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+ Perhaps


ti. e. God.


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upon a wall; and he will fill his bones | in heart: far be it from me to sin bewith marrow. 25 And he will make fore the Lord, and to per- Gr. disturb. his flesh tender as that of a babe, and vert righteousness before the Almighty. he will restore him among men in his "Yea, he renders to a man accordGr. having full strength. 26 And he ingly as each of them does, and in a prayed. shall pray to the Lord, and man's path he will find him. 12 And his prayer shall be accepted of him; thinkest thou that the Lord will do he shall enter with a cheerful counte- wrong, or will the Almighty who nance, with a full expresmade the earth wrest judg-Gr. disturb. boldness, q.d. sion of praise: for he will ment? 13 And who is he that made render to men their due. the whole world under heaven, and all 27 Even then a man shall blame him- things therein? 14 For if he would self, saying, What kind of things have confine, and restrain his spirit with I done? and he has not punished himself; 15 all flesh would die together, + Gr. examined. me according to the full and every mortal would return to the amount of my sins. 28 Deliver my earth, whence also he was formed. soul, that it may not go to destruction, 16 Take heed lest he rebuke thee: hear and my life shall see the light. 29 Be- this, hearken to the voice of words. hold, all these things the Mighty One" Behold then the one that hates iniworks in a threefold manner with a quities, and that destroys the wicked, 30 And he has delivered my soul who is for ever just. He is ungodly from death, that my life may praise that says to a king, Thou art a transhim in the light. 31 Hearken, Job, gressor, that says to princes, O most and hear me be silent, and I will ungodly one. 19 Such a one as would speak. 32 If thou hast words, answer not reverence the face of an honour*Heb. & Alex. me: speak, for I desire thee able man, neither knows how to give + wisdom. to be justified. 33 If not, honour to the great, so as that their do thou hear me: be silent, and I will persons should be respected. 20 But it teach thee.* shall turn out vanity to them, to cry and beseech a man; for they dealt un34. And Elius continued, and said, lawfully, the poor being turned aside 2 Hear me, ye wise men; hearken, ye from their right. 21 For he surveys that have knowledge. For the ear the works of men, and no- + Gr. is a surtries words, and the mouth tastes meat. thing of what they do has veyor of. 4 Let us choose judgment to ourselves: escaped him. 22 Neither shall there be let us know among ourselves what is a place for the workers of iniquity to right. For Job has said, I am right- hide themselves. 23 For he will not eous: the Lord has removed my judg-lay upon a man more than +Gr.any more + Gr. lied. ment. And he has 'erred right. 24 For the Lord looks man." in my judgment: my wound is severe down upon all men, who comprehends +Gr. weapon without unrighteousness of unsearchable things, glorious also is violent. mine. What man is as Job, and excellent things without number. drinking scorning like water? Say-25 Who discovers their works, and will + Lit. not ing, I have not sinned, nor bring night about upon them, and they having, &c. committed ungodliness, nor shall be brought low. 26 And he quite had fellowship with workers of ini- destroys the ungodly, for they are seen quity, to go with the ungodly. For before him. 27 Because they turned thou shouldest not say, There shall be aside from the law of God, and did no visitation of a man, whereas there is not regard his ordinances, 28 so as to a visitation on him from the Lord. bring before him the cry of the needy; 10 Wherefore hear me, that are wise for he will hear the of the poor. ye








lay upon a

used actively

+ Gr. is the

Lord desires not to look on 'error, for
he is the Almighty One. More lit. im-
14 He 'beholds them that proprieties.
perform lawless deeds, and beholder of.
he will save me: and do thou plead
before him, if thou canst praise him,
as it is possible even now.
15 For the
is not now regarding his
wrath, nor has he noticed + Gr. makes
severely any trespass. 16 Yet heavy.
Job vainly opens his mouth, in igno-
rance he multiplies words.

+ i. e. God.

29 And he will give quiet, and who will me to differ from the four-footed beasts condemn? and he will hide his face, of the earth, and from the birds of the and who shall see him? whether it be sky? 12 There they shall cry, and none done against a nation, or against a man shall hearken, even because of the in+ Bagile also: 30+ causing a hypocrite solence of wicked men. βασιλεύω 13 For the in LXX. to be king, because of the waywardness of the people. 31 For there is one that says to the Mighty One, I have received blessings; I will not take a pledge: 32 I will see apart from myself: do thou show me if I have done unrighteousness; I will not do so any more. 33 Will he take vengeance for it on thee, whereas thou wilt put it far from thee? for thou shalt choose, and not I; and what thou knowest, speak thou. Because the wise in heart shall say this, and a wise man listens to my word. 35 But Job has not spoken with understanding, his words are not uttered with knowledge. 36 Howbeit do thou learn, Job: no longer make answer as the foolish: 37 that we add not to our sins: for iniquity will be reckoned against us, if we speak many words before the Lord.

+ Alex. +

say? what ing sinned?'

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35. And Elius resumed and said, 2 What is this that thou thinkest to be according to right? who art thou that thou hast said, I am righteous before the Lord? I will answer What shall I thee, and thy three friends. Look up to the sky and see; and consider the clouds, how high they are above thee. 5 If thou hast sinned, what wilt thou do? and if too thou hast transgressed much, what canst thou perform? And suppose thou art righteous, what wilt thou give him? or what shall he receive of thy hand? Thy ungodliness may affect a man who is like to thee; or thy righteousness a son of man. They Lit. by false that are oppressed of a accusation. multitude will be ready to cry out; they will call for help because of the arm of 10 But none said, Where is God that made me, who appoints the night-watches; "who makes



5 But

+ Gr. heart. + Gr. quicken,

36. And Elius further continued, and said, 2 Wait for me yet a little while, that I may teach thee: for there is yet speech in me. 3 Having fetched my knowledge from afar, and according to my works, I will speak just things truly, and thou shalt not unjustly receive unjust words. know that the Lord will not cast off an innocent man: being mighty in strength of wisdom, he will not by any means 'save alive the ungodly: and he or,bring to life. will grant the judgment of the poor. 7 He will not turn his away eyes from the righteous, but they shall be with kings on the throne: and he will establish them 'in triumph, and they shall be exalted. Gr. for vicBut they that are bound tory. in fetters shall be holden in cords of poverty. "And he shall recount to them their works, and their transgressions, *for such will act with Alex, whenviolence. 10 But he will ever they act, hearken to the righteous: and he has said that they shall turn from unrighteousness. If they should hear and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in honour. 12 But he preserves not the ungodly; because they are not willing to know the Lord, and because when reproved


+ Gr. seat.


+ Heb. D ambiguous.


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+ Word seem-

from an incor

Alex. en

bow over it.


they were disobedient. 13 And the 'outspreadings of the clouds, or the hypocrites in heart will array wrath measure of his tabernacle; Alex. ovvý against themselves; they will not cry, 30 behold he will stretch because he has bound them. 14 There- his bow against him, and ingly formed fore let their soul die in youth, and he covers the bottom of rect reading of their life be wounded by messengers the sea. 31 For by them Hebrew. of death. 15 Because they afflicted the he will judge the nations: aY TO TOKOV, weak and helpless: and he will vindi- he will give food to him sc. tabernacle. cate the judgment of the meek. 16 And that has strength. 32 He has hidden he has also enticed thee out the light in his hands and given of the mouth of the enemy: charge concerning it to the in17 there is a deep gulf and a 'rushing terposing cloud. 33 The Lord will +Gr. pouring stream beneath it, and thy declare concerning this to his friend: down. table came down full of but there is a portion also for unrightfatness, and judgment shall not fail eousness. from the righteous. 18 But there shall be wrath upon the ungodly, by reason 37. At this also my heart is troubled, of the ungodliness of the bribes which and moved out of its place. Hear they received for iniquities. 19 Let thou a report by the anger of the not thy mind willingly turn thee aside Lord's wrath, and a discourse shall from the petition of the feeble that are come out of his mouth. 3 His dominion in distress. 20 And draw not forth all is under the whole heaven, and his the mighty men by night, so that the light is at the extremities of the earth. people should go up instead of them. After him shall be a cry with a loud 21 But take heed lest thou do that voice; he shall thunder with the voice which is wrong: for of this thou hast of his excellency, yet her pride, made choice because of poverty. 22 Be- shall not cause men to pass insolence. hold the Mighty One shall prevail by away, for one shall hear his voice. his strength: for who is powerful as The Mighty One shall thunder wonhe is? 23 And who is he that examines derfully with his voice: for he has his works? or who can say, He has done great things which we knew not; wrought injustice? 24 Remember that commanding the snow, Be thou upon his works are great beyond those the earth, and the stormy rain, and + Lit. ruled which men have 'attempted. the storm of the showers of his might. 25 Every man has seen in He seals up the hand of every man, himself, how many mortals know his own wound- that every man may are 26 Behold, the Mighty One is weakness. And the wild beasts come + Gr. numerous. great, and we shall not in under the covert, and rest in their lair. know him: the number of his 9 Troubles come on out of the secret is even infinite. 27 And the drops of chambers, and cold from the mountainrain are numbered by him, and shall tops. 10 And from the breath of the be poured out in rain to form a cloud. Mighty One he will send frost; and he 28 The ancient heavens shall flow, and guides the water in what- Alex. Karathe clouds overshadow innumerable ever way he pleases. And t mortals: he has fixed a time if a cloud 'obscures what is quities. to cattle, and they know the precious to him, his light of order of rest. Yet by all these things will disperse the cloud. thy understanding is not astonished, 12And he will carry round Heb. with +Gr. changed neither is thy mind 'dis- the encircling clouds by ex. év rois turbed in thy body. 29 And his governance, to per- katwráτw beis. though one should understand the form their works: whatsoever he shall



+ Gr. anti








[blocks in formation]

quities, see above, chap. 36. 28.

ap- stone upon it.

command them, 13 this has been pointed by him on the earth, whether for correction, or for his land, or if he shall find him an object for mercy. 14 Hearken to this, O Job: stand still, and be admonished of the power of the Lord. 15 We know that God has disposed his works, having made light out of darkness. 16 And he knows the divisions of the clouds, and the signal overthrows of the ungodly. 17 But thy robe is warm, and there is quiet upon the land. 18 Wilt thou establish with him + Gr. anti- foundations for the ancient heavens? they are strong as *a molten mirror. 19Where+Lit. vision fore teach me, what shall we of melting. say to him? and let us cease from saying much. 20 Have I a book or a scribe by me, that I may stand and put man to silence? 21 But the light is not visible to all: it shines + See ver. 18. afar off in the heavens, as and note. that which is from him in the clouds. 22 From the north come the clouds shining like gold: in these great are the glory and honour of the Almighty; 23 and we do not find another his equal in strength: as for him that judges justly, dost thou not think that he ambiguous. + listens? 24 Wherefore men shall fear him; and the wise also in heart shall fear him.

+ Alex. + αὐτῷ καὶ.

+ Hebrew

38. And after Elius had ceased from speaking, the Lord spoke to Job through the whirlwind and clouds, saying, 2 Who is this that hides counsel from me, and confines words in his heart, and thinks to conceal them from me? 3 Gird thy loins like a man; and I will ask thee, and do thou answer me, 4 Where wast thou when I founded the earth? tell me now, if thou hast knowledge, who set the measures of it, if thou knowest? or who stretched + Alex. pillars. a line upon it? 6 On what + sc. keystone. are its rings fastened? and who is he that laid the corner




man. Alex.

7 When the stars were made, all my angels praised me with a loud voice. And I shut up the sea with gates, when it rushed out, coming forth out of its mother's womb. And I made a cloud its clothing, and swathed it in mist. 10 And I set bounds to it, surrounding it with bars and gates. "And I said to it, Hitherto shalt thou come, but thou shalt not go beyond, but thy waves shall be confined within thee. 12 Or did I order the morning light in thy time; and did the morning star then first see his appointed place; 13 to lay hold of the extremities of the earth, to 'cast out the un- Gr. shake out. godly out of it? 14 Or didst thou take clay of the ground, and form a living creature, and set it with him, i. e. the power of speech upon avrò. the earth? 15 And hast thou removed light from the ungodly, and crushed the arm of the proud? 16 Or hast thou gone to the source of the sea, and walked in the tracks of the deep? 17And do the gates of death open to thee for fear; and did the porters of hell quake when they saw thee? 18 And hast thou been instructed in the breadth of the whole earth under heaven? tell me now, what is the extent of it? 19 And in what kind of a land does the light dwell? and of what kind is the place of darkness? 20 If thou couldest bring me to their utmost boundaries, and if also thou knowest their paths; 21 I know then that thou wert born at that time, and the number +Most edd. of thy years is great. 22 But begin the queshast thou gone to the trea- the number,' sures of snow? and hast thou seen the treasures of hail? 23 And is there a store of them for thee against the time of thine enemies, for the day of wars and battle? 24 And whence proceeds the frost? or whence is the south wind dispersed over the whole world under heaven? 25 And who prepared a course for the violent rain, and a way for the thun- Gr. tumults. ders; 26 to rain upon the land where

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tion here Is


used actively here.


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ones is


there is no man, the wilderness, where young will break forth; they will be there is not a man in it; so as to feed multiplied with offspring: their young the untrodden and uninhabited land, will go forth, and will not return to †ἐκβλαστῆσαι, and 'cause it to send forth them." 5And who is he that sent forth a crop of green herbs? the wild ass free? and who loosed his 28 Who is the rain's father? and who bands? 6 Whereas I made his habitation has generated the drops of dew? 29 And the wilderness, and the salt land his out of whose womb comes the ice? and coverts. 7 He laughs to scorn the who has produced the frost in the sky, multitude of the city, and hears not 30 which descends like flowing water? the chiding of the tax-gatherer. He who has terrified the face of the un- will survey the mountains as his pasgodly? 31 And dost thou understand ture, and he seeks after every green the band of Pleias, and hast thou thing. And will the unicorn be opened the barrier of Orion? 32 Or willing to serve thee, or to lie down at wilt thou reveal Mazuroth in his thy manger? 10 And wilt thou bind season, and the evening star with his his yoke with thongs, or will he plough rays? Wilt thou guide them? 33 And furrows for thee in the plain? And knowest thou the changes of heaven, dost thou trust him, because his strength or the events which take place together is great? and wilt thou commit thy under heaven? 34 And wilt thou call works to him? 12And wilt thou bea cloud with thy voice, and will it lieve that he will return to thee thy obey thee with a violent shower of seed, and bring it in to thy threshingmuch rain? 35 And wilt thou send floor? 13+ The peacock has Gr. a wing lightnings, and they shall go? and a beautiful wing, if the stork of delighted shall they say to thee, What is thy and the ostrich conceive, it peacock. See pleasure? 36 And who has given to is worthy of notice, 14 for Appendix. women skill in weaving, or knowledge of embroidery? 37 And who is he that numbers the clouds in wisdom, and has bowed the heaven down to the earth? 38 For it is spread out as *dusty earth, and I have cemented it as + one hewn stone to another. 39 And wilt thou bereaved not herself: she hunt a prey for the lions? and satisfy labours in vain without fear. + Gr. souls. the desires of the serpents? 17 For God has withholden silent to her. 40 For they fear in their lairs, and wisdom from her, and not given her lying in wait couch in the woods. a portion in understanding. 18 In her 41 And who has prepared food for the season she will lift herself on high; raven? for its young ones wander and she will scorn the horse and his rider. cry to the Lord, in search of food. 19 Hast thou invested the horse with strength, and clothed his neck with 39. Say if thou knowest the time of terror? 20 And hast thou clad him in the bringing forth of the wild goats of perfect armour, and made his breast the rock, and if thou hast marked the glorious with courage? 21 He paws calving of the hinds: 2 and if thou exulting in the plain, and goes forth hast numbered the full months of their in strength into the plain. 22 He laughs being with young, and if thou hast to scorn a king as he meets relieved their pangs: 3 and hast reared him, and will by no means their young without fear; and wilt turn back from the sword. 23 The bow thou loosen their pangs? Their and sword resound against him; and

↑ Alex. yns κονία.

↑ lit. a cube

to a stone.

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the ostrich will leave her eggs in the ground, and warm them on the dust, 15 and has forgotten that the foot will scatter them, and the wild beasts of the field trample them. 16 She has hardened herself against her +or, has young ones, as though she cruelly re

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jected her

young ones.

+ Gr. caused wisdom to be

+ Alex. a weapon.

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