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Maclachlan & Stewart, 64 South Bridge, Edinburgh

Medical Directory. 1888

Maclean's Adam and Eve

Celtic Magazine. Vols. 1, 9, 10

London Medical Record. Vols. 2, 3, and Parts 117, 120, 121, 122

1887. Parts 144, 146, 147, 148

Macmillan & Rowes, Cambridge

Euler's Institutionum Calculi Diff. 2 vols
Jordan, Traite des Substitutions

Millar's Origin of the Distribution of Ranks. 4th ed. 1806
Archer's Upper India

Cornewall Simeon, Notes on Fishing

Macniven & Wallace, 138 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Tales of a Grandfather, green cloth. 1859. Vol. 2 (Black) Mark Rutherford. 1st Series

Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, edited by John Hampden Gurney

Mitchell, W., & Co., 9A & 10 Craig's Court, Charing Cross, S.W. Brief Memoir of Sir Clement Werge, Kt., Solicitor-General Life of Major-General Werge. 1844

Moore's (M.) Family of Carr of Sleaford, co. Lincoln. 1863 Stock Exchange Year Book. 1888

Monk, J. W., Bookseller, 9 St. Philip's Road, Dalston, E. Cassell's Illustrated Travels. Nos. 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 52, 54, 56, 64, 65, 66, 68, 71 to end

Wilson's Tales of the Borders, 4to. Nos. 1, 9, 10, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30

Official Catalogue of Great Exhibition of 1851. Vol. 2
Murray, F., Moray House, Derby

Ireland's Memoir of Emerson. 2nd edit.
Hardwicke's Science Gossip. Vols. 4, 5, 6
Ingelow's Poems, 3 vols.
Silk and Scarlet, by the Druid.
Snow's (W. P.) Voyage of the

1st edit. Prince Albert'

Maggs, U., Bookseller, 159 Church St., Paddington, London, W. Murray, F., Regent House, Nottingham Diodore de Sicile, trad. par Hoefer

Yule's Ava

Books printed by, or attributed to, Zell. Circa 1460-80

Mill's Chivalry and Crusades

Mormon Literature

Thomas' Rod in India

Mathews, C. Elkin, Vigo Street, London, W.

Pendennis. Clean, in parts

Irish Sketch-Book, 2 vols. 1843

Comic Tales and Sketches, 2 vols. 1841

Four Georges. 1st edit.

English Humourists. 1853

Kickleburys on the Rhine. 1850

Mawson, Swan, & Morgan, Grey Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne
Paris Salon Catalogue, 1887 and 1888

Robertson's Charles V., by Prescott. Vol. 3 (Bickers)
Auerbach's Professor's Wife, translated by Whewell. 1851
Crockford's Clerical Directory for any of last four years

Meehan, B. & J. F., 32 Gay Street, Bath

Brown's (Mrs.) Books, by Arthur Sketchley

Bodley's Short Readings for the Christian Year (Skeffington)
Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register. 1842-43
Borrow's (Geo.) Works. 1st edits.

Cornwall's Memoirs of Lamb

Maclisle's Portrait Gallery. Large edit.

Florence's (Ambrose) Stranger's Guide to Worcester. 1828
Account of Inquest on Hemming. 1830 (Worcester, Eaton)
Forster's British Statesmen, 8 vols. or Vol. 6 only
Barrow's History of the Brocas Family

Grammar of the Cornish Language

On the Edge of the Storm, by Author of 'Mademoiselle Mori' (Warne)

Tales Old and New, by Author of 'Mademoiselle Mori' (Bell)
Fane's (Hen. Edw.) Five Years in India, 2 vols. 1842
Hunter's (W. P.) Narrative of the late Expedition to Syria,
2 vols. 1842

Voyage of the Adventure' and 'Beagle.' 1842
Cashmere Shawl, by Author of 'King's Page,' 3 vols.
Dibdin's (Dr.) Cranmer, 3 vols.

Landon's (Miss) Duty and Inclination, 3 vols.

Ethel Churchill, 3 vols.

Adventures of a Soldier, or Memoirs of Edw. Costello. 1842
Greenwich Pensioners, 3 vols.
Hermit in London, 3 vols.

Hermit in the Country, 3 vols.

Grattan's Highways and Byways. 2nd and 3rd Series
Highlanders, by Author of Hermit in London,' 3 vols.
Gleig's Hussar, 2 vols.

Miller's (T.) Lady Jane Grey, 3 vols.

Smith's (A.) Jane Lomax, 3 vols.

Grattan's Legends of the Rhine, 3 vols.

Morton of Morton's Hope, 3 vols.

Naval Surgeon, by Author of Cavendish,' 3 vols.
Phee's (Sir Martin) Old Court, 3 vols.

Ward's (N. P.) Picture of the World, 3 vols.

Miller's (T.) Royston Gower, 3 vols.

Berkeley's (Grantley) Sandron Hall, 3 vols.

The Trustee, an Historical Novel, 3 vols.

Southey's Roderick

Behmenn's (Jacob) Works, any Erskine's (T.) Works, any

Walpole's Letters

Once a Week.

Vols. 1. 3

[blocks in formation]

Norton, W.. Cheltenham

Potter's Euripides. Vol. 2

Tales of a Grandfather, 3 or 5 vols.
Glossary of Architecture, 3 vols.
Hamley's Operations of War

Partington, S., 97 Kensington Road, Southport
Young Folks. Vol. for 1883

Pawsey & Hayes, Booksellers, Ancient House. Ipswich
Cassell's Family Magazine, January to November 1885, in-
clusive or cloth volume 1885

Pearson, J., & Co., 46 Pall Mall, London, S.W.
Primrose (David). Any early edits. of his Works

(Gilbert). Any early edits. of his Works

(James). Any early edits, of his Works
(Diana). A Chaine of Pearle. 1630

Any early edits. of her Works


Bunyan (John). Any of his Books before 1700

Petherick, E. A., & Co., 33 Paternoster Row, London, E.C.
Reney (Wm.) Shipwreck of the Corsair.
Shipwreck of Horace Holden on the Pellew Islands. 1832
Kerr's Collection of Voyages. Vols. 17 and 18 or set
Curtis' Shipwreck of the Stirling Castle. 1838
Read (Commodore) Voyage Round the World
Sparshott's Loss of the Harriet. 1839

Lights and Shadows of a Sailor's Life. Boston, 1847
Webster's Last Cruise of the Wanderer

Peck (G. W.) Voyage to the Chincha Islands. New York,

[blocks in formation]

The Engagement, a Novel, 3 vols.

Lander's Legendary Tales of the Highlands, 3 vols. Roby's Popular Traditions of England, 3 vols.

Addison's Works. 1856 (Bohn), or any complete edit. Swift's Works, 19 vols. 1824

Midland Educational Company (Limited), Birmingham Memory, and Rational Means of Improving it Teachers' Aids. Vol. 1

[blocks in formation]

Mann's Present Picture of New South Wales. 4to. 1811

Vincent's Through and Through the Tropics. 1876

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Salisbury, J., 116 Gray's Inn Road, London
Letter from Dean Burgon to Canon Gregory
Nautical Almanack. with Appendix. 1836
Grant's History of Physical Astronomy
Narrien's Origin and Progress of Astronomy
Heis' Star Atlas

Gelander's Catalogue of Stars (Bohn)
Star Catalogue of the British Association
Symonds' Greek Poets. 1st Series

Sampson Brothers, 13 Coney Street, York
Badminton Library. Set, large paper

Romola, 1st edit. Clerical Life, 1st edit.
Nimrod's Tours. 8vo. editions.

The Fancy. Vol. 2. Uncut

Boxiana. Vols. 3, 4, 5. Boards


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Dodsley's Old Plays, 12 vols. 8vo. blue cloth, white label. | Simmons, T., Ye Booke-Lover's Retreate, Leamington Vols. 1, 8, 11

Winkle's Cathedrals, 3 vols. Vol. 3

Boy's Own Paper. Vols. 1, 2, 3

Jesse's Beau Brummell, 2 vols. 8vo. 1844. Vol. 1

Poole, J., & Co., 39 Booksellers' Row, Strand, W.C.
Maddan's (F.) Havelock the Dane (Rexburgh Club)
Educational Year-Book. 1885 (Cassell)
Earnshaw's Partial and Differential Equations
Drew's Solutions to Conics

Wormall's Solutions to Natural Philosophy

Porter, A., Market Place, Spalding

Cassell's Magazine. Dec. 1876; Nov. 1879

Suckling's Poems. 1874 edit.
Warner's (William) Poems

Read & Barrett, 8 Queen Street, Ipswich

Key to Crombie's Gymnasium, 8vo. edit.

[blocks in formation]

Man in the Moon. Vol. 1, Folding plate, No. 6

Vol. 3. Folding plate, No. 4

[blocks in formation]

Smith, W., 97 London Street, Reading

Fortunes of Glencore. Vol. 1. Green cloth

Le Maout and Decaisne's Botany. Ed. Hooker. 1876
Strickland's Queens. Vol. 3. Green cloth
Wordsworth's Bible. Any

Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall

Smith's Concise Bible Dictionary

Smith, W. H., & Son (Book Dept.), 186 Strand, London, W.C. Rivers' Miniature Front Garden

Church Quarterly Review, April. 1888

Sotheran, H., & Co., 49 Cross Street, Manchester

Ruskin's Stones of Venice. 1st edit.

Hasted's Kent. Vol. 8. 1799

Ruskin's Seven Lamps, Vol. 3. 1st edit.
Nimrod Abroad. Vol. 1.


[blocks in formation]

Lamb's (C.) Tales from Shakspeare, 2 vols. 1807

Adventures of Ulysses. 1808

Meredith's (George) Shaving of Shagpat

Inckens' (C.) Great Expectations, 1st edit. or Vol. 1

Eyton's Shropshire. Vol. 2, part 2

Annual Register. 1856-61, any

Hooker's Flora of New Zealand, 4to. Vol. 2

Chesterfield's Letters, 8vo. Vol. 5 (Mahon)


Sotheran, H., & Co., 36 Piccadilly, London, W.

Dickens' Pic-Nic Papers. 3 vols.

1st edit.

Sketches of Young Gentlemen.
Sketches of Young Ladies. 1st edit.
Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. 1st edit.
Roger North's Autobiography (Nutt)

Spencer, W. T., 27 New Oxford Street, London, W.C.
Whom to Marry. Part 3

Gulliver's Travels. 1726. Vol. 1, imperfect
Titmarsh's Comic Tales. Vol. 2, imperfect
Borrow's Wild Wales. Vol. 1

The Humourist. 1820. Vol. 4
Browning's Men and Women. Vol. 2

Spon, E. & F. N., 125 Strand, London, W.C.
Simmonds' Waste Products

Dirck's Perpetuum Mobile. 1st Series
Atlas to Alison's Europe. People's edit.
Box on Heat. 1st edit.

Stanford, E., 55 Charing Cross, London, S. W.

The Life of Lumley

Ligon's History of Barbadoes

Holiday Rambles of a Man and his Wife with their Dogs

and without their Dogs, by Cotton

The volume of Paley's Euripides (Bibliotheca Classica) containing Hecuba, published by Bell

Stechert, G. E., 26 King William Street, Strand, W.C.

Gmelin's (L.) Handbook of Chemistry

Marcoy's Journey across South America
Hamilton's Anatomy of the Brain. 1830

Monro's Anatomy of the Brain. 1831

Stevens, B. F., 4 Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.
Cobbett's Register. A set

Howitt's Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain
Ball's History of the Sepoy War

Dalyell's Historical Account of Music in Scotland
Greenwell's (W.) British Burrows

Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. Jan. 1839
Sutton, A., Bookseller, 130 Portland Street, Manchester
Boyd's Wreath of Song for Children (Weekes & Co.)
Wilson's (Prof.) Works, brown cloth. 1857. Vol. 8
Aunt Judy's Magazine. 1882, 1884 to end

Ramsay's Glaciers of England and Switzerland (Longmans) Cassell's Familiar Wild Flowers. 1st and 2nd Series, in parts or uncut

Sutton, J. A., Carlton Villas, Whitelow Road, Chorlton-cumHardy, Lancashire

Any old Book-plates, especially dated ones

Lonsdale Magazine, 3 vols.

Morgan's Baron Bruno

Francis' Sidney Bellew

Gentleman's Magazine. June 1866

Sutton, R. H., 25 Princess Street, Manchester

Roper's Life of More

Bullen's Lyrics. L. P. 1st Series

Tilt Illustrations to Scott. Female Characters

Taylor & Son, 9 College Street, Northampton

Marshall's Washington, 4to. Vol. 5

Dickens' Child's History of England. Vols. 1, 2

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Moss' Hastings

Holloway's Rye

Grote's History of Greece, 8vo. 7, 9, 12
Strickland's Queens of Scotland, vol. 8
Scott, 3, 26, 48. 1841

Wesley, W., & Son, 28 Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C.
Bamfield's (S. J.) New Treatise on Astronomy, 4to. 1764
Squier's (E. G.) Tropical Fibres, 8vo. 1863

Wight's Icones Plantarum India Orientalis, 4to. Vols. 1-5, part 1, or any

Wight's Illustrations of Indian Botany, coloured plates, 4to. Vol. 2

Mitchell's Birds of Lancashire, 8vo.

Kerner's Flowers and their Unbidden Guests, 8vo.

Wheldon, J., 58 Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Veterinarian. March, April, May, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. 1881, or complete year

Journal of Institute of Bankers. 1886. Parts 2, 4 Astronomical Notices. Vol. 3; 27, Part 1, or complete Blackwood's Magazine. March 1824; Feb. 1842; Feb. 1850 Caledonian Horticultural Society. Vol. 3

Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, by Hunt. 1878 Whittaker & Williams, Royal Victoria Library, St. Leonards


Burke's History of Extinct and Dormant Peerages
General Armory

Williams' (Sarah) Twilight Hours

Whittingham, W. B., & Co.. 91 Gracechurch Street, E.C.
Knowledge. March 1886

Macaulay's History of England. Library edit. Vol. 5

Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C. Jubilee edit. of King Alfred's Works. 1852. Vol. 2 only, or both vols. (Smith, Cambridge)

Horatii Opera, Desprez. 1826 Longmans and Rivingtons) Plato's Republic, ed. Warren. 1-4

Williamson, G. C., Dunstanbeorh, Guildford

Manning and Bray's History of Surrey (especially Vol. 2)

Wrigley, J., 16 Londesborough Road, Scarborough

Meteyard, Hallowed Spots of Ancient London

Ranke's Popes of Rome. 2 vols. 8vo.

Roadside Sketches-France-by Touchstone
Memoirs of Sir S. Romilly. 3 vols.

St. John, Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 vols.

Wyllie, D., & Son, Aberdeen

Keim's Jesus of Nazara, 6 vols.

Pfleiderer's Philosophy of Religion

Jacob on Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament Abbott's (Ezra) Authorship of the Fourth Gospel Mercer's Lyric Poems. 1806 (London)

Yule, J., Scarborough

Carr's Craven Dialect
History of Whitby. Vol. 1
Sherwood's (Mrs.) Governess


uncut, of Lever, Thackeray, Ainsworth, Marryat, George Meredith, Kingsley, Shelley, Keats, Lamb, Browning, Jesse. Also Works Illustrated by Rowlandson, Leech, Doyle, &c.Charles Hutt, Clement's Inn Gateway, Strand, W.C. Second-hand Catalogues solicited.

BOOKS WANTED. Booksellers and Private Individuals will

find it to their advantage to communicate with me before disposing elsewhere of any First Editions, in good condition, of the Works of Dickens, Thackeray, Lever, Ainsworth, Marryat, George Meredith,' Arnold, Kingsley, Shelley, Keats, Lamb, Browning, Jesse, Pardoe, Freer; also Books illustrated by G. or R. Cruikshank, T. Rowlandson, J. Leech, R. Doyle, W. Blake, T. Sibson, R. Seymour, &c.

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WALTER T. SPENCER, 27 New Oxford Street, London, W.C.

Used in upwards of 4,000 Churches.





Edited by the

Right Rev. E. H. BICKERSTETH, D.D.,

Lord Bishop of Exeter.


The following refors solely to the NEW EDITION, which is quite distinct from the old book, and

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St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C.

Printed by SPOTTISWOODE & CO., of 5 New-street Square, in the City of London; and Published for the Proprietors, SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON, LIMITED, at the Office, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West.-Saturday, September 15, 1888.


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