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The sufferer from Constipation and Piles should test the GLUTEN SUPPOSITORIES which cure most cases by INCREASING THE NUTRITION OF THE PARTS, thus inducing desire and strengthening the power of expulsion,


DR. A. W. THOMPSON, Northampton, Mass., says: "I have tested the Gluten Suppositories, and consider them valuable, as, indeed, I expected from the excellence of their theory."

DR. WM. TOD HELMUTH declares the Gluten Suppositories to be "the best remedy for constipation which I have ever prescribed.'

As Sancho Panza said of sleep, so say I of your Gluten Suppositories: God bless the man who invented them!"-E. L. RIPLEY, Burlington, Vt.

"I have been a constipated dyspeptic for many years, and the effect has been to reduce me in flesh, and to render me liable to r.o little nerve prostration and sleeplessness, especially after preaching or any special mental effort. The use of Gluten Suppositories, made by the Health Food Co., 74 Fourth Avenue, New York, has relieved the constipated habit, and their Gluten and Brain Food have secured for me new powers of digestion, and the ability to sleep soundly and think clearly. I believe their food-remedies to be worthy of the high praise which they are receiving on all sides."-REV. JOHN H. PATON, Mich.

I cannot speak too highly of the Health Food Company's Gluten Suppositories, as they have been a perfect God-send to me. I believe them superior to anything ever devised for the relief of constipation and hemorrhoids. I have suffered from these evils more than twenty years, and have at last found substantial relief through the use of the Gluten Suppositories."-CYRUS BRADBURY, Hopedale, Mass. "I prescribe the Gluten Suppositories almost daily in my practice and am often astonished at the permanent results obtained."-J. MONTFORT SCHLEY, M.D., Protessor Physical Diagnosis Woman's Medical College, New York City.

"I have used a part of a box and found relief."-JOSIAH MORRIS, Salem, N. J. "I have been using them with excellent results."-F. H. WILLIAMS, M.D., Trenton, N. J.

"Have used a half dozen and never had anything give me so much satisfaction." -A. P. CHARLTON, M.D., Jenneville, Pa.

"I find your Gluten Suppositories an excellent remedy for constipation."CHARLES B. EASEMAN, 169 Montrose Avenue, Brooklyn.

"I have used your Gluten Suppositories in my family with great satisfaction."S. B. COWLES, President Pacific Bank, Clarks, Nebraska.

"I have had some very satisfactory experience in the treatment of constipation with your Wheat Gluten Suppositories."-CHARLES W. BENEDICT, M.D., Findlay, Ohio.



47 4th Avenue, New York City,

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