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During the present fiscal year, 1942, the Central Administrative Service of Office for Emergency Management has furnished the following services to the Office of Scientific Research and Development:

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It is contemplated that during the next fiscal year, 1943, Central Administrative Services, Office for Emergency Management, will continue to furnish to the Office of Scientific Research and Development the same services concerning personnel; i. e., classifications, recruitments, and appointments.

However, in view of the decentralization of fiscal-operations program, which was begun by Central Administrative Services in the latter half of fiscal year 1942, in all likelihood the following services will be the only fiscal services furnished to the Office of Scientific Research and Development during the fiscal year, 1943: (a) Auditing:

(i) Contract vouchers.

(ii) Miscellaneous vouchers.

(b) Pay roll preparation:

(i) Check distribution.

Furthermore, there is a possibility that the Office of Scientific Research and Development may be required to assume full responsibility for operations (a) and (b) above sometime during the next fiscal year, 1943, in order to expedite auditing and payment on contract vouchers and pay rolls and to further protect the interests of the government.

The Central Administrative Services will probably continue to furnish purchasing services to the Office of Scientific Research and Development.


During the past fiscal year, 1942, for every paid employee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, there were approximately two appointees working without compensation.

It is believed that the ratio will be the same duringt he fiscal year 1943. The following statement shows a comparison between paid and without compensation personnel:

Summary of personnel requirements, Office of Scientific Research and Development, entire organization

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It is felt that the substantial expansion of personnel contemplated to meet the increased burden of administration and technical coordination of the research work which is constantly gaining impetus is in fair proportion to the amount of expansion of the expenses for special projects. Furthermore, this expansion of personnel is necessary to provide the structure for adequately coordinating projects nearing completion and new projects which must be gotten under way with the minimum of delay. It is probable that provision will have to be made for the services of specialists now available to us without compensation, since the requirements of the Selective Service Act have resulted in lowered university and college enrollment which will limit the extent of the cooperation which universities and colleges can afford.

An increase of five positions in the Office of the Executive Secretary (Legal Section) is for the purpose of executing contracts with a minimum of delay after the proposals for research and development have been recommended by the committees and approved by the Director.

An increase of seven positions in the Office of the Executive, Secretary (Fiscal Section) is in accordance with the decentralization of fiscal operations' program which was instigated by the Office for Emergency Management during the fiscal year 1942.

An increase of five positions in the Office of the Executive Secretary (Contract Section) is to facilitate the speedy execution of authorized research and development contracts and is comparatively small in contrast to the increase of contract funds.

An increase of four positions in the Office of the Executive Secretary (Priorities and Property Control Section) will enable the Office of Scientific Research and Development to better assist its contractors to obtain priorities on necessary materials and machines, and to discharge its obligations to account for Government property in the hands of private contractors.

Justifications supporting Office of Scientific Research and Development estimates for "Other Objects" for fiscal year 1943


Regular travel: Using the figures available in this Office, it appears that
the without-compensation and paid employees' travel vouchers are
totaling about $20,000 per month. During the 1943 fiscal year it is
expected that there will be an approximate increase of 60 percent in
travel expenditures for these persons. This is based on the estimated
increase in technical aides as shown by the personnel estimate and on
our estimate of additional without-compensation personnel with pro-
vision for some increase in travel expenditures of those persons now
traveling fairly regularly. Using the above as the basis, then 160
percent of $20,000 is $32,000 per month and that amount on a yearly
basis is $384,000 which appears to be the amount which will be
needed for regular travel_

Foreign travel: It is expected that approximately 50 persons who will
be on a without-compensation status will be sent to England during
the fiscal year and that 7 persons will be sent on as semipermanent
staff members. The average cost of such trips to and from England
has in the past proved to be approximately $800 each. On that basis,
it is believed that $45,600 will be needed for this purpose.
Past experience has shown that the without-compensation persons who
are sent to England spend approximately $120 per person on travel
within Great Britain. If 50 persons make round trips, $6,000 will be
necessary to cover this item of travel expense

he semipermanent staff members in London spend about $700 each on
travel within Great Britain during a fiscal year. There will be ap-
proximately 7 persons in this category and thus $4,900 should be
sufficient to cover this expense.

Per diem expense of without-compensation employees is at the rate of $10. Since the average stay is 40 days and since it is expected that there will be 50 such travelers it is believed that $20,000 is needed for this item of travel expense...

$384, 000

45, 600

6, 000

4, 900

20, 000

Justifications supporting Office of Scientific Research and Development estimates for "Other Objects" for fiscal year 1943-Continued


Per diem of semipermanent paid staff members stationed in Great Britain is $7. On the basis of 10 persons at $7 and estimating 300 days during the fiscal year, $21,000 will be needed.

Total foreign travel____

Total estimate for travel expenses.

Recommended by Bureau of the Budget__.


The estimate is based on anticipated increase of 50 percent over anticipated expenditures reported by Office for Emergency Management for fiscal year 1942___

Recommended by Bureau of the Budget_


According to a formula furnished by Office for Emergency Manage-
ment, communication costs average $21 per person per quarter:

300 employees on the Office of Scientific Research and Develop-
ment pay roll as of July 1, 1942; 300×4× $21 _ _.


97, 500

481, 500

478, 000

1, 400: 1, 200

25, 200

Estimating that approximately 4 of 986 without compensation
will use communication facilities; 246 × 4× $21.

Anticipated increase of 187 employees during fiscal year 1943;
188X3X $21.

11, 781

20, 664

57, 645

40, 000


Recommended by Bureau of the Budget__


It is estimated that rental costs outside of Washington, in other than
Office for Emergency Management office space will approximate___ -
Recommended by Bureau of the Budget..


According to a formula furnished by Office for Emergency Management, printing and binding costs average $16 per person per quarter:

300 employees on the Office of Scientific Research and Development pay roll as of July 1, 1942: 300X4×$16.

Anticipated increase of 187 employees during fiscal year 1943: 187X3X $16.


Recommended by Bureau of the Budget_


Anticipated increase of 50 percent over anticipated expenditures reported by Office for Emergency Management for fiscal year 1942__. Yearly charge for A. D. T. burglar-alarm system__.

15, 198

9, 000

19, 200

8, 977

28, 177

21, 000

51, 457 1, 443

The National Academy of Sciences and its subsidiary organization, the National Research Council, were created under authority of an act of Congress. The Academy and the Council are frequently called upon for advice and assistance by governmental agencies. The provisions of the charter of the Academy provide that the Academy shall be reimbursed for expenditures actually incurred in connection with services rendered to the Government.

The Academy and the Council are nonprofit organizations whose overhead in normal times is carried by the income from endowment. During the present emergency, they have been engaged in an increasingly large amount of work for governmental agencies, including the National Defense Research Committee and

other branches of the Office for Emergency Management. The income which the Academy receives from its endowment is adequate to cover overhead and operating expenses in connection with ordinary activities. It is not sufficient to permit the Academy to carry the overhead incident to the largely expanded program arising from the present emergency. Unless some provision is made by which the Government assumes its rightful share of the overhead and other operating expenses of the Academy so far as they are affected by emergency work performed for the Government by the Academy and the Council, the time will soon come in all probability when the Academy must refuse to take on additional activities.

To meet the situation, it is proposed to include a clause in the appropriation act for the fiscal year 1943, providing funds for the increased operating and overhead expenses of the Academy and the Council resulting from the expanding defense activities. It is estimated that the Government's rightful share of these increased expenses is $113,790. The attached sheet shows the formula by which this figure was derived.

Estimated expenditures, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1942-43

For administration (exclusive of cost of maintenance of buildings and


For projects:

(a) Nongovernmental_

(b) Governmental_.


350, 000 1, 100, 000

Total prospective expenditure for projects.

Total prospective expenditure for administration and projects. Percentage of governmental projects to total projects: ApproximatelyPortion of administration costs attributable to Government projects: 684 percent of $150,000..

Recommended by Bureau of the Budget_


According to a formula furnished by OEM, supplies and materials costs average $15 per person per quarter.

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Anticipated increase of 187 employees during fiscal year 1943; 187X3X$15___

300 employees on Office of Scientific Research and Development pay roll as of July 1, 1942; 300X4X$15____

18, 000

8, 415

16, 800


43, 215

32, 000

Photostating British secret reports, at $1,400 monthly; 12X $1,400.

Recommended by Bureau of the Budget.


According to information furnished by Office for Emergency Management, the average cost of supplying a new employee with office equipment is $150: Anticipated increase of 187 employees during fiscal year 1943; 187 $150____

$28, 050

Approximately 0.10 of 986 without compensation employees will be supplied office equipment during fiscal year 1943; 0.10×986X $150____

14, 700

3 Mosler safes at $300.


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2 calculators (proposed expansion of fiscal operations in accordance
with decentralization program of Office for Emergency Man-
agement), at $300..

2 adding machines (same reason as above), at $200...

7 dictating machines and transcribers, at $400__

Item for unforeseen contingencies.

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