood). The likelihood of ex

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