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Public debt:

As a percent of GNP, table, 1958–79, 486
Increase in, 260
Interest on, 233, 240, 266, 274, 383
Limit, table, 1977–79, 260
Limit, totals, table, 1977–79, 435

Outstanding, table, 1977–79, 257, 435
Public Debt, Bureau of the, 382
Public enterprise revolving funds, explanation,

Public Health Service, 184, 337
Public service employment, 171
Public works, acceleration, 308
Public works and construction, Federal outlays,

totals, table, 1977–79, 162
Public Works Employment Act of 1976, 228
Public works grants and loans, 154
Public works program, local, 158
Puerto Rico, 230


Radio Free Europe, 86
Radio Liberty, 86
Radioactive waste disposal, 128
Rail Corporation, Consolidated, 147
Rail crossings, 375
Rail service assistance, 377
Railroad, research, 377
Railroad Administration, Federal, 377
Railroad Passenger Corporation, National

(Amtrak), 147, 377

programs, 147
Railroad Retirement Board, 413-414
Railroad retirement and disability benefits, 194
Railroad retirement outlays, 264
Railroad safety, 377
Railway Association, United States, 147, 245,

277, 419
Rangeland restoration, 123
Readjustment benefits, veterans, 391
Real property activities, General Services

Administration, 386

Actual and estimated, discussion, 267–269
As a percent of GNP, 37
Budget, definition, 283
By source, discussion, 59
By source, projected, table, 1977–83, 35
By source, total, table, 1977, 267
By source, totals table, 1969–79, 476-477
By source, totals, table, 1977–79, 436-439
By source, 1969–83, 36
Changes in, discussion, 58
Changes in, total, table, 1977–80, 58
Effect of major legislation, totals, table,

1975–80, 51
Effect of proposed legislation, totals, table,

1979–80, 56
Federal funds, table, 1977–79, 258
Five-year projections, 34
High employment, table, 1977–83, 41
Increase, 48
Margin, table, 1977–82, 35
National income accounts, totals, table,

1968–79, 485

Offsetting, by type, totals, table, 1977–79,

Offsetting, undistributed, outlays and recom-
mended budget authority, by program,

total, table, 1977–80, 237
Offsetting, 283–284
Projected, discussion, 34–35
Reconciliation of, by source, total, table,

1976 and the, 269
Reconciliation with outlays, 262–269
Relation to GNP, table, 1958–79, 486
Summary, by source, totals, table, 1977–79,

49, 428
Summary, totals, table, 1977–79, 427
Summary, 48
Total, 48, 49
Total projected, table, 1977–83, 35
Totals, table, 1977–79, 3
Totals, table 1789–1979, 488
Trust fund, 240

Trust funds, table, 1977–79, 258
Reclamation, Bureau of, 121, 355–356
Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of

Surface Mining, 124
Reconciliation of actual and estimated receipts

and relatively uncontrollable outlays, 262–269
Records activities, General Services Administra-

tion, 387
Records and Documents of Federal Officials,

National Study Commission on, 418
Records management, 223
Recreation, Outdoor, Bureau, of, 357
Recreation and wildlife preservation, 121
Recreational resources, 125
Recruiting programs, 74
Refugees, assistance to, 85, 203, 348, 371
Regional Action Planning Commissions, 158, 321

Vocational, 175-176

Services, 175-176
Rehabilitation loan program, 156
Reimbursements, definition, 283
Relation to budget authority, totals, table,

1977–79, 431
Renegotiation Board, 414
Rental assistance programs, 137
Reorganization, government, 6
Reorganization Act of 1977, 222
Reorganization of the Executive Branch, 24-25
Rental assistance fund, 351-352
Rescission, definition, 281

Agricultural, 310
Biomedical, 95
Climate, 98
Economic, Agriculture Department, 311
Energy, 107–108
Environmental, 109
Federal support of basic, 20
Health, 185–186, 338
Housing policy, 354
Housing and Urban Development, Depart-

ment of, 156
Life Sciences, 95

National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-

tration, 390
Nonnuclear, 109
Nuclear weapons, 77
Railroad, 377
Transportation, Department of, 378
Space programs, 96-98

Water resources, 356-357
Research and development:

Coast Guard, 373
Defense Military, 69–70, 74, 328–329
Education, 168-169
Energy, 106-109
Highway safety, 376
National Aeronautics and Space Administra-

tion, 389–390
Nonnuclear energy, 4

Nuclear fission, 106
Research opportunities, 6
Research Service, Congressional, 296
Research and technology, aeronautical, 148
Reserve forces, 73
Reserves, naval petroleum, 106
Retirement, employer share, 237
Retirement fund, Civil Service, 237
Retirement Policy Commission, 418
Retirement Programs, Presidential Commission

on, 18-19
Revenue Adjustment Act of 1975, 49
Revenue sharing, general, 226
Revenue Sharing, Office of, 379-380
Revenue sharing and general purpose fiscal

assistance, 153
Revolution Bicentennial Administration, Amer-

ican, 403
Revolving funds, definition, 283
Right-of-way revolving fund, Federal Highway

Administration, 376
River basin commissions, 419
Roads, off-system, 375
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Memorial Com-

mission, 404
Rural development grants, 156
Rural Electrification Administration, 111, 313
Rural Electrification and telephone revolving,

fund, 111, 244, 277
Rural Telephone Bank, 244, 277
Ryukyu Islands, Army, 333

Safety Commission, Consumer Product, 399
Safety and Health Administration, Mine, 368
Safety and Health Administration, Occupa-

tional, 368
Safety and Health Review Commission, Federal

Mine, 402
Safety and Health Review Commission, Oc-

cupational, 413
Sahel development program,

83, 306
Saint Elizabeths Hospital, 184, 342
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Cor-

poration, 378
Salaries, Commission on Executive, Legislative,

and Judicial, 417
Satellite research and development, 69
School assistance in federally affected areas, 345
School breakfast and lunch program, 200-201
Science, National Commission on Libraries and

Information, 409
Science Foundation, National, 94, 411-412
Science and Technical Research, 323
Science and Technology Policy, Office of, 303
Science and technology programs, Commerce

Department, 322–323
Sea control, naval forces, 72
Sealift forces, 73
Secret Service, United States, 383
Securities and Exchange Commission, 414
Security assistance, international, 304-305
Security Council, National, 89, 302
Security in Europe, Commission on Coopera-

tion and, 297
Security income program, supplemental (SSI),

198-199, 348
Security supporting assistance, international, 84
Seignorage, 285
Selective Service System, 78, 414-415
Senate, United States, 291
Service corps of retired executives (SCORE),

Sewage plant facilities, 117–118
Sewer grants, water and, 156
Shipbuilding, naval, 72–73
Shipping, ocean, 149, 324
Ships, construction, 149
Short range economic forecast, table, 1976–79,

Small Business Administration, 131, 139, 159,

Small business loan assistance, 139
Smithsonian Institution, 169, 415-416
Social insurance, 36, 48–49, 59-60
Social and Rehabilitation Service, 347
Social Security, Advisory Council on, 196
Social Security Administration, 347–348
Social Security Amendments of 1977, 48
Social Security outlays, 264
Social security payroll tax, 193
Social security system, 190
Social security tax rate, table, 1977–81, 52
Social security tax rate, 48, 59
Social services programs, 174-177
Soil Conservation Service, 122, 124, 314-315
Solar energy, 108–109


Aviation, 374
Boating, 373
Consumer, 187–188, 315
Food, 316-317
Highway and traffic, 145-146
Highways and motor carrier, 375
Marine transportation, 149
Nuclear materials, 78
Occupational, 315

Transportation, 149
Safety Administration, Mining Enforcement

and, 360
Safety Board, National Transportation, 149,


Solar system and universe, exploration of, 97-

Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, 333
Southeastern Power Administration, 336
Southwestern Power Administration, 336
Soviet defense spending, 68
Space Administration, National Aeronautics

and, 148, 389–391
Space flight, 96-98
Space research and technology programs, 96-98
Space science applications and technology,

Space shuttle, 74.96
Space telescope, 97-98
Spanish-Speaking People, Cabinet Committee

on Opportunities for, 395
Special funds, explanation, 279
Special Representative for Trade Negotiations,

Office of the, 89, 303
State, Department of, 85

Air quality grants, 118
Boating safety assistance, 373
Education, grants for, 166
Energy conservation grants, 105
Energy grants, and technical assistance, 4
Highways, Federal-aid, 145
Law enforcement assistance, 218
National heritage program, 126
Revenue sharing, general, 226
Social services, grants to, 174-175
Standard metropolitan statistical areas,

grants to, 153
Student incentive grant program, 168

Training or work experience, grants for, 171
Statistical activities:

Agriculture, Department of, 310
Commerce, Department of, 320

Labor, Department of, 368-369
Statistical Reporting Service, 310
Statistics, Bureau of Labor, 368-369
Statistics and Cooperatives Service, Economics,

Stockpile of strategic and critical materials, 78
Strategic command systems improvement, 69
Strategic and critical materials, stockpile of, 78
Strategic forces, defense, 69–70
Strategic forces modernization, 5
Student incentive grant program, 168
Student Loan Insurance Fund, 346
Student Loan Marketing Association, 249
Student loan program, guaranteed, 168
Summary tables, explanation of, 426
Summer youth employment program, 172
Sun's polar regions, studies of, 97
Supplemental authority, 275
Supplemental security income program (SSI),

198–199, 348
Supplies and Shortages, National Commission
Supply Service, Federal, 387
Supreme Court of the United States, 217, 298
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement,

Office of, 124
Surplus or deficit, table, 1977–79, 257

Surplus or deficit, totals, table, 1789–1979, 488
Surplus or deficit, 282
Surveys of registration and voting, 139
Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 406

Tax changes, effect on receipts, total, table,

1975-80, 51
Tax changes, enacted, discussion, 49–50
Tax changes, proposed, discussion, 52-58
Tax Court, United States, 297
Tax credits, 105
Tax expenditures:

Agriculture, 133
Commerce and housing credit, 140
Defense-Military, 76
Deferral of interest income, Savings Bonds,

Discussion, 63-64, 252–256
Education, training, employment, and social

services, 177-178
Energy, 105, 111
Fiscal assistance to States and local gov-

ernments, 230
General science and basic research, 95
Income security, 195–196
International affairs, 89
Pollution control, 119–120

Transportation, 149
Tax liability, changes in, table, 15
Tax rebates, 49
Tax Reduction Act of 1975, 49
Tax reduction and reform, 4, 14–15, 34, 49-50
Tax Reduction and Simplification Act of 1977,

Tax reform, 3, 197, 230
Tax Reform Act of 1976, 49
Taxes, 7

Automobile fuel efficiency, 105
Business credits, 55
Corporate rate reductions, 50
Earned income, credit, 50, 198, 204
Energy, 54
Estate and gift, 37, 49, 60
Excise, imported oil, 55
Excise, 37, 48–49, 55, 60
Federal, 64
Gasoline, 55
General credit, 50
Income, 35–36, 48–53, 59
Individual credits, 55
Payments in lieu of, Federal land, 230
Simplification, 50
Social insurance, 36, 48–49, 59-60
Social security, 36, 48–52, 193
Telephone service, 55
Temporary jobs credit, 50

Unemployment insurance, 55
Taxpayers resources, 3
Technological projections, 6
Technology Assessment, Office of, 297
Technology development and applications,

energy, 103-105

on, 417

Technology Policy, Office of Science and, 303
Telecommunications and Information Adminis-

tration, National, 323
Telecommunications Policy, Office of, 303
Telecommunications service, General Services

Administration, 387
Tennessee Valley Authority, 110, 418-419
Territorial Affairs, Office of, 360
Timber sales, 123, 230
Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of Alcohol, 216,

Toxic substances, control of, 119
Trade Administration, Industry and, 321
Trade Commission, Federal, 402
Trade Commission, International, 407
Trade negotiations, International, 89
Trade Negotiations, Office of the Special Rep-

resentative for, 89, 303
Trademark Office, Patent and, 323

Health care work force, 186–187

Military personnel, 74
Training Administration, Employment and,

Training and employment programs, 170-174
Transit Authority, Washington Metropolitan

Area, 406

Air, 147-148
Budget proposals, 20, 143
Credit programs, table, 1977–79, 149
Ground, 144-147
Major missions and programs, 143
National needs statement, 143
Outlays and recommended budget authority,

by major missions and programs, totals,

table, 1977–80, 144
Program analysis, by function, 143-150
Tax expenditures, 149

Water, 148-149
Transportation, Department of, 118, 147, 373-

Transportation Policy Study Commission, Na-

tional, 418
Transportation Safety Board, National, 149, 412
Travel Service, United States, 321-322
Treasury, Department of the, 230, 379–384
Trident submarine, 69
Trust funds, explanation, 257,258, 279
Trust intrafund transactions, definition, 284
Trust revolving funds, 279
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 224, 362


United States Information Agency, 86
United States Railway Association, 147, 245,

277, 419
United States Tax Court, 297
United States Travel Service, 321-322
United States-Israel Binational Agricultural

Research and Development Fund, 307
United States-Israel Binational Industrial

Research and Development Foundation, 307
University Year for ACTION (UYA), 177
Uranium enrichment program, 106, 109
Uranium enrichment revenues, 110
Urban areas, revitalization of 19–20, 137
Urban assistance, 151-154
Urban Development, Department of Housing

and, 155-156, 201, 351-354
Urban development action grant fund, 155
Urban extension service program, 156
Urban homesteading program, 156
Urban Mass Transportation Administration,

Urban programs, 5


Cemetery and burial benefits, 209
Compensation and pensions, 391
Education and training, 209–210
Hospital services, 210-211
Housing, 212
Income security, 209
Insurance, 391, 393
Life insurance, 209
Loans, 212, 392
Medical care, 210-211, 391
Non-service-connected pensions, 209
Readjustment benefits, 265, 391
Service-connected compensation, 209

Vocational rehabilitation, 209–210
Veterans Administration, 210, 391–393
Veterans benefits and services:

Budget proposals, 206–207
Credit programs, table, 1977–79, 212
Major missions and proposals, 206
National needs statement, 206
Outlays and recommended budget authority,

by major missions and programs, totals,

table, 1977–80, 208
Program analysis, by function, 206-213
Vice President, The, official residence of, 301
Vietnam era veterans, 211
Virgin Islands, 230, 362
Virgin Islands Corporation liquidation fund, 389
Vocational education, 166-167, 345
Vocational rehabilitation, 175-176
Voice of America, 86
Voluntary associations, and consumer protec-

tion, neighborhoods, 353
Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), 177


Unemployment assistance, 170-171, 265
Unemployment Compensation, National Com-

mission on, 197
Unemployment compensation, 197
Unemployment insurance, 197
Unemployment insurance tax, 55
Unemployment reduction, 4
Unified budget, 258
United States Friendship Commission, Japan,

United States Government Life Insurance

fund, 393

Wage and Price Stability, Council on, 302
Warsaw Pact, 68
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Author-

ity, 406
Waste disposal, radioactive, 128

Wildlife Service, Fish and, 357–358
William Langer jewel bearing plant revolving

fund, 388
Women, infants and children, food program,

Women's Year, 1975, National Commission on

the Observance of International, 418
Woodrow Wilson International Center for

Scholars, 416
Work incentive program, 173
Working Life, National Center for Productivity

and Quality of, 409
World Food and Agricultural Outlook and
Situation Board, 311


Water Commission, International Boundary

and, 371
Water Quality, National Commission on, 417
Water Research and Technology, Office of,

Water resource development, 120–122
Water Resources Council, 419-420
Water resources programs, 355
Water and sewer grants, 156-157
Water supply development, municipal and

industrial, 120
Water transportation, 148–149
Water treatment grant program, 157
Waterway user charges, 149
Weapons, nuclear, 77
Weapons modernization, Army, 70
Weapons system, new, 74
Weather predictions, 128
Welfare, Department of Health, Education,

and, 199, 337–351
Welfare programs for the poor, 198
Welfare reform, 4-5, 17-18
Western Area Power Administration, 336
Wheat and feed grains, acreage set-asides, 130
Wheat reserve, international emergency, 84,

White House Conference on Families, 176
White House Conference on Balanced Growth,

White House Office, 222, 301
Wildlife preservation, recreation and, 121
Wildlife refuges, 127

Young Adult Conservation Corps, 123–124,

171, 173
Youth, runaway, 176
Youth community conservation and improve-

ment projects, 173
Youth Conservation Corps, 317
Youth employment and training programs, 5,

Youth incentive entitlement pilot projects, 173


Zero-base budget, 3-6, 23–24, 272
Zoological Park, National, 416

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