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BUDGET ACCOUNTS LISTING (in thousands of dollars)—Continued

Account and functional code 1977 1978 1979
actual estimate estimate


INDIAN AFFAIRS–Continued Bureau of Indian Affairs–Continued

Trus? Funds–Continued Miscellaneous trust funds:–Continued

(Other general government). BA 30,000 30,000 30,000 Permanent ..........................806 Permanent, indefinite..................... BA 1,076 94,000 86,600 0 30,475 129,914 116,600 Total, Miscellaneous trust BA 273,306 390,000 379.500 funds 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 Total trust funds Bureau of BA 273.306 390,000 379,500 Indian Affairs. 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 Total Federal funds Indian BA 804,648 902,986 965,681 Affairs. 0 812,068 888,858 966,594 Total trust funds Indian Affairs. BA 273,306 390,000 378,500 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 TERRITORIAL AFFAIRS Office of Territorial Affairs Federal Funds General and special funds: Administration of territories.......... 806 BA 58,072 21,105 *49,436 D65 11,078 w1,798 0 37,398 50,062 44,202 11,078 w1,798 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands BA 101,717 110,444 *106,820 806 43,149 D223 0 85,456 107,502 98,420 43,149 Micronesian claims fund, Trust 0 6,689 1,858 ...................... Territory of the Pacific Islands.806 Office of the Comptroller for Guam 0 466 198 ...................... 806 Internal revenue collections for the BA 20,298 20,000 20,000 Virgin Islands: Permanent, 0 18,874 20,000 20,000 indefinite................................... 852 Total Federal funds Office of BA 180,087 156,784 177,434 Territorial Affairs. 0 148,883 184,567 163,700 SECRETARIAL OFFICES Office of the Solicitor and Office of the Secretary Federal Funds General and special funds: Office of the Solicitor, salaries and BA 12,381 13,309 16,225 8XDesi SèS.................................... 306 P816 *1,100 0 12,242 14,081 16,182 "1,080 w20

See footnotes at end of table.

BUDGET ACCOUNTS LISTING (in thousands of dollars)—Continued

Account and functional code


SECRETARIAL OFFICES.–Continued Office of the Solicitor and 0ffice of the Secretary—Continued Federal Funds—Continued General and special funds:—Continued

| Office of the Secretary, salaries and BA expenses.................................... 306 I *- 0 3 Departmental operations............... 306 BA w ~ o 0 o o Salaries and expenses (special BA of foreign currency program)........ 306 0 2 Litter prevention and cleanup. BA Permanent, indefinite............... 304 0 intrugovernmental funds: Working capital fund..................... 306 0 Consolidated working fund, Office of 0 14 the Secretary Total Federal funds Office of BA s the Solicitor and Office of 0 the Secretary. o | SUMMARY Federal funds: | (As shown in detail above) BA 0 Deductions for offsetting receipts: Proprietary receipts from the *] public............. 274 0 300 *} 0 301 BA *} 302 *} 0 450 *} 0 500 *} 0 800 BA *] 902 *] 0 Total Federal funds.................... BA 0 Truro funds: -- 'm detail above)................. BA 0


1977 actual

1978 estimate

1979 estimate






25,318 w13


–704 47,388 53,885 58,168 43,692 54,479 60,166 4,384,027 5,039,587 5,248,197 3,890,697 4,795,903 4,964,137 ---------------------- –500 –500 –656,443 –750,692 –823,306 –15 –30 –30 –3,835 —13.650 –22,600 —17,121 —15,930 —17,500 –50 –70 –70 –763 —1,595 —1,495 –4,544 –5,112 –5,512 3,701,256 4,252,008 4,377,184 3,207,926 4,008,324 4,093,124 299,464 410,331 461,331 278,936 301,263 295,621


BUDGET Accounts ustiNG (in thousands of dollars)—Continued

Account and functional code 1977 1978 1979
actual estimate estimate


INDIAN AFFAIRS–Continued Bureau of Indian Affairs—Continued

Trus? Funds–Continued Miscellaneous trust funds:—Continued

(0ther general government). BA 30,000 30,000 30,000 Permanent................................. 806 Permanent, indefinite..................... BA 1,076 94,000 86,600 0 30,475 129,914 116,600 Total, Miscellaneous trust BA 273,306 390,000 379,500 funds. 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 Total trust funds Bureau of BA 273,306 390,000 379,500 Indian Affairs. 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 Total Federal funds Indian BA 804,648 902,986 965,681 Affairs. 0 812,068 888,858 966,594 Total trust funds Indian Affairs. BA 273,306 390,000 379,500 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 TERRITORIAL AFFAIRS 0ffice of Territorial Affairs Federal Funds General and special funds: Administration of territories.......... 806 BA 58,072 21,105 K49,436 D65 11,078 w1,798 0 37,398 50,062 44,202 11,078 w1,798 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands BA 101,717 110,444 *106,920 806 43,149 D223 0 85,456 107,502 98.420 43,149 Micronesian claims fund, Trust 0 6,689 1,858 ...................... Territory of the Pacific Islands.806 Office of the Comptroller for Guam 0 466 198 ...................... 806 Internal revenue collections for the BA 20,298 20,000 20,000 Virgin Islands: Permanent, 0 18,874 20,000 20,000 indefinite................................... 852 Total Federal funds Office of BA 180,087 156,784 177,434 Territorial Affairs. 0 148,883 184,567 163,700 SECRETARIAL OFFICES Office of the Solicitor and Office of the Secretary Federal Funds General and special funds: Office of the Solicitor, salaries and BA 12,381 13,309 16,225 €XP8's S6S.................................... 306 P816 *1,100 0 12,242 14,081 16 120 "1,080

See footnotes at end of table.

* BUDGET ACCOUNTS LISTING (in thousands of dollars)—Continued


Account and functional code



Office of the Solicitor and Office of the

Secretary—Continued Federal Funds–Continued General and special funds:—Continued Office of the Secretary, salaries and

expes. SeS.................................... 306 Departmental operations............... 306 Salaries and expenses (special foreign currency program)........ 306


[ocr errors]

1977 actual



1979 estimate

Litter prevention and cleanup:

Permanent, indefinite............... 304
I funds:

Working capital fund...... ...306

Consolidated working fund, Office of

the Secretary............................. 306

Total Federal funds Office of
the Solicitor and Office of
the Secretary.
Federal funds:
(As shown in detail above).................
Deductions for offsetting receipts:

Proprietary receipts from the
Public..... 274


Total Federal funds....................

Trust funds:
(As shown in detail above)

See footnotes at end of table






20,842 21,810 24,852
20,017 22.701 25,318
w237 w13
13,256 12,744 16,091
11,207 14,410 17,408
w/70 w25
907 1,000 1,000
1,561 1,200 1,200
2 ...
2 ... ...
47,388 53,885 58,168
43,692 54,479 60,166
4,384,027 5,039,587 5,248,197
3,890,697 4,795,903 4,964,137
---------------------- –500 –500
–656,443 –750,692 –823,306
–15 –30 –30
–3,835 —13.650 –22,600
—17,121 —15,930 —17,500
–50 –70 –70
–763 –1,595 —1,495
–4,544 –5,112 –5,512
3,701,256 4,252,008 4,377,184
3,207,926 4,008,324 4,093,124
299,464 410,331 461,331
278,936 301,263 295,621


Budget Accounts ustiNG (in thousands of dollars)—Continued

Account and functional code 1977 1978 1979
actual estimate estimate


INDIAN AFFAIRS–Continued Bureau of Indian Affairs–Continued

Trus? Funds–Continued Miscellaneous trust funds:–Continued

(0ther general government). BA 30,000 30,000 30,000 Permanent.................................806 Permanent, indefinite..................... BA 1,076 94,000 86,600 0 30,475 129,914 116,600 Total, Miscellaneous trust BA 273,306 390,000 379,500 funds. 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 Total trust funds Bureau of BA 273,306 390,000 379,500 Indian Affairs. 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 Total Federal funds Indian BA 804,648 902,986 965,681 Affairs. 0 812,068 888,858 966,594 Total trust funds Indian Affairs. BA 273,306 390,000 379,500 0 252,243 284,394 263,800 TERRITORIAL AFFAIRS Office of Territorial Affairs Federal Funds General and special funds: Administration of territories.......... 806 BA 58,072 21,105 K49,436 D65 11,078 w1,798 0 37,398 50,062 44,202 11,078 w1,798 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands BA 101,717 110,444 r106,920 806 43,149 D223 0 85,456 107,502 98.420 43,149 Micronesian claims fund, Trust 0 6,689 1,858 ...................... Territory of the Pacific Islands.806 Office of the Comptroller for Guam 0 466 198 ...................... 806 Internal revenue collections for the BA 20,298 20,000 20,000 Virgin Islands: Permanent, 0 18,874 20,000 20,000 indefinite................................... 852 Total Federal funds Office of BA 180,087 156,784 177,434 Territorial Affairs. 0 148,883 184,567 163,700 SECRETARIAL OFFICES 0ffice of the Solicitor and Office of the Secretary Federal Funds General and special funds: Office of the Solicitor, salaries and BA 12,381 13,309 16,225 306 P816 *1,100 0 12,242 14,081 16,100 "1,080

See footnotes at end of table

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