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lifestyle of the residents of any particular dwelling; and consequently grantees should where possible conduct programs of energy conservation education in conjunction with weatherization projects.

(2) In addition, escalating costs of energy are causing increasing numbers of states and local communities to review utility rate structures and regulatory policies with interest in bringing relief to certain classes of customers. Wherever such reviews are taking place, whether in formal proceedings of regulatory commissions or merely informally, grantees should seek to involve themselves in order to insure that the interests of the poor are adequately represented, and that low income persons have the same high level of legal and technical expertise at their service as the utility companies and the other classes of energy users participating in these proceedings.

(3) Finally, as the need for energy conservation becomes more generally recognized there will be some who enter the field with the intent of exploiting those without technical knowledge or understanding of effective conservation techniques. Grantees should be aware of these dangers and work closely with state and local law enforcement and consumer protection agencies to curb abuses and provide redress for victimized consumers.

(f) Transportation. Projects undertaking transportation activities supported with section 222(a)(12) funds shall assure (1) that such activities address the energy-related increased costs of transportation for the poor, (2) that projects designed to provide assistance in the purchasing of fuel shall do so only as a last resort, thereby minimizing the subsidy of high cost fuel, and (3) that maximum use is made of existing transportation resources.

(g) Alternate energy sources. Because of the more diffuse nature of alternate energy sources such as the sun, they should only be used on buildings which have been thoroughly weatherized through stopping of infiltration and installation of the optimal combination of energy conserving improvements.

(h) Program Support: Research and Demonstration Programs. (1) Section 232 provides the authority to conduct R&D projects to further the mandate of Title II, including section 222(a)(12). R&D projects in the area of emergency energy conservation shall directly contribute to the accomplishment of the ends of the Emergency Energy Conservation Services Program and shall conform to one or more of the following standards and definitions:

(i) Development of new approaches and/or methods that will aid in overcoming special problems of poverty through:

(A) Support of projects designed to provide conclusive information concerning the usefulness of a program or technique thought to have potential of major impact on an identified special problem. The generation of persuasive knowledge is the central goal of such efforts; the major criterion of success is the utility of the knowledge produced in designing projects which meet carefully defined needs of the poor.

(B) Support of individual projects or series of projects which test specific program strategies or techniques to deal with special problems of poverty. Such demonstrations are designed to (1) provide an experience base sufficient to determine the applicability of the strategy or technique; and (2) provide exposure for strategies and techniques to increase their acceptance and application by funding sources and policymakers.

(C) Support of projects which (1) directly intervene to change established institutions or (2) establish alternative institutions or mechanisms to serve poor people.

(ii) Collection and maintenance of appropriate data which is adequate to produce dissemination and utilization of project results.

§ 1061.30-11 Funding.

(a) Funding Offices. CSA Regional Offices will receive grant applications for operating projects including eligible activities set forth under §§ 1061.30-7(a) through 1061.30-7(d), above, and for Training and Technical

Assistance to operating projects within their geographical area. CSA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., will receive grant applications for the development of Alternative Energy Sources described in § 1061.30(7(e), above, and Program Support Activities national in character, including Research and Demonstration Programs and Evaluation. All applicants submitting proposals to CSA Headquarters shall notify the appropriate Regional Office by means of the regional checkpoint procedures (OEO Form 394).

(b) Non-Federal Share. The non-Federal Share requirement is waived for Crisis Intervention and Program Support as defined in paragraph 7f (Training and Technical Assistance, Research and Demonstration, and Evaluation).

[41 FR 29125, July 15, 1976, as amended at 43 FR 9818, Mar. 10, 1978]

§ 1061.30-12 Application requirements.

(a) Research and Demonstration Proposals should be submitted in accordance with Instruction 7570-1. All other applications should meet the following requirements:

(1) Required forms-(i) OEO Form 413. Summary of Work Program and Budget (See OEO Instruction 6710-1) (Note: Goals and Activities must be consistent with the standards of effectiveness for section 222(a)(12) projects and the General Standards for Title II Programs outlined in CSA instruction 7850-1a and Form 419 must reflect these standards).

(ii) OEC Form 25. Program Account Budget (See OEO Instruction 6710-1). (iii) SF-424 (Complete Sections I and II). Federal Assistance (See CSA Instruction 6710-3a).

(iv) OEO Form 25a. Program Account Budget Support Sheet (See OEO Instruction 6710-1).

(v) OEO Form 301. Summary of Grant Application (See OEO Instruction 6710-1) For new grantees only.

(vi) CAP Form 5. Application for CAP-Community Information (See OEO Instruction 6710-1) For uncapped areas except for CDCs funded under Title VII.

(vii) CAP Form 84. Participant/ Characteristics Plan (See OEO Instruction 6710-1) Require for un

capped areas except for CDCs funded under Title VII.

(viii) CAP Form 11. Assurance of Compliance with Regulations under Civil Rights Act (for new grantees only).

(ix) OEO Form 394. Checkpoint Procedure for Coordination. (Note: This is optional and may be used by the funding official under circumstances detailed in CSA Instruction 6710-3a).

(x) Narrative Proposal (See Section b, below).

(2) Contents of narrative proposal. The narrative proposal should include a brief narrative of each energy project in terms of:

(i) Description of problems addressed and the numbers affected, as reflected in Building Weatherization Plan and Energy Data Form, where available.

(ii) Past efforts in this project area and capacity to expand those efforts.

(iii) Given local community priorities, why this proposed solution is both feasible and most relevant.

(iv) Non-CSA resource opportunities available for this project include coordination with other Federal agencies such as HUD, EDA, Title X, FmHA, CETA, AoA, RSVP, Title XX Emergency Assistance for families under HEW, and mobilization of state and local resources.

(v) Projected results for each project effort with a unit cost estimate where appropriate.

§ 1061.30-13 Reporting requirements.

(a) To avoid duplication of reporting procedures, CSA is establishing a uni form data collection and reporting system for all energy conservation activities. In addition, selected grantees and agencies may from time to time be requested to submit additional project information.

(b) Each funded grantee and delegate agency will be required to submit to the appropriate CSA Regional Office two copies of the Energy Data Form quarterly, based upon the grantee's or delegate agency's program year and concurrently with the submission of CSA forms 315 and 315a. Energy Data Forms are to be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office by the

20th day following the end of the report quarters. In the case of statewide grantees, or other grantees which delegate to more than one delegate agency, Energy Data Forms must be completed by each administering or delegate agency for their project and target area, and submitted concurrently with that agency's CSA Forms 315 and 315a. Each funded grantee will also be required to submit to the appropriate Regional Office on a monthly basis, by the tenth day of the succeeding month, two copies of the completed Building Weatherization Plan for each dwelling on which work has been carried out during the month.

NOTE: To comply with the Privacy Act of 1974, Pub. L. 93-579, grantees should delete name and address of householder from the Building Weatherization Plan on copies submitted, making sure that a job number is assigned to each Plan.

§ 1061.30-14 Additional requirements.

(a) Administrative costs. All program funds under section 222(a)(12) are subject to a limitation of ten percent for administrative costs as defined in OEO Instruction 6807-1.

(b) Evaluation. It is anticipated that the evaluation of energy programs will be twofold in nature. The first will be self-evaluation by the funded grantees, as required in OEO Instruction 7031-1. The second will be national in character and based on the data to be reported in accordance with Paragraph 11.

(c) Checkpoint coordination. Applicants must follow the Project Notification and Review System procedures outlined in CSA Instruction 6710-3a. Exception: Applications or portions of applications for training and technical assistance, research and evaluation.

Subpart 1061.31-Emergency Energy Conservation Program (CSA Instruction 6143-2)

SOURCE: 41 FR 52876, Dec. 2, 1976, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1061.31-1 Applicability.

This subpart is applicable to all grantees (or administering agencies) receiving financial assistance under Title II, section 222(a)(12) of the Com

[blocks in formation]



(c) "Migrant mean a seasonal farmworker who performs or has performed during the preceding twelve months agricultural labor which requires travel such that the worker is unable to return to his/ her domicile (accepted place of residence) within the same day.

(d) "Handicapped" means those individuals who meet the definition of "handicapped" individuals as defined in section 7(6) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, or who are under a disability as defined in section 1614(3)(A) or 223(d)(1) of the Social Security Act or in section 102(7) of the Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Act of 1970, as amended, or who are receiving benefits under Chapter 11 or 15 of Title 38, United States Code.

(e) "Indian Tribe" means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (Pub. L. 92-203; 85 Stat. 688) which (A) is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians; or (B) is located on, or in proximity to, a Federal or State reservation or rancheria.

§ 1061.31-3 Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to require grantees who conduct projects under section 222(a)(12) to periodical

ly submit CSA Form 488 Energy Data Form. This form will accomplish the following:

(a) It will provide CSA with a quarterly picture of grantee provision of services through eligible activities in Energy programming, as defined in CSA Instruction 6143-1a, with data on services to significant populations, indication of known universe of need, and an estimate of planned activities for the next quarterly reporting period;

(b) It will provide a quarterly financial profile of grantee energy programming including all relevant financial data needed to assess the grantee's fiscal position.

§ 1061.31-4 Policy.

Each grantee conducting projects under Section 222(a)(12) of the Community Services Act shall submit CSA Form 488, Energy Data Form, to CSA on a quarterly basis.

§ 1061.31-5 General instructions.

(a) When to Report. CSA Form 488 (EDF) shall be submitted quarterly based on the grantee's program year, and in conjunction with the submission of CSA Forms 315 and 315a. For example, if the program year starts on February 1, EDF reports would be prepared for the quarters ending April 30, July 31, and October 31, and would be due in the appropriate offices 20 days after each of the quarterly ending dates.

(b) Reporting delegate agency (administering agency) data. Each delegate or administering agency shall submit a completed CSA Form 488 to its grantee who, in turn, shall submit a consolidated report to the funding office(s) as required above.

(c) Number of copies to prepare. Each grantee shall prepare sufficient copies of CSA Form 488 (EDF) for each quarter of a program year to make the distribution shown below.

(d) Where to send reports. (1) Each grantee shall submit 2 copies of CSA Form 488 to the funding office from which support for its program is derived.

(2) Grantees receiving support from more than one funding office, shall send 2 copies to each.

[blocks in formation]

(3) Quarter ending (month and year). Enter the appropriate number of the month ending the quarter, and last 2 digits of the calendar year. (For example, a report for the quarter ending April 30, 1976 should be identified as: 04/76.)

(4) Grantee No. Enter five-digit number assigned by CSA to each agency. It should not include action numbers or fund source code letters.

(5) State. State identification should be reported as the two-letter postal abbreviation.

(6) Service area. If the geographical area in which energy activities are carried out is the same as the CAA-coverage area, check the space in front of that phrase. If, in addition you provide energy services to some non-CAA areas, that space should be checked, and the non-CAA areas should be listed.

(b) Section II: Services. (1) The ability to report the specialized information requested in the following categories depends on the accuracy of a grantee's intake system. Many grantees have devised locally efficient intake forms that provide us this kind of information. If, however, you have not devised such a system, you may wish to take advantage of other grantees' experience and use the Optional Core Intake Form derived from that experi

'The CSA Form 488 (EDF) published at 41 FR 42876, Dec. 2, 1976, is not carried in this volume and is available from Community Services Administration at 1200 19th Street, Washington, D.C. 20506.

ence. Such forms can be supplied by your Regional Energy Coordinator.

(2) Total services. Enter the total numbers served for each of the eligible activities carried out by the project during the reporting period. (For example, a grantee operating a weatherization project component and a crisis intervention service would enter the total number of houses weatherized, e.g. 100, in the block (A) and the total number of clients served in the crisis intervention component in block (B) e.g. 20. If no other energy activities were carried out, no other numbers would appear in this horizontal row.)

Under Total Services you will find five categories of special populations to whom the services may have been provided. The categories are not mutually exclusive, so they may add up to more than the total services figure. If, for instance, a household served had residents that were both elderly and handicapped, that household would appear in both 1.A. and 1.C.

(3) Applicants on file. Report on the number of requests for services of each type accumulated by the project, but not yet served. (If, for example, the 100 houses weatherized this quarter were the first 100 to be done out of a total of 1000 requests, the applicants on file, but not yet served would remain at 900.)

(4) Activities planned next quarter. Estimate of services planned for the upcoming quarter in each of the eligible activity areas carried out by the grantee. (This figure should be a reasonable and realistic estimate of the planned activities for the subsequent quarter's effort, and should bear a logical relationship to the anticipated expenditures shown on CSA Form 315. For example, a grantee anticipating the addition of Title X workers during the next quarter might show a substantial increase in planned weatherization activities, while a grantee facing the onset of winter might plan that fewer units could be weatherized. In either case, the estimate of services planned should be as accurate as the current situation permits.)

(5) Section III: Financial information. Report on each category of funds expended during the reporting period by source of funds to carry out the

services shown in Section II. For example, if the weatherization of 100 houses is shown in Section II, the sources of funds for that activity should appear in the Section III column under weatherization. Suppose the total amount spent to weatherize those 100 houses was as follows:

$10,000 of Section 222(a)(12) money.
$10,000 in FmHA loans.
$5,000 of Title X labor.
$5,000 of CETA labor.
$1,000 HCD Title I.

$500 local United Fund contribution.

Each of these $ amounts should appear as an identified source of funds in the weatherization column of Section III, as shown below:

The final horizontal row on the page should be the total amount of funds contributed from all sources to carry out the activities reported above.

NOTE: There are many possible sources of Federal, State, local and private funds which have not been spelled out. However, use additional spaces provided in Section III to identify sources from which you have received funds other than those preprinted.

(6) Section IV: In kind contributions. Report non-monetary contributions used by the grantee in conducting its program during the quarterly reporting period. For example, if the funds expended on weatherization were supplemented by 500 man-hours of Project Mainstream labor, 50 donated storm doors, and free transportation of those storm doors to the jobsites, these in-kind contributions should be detailed as shown below.

Subpart 1061.50-Community Food and Nutrition Programs (CSA Instruction 6132-2a)

SOURCE: 45 FR 33789, May 20, 1980, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1061.50-1 Applicability.

This subpart is applicable to all grants and contracts and cooperative agreements funded under section 222(a)(1) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, as amended, when the assistance is administered by the Community Services Administration.

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