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or, set.


among all the kingdoms of the earth. | ye at all build houses, nor sow any 18 And I will give the men that have seed, nor shall ye have a vineyard: transgressed my covenant, who have for ye shall dwell in tents all your *Or, confirmed, not kept my covenant, days; that ye may live many days which they made before upon the land, in which ye sojourn. me, the calf which they prepared to And we hearkened to the voice of sacrifice with it, 19 the princes of Juda, Jonadab our father, so as to drink no and the men in power, and the priests, wine all our days, we, and our wives, and the people; 20 I will even give and our sons, and our daughters; and them to their enemies, and their car- so as to build no houses to dwell in: cases shall be food for the birds of the and we have had no vineyard, nor sky and for the wild beasts of the field, nor seed: 10 but we have dwelt earth. 21 And I will give Sedekias in tents, and have hearkened, and done king of Judea, and their princes, into according to all that Jonadab our Text proba the hands of their enemies, father commanded us. 11And it came bly corrupt. and the host of the king to pass, when Nabuchodonosor came of Babylon shall come upon them that up against the land, that we said we run away from them. 22 Behold I will would come in; and we entered into give command, says the Lord, and will Jerusalem, for fear of the host of the bring them back to this land; and Chaldeans, and for fear of the host of they shall fight against it, and take it, the Assyrians: and we dwelt there. and burn it with fire, and the cities of 12And the word of the Lord came to Juda; and I will make them desolate me, saying, 13 Thus says the Lord, without inhabitants. Go, and say to the 'men of Gr. man. Juda, and to them that dwell in Jerusalem, Will ye not receive or, instruccorrection to hearken to tion. my words? 14 The sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have kept the word which he commanded his children, that they should drink no wine; and they have not drunk it: but I spoke to you early, and ye hearkened not. 15 And I sent to you my servants the prophets, saying, Turn ye every one from his evil way, and amend your practices, and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell upon the land which I gave to you and to your fathers: but ye inclined not your ears, and hearkened not. 16 But the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have kept the command of their father; but this people has not hearkened to me. 17 Therefore thus says the Lord; Behold, I will bring upon Juda and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evils which I pronounced against them. 18 Therefore thus says the Lord; Since the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have hearkened to the com


42. THE WORD THAT CAME TO JEREMIAS from the Lord in the days of Joakim, king of Juda, saying, 2 Go to the house of the Archabin, and thou shalt bring them to the house of the Lord, into one of the courts, and give them wine to drink. So I brought forth Jechonias the son of Jeremin the son of Chabasin, and his brethren, and his sons, and all the family of the Archabin; and I brought them into the house of the Lord, into the chamber of the sons of Joanan, the son of Ananias, the son of Godolias, a + Gr. is. man of God, who dwells near the house of the princes that are +Heb. & Alex. * over the house of Maasæas above' refer the son of Selom, who kept

ring to the place.


the court. "And I set before them a jar of wine, and cups, and I said, Drink ye wine. But they said, We will on no account drink wine, for our father Jonadab the son of Rechab commanded us, saying, Ye shall on no account drink wine, neither ye, nor your sons for ever: nor shall



+ Gr. all the days of the


* Or, concerning.




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mand of their father, to do as their Jeremias in the house of the Lord, in father commanded them: 19 there shall the house of Gamarias son of Saphan + Gr. standing. never be wanting a man of the scribe, in the upper court, in the the sons of Jonadab the son entrance of the new gate of the house of Rechab to stand before of the Lord, and in the ears of all the my face while the earth remains. people. And Michæas the son of Gamarias the son of Saphan heard all 43. IN THE FOURTH YEAR OF the words of the Lord, out of the book. JOAKIM son of Josias king of Juda, 12And he went down to the king's the word of the Lord came to me, house, into the house of the scribe: + Or, paper, saying, Take thee a 'roll and, behold, there were sitting there or, parchment. of a book, and write upon all the princes, Elisama the scribe, and it all the words which I spoke to thee Daleas the son of Selemias, and Jonaagainst Jerusalem, and than the son of Acchobor, and Gamaagainst Juda, and against rias the son of Saphan, and Sedekias all the nations, from the day when I the son of Ananias, and all the princes. spoke to thee, from the days of Josias 13 And Michæas reported to them all king of Juda, even to this day. 3 Per- the words which he had heard Baruch haps the house of Juda will hear all reading in the ears of the people. the evils which I purpose to do to 14And all the princes sent to Baruch them; that they may turn from their son of Nerias Judin the son of Nathaevil way; and so I will be merciful nias, the son of Selemias, the son of to their iniquities and their sins. 4 So Chusi, saying, Take in thine hand the Jeremias called Baruch the son of roll in which thou readest in the ears Nerias: and he wrote from the mouth of the people, and come. So Baruch of Jeremias all the words of the Lord, took the roll, and went down to them. which he had spoken to him, on a roll 15 And they said to him, Read it again of a book. And Jeremias commanded in our ears. And Baruch read it. Baruch, saying, I am in prison; I 16And it came to pass, when they had cannot enter into the house of the heard all the words, that they took Lord: so thou shalt read in this roll counsel each with his neighbour, and in the ears of the people in the house said, Let us by all means tell the king of the Lord, on the fast day; and in all these words. 17 And they asked the ears of all Juda that come out of Baruch, saying, Where didst thou their cities, thou shalt read to them. write all these words? 18 And Baruch + Compare 7 Peradventure their sup- said, Jeremias told me from his own ἔλεος & Π plication will come before mouth all these words, and I wrote the Lord, and they will turn from their them in a book. 19And they said to evil way: for great is the wrath and Baruch, Go, and hide, thou and Jerethe anger of the Lord, which he has mias; let no man know where ye are. pronounced against this people. And 20 And they went in to the king into Baruch did according to all that Jere- the court, and gave the roll to one to + More lit. so mias commanded him- keep in the house of Elisama; and by reading. reading in the book the they told the king all these words. words of the Lord in the Lord's house. 21 And the king sent Judin to fetch the "And it came to pass in the eighth roll: and he took it out of the house +Alex. fifth. year of king Joakim, in the of Elisama: and Judin read in the ninth month, all the people in Jeru- ears of the king, and in the ears of all salem, and the house of Juda, pro- the princes who stood round the king. claimed a fast before the Lord. 10 And 22 Now the king was sitting in the Baruch read in the book the words of winter house: and there was a fire on


as to read, or,



+ Gr. was reading.

razor, or,


the hearth before him. 23 And it came
to pass when Judin had
read three or four leaves, he
+ Gr. a scribe's cut them off with a pen-
knife, and cast them into the
fire that was on the hearth, until the
whole roll was consumed in the fire
that was on the hearth. 24 And the king
and his servants that heard all these
words sought not the Lord, and rent not
their garments.
25 But Elnathan and
Godolias suggested to the
king that he should burn
Aler. that he the roll. 26 And the king
burn the roll. commanded Jeremeel the
king's son, and Sareas the son of Esriel,
to take Baruch and Jeremias: but they
were hidden.

+ Alex. + and Gamarias.

should not


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nias son of

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ti. e. as he

has been


44. And Sedekias the son of Josias reigned instead of Joakim, whom Nabuchodonosor appointed Alex. Jechoto reign over Juda. And Joakim. he and his servants and the people of the land hearkened not to the words of the Lord, which he spoke by Jeremias. And king Sedekias sent Joachal son of Selemias and Sophonias the priest son of Maasæas to Jeremias, saying, Pray now for us to the Lord. Now Jeremias came and went through the midst of the pleased. city: for they had not put him into the house of the prison. And the host of Pharao was come forth out of Egypt; and the Chaldeans heard the report of them, and they went up from 27 Then the word of the Lord came Jerusalem. And the word The Aler. to Jeremias, after the king had burnt of the Lord came to Jere- reading anò the roll, even all the words which mias, saying, Thus said adopted here. Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jere- the Lord; Thus shalt thou say to the mias, saying, 28 Again take thou ano-king of Juda who sent to thee, to seek ther roll, and write all the words that me; Behold, the army of Pharao which + sc. which were on the roll, which is come forth to help you: they shall king Joakim has burnt. return to the land of Egypt: and the And thou shalt say, Thus says the Chaldeans themselves shall turn again, Lord; Thou hast burnt this roll, say- and fight against this city, and take it, ing, Why hast thou written therein, and burn it with fire. For thus says saying, The king of Babylon shall cer- the Lord; Suppose not in your hearts, tainly come in, and destroy this land, saying, The Chaldeans will certainly deAlex. + and and man and cattle shall part from us: for they shall not depart. shall destroy fail from off it? 30 There- 10 And though ye should smite the whole fore thus says the Lord concerning host of the Chaldeans that fight against Joakim king of Juda; He shall not you, and there should be left a few have a man to sit on the throne of wounded men, these should rise up each David: and his carcase shall be cast in his place, and burn this city with fire. forth in the heat by day, and in the frost by night. 31 And I will visit him, and his family, and his servants: and I will bring upon him, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the land of Juda, all the evils which I spoke of to them; and they hearkened not. 32 And Baruch took another roll, and wrote upon it from the mouth of Jeremias all the words of the book which Joakim words. had burnt: and there were yet more words added to it like the former.

man, &c.

+ Gr. which




And it came to pass, when the host of the Chaldeans had gone up from Jerusalem for fear of the host of Pharao, 12 that Jeremias went forth from Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin, to buy thence See Hebrew. a property in the midst of the people. 13 And he was in the gate of Benjamin, and there was there a man with whom he lodged, Saruia the son of Selemias, the son of Ananias; and he caught Jeremias, saying, Thou art fleeing to the Chaldeans. 14 And he said, It is false; I do not flee to the Chaldeans.

+ Gr. the house of the pit.






But he hearkened not to him; and Sa- | it. And they said to the king, Let ruia caught Jeremias, and brought him that man, we pray thee, be slain, for he to the princes. And the princes were weakens the hands of the fighting men very angry with Jeremias, and smote that are left in the city, and the hands him, and sent him into the house of of all the people, speaking to them Jonathan the scribe: for they had according to these words: for this man made this a prison. 16 So Jeremias does not prophesy peace to this people, came into the dungeon, but evil. Then the king said, Beand into the cells, and he hold, he is in your hands. For the remained there many days. 6 17 Then king could not resist them. And Sedekias sent, and called him: and the they cast him into the dungeon of king asked him secretly, saying, Is Melchias the king's son, which was in there a word from the Lord? and he the court of the prison; and they let said, There is: thou shalt be delivered him down into the pit: and there was into the hands of the king of Babylon. no water in the pit, but mire: and he 18 And Jeremias said to the king, was in the mire. And Abdemelech Wherein have I wronged thee, or thy the Ethiopian heard, (now he was in servants, or this people, that thou put the king's household,) that they had test me in prison? 19 And where are put Jeremias into the dungeon; and your prophets who prophesied to you the king was in the gate of Benjamin: saying, The king of Babylon shall not and he went forth to him, and spoke come against this land? 20 Now there- to the king and said, 'Thou hast done fore, my lord the king, let my sup- evil in what thou hast done to slay plication come before thy this man with hunger: for there is no see chap. 43.7. face: and why dost thou more bread in the city. 10 And the send me back to the house of Jonathan king commanded Abdemelech, saying, the scribe? and let me not on any ac- Take with thee hence thirty men, and count die there. 21 Then the king bring him up out of the dungeon, commanded, and they cast he die not. 11 So Abdemelech took bly mis-trans him into the prison, and the men, and went into the underchap. 40. 10, gave him a loaf a day out ground part of the king's house, and of the place where they took thence old rags and old ropes, bake, until the bread failed out of the and threw them to Jeremias into the city. So Jeremias continued in the dungeon. 12 And he said, Put these court of the prison. under the ropes. And Jeremias did

+ Gr. mercy,

-proba חוּץ !

lated here. See





45. And Saphanias the son of Nathan, and Godolias the son of Paschor, and Joachal the son of Semelias, heard the words which Jeremias spoke to the people, saying, Thus says the + Gr. dwells. Lord; He that remains in this city shall die by the sword, and by the famine: but he that goes out to the Chaldeans shall live; and his soul shall be given him for a found +q. d. a prize. treasure, and he shall live. 3 For thus says the Lord; This city shall certainly be delivered into the + Gr. singular. hands of the host of the king of Babylon, and they shall take




13 And they drew him with the ropes, and lifted him out of the dungeon: and Jeremias remained in the court of the prison. 14 Then the king sent, and called him to him- + Corruption self into the house of Ase- of Heb. word. lisel, which was in the house Gr. λóyov. of the Lord: and the king said to him, I will ask thee a 'question, and I pray thee hide *nothing from me.


+ Gr. ῥῆμα.

15 And Jeremias said to the king, If I tell thee, wilt thou not certainly put me to death? and if I give thee counsel, thou wilt not at all hearken to me. 16 And the king swore to him, saying, As the Lord lives who

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+ Or, life.

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gave us this soul, I will not slay thee, | into the house of Jonathan, that I + Gr. made. neither will I give thee into should die there. 27 And all the princes the hands of these men. came to Jeremias, and asked him: and 17 And Jeremias said to him, Thus he told them according to all these says the Lord; If thou wilt indeed go words, which the king had commanded. forth to the captains of the king of him. And they were silent, because Babylon, thy soul shall live, and this the word of the Lord was not heard. city shall certainly not be burnt with 28 And Jeremias remained in the court fire; and thou shalt live, and thy of the prison, until the time when house. 18 But if thou wilt not go Jerusalem was taken. forth, this city shall be delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans, and they 46. And it came to pass in the ninth shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt month of Sedekias king of Juda, that by no means escape. 19 And the king Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon came, ti. e. fear. said to Jeremias, I con- and all his host, against Jerusalem, sider the Jews that have gone over to and they besieged it. 2 And in the the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me eleventh year of Sedekias, in the fourth into their hands, and they mock me. month, on the ninth day of the month, 20 And Jeremias said, They shall in no the city was broken up. And all the wise deliver thee up. Hear the word leaders of the king of Babylon went of the Lord which I speak to thee; in, and sat in the middle gate, Margaand it shall be better for thee, and thy nasar, and Samagoth, and Nabusachar, soul shall live. 21 But if thou wilt not and Nabusaris, Nagargas, Naserrabago forth, this is the word which the math, and the rest of the leaders of the Lord has shown me. 22 And, behold, king of Babylon, and they sent, and all the women that are left in the house took Jeremias out of the court of the of the king of Juda were brought forth prison, and gave him in charge to Goto the princes of the king of Babylon; dolias the son of Achicam, the son of and they said, The men who were at Saphan: and they brought him out, peace with thee have deceived thee, and he sat in the midst of the people. and will prevail against thee; and they 15 And the word of the Lord came to shall cause thy foot to slide and fail, Jeremias in the court of the prison, they have turned back from thee. saying, 16 Go and say to Abdemelech 23 And they shall bring forth thy wives the Ethiopian, Thus said the Lord God and thy children to the Chaldeans: of Israel; Behold, I will bring my and thou shalt by no means escape, words upon this city for evil, and not for thou shalt be taken by the hand of for good.. 17 But I will save thee in the king of Babylon, and this city shall that day, and I will by no means debe burnt. 24 Then the king said to liver thee into the hands of the men him, Let no man know any of these before whom thou art afraid. words, and certainly thou shalt not die. I will surely save thee, and thou shalt 25 And if the princes shall hear that I by no means fall by the sword; and have spoken to thee, and they come to thou shalt find thy life, † See ch. 45. 2. thee, and say to thee, Tell us, what said because thou didst trust in me, says the king to thee? hide it not from us, the Lord. and we will in no wise slay thee, and what said the king to thee? 26 Then 47. The word that came from the + Gr. I do thou shalt say to them, I Lord to Jeremias, after that Nabucast my mercy brought my supplication zardan the captain of the it. chief before the presence of the guard had let him go out Gen. 39. 1. king, that he would not send me back of Rama, when he had taken him in

See 43. 7; 44. 20.

18 For

cook. See

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