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Andrew G. Haley, "Recent Developments in Space Law and Metalaw," 24 Harvard Law Record, No. 2 (February 7, 1957), Special Supplement, p. 4. 89. Andrew G. Haley, Remarks Following the September 19, 1956, Technical Session, in Proceedings of the VII International Astronautical Congress, Rome, September 17-22, 1956 (Associazione Italiana Razzi, Rome, 1956), pp. 907-908.

90. Andrew G. Haley, "Seventh IAF Congress Stresses Cooperation," 27 Jet Propulsion 60-62 (January, 1957).

91. Andrew G. Haley, "Space Law--Basic Concepts," 24 Tennessee Law Review 643-657 (Fall, 1956). See also 7 Law Review Digest 71-82 (March-April, 1957).

92. Andrew G. Haley, "Space Law and Metalaw--A Synoptic View," Proceedings of the VII International Astronautical Congress, Rome, September 17-22, 1956 (Associazione Italiana Razzi, Rome, 1956), pp. 435-450. Reprinted in 23 Harvard Law Record 3-4 (November 1, 1956).

93. Andrew G. Haley, "Space Law and Metalaw--Jurisdiction Defined," 24 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 286-303 (Summer, 1957). Reprinted as "Droit de l'Espace et 'Metadroit' (Limites de Jurisdiction)," 20 Revue Générale de l'Air 169-184 (1957); "Loi de l'Espace et Metaloi," Le Courrier Interplanetaire (Lausanne, Switzerland, February, March, and April, 1957); "Weltraumrecht and Recht ausserhalb der Erde," Part I, Weltraumfahrt, No. 2, April, 1957, pp. 57-62, Part II, Weltraumfahrt, No. 3, August, 1957, pp. 69-74, and "Weltraumrecht and Recht ausserhalb der Erde--Eine Übersicht," 6 Zeitschrift für Luftrecht 59-74 (1957).

94. Andrew G. Haley, "Space Law and Metalaw--Jurisdiction Defined," (Revised) Paper read before the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt, Technical University of Stuttgart, April 13, 1957.

95. Andrew G. Haley, "Space Law--The Development of

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Jurisdictional Concepts," Presented at the VIII Annual Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Barcelona, Spain, October 6-12, 1957. 96. Andrew G. Haley, "The International Scene," 3 Astronautics 70 (February, 1958). See also previous issues, this same title.

97. Andrew G. Haley, "The International Situation and
Legal Involvements with Respect to Long-Range
Missiles and Earth-Circling Objects," February,
1957, Reigaman Press, Ltd., London, England.
98. Andrew G. Haley, "The Present Day Developments
in Space Law and the Beginnings of Metalaw," re-
printed from The Canadian Oil Journal, Vol. 8,
March, April, and May, 1957. p. 15.

99. Andrew G. Haley, "Suite 304, The Ritz, Barcelona," 2 Astronautics 46 (December, 1957).

100. Andrew G. Haley, "United Nations, Space Law, and Metalaw," Rocket and Satellite Exposition of the American Rocket Society, Washington, D.C., April 3-6, 1957.

101. Mitsuo Harada, Jinko Eisei (Artificial Earth Satellite), Asahi Shimbun-sha, Japan, 1957. Published after the launching of the Soviet satellite.


Welf Heinrich Prinz von Hannover, "Die Rechtsprobleme des Weltraumes" Weltraumfahrt, No. 4 (October, 1953), pp. 116-121.

103. Welf Heinrich Prinz von Hannover, "Law of the Age of Space," Part I, pp. 1-12, of a Lecture delivered in the United States, November, 1957.

104. Welf Heinrich Prinz von Hannover, "Luftrecht und Weltraum," Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, 1953.*

105. Günter Haupt, "Die Rechtsstellung Künstlicher Flugstützpunkte auf offener See," 2 Archiv für Luftrecht 297-311 (1932).

106. Woodford A. Heflin (ed.), The United States Air

English translation printed in this issue of the Saint Louis University Law Journal.

Force Dictionary (Research Studies Institute, Air
University, 1956).

107. Derek H. Hene, "The Legal Aspects of Rainmaking," 19 The Modern Law Review 285-288 (1956). 108. A. W. B. Hester, "Some Political Implications of Space-Flight," 14 Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 314-319 (November-December, 1955). 109. John C. Hogan, "Legal Terminology for the Upper Regions of the Atmosphere and for the Space Beyond the Atmosphere," 51 American Journal of International Law 362-375 (April, 1957).

110. John C. Hogan, "Man and Law in Space," 61 Case and Comment 12-20 (November-December, 1956). Reprinted in 7 The Barrister 3-7 (January, 1957); 33 New Zealand Law Journal 348 (November, 1957).

111. John C. Hogan, "Space Law Bibliography,” 23 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 317-325 (Summer, 1956).

112. John C. Hogan, "The Law and Space," 33 New Zealand Law Journal 348 (November, 1957).

113. R. Homburg, "Etendue et limites du Droit aérien," 19 Revue Générale de l'Air 140-145 (1956).

114. J. P. Honig, The Legal Status of Aircraft (Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1956).

115. C. E. S. Horsford, "The Law of Space," 14 Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 144-150 (May-June, 1955).

116. C. E. S. Horsford, "Principles of International Law

In Spaceflight," 5 St. Louis U.L.J. (Spring 1958). 117. Neville M. Hunnings, Letter to the Editor of The Times (London), reprinted under the title "Who Owns the Upper Air?" in The Times Weekly Review (London), October 12, 1957.

118. Pierre J. Huss, "Let's Claim the Moon Now!" Mechanix Illustrated (February, 1957), pp. 70-72, and 160.

119. Fumio Ikeda, "Who Owns Outer Space?" Bungei Shunju (Extra Issue, November, 1957) p. 4. Dis

cusses whether the earth satellite constitutes a violation of territorial skies. Japan.

120. International Astronautical Federation, Cooper Committee, see Haley's "Suite 304, The Ritz, Barcelona," this Bibliography.

121. International Astronautical Federation, Proceedings of the VII International Astronautical Congress, Rome, September 17-22, 1956). See entries this Bibliography under Ambrosini, Cocca, Giannini, Haley, Magli, Musto, and Nahon.

122. International Astronautical Federation; for a report on the VIII International Astronautical Congress, Barcelona, Spain, October, 1957, see A. E. Slater, "The Barcelona Congress," 1 Spaceflight 206-209 (January, 1958). See also under Anderton, and Haley, this Bibliography.

123. Keishiro Irie, "Diplomacy in Artificial Satellite Age," Shukan Asahi (Special Issue, October 28, 1957), pp. 4. Refers to Sputnik, balloons, aerial photos, and the problem of territorial sovereignty. Japan.

124. Nicolas H. Jacob, "Droit Interplanétaire," 15 Revue Générale de l'Air 287-289 (1952).

125. H. B. Jacobini, “Effective Control as Related to the Extension of Sovereignty in Space," Journal of Public Law, to be published in 1958.

126. H. B. Jacobini, "International Aviation Law--A Theoretical and Historical Survey," 2 Journal of Public Law 314-332 (Fall, 1953).

127. H. B. Jacobini, "Problems of High Altitude or Space Jurisdiction," 6 Western Political Quarterly 680-688 (December, 1953).

128. D. Janićijević, "Der juristische Aspekt des Weltraumproblems," Politik Internationale, Tribüne zum freien Gedankenaustausch einheimischer und ausländ. Autoren und Fragen aus dem Gebiet der Politik und Wirtschaft. Belgrad and Bonn. 6. J. 19551956, No. 149, pp. 16-17. Cited in Bibliographie der Deutschen Zeitschriftenliteratur, Vol. 113. Pt. 2, p. 1488 (1957).

129. D. Janićijević, "L'espace transatmosphérique et l'O.N.U.," Revue de la Politique Internationale (Belgrade, June, 1956), pp. 13-16. Cited in 2 Annuaire Français de Droit International 971 (1956). 130. D. Janićijević, "Nadvazdusni Prostor u OUN," 7 Medunarodna Politika 13-14 (1956). Cited in Jugoslovenska Revija za Medunarodno Pravo, No. 2, p. 313 (Belgrade, 1957).

131. C. Wilfred Jenks, "International Law and Activities in Space," 5 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 99-114 (January, 1956).

132. Anne M. Jonas, "The Artificial Satellite and International Law, by G. Zadorozhnyi, Doctor of Juridical Sciences [Sovetskaia Rossiia (Soviet Russia), October 17, 1957]." Translated by Anne M. Jonas, The Rand Corporation, P-78, November 12, 1957.

133. James A. Joyce, “A Citizenship of Space?" The Saturday Review, January 4, 1958, p. 18.

134. Frank M. Karsten, "A Bill to Create a Joint Committee on Extraterrestrial Exploration," H.R. 7843, 84th Congress, 1st Session, August 2, 1955. (See also later Bills introduced by Mr. Karsten and others in 1957).

135. Kenneth B. Keating, "The Law and the Conquest of Space," an address before the New York State Bar Association, January 31, 1958, printed in 104 Congressional Record, Appendix, A1029-A1031 (February 4, 1958).

136. A. S. Keller, O. J. Lissitzyn, and F. T. Mann, Creation of Rights of Sovereignty Through Symbolic Acts, 1400-1800 (1938).

137. A. Kislov, and S. Krylov, "Gosudarstvenn'ii Suverenitet na Vozdushnoe Prostranstvo-obshchepriznann'ii Printsip Mezhdunarodnogo Prava," Mezhdunarodnaia Zhizn', No. 3 (March, 1956). pp. 34-43. 138. A. Kislov, and S. Krylov, "State Sovereignty in Airspace," International Affairs, A Monthly Journal of Political Analysis, No. 3 (March, 1956), pp. 3544. English language edition, Znanye Publishing House, Moscow.

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