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12 And thou didst bestow upon me life made? Heaven is high; and what and mercy, and thy oversight has pre- wilt thou do? and there are deeper + Or, life. served my spirit. 13 Having things than those in hell; what dost these things in thyself, I know that thou know? Or longer than the thou canst do all things, for nothing measure of the earth, or the breadth is impossible with thee. 14 And if I of the sea. 10 And if he should overshould sin, thou watchest me; and thou throw all things, who will say to him, hast not cleared me from iniquity. 15 Or What hast thou done? For he if I should be ungodly, woe is me: and knows the works of transgressors; and if I should be righteous, I cannot lift when he sees wickedness, he will not myself up, for I am full of dishonour. overlook it. 12 But man + Gr. impro16 For I am hunted like a lion for vainly buoys himself up + Gr. floats, slaughter; for again thou hast changed with words; and a mortal or, swims. and art terribly destroying me; re- born of woman is like an ass of the newing against me my torture: and desert. 13 For if thou hast made thine. thou hast dealt with me in great anger, heart pure, and liftest up thine hands and thou hast brought 'trials upon me. towards him; 14 if there is any iniquity + See chap. Why then didst thou in thy hands, put it far from thee, and let 7. 1, note. bring me out of the womb? not unrighteousness lodge in thy habiand why did I not die, and no eye see tation. 15 For thus shall thy Gr. diaítŋ. me, 19 and I become as if I had not countenance shine again, as pure water; been? for why was I not carried from and thou shalt divest thyself of uncleanthe womb to the grave? 20 Is not the ness, and shalt not fear. 16 And thou + Gr. life of time of my life short? suffer shalt forget trouble, as a wave that me to rest a little, 21 before has passed by; and thou shalt not be go whence I shall not return, to a scared. 17 And thy prayer shall be as land of darkness and gloominess; 22 to the morning star, and life shall arise a land of perpetual darkness, where to thee as from the noon-day. 18 And there is no light, neither can any one thou shalt be confident, because thou see the life of mortals. hast hope; and peace shall dawn to thee from out of anxiety and care. 19 For thou shalt be at ease, and there shall be no one to fight against thee; and many shall charge, and make supplication to thee. 20 But safety shall fail them; for their hope is destruction, and the eyes of the ungodly shall waste away.

my time.


11. Then Sophar the Minaan answered and said, He that speaks much, +Gr. shall. should also hear on the other side: or does the fluent speaker think himself to be righteous? blessed is the short-lived offspring of woman. 3 Be not a speaker of many words; for is there none to answer thee? 4 For say not, I am pure in my works, and 12. And Job answered and said, blameless before him. 5 But O that 2 So then ye alone are men, and wisdom shall die with you? But I also have a heart as well as you. For a righteous and blameless man has become a subject for mockery. 5 For it had been ordained that he should fall under others at the ap- + Or, for. pointed time, and that his houses should be spoiled by transgressors: let not however any one trust that, being evil, he shall be held guiltless, even as


the Lord would speak to thee, and open his lips with thee! Then shall he declare to thee the power of wisdom; for it shall be double of that which is with thee: and then shalt thou know, that a just recompense of thy sins has come to thee from the Lord. Wilt thou find out the traces of the Lord? or hast thou come to the end of that which the Almighty has









many as provoke the Lord, as if there | And I know all that ye too know; were indeed to be no inquisition made and I have not less understanding than of them. But ask now the beasts if you. 3 Nevertheless I will speak to they may speak to thee; and the birds the Lord, and I will reason before him, of the air, if they may declare to thee. if he will. declare to thee. if he will. But ye are all bad phyTell the earth, if it may speak to sicians, and healers of diseases. But thee: and the fishes of the sea shall would that ye were silent, and it would explain to thee. 9 Who then has not be wisdom to you in the end. But known in all these things, that the hear ye the reasoning of my mouth, hand of the Lord has made them? and attend to the judgment of my lips. 10 Whereas the life of all living things Do ye not speak before the Lord, is in his hand, and the breath of every and utter deceit before him? Or will man. 11 For the ear tries words, and ye draw back? nay, do ye yourselves + Gr. throat. the palate tastes meats. be judges. For it were well if he 12 In length of time is wisdom, and in would thoroughly search you: for long life knowledge. 13 With him are though doing all things in your power wisdom and power, with him counsel ye should attach yourselves to him, and understanding. 14 If he should 10 he will not reprove you at all the cast down, who will build up? if he less: but if moreover ye should secretly should shut up against men, who shall respect persons, shall not his whirlopen? 15 If he should withhold the pool sweep you round, and terror from water, he will dry the earth: and if he him fall upon you? 12 And your gloryshould let it loose, he overthrows and ing shall prove in the end to you like destroys it. 16 With him are strength ashes, and your body like a body of and power: he has knowledge and clay. 13 Be silent, that I may speak, understanding. He leads counsellors and cease from mine anger, 14 while I away captive, and maddens the judges may take my flesh in my Gr. having of the earth. 18 He seats kings upon teeth, and put my life in thrones, and girds their loins with a my hand. Though the Mighty One girdle. 19 He sends away priests into should lay hand upon me, forasmuch captivity, and overthrows the mighty as he has begun, verily I will speak, ones of the earth. 20 He changes the and plead before him. 16 And this lips of the trusty, and he knows the shall turn to me for salvation; for fraud understanding of the elders. 21 He shall have no entrance before him. pours dishonour upon princes, and "7 Hear, hear ye my words, for I will heals the lowly. 22 Revealing deep declare in your hearing. 18 Behold, I things out of darkness: and he has am near my judgment: I know that I brought into light the shadow of death. shall appear evidently just. 19 For who 23 Causing the nations to wander, and is he that shall plead with me, that I destroying them: overthrowing the should now be silent, and *expire? nations, and leading them away. 24 Per-20 But grant me two things: + Gr. faint, &c. + Or, dismay plexing the minds of the then I will not hide myself from thy ing the hearts. princes of the earth: and face. 21 Withhold thine hand from me: he causes them to wander in a way and let not thy fear terrify me. 2 Then they have not known, saying, 25 Let shalt thou call, and I will hearken to them grope in darkness, and let there thee: or thou shalt speak, and I will be no light, and let them wander as a give thee an answer. 23 How many drunken man. are my sins and my transgressions? teach me what they are. 24 Wherefore hidest thou thyself from me, and deemest me thine enemy? 25 Wilt thou be

ing, Gr.chang

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13. Behold, mine eye has seen these things, and mine ear has heard them.


+ taken.


against me as against grass borne upon
the breeze? 26 For thou hast written
evil things against me, and thou hast
compassed me with the sins of my
youth. 27 And thou hast placed my
foot in the stocks; and thou hast
watched all my works, and hast pene-
+ Or, bladder. trated to my
as that which waxes old like a
or like a moth-eaten garment.

I am



startled at me, as at a leaf shaken by me! 14 For if a man should die, shall the wind? or wilt thou set thyself he live again, having accomplished the days of his life? I will wait till I exist again? 15 Then shalt + or, am made thou call, and I will hearken again. to thee: but do not thou reject the work of thine hands. 16 But thou hast numbered my devices: and not one of my sins shall escape thee? 17 And thou hast sealed up my transgressions in a bag, and hast + or, purse. marked if I have been guilty of any transgression unawares. 18 And verily a mountain falling will utterly be destroyed, and a rock shall be worn out of its place. 19 The waters wear the stones, and waters falling headlong overflow a heap of the earth: and thou destroyest the hope + or, patience, of man. 20 Thou drivest or, endurance. him to an end, and he is gone: thou settest thy face against him, and sendest him away. 21 And though his children be multiplied, he knows it not; and if they be few, he is not aware. 22 But his flesh is in pain, and his soul mourns.

geance, q. d.

+ Heb.


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14. For a mortal born of a woman is short-lived, and full of wrath. 2Or + Or, ven- he falls like a flower that passively. has bloomed; and he departs like a shadow, and cannot continue. Hast thou not taken account even of him, and caused him to enter into judgment before thee? 4 For who shall be pure from uncleanness? not even one; if even his life should be but one day upon the earth: and his months are numbered by him: thou hast appointed him for a time, and he shall by no means exceed it. 6 Depart from him, that he may be quiet, 15. Then Eliphaz the Thamanite and take pleasure in his answered and said, 2 Will a wise man ambiguous. life, though as a hireling. give for answer a mere breath of 7 For there is hope for a tree, even if wisdom? and does he fill up the pain it should be cut down, that it shall of his belly, reasoning with improper blossom again, and its branch shall not sayings, and with words wherein is no fail. For though its root should profit? Hast not thou moreover cast grow old in the earth, and its stem die off fear, and accomplished such words in the rock; it will blossom from the before the Lord? Thou art guilty scent of water, and will produce a by the words of thy mouth, neither crop, as one newly planted. 10 But a hast thou discerned the words of the man that has died is utterly gone; and mighty. Let thine own mouth, and when a mortal has fallen, he is no not me, reprove thee: and thy lips more. 11 For the sea wastes in length shall testify against thee. 7 What! of time, and a river fails and is dried art thou the first man that was born? up. 12 And man that has lain down or wert thou established before the in death shall certainly not rise again hills? Or hast thou heard the ordi+ Gr. be not till the heaven be dis-nance of the Lord? or has God used sewn together. solved, and they shall not thee as his counsellor? and has wisdom awake from their sleep. 13 For O that come only to thee? For what knowest thou hadst kept me in the grave, and thou, that we know not? or what unhadst hidden me until thy wrath should derstandest thou, which we do not cease, and thou shouldest set me a also? 10 Truly among us are both the time in which thou wouldest remember old and very aged man, more advanced




+ Or, believes not charges against, see

29 Neither shall he at all grow rich,
nor shall his substance remain: he
shall not cast a shadow upon the earth.
30 Neither shall he in any wise escape
the darkness: let the wind blast his
blossom, and let his flower fall off.
31 Let him not think that he shall
endure; for his end shall be vanity.
32+ His harvest shall perish
before the time, and his his bough
lopped before
branch shall not flourish. its time, shall
33 And let him be gathered Gr. his cut-
as the unripe grape before ting."
the time, and let him fall as the blossom
of the olive. 34 For death is the wit-

+ Possibly,


burn the houses of them that receive gifts. 35 And he shall conceive sorrows, and his end shall be vanity, and his belly shall bear deceit.


in days than thy father. "Thou hast been scourged for but few of thy sins: thou hast spoken haughtily and extravagantly. 12 What has thine heart dared? or what have thine eyes aimed at, 13 that thou hast vented thy rage before the Lord, and delivered such words from thy mouth? 14 For who, being a mortal, is such that he shall be blameless? or, who that is born of a woman, that he should be just? 15 Forasmuch as he * trusts not his saints; and the chap. 4. 18. heaven is not pure before him. 16 Alas then, abominable and unclean is man, drinking unrighteous-ness of an ungodly man, and fire shall ness as a draught. "But I will tell thee, hearken to me; I will tell thee now what I have seen; 18 things wise men say, and their fathers have not hidden. 19 To them alone the earth was given, and no stranger came upon them. 20 All the life of the ungodly is spent in care, and the years granted to the oppressor are numbered. 21 And his terror is in his ears: just when he seems to be at peace, his overthrow will come. 22 Let him not trust that he shall return from darkness, for he has been already made over to the 23 And he has shake power of the sword. been appointed to be food for there were strength in my mouth, and I vultures; and he knows within himself would not spare the movement of my that he is doomed to be a carcase: and lips. For if I should speak I shall a dark day shall carry him away as not feel the pain of my wound: and with a whirlwind. 24 Distress also and if I should be silent, how shall I be anguish shall come upon him: he shall wounded the less? 8 But now he has fall as a captain in the first rank. made me weary, and a worn-out fool; 25 For he has lifted his hands against and thou hast laid hold of Decayed, or, + Or, before. the Lord, and he has hard- me. 9 My falsehood has corrupted." + Or, proudly ened his neck against the become a testimony, and has risen up raised, &c. Almighty Lord. 26 And he against me: it has confronted me to has run against him with insolence, on my face. 10 In his anger he has cast the thickness of the back of his shield. me down; he has gnashed his teeth 27 For he has covered his face with his upon me: the weapons of his * robbers Gr. a mouth- fat, and made layers of fat have fallen piece, q.d. lips, upon his thighs. 28 And let him lodge in desolate

í. e. projections.

16. But Job answered and said, 2 I have heard many such things: poor comforters are ye all. 3 What! is there any reason in vain words? or what will hinder thee from answering? I also will speak as ye do: if indeed soul your in my soul's stead, then would I insult you with words, and I would head at my " And would you.





+ Gr. according to you.


11 He Alex. neɩpaupon me. has attacked me with the piwr. keen glances of his eyes; with his sharp cities, and enter into houses without spear he has smitten me down upon my inhabitant and what they have knees; and they have run upon me prepared, others shall carry away. with one accord. 12 For the Lord has

delivered me into the hands of unrighteous men, and thrown me upon the ungodly. 13 When I was at peace he distracted me: he took me by the hair of the head and plucked it out: he set me up as a mark. 14 They surrounded me with spears, aiming at my reins: without sparing me they poured out my gall upon the ground. They overthrew me with fall upon fall: they ran upon me in their might. 16 They sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and my strength has been spent on the ground. My belly has been parched Lit. shadow. with wailing, and darkon my eyelids.

Heb. and Alex. shadow of death.






no in



rise up against the transgressor. But
let the faithful hold on his own way,
and let him that is pure of hands
take courage. 10 Howbeit do ye all
strengthen yourselves and come now,
for I do not find truth in
you. My
days have passed in groaning, and my
heartstrings are broken.
12 I have
turned the night into day: the light is
short because of darkness. 13 For if I
remain, Hades is my habitation: and
my bed has been made in darkness.
"I have called upon death to be my
father, and corruption to be my mother
and sister. 15 Where then is yet my
hope? or where shall I see my good?
16 Will they go down with me to
Hades, or shall we go down together
to the tomb?


18. Then Baldad the Sauchite an

18 Yet there was justice in my hands, and my prayer is pure. 19 Earth, cover not over the blood of my flesh, and let my cry have no place. 20 And now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my ad-swered and said, 2 How long wilt thou vocate is on high.21 Let my supplication come to the Lord, and let mine eye weep before him. 22 O that a man might plead before the Lord, even as the son of man with his neighbour! 23 But my years are numbered and their end come, and I shall go by the way by which I shall not return.

continue? forbear, that we also may speak. 3 For wherefore have we been silent before thee like brutes? Anger has possessed thee: for what if thou shouldest die; would the earth under heaven be desolate? or shall the mountains be overthrown from their foundations? 5 But the light of the ungodly shall be quenched, and their flame 17. I perish, carried away by the shall not go up. 6 His light shall be wind, and I seek for burial, and obtain darkness in his habitation, and his 2 Weary I entreat and what lamp shall be put out with him. Let have I done? and strangers have stolen the meanest of men spoil his goods, my goods. 3 Who is this? let him and let his counsel deceive him. + Gr. be bound join hands with me. For foot also has been caught in a snare, with my hand. thou hast hid their heart and let it be entangled in a net. And from wisdom; therefore thou shalt not let snares come upon him: he shall exalt them. He shall promise mis- strengthen those that thirst for his Kakías mis- chief to + his companions: destruction. 10 His snare against him. opportunity of but their eyes have failed is hid in the earth, and that which for their children. 6 But shall take him is by the path. passage may thou hast made me a by

it not.

chiefs, i. e. the

doing mischief. This

be accounted

for by the am-
biguity of
'friends, or,
evils' and



Let pains destroy him round about, and let many enemies come about him,

Word among the nations, and I am become a scorn to 12 them. For my eyes are dimmed through pain; I have been grievously beset by all. Wonder has seized true men upon this; and let the just

'flattery, or,
τη μερίδι q.d.

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vex him with distressing hunger: and a signal destruction has been prepared for him. 13 Let the soles of his feet be devoured: and Gr. branches. death shall consume his beauty. 14 And let health be utterly banished from his

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