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Mr. Redway-continued.

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Christian Science Healing, its Principles and Practice, with full explanations for Home Students, by Frances Lord, co-translator of Fröbel's Mother's Songs, Games and Stories.' Gilds, their origin, constitution, objects, and later history, by the late Cornelius Walford, F.I.A., F.S.S., F.R.H.S., Barrister-at-Law. The Influence of the Stars, a handbook of Palmistry and Chirognomancy, Physiognomy, and Astrology, by Rosa Baughan, to which is added a Treatise on the Astrological Significance of Moles on the Human Body, illustrated with a facsimile of the Mystical Wheel of Pythagoras.

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The original work on Practical Magic, the Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis), now first translated and edited from ancient MSS. in the British Museum, by S. Liddell Macgregor Mathers, author of The Kabbalah Unveiled,''The Tarot,' &c.

Messrs. Reeves and Turner.

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Walter Hamilton's Collection of Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors, Vol. 5.

Reprint of Robert Browning's Essay to the (Forged) Shelley Letters, published by Moxon in 1852.

Messrs. Reeves & Turner-continued.

Early Days of Mormonism, by J. H. Kennedy, illustrated.

Halliwell's Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, 2 vols., a new edition.

Completion of Drayton's Works in the Library of Old Authors.

The History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, edited by T. Wright, third edition, 3 vols.

The House of the Wolfings, a Tale in Prose and Verse, by William Morris. The book deals with the life of the Northern tribes while on the move through Central Europe, and the action of the story hangs upon their first hostile meeting with the Romans.

The Religious Tract Society.

VOLUMES OF PERIODICALS FOR 1888. The Boy's Own Annual, the tenth volume of The Boy's Own Paper, containing 832 pages of amusement and instruction, many engravings.

The Girl's Own Annual, the ninth volume of the Girl's Own Paper, containing 832 pages of interesting and useful reading, profusely illustrated by eminent artists.

Friendly Greetings, illustrated reading for the people, seventeenth half-yearly volume, profusely illustrated with large engravings and with coloured pictures.

The Cottager and Artisan, the volume for 1888, profusely illustrated.

The Child's Companion and Juvenile Instructor, the volume for 1888, small 4to., embellished with numerous superior engravings, and handsome oleograph frontispiece.

Our Little Dots, pretty stories and pictures for Little Girls and Boys, second volume, in very large type.

The Tract Magazine, the volume for 1888, with many engravings.

Walks in Palestine, the letterpress by H. A. Harper, author of 'Illustrated Letters to my Children from the Holy Land' &c, illustrated by twenty-four photogravures from photographs taken by C. V. Shadbolt, Esq., royal quarto.

Irish Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Richard Lovett, M.A., author of Norwegian Pictures,' Pictures from Holland,' &c., with a map and 133 illustrations from sketches and photographs, imperial 16mo. Indoor Games and Recreations, including chapters by J. N. Maskelyne, Lieutenant-Colonel Cuthell, Dr. Gordon Stables, R.N., Rev. A. N. Malan, M.A., C. Stansfeld-Hicks, Esq., &c., the Boy's Own Bookshelf, No. 8, edited by G. A. Hutchison, illustrated with hundreds of engravings, 4to.

The Girl's Own Indoor Book, edited by Charles Peters, profusely illustrated, 4to.

Ernest Hepburn, or, Revenge and Forgiveness, by H. C. Adams, M.A., Vicar of Old Shoreham, author of Schoolboy Honour' &c., illustrated by E. Whymper, crown 8vo. In a Jesuit Net, by H. C. Coape, author of "The Chateau de Louard' &c., illustrated by Edward Whymper, crown 8vo.

The Happiest Half-Hour, or, Sunday Talks with Children, by Frederick Langbridge, M.A., author of Sent back by the Angels' &c., with many illustrations, small 4to.

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The Religious Tract Society-continued. Through Fire and Through Water, a story of Adventure and Peril, by T. S. Millington, author of 'Straight to the Mark' &c., No. 6, Boy's Own Bookshelf, illustrated, crown 8vo. Harold, the Boy-Earl, a story of Old England, by J. F. Hodgetts, author of Edric the Norseman,' Kornak the Viking,' &c., Boy's Own Bookshelf, No. 7, illustrated, crown 8vo. All for Number One, or, Charlie Russell's Ups and Downs, a story for boys and girls, by Henry Johnson, author of True to His Vow' &c., illustrated by E. Whymper, crown 8vo. Scripture Natural History, II., Animals of the Bible, by H. Chichester Hart, naturalist to Sir G. Nares' Arctic Expedition and Professor Hull's Palestine Expedition. By-Paths of Bible Knowledge, No. 11, illustrated, crown 8vo.

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A Race for Life, and Other Tales, New HalfCrown Series, No. 12, illustrated, crown 8vo. The Treatise of St. Basil the Great on the Holy Spirit, translated, with analysis and notes, by Rev. George Lewis, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford, author of Life of Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter and Norwich,' Christian Classics Series, No. 4.

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Higher Up, by Nellie Hellis, author of Three Little Fiddlers,' 'Roving Robin,' Gipsy Jan,' &c., illustrated, crown 8vo.

Short Biographies for the People; Vol. 5 contains: Philip Doddridge, Bishop Hooper, Philip Henry, Bishop Wilson of Calcutta, Henry Cooke of Belfast, John Newton, Ulrich Zwingli, Matthew Henry, Patrick Hamilton, John Bunyan, Rowland Hill, and Thomas Charles of Bala.

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The Religious Tract Society--continued. Morning and Evening, Keble's Morning and Evening Hymns, beautifully illustrated from sketches by J. Clark, J. H. Hipsley, Davidson Knowles, James N. Lee, C. J. Staniland, J. R. Wells, and C. M. Wimperis, printed in colour by Alf. Cooke, in handsome coloured cover tied with ribbon, square 16mo.

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Picture Book for Children, with a picture on every opening, and with letterpress in large type, well printed, similar to 'Picture Stories for Children,' crown 8vo.

The Lost Baby, a Story of the Floods, by Emma Leslie, author of Out of the Mouth of the Lion' &c., enlarged and improved ninepenny series, No. 51, with coloured frontispiece and other illustrations.

Gerty's Triumph, a Cornish story, by M. B. Manwell, Little Dot series, No. 99, with coloured frontispiece.


The Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation.
Gordon Anecdotes, by Dr. Macaulay.
The Wit and Wisdom of Lord Bacon.
The Romance of Modern Missions.

Fern's Hollow, crown 8vo.

The Children of Cloverley, crown 8vo.
Little Meg's Children, crown 8vo.
Cassy, crown 8vo.

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Messrs. Seeley & Co.

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Messrs. Seeley & Co.-continued.

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O Messrs. Walter Smith and Innes. CHILDREN'S BOOKS:—

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Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge-cont. Puff, by Mrs. Macquoid, with numerous illustrations, printed in colours, small 4to. cloth boards.

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trated, paper cover.

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steel plates in Brown's Fossil Conchology,'
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Professor of Political Economy in the Univer-
sity of Oxford, cheap edition, in one volume,
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