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lations in this part, the graded product; (3) continuous supervision, in an official plant, of the handling or packaging of any product; and (4) any regrading or any appeal grading of a previously graded product.

"Grading certificate" means a statement, either written or printed, issued by a grader pursuant to the act and this part, relative to the class, quantity, quality, or condition of products.

"Holiday" or "legal holiday" shall mean the legal public holidays specified by the Congress in paragraph (a) of section 6103, title 5, of the United States Code.

"Interested party" means any person financially interested in a transaction involving any grading, appeal grading, or regrading of any product.

"National supervisor” means (1) the officer in charge of the poultry grading service of the Agricultural Marketing Service, and (2) such other employee of the Service as may be designated by him.

"Nest run eggs" means eggs which are packed as they come from the production facilities without having been washed, sized and/or candled for quality, with the exception that some Checks, Dirties, or other obvious undergrades may have been removed.

"Office of grading" means the office of any grader or sampler.

"Official plant" means any plant in which the facilities and methods of operation therein have been found by the Administrator to be suitable and adequate for grading service in accordance with this part and in which grading service is carried on.

"Origin grading" is a grading which is performed other than where the eggs are retailed or consumed.

"Person" means any individual, partnership, association, business trust, corporation, or any organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not.

"Potable water" means water that has been approved by the State health authority or agency or laboratory acceptable to the Administrator as safe for drinking and suitable for food processing. "Product" or "products" means shell eggs of the domesticated chicken.

"Quality" means the inherent properties of any product which determine its relative degree of excellence.

"Regional director" means any employee of the Department in charge of the shell egg grading service in a designated geographical area.

"Regulations" means the provisions in this part.

"Sampler" means any employee of the Department authorized by the Secretary or any other person to whom a license has been issued by the Secretary, to draw samples of products for grading by a grader or for lot analysis under the act and this part.

"Sampling" means the act of taking samples of any product for grading.

"Sampling report" means a statement, either written or printed, issued by a sampler, identifying samples taken by him for grading.

"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Department or any other officer or employee of the Department to whom there has heretofore been delegated, or to whom there may hereafter be delegated, the authority to act in his stead. "Service" means the Agricultural Marketing Service of the Department.

"Shell eggs" means shell eggs of domesticated chickens.

"Shell protected" means eggs which have had a protective covering such as oil applied to the shell surface. The product used shall be acceptable to the Food and Drug Administration.

"Supervisor or packaging" means any employee of the Department authorized by the Secretary, or any other person to whom a license has been issued by the Secretary, to supervise the packaging and grade labeling of products. [20 FR 669, Feb. 1, 1955; 20 FR 757, Feb. 4, 1955, as amended at 20 FR 9894, Dec. 23, 1955, 21 FR 5207, July 13, 1956, 28 FR 6341, June 20, 1963, 30 FR 6207, May 4, 1965; 32 F.R. 8230, June 8, 1967; 36 F.R. 19301, Oct. 2, 1971; 37 FR 22791, Oct. 25, 1972; 38 FR 26797, Sept. 26, 1973; 40 FR 20055, May 8, 1975]

§ 56.2 Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, other identifications and devices for purposes of the Agricultural Marketing Act.

Subsection 203 (h) of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as amended by Public Law 272, 84th Congress, provides criminal penalties for various specified offenses relating to official certificates, memoranda, marks or other identifications, and devices for making such marks or identifications, issued or authorized under section 203 of said act, and certain misrepresentations concerning the grading of agricultural products under said section. For the purposes of said subsection and the provisions in this part,

the terms listed in this section shall have the respective meanings specified:

(a) "Official certificate" means any form of certification, either written or printed, used under this part to certify with respect to the sampling, class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of products (including the compliance of products with applicable specifications).

(b) "Official memorandum” means any initial record of findings made by an authorized person in the process of grading or sampling pursuant to this part, any processing or plant-operation report made by an authorized person in connection with grading or sampling under this part, and any report made by an authorized person of services per. formed pursuant to this part.

(c) "Official mark" means the grade mark and any other mark, or any variations in such marks approved by the Administrator and authorized to be affixed to any product, or affixed to or printed on the packaging material of any product, stating that the product was graded, or indicating the appropriate U.S. grade or condition of the product, or for the purpose of maintaining the identity of products graded under this part, including but not limited to, those set forth in § 56.36.

(d) "Official identification" means any United States (U.S.) standard designation of class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition specified in this part or any symbol, stamp, label or seal indicating that the product has been officially graded and/or indicating the class, grade, quality, size, quantity, or condition of the product approved by the Administrator and authorized to be affixed to any product, or affixed to or printed on the packaging material of any product.

(e) "Official device" means a stamping appliance, branding device, stencil, printed label, or any other mechanically or manually operated tool that is approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof.

[28 FR. 6341, June 20, 1963]

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tration of the provisions of the act and this part. The Administrator is authorized to waive for limited periods any particular provisions of the regulations in this part to permit experimentation so that new procedures, equipment, and processing techniques may be tested to facilitate definite improvements and at the same time to determine full compliance with the spirit and intent of the regulations in this part.

(b) The conduct of all services and the licensing of graders under these regulations shall be accomplished without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

[20 FR 670, Feb. 1, 1955, as amended at 3C FR 26798, Sept. 26, 1973]

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(a) Any grading service in accordance with the regulations in this part shall be for class, quality, quantity, or condition or any combination thereof. Grading service with respect to the determination of the quality of products shall be on the basis of the "United States Standards, Grades, and Weight Classes" as contained in Subpart C of this part. ever, grading service may be rendered with respect to products which are bought and sold on the basis of institutional contract specifications or specifications of the applicant and such service, when approved by the Administrator, shall be rendered on the basis of such specifications. The supervision of packaging shall be in accordance with such instructions as may be approved or issued by the Administrator.

(b) Unless otherwise approved by the area supervisor, continuous grading service in an official plant may be rendered only when a majority of the grader's time each month is utilized in performing grading for quality on the basis of the United States Standards set forth in Subpart C of this part.

(c) Whenever grading service is performed on a representative sample basis, such sample shall be drawn and consist of not less than the minimum number of cases as indicated in the following table. A minimum of one hundred eggs shall be examined per sample case. For lots which consist of less than 1 case, a minimum of 50 eggs shall be examined If the lot consists of less than 50 eggs, all eggs will be examined.

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All grading service shall be subject to supervision at all times by the applicable State supervisor, regional director and national supervisor. Such service shall be rendered where the facilities and conditions are satisfactory for the conduct of the service and the requisite graders and samplers are available. Whenever the supervisor of a grader has evidence that such grader incorrectly graded a product, such supervisor shall take such action as is necessary to correct the grading and to cause any improper grade marks which appear on the product or the containers thereof to be corrected prior to shipment of the product from the place of initial grading. [40 FR 20055, May 8, 1975]

§ 56.8 Other applicable regulations.

Compliance with the regulations in this part shall not excuse failure to comply with any other Federal, or any State, or municipal applicable laws or regulations.

[20 FR 670, Feb. 1, 1955]

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(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c) of this section, any person who is a Federal or State employee, the employee of a local jurisdiction, or the employee of a cooperating agency possessing proper qualifications as determined by an examination for competency and who is to perform grading service under this part, may be licensed by the Secretary as a grader.

(b) All licenses issued by the Secretary shall be countersigned by the officer in charge of the poultry grading service of the Agricultural Marketing Service or any other designated officer of such Service.

(c) No person may be licensed to grade or sample any product in which he is financially interested.

[20 F.R. 670, Feb. 1, 1955, as amended at 28 F.R. 6342, June 20, 1963; 37 F.R. 12918, June 30, 1972]

§ 56.11

Authorization to perform limited grading services.

Any person who is employed by any official plant and possesses proper qualifications, as determined by the Administrator, may be authorized to candle and grade eggs on the basis of the "U.S. Standards for Quality of Individual Shell Eggs," with respect to eggs purchased from producers or eggs to be packaged with official identification. In addition, such authorization may be granted to any qualified person to act as a "supervisor of packing" in the packaging and grade labeling of products. No person to whom such authorization is granted shall have authority to issue any grading certificates, grading memoranda, or other official documents; and all eggs which are graded by any such person shall thereafter be check graded by a grader. [35 F.R. 19327, Dec. 22, 1970] § 56.12


Suspension of license; revoca

Pending final action by the Secretary, any person authorized to countersign a license to perform grading service may, whenever he deems such action necessary to assure that any grading service is properly performed, suspend any license to perform grading service issued pursuant to this part, by giving notice of such suspension to the respective li

censee, accompanied by a statement of the reasons therefor. Within 7 days after the receipt of the aforesaid notice and statement of reasons, the licensee may file an appeal in writing, with the Secretary, supported by any argument or evidence that he may wish to offer as to why his license should not be further suspended or revoked. After the expiration of the aforesaid 7-day period and consideration of such argument and evidence, the Secretary will take such action as he deems appropriate with respect to such suspension or revocation. When no appeal is filed within the prescribed 7 days, the license to perform grading service is revoked.

[35 F.R. 19327, Dec. 22, 1970]

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All graders and samplers are forbidden during the period of their respective appointments or licenses, to take an active part in political management or in political campaigns. Political activities in city, county, State, or national elections, whether primary or regular, or in behalf of any party or candidate, or any measure to be voted upon, is prohibited. This applies to all appointees, including, but not being limited to, temporary and cooperative employees, and employees on leave of absence with or without pay. Willful violation of this section will constitute grounds for dismissal in the case of appointees and revocation of licenses in the case of licensees.

[28 F.R. 6342, June 20, 1963] § 56.16


All graders, samplers, and supervisors of packaging shall each have in possession at all times, and present upon request, while on duty, the means of identification furnished by the Department to such person.

[31 F.R. 2773, Feb. 16, 1966]

§ 56.17 Facilities and equipment for graders.

Facilities and equipment to be furnished by the applicant for use of graders in performing service on a resident basis shall include (when deemed necessary) the following:

(a) (1) An accurate metal stem thermometer;

(2) Scales to weigh individual eggs, cartons of eggs, and bulk eggs. Test weights for each type scale used;

(3) An acceptable candling light. (b) Furnished office space, a desk (equipped with a satisfactory locking device), and lockers or cabinets suitable for the protection and storage of official stamps and supplies. Such space and equipment must meet the approval of the National Supervisor.

(c) For eggs packed under §§ 56.42 and 56.43, an approved room or separate area for the breakout, adequate lighting, facilities for washing equipment, a breakout table, and a micrometer. [32 F.R. 8230, June 8, 1967]

§ 56.18 Schedule of operation of official plants.

Grading operating schedules for services performed pursuant to §§ 56.52 and 56.54 shall be requested in writing and be approved by the Administrator. Normal operating schedules for a full week consist of a continuous 8-hour period per day (excluding not to exceed 1 hour for lunch), 5 consecutive days per week, within the period of Monday through Saturday, for each shift required. Less than 8-hour schedules may be requested and will be approved if a grader is available. Sundays may not be approved in any tour of duty. Clock hours of daily operations need not be specified in the request, although as a condition of continued approval, the hours of operation shall be reasonably uniform from day to day. Graders are to be notified by management 1 day in advance of any change in the hours grading service is requested. [37 F.R. 12918, June 30, 1972]

APPLICATION FOR GRADING AND SAMPLING § 56.20 Who may obtain grading and sampling service.

An application for grading or sampling service may be made by any interested person, including, but not being limited to, the United States, any State, county, municipality, or common carrier, and any authorized agent of the foregoing. [28 F.R. 6342, June 20, 1963]

§ 56.21

How application for service may be made; conditions of continuous service.

(a) Noncontinuous grading service on fee basis. An application for any noncontinuous grading service on a fee basis may be made in any office of grading, or with any grader or sampler at or nearest the place where the service is desired. Such application may be made orally (in person or by telephone), in writing, or by telegraph. If the application for grading service is made orally, the office of grading or the grader or sampler with whom such application is made, or the Administrator, may require that the application be confirmed in writing.

(b) Continuous grading service on a resident basis or continuous grading service on a nonresident basis. An application for continuous grading service on a resident basis or for continuous grading service on a nonresident basis must be made in writing on forms approved by the Administrator and filed with the Administrator. Such forms may be obtained at the national, area or state grading office. In making application, the applicant agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the regulations (including, but not being limited to, such instructions governing grading of products as may be issued from time to time by the Administrator). No member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any benefit that may arise from such service unless derived through service rendered a corporation for its general benefit. [31 FR. 2773, Feb. 16, 1966]

§ 56.22

Filing of application.

An application for grading or sampling of a specified lot of any product shall be regarded as filed only when made pursuant to this part.

[28 F.R. 6342, June 20, 1963]

§ 56.23 Form of application.

Each application for grading or sampling a specified lot of any product shall include such information as may be required by the Administrator in regard to the product and the premises where such product is to be graded or sampled. (28 F.R. 6342, June 20, 1963]

§ 56.24 When application may be rejected.

An application for grading service or sampling service may be rejected by the

Administrator (a) whenever the applicant fails to meet the requirements of the regulations prescribing the conditions under which the service is made available; (b) whenever the product is owned by or located on the premises of a person currently denied the benefits of the act; (c) where any individual holding office or a responsible position with or having a substantial financial interest or share in the applicant is currently denied the benefits of the act or was responsible in whole or in part for the current denial of the benefits of the act to any person; (d) where the Administrator determines that the application is an attempt on the part of a person currently denied the benefits of the act to obtain grading services; (e) whenever the applicant fails to bring the plant facilities, and operating procedures into compliance with the regulations within reasonable period of time; (f) notwithstanding any prior approval whenever, before inauguration of service, the applicant fails to fulfill commitments concerning the inauguration of the service; (g) when it appears that to perform the services specified in this part would not be to the best interests of the public welfare or of the Government; or (h) when it appears to the Administrator that prior commitments of the Department necessitate rejection of the application. Each such applicant shall be promptly notified by registered mail of the reasons for the rejection. A written petition for reconsideration of such rejection may be filed by the applicant with the Administrator if postmarked or delivered within 10 days after the receipt of notice of the rejection. Such petition shall state specifically the errors alleged to have been made by the Administrator in rejecting the application. Within 20 days following the receipt of such a petition for reconsideration, the Administrator shall approve the application or notify the applicant by registered mail of the reasons for the rejection thereof. [28 F.R. 6342, June 20, 1963]

§ 56.25 When application may be withdrawn.

An application for grading service may be withdrawn by the applicant at any time before the service is performed upon payment, by the applicant, of all expenses incurred by the Service in connection with such application. [20 F.R. 671, Feb. 1, 1955]

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