Messrs. Blackie & Son-continued. Missing, a Tale of the Merchant Marine, by Harry Collingwood, eight full-page illustrations by W. H. Overend. Under Hatches, or Ned Woodthorpe's Adventures, by F. Frankfort Moore, with eight fullpage illustrations by A. Forestier. Giannetta, a Girl's Story of Herself, by Rosa Mulholland, with eight full-page illustrations by Lockhart Bogle. Meg's Friend, by Alice Corkran, with six fullpage illustrations by Robert Fowler. Hugh Herbert's Inheritance, by Caroline Austin, with six full-page illustrations by C. T. Garland. Self-Exiled, a Story of the High Seas and East Africa, by J. A. Steuart, with six full-page illustrations by J. Schönberg. Storied Holidays, a Cycle of Red-letter Days, by E. S. Brooks, with twelve full-page illustrations by Howard Pyle. The Brig Audacious,' by Alan Cole, with four full-page illustrations by John Schönberg. The Saucy May, by Henry Frith, with four fullpage illustrations. Jasper Dene, by Elizabeth J. Lysaght, with four full-page illustrations by T. H. Willson. Little Lady Clare, by Evelyn Everett Green, with four full-page illustrations by Robert Fowler. In crown 8vo. cloth extra, each containing three full-page illustrations:-Susan, by Amy Walton; Linda and the Boys, by Cecilia Selby Lowndes; Swiss Stories for Children and those who Love Children, from the German of Madam Johanna Spyri, by L. Wheelock. In crown 8vo. cloth elegant, with illustrations in Colour, and Black and Tint:-Joan's Adventures, at the North Pole and Elsewhere, by Alice Corkran; The Battlefield Treasure, by F. Bayford Harrison; Edwy, or, Was he a Coward? by Annette Lyster; Filled with Gold, by Jennie Perrett. When I was a Boy in China, by Yan Phou Lee, a native of China, crown 8vo. cloth, illustrated. Square 16mo. 128 pp. elegantly bound in cloth, with Frontispieces in Colours :-In the Summer Holidays, by Jennett Humphreys; How the Strike began, by Emma Leslie; Cinderella's Cousin, by Penelope; Tales from the Russian of Mme. Kubalensky, by G. Jenner; Janie's Holiday, by Christian Redford; Their New Home, by Annie S. Fenn. Messrs. Burns & Oates. A new volume of Miscellanies, by Cardinal Manning. A volume of Characteristics, from the works of Archbishop Ullathorne. The Holy See and the Wandering of the Nations, by Mr. Thomas W. Allies, K.C.S.G. Leaves from St. John Chrysostom, by Miss Mary Allies. The Haydock Papers, edited by Mr. Joseph Gillow, from MSS. illustrating the history of Roman Catholicism in England during the last century. Records of the English Catholics of 1715, compiled from the registers and other hitherto unpublished papers at the Record Office, by Mr. John Orlebar Payne. Eucharistic Jewels, by Mr. Percy Fitzgerald. Aroer, the Story of a Vocation, by Miss Drane, author of Christian Schools and Scholars.' Messrs. Burns & Oates-continued. Letters from St. Francis de Sales to Persons A new and enlarged edition of Spiritual A second edition of Edward the Sixth, by The Wandering Knight, a mediæval Pilgrim's Progress, by a French Carmelite, from which Bunyan largely borrowed, now newly translated into English from the edition of 1572. Cambridge University Press Warehouse. A Treatise on the General Principles of Chemis- A Catalogue of the Portsmouth Collection of Books and Papers written by or belonging to Sir Isaac Newton, demy 8vo. 5s. History of Alexander, the son of Philip the Elements of the Law of Torts, a Text-book for New volume of the Cambridge Bible for New volume of the Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: The Epistle to the Hebrews, by Archdeacon Farrar, D.D. Messrs. Cassell & Company. Completion of the Encyclopedic Dictionary, a new and exhaustive work of reference to all the words in the English Language, with a full account of their meanings, origin, and use, containing upwards of 5,000 pages, in 14 Divisional Volumes, or Seven Volumes. The Black Arrow, a Tale of the Two Roses, by Robert Louis Stevenson. Messrs. Cassell & Company-continued. Commodore Junk, by George Manville Fenn, The Admirable Lady Biddy Fane, her Surprising Flora's Feast, a Masque of Flowers, penned and pictured by Walter Crane, with 40 pages of Pictures handsomely reproduced in colours. Marine Painting, by Walter W. May, R.I., with 16 coloured plates. The Magazine of Art Volume for 1888, with 12 English Writers, Volumes III. and IV., by Cassell's Miniature Cyclopædia, containing about The Second Volume of the New and Revised edition of Cassell's History of England, profusely Illustrated with New and Original Drawings, specially executed for this Edition by leading Artists, the text carefully revised throughout, set in New Type, 624 pages. Familiar Trees, Two Series, by G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S., with 80 Full-page Coloured Plates, from Original Paintings by W. H. J. Boot, complete in Two Series. Familiar Wild Birds, by W. Swaysland, com- Dairy Farming, by Prof. J. P. Sheldon, with London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, Messrs. Cassell & Company-continued. Official Maps; and illustrations on nearly every page. London and North-Western Railway, the Official nearly every page, maps, &c., new edition, The New Latin Primer, by J. P. Postgate, M.A., Litt.D., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge; Professor of Comparative Philology, University College, London; Editor of Select Elegies of Propertius ' &c. ; assisted by C. A. Vince, M.A., Head Master of Mill Hill School; late Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. Numerical Examples in Practical Mechanics and Machine Design, by R. G. Blaine, M.E., 128 pages, 26 diagrams. The Laws of Every-Day Life, for the use of schools, by H. O. Arnold-Forster, author of "The Citizen Reader.' The Citizen Reader, by H. O. Arnold-Forster, illustrated throughout, 75th thousand. Cassell's Concise Cyclopædia, new and revised edition, with 600 illustrations, revised throughout, and brought down to the present date, 1,300 pages. First Elements of Experimental Geometry, applied to the Measurement of Length, Area, and Volume, by Paul Bert, Member of the Institute. 'Slöjd' as a Means of Teaching the Essential Cassell's Family Magazine, Yearly Volume for 1888, with five complete Serial Stories by Frank Barrett, Thomas Keyworth, Evelyn Everett Green (author of Torwood's Trust'), Kate Eyre, and Berwick Harwood; many Short Stories by popular authors; a Treasury of Information on Cookery, Dress, and Domestic Matters, New Songs and Pianoforte Music by eminent Composers, &c., &c., with about 400 Original Illustrations. Cassell's Saturday Journal, Yearly Volume for 1888, being the First Yearly Volume of the New and Enlarged Series, illustrated throughout, 1,248 pages. 'Little Folks' Christmas Volume (Second of Enlarged Series), containing 432 pages of Letterpress, with pictures on nearly every page, together with Two Full-page Plates printed in Colours, and Four Tinted Plates. Bo-Peep, Yearly Volume for 1888, with original Stories and Verses by the best Authors, illustrated with beautiful pictures on nearly every page. Cassell's Complete Book of Sports and Pastimes, being a Compendium of Out-door and Indoor Amusements, Cheap Edition, with more than 900 illustrations, 992 pages. Heroes of Every-Day Life, by Laura Lane, with about 20 Full-page Illustrations, 256 pages. 'I Must,' Short Missionary Bible Readings, by Sophia M. Nugent. American Library of Fiction, The Veiled Beyond, a romance of the adepts, by Sigmund G. Alexander (Author of 'Ten of Us,' &c.). Orion the Gold-Beater, or True Hearts and False, a Tale of New York Life, by Sylvanus Cobb, jun. (Author of 'The Storm Secret,' &c.). Messrs. Cassell & Company-continued. '89,' by Edgar Henry. Another's Crime (from the Diary of Inspector Byrnes), by Julian Hawthorne. G. Manville Fenn's Novels, Railway Library Edition of-Dutch the Diver, or A Man's Mistake, Poverty Corner, My Patients, being the Notes of a Navy Surgeon, The Parson o' Dumford, The Vicar's People, Sweet Mace. Culmshire Folk, Third and Cheap edition, by the Author of John Orlebar, The Young Idea,' &c. The Woman's World Volume for 1888, edited by Oscar Wilde, illustrated throughout with high-class Wood Engravings. The True Glory of Woman, by the Rev. W. The Swallow Series of Gift Books for Children, new volumes: Bunty and the Boys, by Helen Atteridge; The Heir of Elmdale; The Mystery at Shoncliff School; Claimed at Last, by Emily Searchfield; and Roy's Reward, by Sibella B. Edgcome. Cassell's National Library; list of recent volumes: 135, The Existence of God, by Fénelon; 136, The Merry Wives of Windsor, by Wm. Shakespeare; 137, The Schoolmaster, by Robert Ascham; 138, Lives of Dion, Brutus, Artaxerxes, &c., by Plutarch; 139, A Tour through the Eastern Counties of England in 1722, by Defoe; 140, King Henry V., by Wm. Shakspeare; 141, Complaints, by Edmund Spenser; 142, Essays on Mankind and Political Arithmetic, by Sir William Petty; 143, The Curse of Kehama, by Robert Southey; 144, The Taming of the Shrew, by Wm. Shakspeare; 145, Essays on Burns and Scott, by Thomas Carlyle; 146, Lives of Nicias, Crassus, Aratus, &c., by Plutarch. Further volumes. Cassell's Red Library, recent volumes: 38, Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens; 39, Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott; 40, Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, Albert Smith; 41, Last of the Barons, Lord Lytton; 42, Poems, Sir Walter Scott; 43, Evelina, Miss Burney; 44, The Pathfinder, Fenimore Cooper; 45, People I have Met, Nathaniel P. Willis; 46, The King's Own, Captain Marryat; 47, 'Cakes and Ale,' Douglas Jerrold (September 25); 48, Barnaby Rudge, Charles Dickens (October 25); 49, Charles O'Malley, Charles Lever (November 25). Cassell's Shilling Cookery, the cheapest and best book yet published, containing 364 pages. Sent back by the Angels, and other Ballads of Home and Homely Life, by Rev. Frederick Langbridge, M.A., popular edition. School Girls, by Annie Carey, illustrated, new and cheaper edition. Eighteenpenny Children's Books, new editions, Messrs. Cassell & Company-continued. illustrated: Wee Willie Winkie, Ups and Downs of a Donkey's Life. Bible Work at Home and Abroad, Yearly Volume for 1888. Local Government in England and Germany, an Essay reprinted from the Cobden Club Series on Local Government, by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Morier, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., LL.D. A Miniature History of the Irish Parliament, by J. C. Haslam. The Irish Union, Before and After, Reasons for and results of, being a Popular Essay on Irish Political History, by Arthur Knatchbull Connell, M.A. Local and Centralised Government in Ireland, a Sketch of the Existing Systems, by William E. Bailey, Barrister-at-Law. Town Holdings, with Statements as to Leasehold Enfranchisement and Taxation of Ground Rents and Building Land, 330 pages. The Rating of Ground Rents and Ground Values: a Study in Local Taxation. The Caribbean Confederation, a Plan for the Union of the Fifteen British West Indian Colonies, by C. S. Salmon, late President of Nevis (published for the Cobden Club). Popular Fallacies regarding Trade and Foreign Duties, being the Sophismes Economiques' of Frédérick Bastiat, adapted to the present time by E. Pearce Edgcumbe, new edition (published for the Cobden Club). Adventure Books :-King Solomon's Mines, by H. Rider Haggard, illustrated by Walter Paget, 63rd Thousand; Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by W. B. Hole, A.R.S.A., 22nd Thousand; Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated, 21st Thousand; Dead Man's Rock, a Romance, by Q., 7th Thousand; A Queer Race, by William Westall, second edition; The Phantom City, by William Westall, third edition; Captain Trafalgar, by Westall and Laurie, illustrated second edition. American Juvenile Books, the text by favourite American authors, and illustrated throughout with charming pictures :-Good Times; Jolly Little Stories; Our Little Friends; Daisy Dell's Stories; Little Toddlers; Happy Go Lucky; Daisy Blue Eyes; Twilight Fancies; Cheerful Clatter, nearly 100 full-page pictures; A Dozen and One, or the Boys and Girls of Polly's Ring, by Mary D. Brine, full of illustrations, illuminated picture boards. Illustrated Books for the Little Ones, containing simple and interesting stories, printed in bold type, with full-page illustrations :-Up and Down the Garden; All Sorts of Adventures; Our Sunday Stories; Our Holiday Hours; Indoors and Out; Some Farm Friends; Those Golden Sands; Our Pretty Pets; Little Mothers and their Children; Our Schoolday Hours; Creatures Tame; Creatures Wild. Modern Printing Machinery and Letterpress Printing, a practical treatise, with general hints as to the treatment, method of working, &c., by Fred. J. F. Wilson and Douglas Grey, illustrated with numerous engravings. Cassell's Coloured Historical Cartoons, by Mr. Herbert A. Bone, the Designer to the Royal Windsor Tapestry Works:-The Landing of the Romans in Britain; The Signing of Magna Charta; Queen Elizabeth at Tilbury Fort, 1588; Cromwell Dissolving the Long Parliament; The Meeting of Wellington and Messrs. Cassell & Company-continued. Blucher at La Belle Alliance after Waterloo; The Queen Arriving at Westminster on the occasion of the Jubilee. NEW SERIAL WORKS: new Cassell's New Popular Educator, new text, new size, new illustrations, type, new coloured plates, new maps in colours. An entirely new work, entitled The World of Adventure, with several hundred original illustrations; with part I. is issued a large presentation plate, handsomely printed in tint, each monthly part will contain 64 quarto pages of letterpress and illustrations, with a handsome frontispiece. Picturesque Australia, a Delineation by pen and pencil of the Scenery, the Towns, and the Life of the People in City and Bush by Edward E. Morris, M.A. Cathedrals, Abbeys, and Churches of England and Wales, with about 300 original illustrations, to be completed in 20 parts. Popular edition of the Bible in halfpenny weekly numbers. Messrs. Cassell & Co. have arranged to issue a popular edition of The Doré Bible in weekly numbers, no. 1 ready Oct. 29, 1888. The Bunyan Bicentenary, new and cheaper edition, in monthly parts, of Cassell's Illustrated Bunyan, with 200 original illustrations, comprehensive notes by the Rev. Dr. Maguire, and a new life of Bunyan by the Rev. J. Brown, D.D., specially prepared for this edition. THE MAGAZINES NEW VOLUMES: The Quiver, for Sunday and general reading, enlarged to 80 pages monthly. November part, forming the first part of a new volume, contains a beautiful picture, from an original painting, handsomely reproduced in colours. Cassell's Magazine for December will form the first part of the new volume, and contains a beautiful picture as frontispiece, the commencement of new serial stories of deep interest, and many other new and attractive features. Little Folks, now enlarged to 72 pages monthly, will commence a new volume in December. The Magazine of Art for November forms the first part of the new volume, and will contain a beautiful etching of the celebrated picture by Meissonier, entitled The Painter.' The Woman's World, edited by Oscar Wilde, will be enlarged, without increase of price, with the November part Cassell's Saturday Journal. The new volume is commenced with No. 261, also with Part 61, ready October 25. ANNUALS: 'Christmas Arrows,' being The Quiver' Annual for 1888, containing 80 pages of letterpress, fully illustrated. Cassell's Illustrated Almanac for 1889. Messrs. Chatto & Windus. A Strange Manuscript found in a Copper of The Woman in White,' 3 vols. crown 8vo. This Mortal Coil, by Grant Allen, 3 vols. crown 8vo. For Maimie's Sake, a Tale of Love and Dyna Messrs. Chatto & Windus-continued. mite, by Grant Allen, cheaper edition, crown 8vo. The Devil's Die, by Grant Allen, cheaper edition, crown 8vo. The Blackhall Ghosts, by Sarah Tytler, 3 vols. crown 8vo. Agatha Page, by Isaac Henderson, 2 vols. crown 8vo. For Faith and Freedom, by Walter Besant, author of All Sorts and Conditions of Men,' 3 vols. crown 8vo. Herr Paulus, his Rise, his Greatness, and his The Man-Hunter, Stories from the Note-book Eve, a romance, by the author of John Her- The Mystery of Mirbridge, by James Payn, David Poindexter's Disappearance, &c., by A Dream and a Forgetting, by Julian Haw- Old Blazer's Hero, by D. Christie Murray, author of Joseph's Coat' &c, cheaper edition, post 8vo. King or Knave? by R. E. Francillon, cheaper edition, crown 8vo. The Lindsays, a romance, by John Leys, cheaper edition, post 8vo. In Exchange for a Soul, a novel, by Mary Linskill, post 8vo. Broken Wings, a novel, by Avery Macalpine, author of Teresa Itasca,' with six illustrations by W. J. Hennessy, crown 8vo. Every Inch a Soldier, by M. J. Colquhoun, cheaper edition, post 8vo. Pine and Palm, by Moncure D. Conway, cheaper edition, post 8vo. The Abbé Constantin, by Ludovic Halévy, of the French Academy, translated into English, with 36 Photogravure illustrations by Goupil & Co., after the drawings of Madame Madeleine Lemaire; only 250 copies of this choice book have been printed for the English market, each one numbered. Half-Hours with the Best Novelists of the Century, choice readings from the finest novels, edited, with introduction and critical and biographical notes, by H. T. Mackenzie Bell, crown 8vo. The Dagonet Reciter, choice readings in prose and verse from the writings of George R. Sims, selected by himself, crown 8vo. Mark Twain's Library of Humour (uniform with the illustrated edition of 'A Tramp Abroad'), a thick volume of 700 pages, profusely illustrated, crown 8vo. Carols of Cockayne, by Henry S. Leigh, a new edition, printed on fcp. 8vo. Mr. Swinburne's New Volume of Poems, crown 8vo. Infelicia, Poems by Adah Isaacs Menken, a new edition with a biographical preface, numerous illustrations by F. E. Lummis and F. O. C. Darley, and facsimile of a letter from Charles Dickens, small 4to. The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Percy Bysshe Shelley, edited, prefaced and Messrs. Chatto & Windus-continued. Annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd, 5 The City of Dream, an Epic Poem by Robert Bible Characters, Studies of David, Jonah, Fifty Years Ago, by Walter Besant, author of All Sorts and Conditions of Men,' with 137 full-page plates and woodcuts, demy 8vo. Uncle Sam at Home, by Harold Brydges, with ninety illustrations, post 8vo. Personal Memoirs of General P. H. Sheridan, the romantic career of a great soldier told in his own words, with twenty-two portraits and other illustrations, twenty-seven maps, and numerous facsimiles of famous letters, two vols. Players and Playwrights I have known, by John Coleman, 2 vols. demy 8vo. The Eulogy of Richard Jefferies, a Memoir, by Walter Besant, with photograph-portrait and facsimile autograph, crown 8vo. A History of the Four Georges, by Justin McCarthy, M.P., to be completed in 4 vols. 8vo. The Mystery of the Ocean Star,' a Collection of Maritime Sketches, by W. Clark Russell, crown 8vo. Clark Russell's Sea Books, being the six volumes entitled-1. Round the Galley Fire; 2. On the Fo'k'sle Head; 3. In the Middle Watch; 4. A Voyage to the Cape; 5. A Book for the Hammock; 6. The Mystery of the Ocean Star, arranged in a handsomely gilt cloth case. The Horse and his Rider, an Anecdotic Medley, by Thormanby,' crown 8vo. Society in Paris, the Upper Ten Thousand, by Count Paul Vasili, crown 8vo. Society Out of Town, by a Foreign Resident, author of Society in London.' The Poets and Nature, Reptiles, Fishes, and Insects, by Phil Robinson, author of The Poets' Birds,' The Poets' Beasts,' &c., crown 8vo. The Folk-lore of Plants, by T. F. Thiselton Dyer, M.A., crown 8vo. The Playtime Naturalist, a Book for every Home, by Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., editor of 'Science-Gossip,' with nearly 400 illustrations, crown 8vo. Belgravia for 1889: One Shilling Monthly Two New Serial Stories will begin in the January Number, and be continued through the year. Belgravia Annual, a Collection of Stories, each complete in itself, with illustrations. The Gentleman's Magazine for 1889: One Shilling Monthly. In addition to articles upon subjects in literature, science, and art, 'Science Notes,' by W. Mattieu Williams, F.R.A.S., and Table Talk,' by Sylvanus Urban, appear monthly. ་ The Gentleman's Annual, containing a complete story, entitled By Devious Ways,' by T. W. Speight, author of The Mysteries of Heron Dyke' &c., demy 8vo. · Science-Gossip, an Illustrated Medium of Inter Messrs. Chatto & Windus-continued. change for Students and Lovers of Nature, edited by Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., &c., devoted to geology, botany, physiology, chemistry, zoology, microscopy, astronomy, telescopy, physiography, &c. Walford's County Families of the United Kingdom, containing notices of the descent, birth, marriage, education, &c., of more than 12,000 distinguished heads of families, their heirs apparent or presumptive, the offices they hold or have held, their town and country addresses, clubs, &c. Twenty-ninth annual edition for 1889, royal 8vo. Walford's Shilling Peerage (1889), containing an alphabetical list of the House of Lords, dates of creation, lists of Scotch and Irish peers, addresses, &c., 32mo. Walford's Shilling Baronetage (1889), containing an alphabetical list of the baronets of the United Kingdom, short biographical notices, dates of creation, addresses, &c., 32mo. Walford's Shilling Knightage (1889), containing an alphabetical list of the Knights of the United Kingdom, short biographical notices, dates of creation, addresses, &c., 32mo. Walford's Shilling House of Commons (1889), containing a list of all the members of Parliament, their town and country addresses, clubs, &c., 32mo. Walford's Complete Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and House of Commons (1889), royal 32mo. Fry's Royal Guide to the London Charities (1888-9), showing their name, date of foundation, objects, income, officials, &c., edited by John Lane, crown 8vo. Clarendon Press. THEOLOGY: A Concordance to the Septuagint, edited by the Rev. Edwin Hatch. Essays on Biblical Greek, by the Rev. Edwin Hatch, being Essays delivered as Grinfield Lecturer. The Vulgate New Testament, Vol. I., edited by the Right Rev. John Wordsworth, Bishop of Salisbury. The Peshito Version of the Gospels, edited by the Rev. G. H. Gwilliam. Critical Appendices to Lloyd's Greek Testament, by the Rev. W. Sanday, Dean Ireland's Professor of Exegesis. GREEK AND LATIN : Scholia in Iliadem Townleyana, edited by Ernst Maass, Ph.D., 2 Vols. Plato, Republic, edited by the Rev. B. Jowett and the Rev. Lewis Campbell. A Translation of the Republic, new edition, by the Rev. B. Jowett. Homer's Iliad, Books XIII.-XXIV., edited for the use of schools by D. B. Monro, Provost of Oriel College. Demosthenes' Orations against Philip, Vol. II., De Pace, Philippics I. and II., and De Chersoneso, edited by Evelyn Abbott, M.A., and P. E. Matheson, M.A. Wright's Golden Treasury of Greek Verse, new edition, by Evelyn Abbott, M.A. Græce Reddenda, being an introduction to |