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Index to the Books published between September 1 and 15.

The Words in Italics are those under which the Titles are given Alphabetically in full, with the Publisher's Name.

Abbé Constantin, Halévy (L.) by Petilleau, 3s. 6d.
Advent Song, Havergal (F. R.) Illustrated, 1s. & 8d.
Adventures of Captain Mago, Cahun (Léon) 2s. 6d.
Esop, Fables for Little Readers, 3s. 6d.

Alps, Pioneers, Cunningham and Abney, new edit. 218.
American Girls' Home Book, Campbell (Helen) 78. 6d.
American Penman, An, Hawthorne (Julian) 28.
American Short Stories, Fifty-eight, 1s.
Anecdotes, Choice, and Good Sayings, 1s.

Angel Voices in Life's Pathway, Gd.

Angling for Coarse Fish, Bickerdyke (J.) 28.
Angling, Salt Water, Bickerdyke (J.) 2s.

Architecture, Building, &c., Dictionary of Terms, 5s.
Aristophanes, Aristotle, Virgil, Morley's Library, 3s. 6d.
Art Critic, Every Man his Own, Geddes (P.) 1s.
Astigmatism, Burnett (S. M.) 18s.

Aulus Gellius, Stories by Nall, Elementary Classics, 1s. 6d.
Baboe Dalima, or the Opium Fiend, Perelaer (T. H.) 7s. 6d.
Bacon, Francis, Life and Character, Lovejoy, 63.
Bazaars and Fancy Fairs, Guide, 1s.

For Maimie's Sake, Allen (Grant) 3s. 6d.
Fortnight of Folly, a Novel, Thompson (M.) 2s. 6d.
Francis de Sales, Works, Vol. 4. Letters, 6s.

Fortunes of the Rougons, Zola (Emile) new edit. 2s. 6d.
Françaises, Dictées, Hamonet (A.) 2s. 6d.

French and English Conversations, Loreille (E.) new ed. 2s. 6d.
French Course, Third, Esclangon (A) 3s.

From Cave to Palace, McMinn (E.) 68.

From Constantine to Charles the Great, Adeney (W. T.) 28. From 18 to 20. a Novel, 5s.

Gehenna, or Havens of Unrest, Wingfield (Lewis) 2s 6d. & 2s. Gladys Fane, Reid (T. Wemyss, 5th edit. 28.

God, Kingdom, Origin, and Progress, Grant (J. M.) 23. 6d.
Golden Mists, 1s. 6d. & 1s.

Gold Seekers, Boussenard (Louis) 2s. 6d.
Grammar Questions, Evans, Standards 2-7, 9d.
Graphic Gleanings, Caldecott (Randolph) 68.
Great Bank Robbery, Hawthorne (Julian) 2s.

Greece, History, Grote (G.) new edit. 10 vols. 5s, each.
Guardians, a Novel, 68.

Birmingham, Staffordshire, &c., Kelly, Directory, new e. 36s. Guided, 1s. & 8d.

Blue Banner, Cahun (Léon) 2s. 6d.

Bookkeeping Examination Papers, Medhurst (J. T.) 3s. Bournemouth, Illustrated Guide, Bright, new edit. 1s.

Hans Brinker, Dodge (M. E.) new edit. 2s. 6d.

Harper's Weekly, Index 1857-87, Griswold (W. M.) 12s. 6d. Harvard Vespers, Addresses, 1886-88, 5s.

His Masterpiece, Zola (Emile) new edit. 2s. 6d.

Brinka, an American Countess, a novel, Spenser (M. C.) 7s. 6d. Higher Things, Stepping Stones, Churchill (S.) 5th edit. 18.
British Isles, Building, Browne (A. J. J.) 78. 6d.
Bubbles, Lockyer (A. M.) new edit. 2s. 6d.
Bunyan, by Edmund Venables, 28 6d. & 1s.

Burns, Complete Poetical Works, Gunvon (W.) 2s. 6d.
California Pastoral, Bancroft (H. H.) 24s.
Captain of the Guidara, Verne (J.) new edit. 28.
Catechism, Shorter, Salmond. Exposition, Part 2, 6d.
Chicot the Jester, Dumas (Alex.) 6d.

Children of the Week, Peters (W. T.) 3s. 6d.

Chris, Norris (W. E.) 28.

Church, Ministry to the Young, Glover (R.) 1s. 6d.

Holland, Rogers (J. E. Thorold) Story of the Nations, 58.
Iceland Fisherman, a Story, Viand (L. M. J.) 2s. 6d.
Ideala, a Study from Life, 5s. and 4s.
Immortelles, Poems, Davis (M. E. M.) 6s.
Indian Sketches, Irving (J. T.) 7s. 6d.
Industrial Liberty, Boxham (J. M.) 7s. 6d.

In Exchange for a Soul. Linskill (Mary) new edit. 2s.
In the Olden Time, Scott (Walter) 1s. 6d.
Irving, Washington, Readings from, 2s. 6d.

James, Epistle, Johnstone (R.) Lectures, 2nd edit. 7s. 6d.

Coins of Great Britain and Ireland, Thorburn, 2nd ed. 7s. 6d. Judge Burnham's Daughters, Alden (Mrs. L. M.) 7s. 6d. Coleridge, S. T., Poems, Chiswick edit. 1s. 6d.

Composition Book, Compendious, 3d.

Composition Made Easy, Langridge, Part 2, Themes, 2d. Complaints, Spenser (Edmund) 6d. & 3d.

Company Precedents, Palmer (F. B.) 4th elit. 24s.

Conic Sections, Smith (C.) Solutions of Examples, 10s. 6d. Cook, How to, Benton (J. R.) 78. 6d.

Cookery, Cassell's Shilling, 1s.

Cornet of Horse, Henty (. A.) 2s. 6d.

Cotton Spinner, Practical, Leigh (W.) 6th edit. 2s.
Corsairs, or Love and Lucre, Hill (J.) new edit. 28.
County Council Compendium, Stephen and Miller, 21s.
Crack Country, Kennard (Mrs. E.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Criticism. Studies in, Trail (F.), 78. 6d.
Crossed with Silver, Chappell (Jennie) 18.

Crusoes of Guiana, Boussenard (Louis) 2s. 6d. Dead Doll &c., Verses, Vandergrift (M.) 7s. 6d.

Death Ship, a Strange Story, Russell (W. Clark) 3 v. 31s. 6d. Drummer Bov, Rousselet (Louis) 2s. 6d.

Dutch Waterways, Geard (Charles) Lodgings, Portable, 1s. Duties of Women, Lectures, Cobbe (Frances P.) 3s. 6d. Eastern Nations and Greece, Myers (P. V. N.) 8s.

Kaye, Bishop, Works, Vol. 6, Sermons and Addresses, 12s.
Kean, Edmund, Life an1 Times, Fitzgerald (P.) 2 vols. 21s.
Kelp, a Story of the Isle of Shoals, Allen (W. B.) 5s.
Keraban the Inflexible, Verne, new edit. I. 2s., II. 2s.
King Henry V., Shakspeare, National Library, 6d. and 3d.
King of the Tigers Rousselet (Lonis) 2s. 6d.

Kingston, W. H. G., Captain Mugford, 2s. 6d.

Kisses of Fate, a Novel, Allen (E. H.) 5s. and 2s. 6d.

Laconisms, Otts (J. M. P.) 48.

Ladies Paradise, Zola (Emile) new edit. 2s. 6d.

Lamartine, Poems from the Meditations, by G. O. Curme, 4s. Lava Fires, Poems, Smith (A. L.) 7s. 6d.

Libel, Newspaper, Merrill (S.) 15s. and 10s. 6d.

Little Helpers, a Story, Vandegrift (M.) 7s. 6d.

Little Wide Awake, 1888, vol. 5s. & 3s. 6d.

Local Government Act, 1888, Glen and Cunningham, 4s. 6d.
Locke, by Thomas Fowler, new edit. 1s. 6d. & ls.
Locomotive Engines, Dempsey and Clark, 3s. 6d.

London and Country Rambles, Allbut (Robert) new ed. 2s. 6d.
London, Curve Pictures for the Social Reformer, Macdowall, 1s.
Longfellow, Poetical Works, 2s. 6d.

Madeleine, a Poem, Brewer (D. C.) 68.
Magic Skin, Balzac, 3s. 6d.

Education Commission, Royal, Lyon, Summary of Report, 28. Mankind, Essays, and Political Arithmetic, Pelty, 6d. & 3d.

Economic Philosophy, Denslow, Principles, 158.

Elfriede, a Romance, Taylor (G.) 2 vols. 21s.

England, Invasion and Defence, Maude (Capt.) 1s. English Illustrated Magazine, 1887-88 vol. 8s.

English in the Canary Isles, Latimer (S. F.) 48.
English Spelling, Bagnold (E. S. H.) 3rd edit. 1s. 3d.
Entomology for Beginners, Packard (A. S.) 7s. 6d.
Essayists, English, Anton (P.) 18.

Essays and Thoughts, Barber (T.) 6s. 6d.

Euclid Text-book, Hall and Stevens, Pt. 2, 3s., 1, 3, 4s. 6d. Fiction, Prose, Dunlop (J. C.) History, 2 vols. 5s. each. Field Fortification Notes, Hutchinson (H. D.) 4s. Foraminifera, Bibliography, Sherborn (Charles D.) 58.

Mark, Biblical Illustrator, Erell (J. S.) vol. 2, 10s. 6d. Margaret Regis, a story, Ryder (A. H.) 6s.

Marie, a Seaside Episode, Ritter (J. P.) 5s. and 2s. 6d.

Married for Love, Boisgobey (F. du) 3s. 6d.

Mars, Friends and Playmates, 6s.

Meditation of Ralph Hardelot, Minto (W.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.

Men of Many, Sketches, Remembrances, &c., Evans (T. C.) 6s. Mexican Girl, Thickstun (F.) 6s. & 2s. 6d.

Middle Ages, Study, Emerton (E.) 6s.

Midnight Queen, a novel, Fleming (M. A.) 7s. 6d.

Midwifery, System, Leishman (W.) 4th edit. 2 vols. 24s.
Miss Lou, Roe (E. P.) 28.

Molly Bishop's Family, Owen (C.) 58.

Secession War, Short History, Johnson (R.) 15s.

Montezuma's Gold Mines, a story, Ober (F. A.) 5s.
Mormonism, Early Days, Kennedy (J. H.) 48.
Musical Life, My, Haweis (H. R.) 2nd edit. 7s. 6d.
Napoleon Smith, a romance, 2s. 6d.

Negation, Anatomy, Saltus (E.) 15s.

Secrets at Roseladies, a story, Catherwood (M. H.) 5s.
Section 558, or the Fatal Letters, Hawthorne (Julian) 2s.
Self-Instructor, Industrial, vol. 5, 7s. 6d.

Shakespeare, edited by H. Irving, vol. 4, 10s. 6d.

Shakspeare Epitaph, tale, Clark (E. G.) translated, 58, & 2s. 6d.

New Guinea, Adventures in, Tregance (Louis) new ed. 2s. 6d. Shakspeare Souvenir, 18.

Noble Words and Noble Deed", 28. 6d.

Oak Bough and Wattle Blossom, 1s.

Ocean Tramp, a story, Heywood (P. D.) 68.

Shakspeare, Tales from, Lamb (Charles & M.) 28.
Sharks of Society, Hemyng (Bracebridge) 1s.
Shorthand Dictionary, Cross (J. G.) 18s.

One Maid's Mischief, Fenn (G. Manville) new edit. 2s. 6d. & 28. Sir Roger de Coverley, 1s.
Only for Jesus, Macgregor (W. M.) Memorial, 1s. 6d.

Optics, Geometrical. Heath (R. S.) Elementary Treatise, 5s.
Outposts, Country, Morrison, Questions and Answers, 6d.
Painting, Fruit and Still Life, Muckley (W. J.) new edit. 18.
Painting, Silver, Abney and Robinson, 2s. 6d.
Paris Life at Twenty, Dumas (A. fils) 2s.

Passenger from Scotland Yard, Wood (H. F.) 2nd edit. 2s.
Paul, Life, Stalker (J.) 3s. 6d.

Petites Causeries, Motteau (Achille) new edit. 1s. 6d.
Pets and Playfellows, Stories, Surr (Mrs.) 3s. 6d.
Pike, Angling for, Bickerdyke (J.) 28.

Pioneers, Sources of the Susquehanna, Cooper (J. F.) 2s.
Pit Town Coronet, Wells (C. J.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Planetary and Stellar Studies, Gore (J. Ellard) 7s. 6d.
Plantations, Pole, and Underwoods, Bright (Tom) 38. 6d.
Poe, Poems, Essays, and Pym, by J. H. Ingram, 2s. & 1s. 6d.
Poor Law, English, Aschrott (P. F.) 10s. 6d.

Poor Player, Story of Kent, Digges (W.) 2 vols. 21s.
Popes, Lives of the, Platina (B.) 1s.

Six Girls, a Home Story, Irving (Fannie B.) 5s.
Songs of a Lifetime, Starr (E. A.) 12s. 6d.
Soudan, in the, 83-87, Wylde (A. B.) 2 vols. 30s.
Sports and Pastimes, Cassell, new edit. 3s. 6d.
Story of Charles Strange, Wood (Mrs. Henry) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Strange Tales, by One of the Crowd, Greenwood (James) 18.
Sunday School Teacher, 1888 vol. 3s.

Swiss Family Robinson, new translation, 78. 6d.
Tactics, Modern, Gull (H. R.) 2 vols. 10s. 6d.
Tactics and Strategy, Minor, Wisser (J. P.) 12s. 6d.
Tennessee, History, Phelan (J.) 7s. 6d.

Tests, Set A, Watson, Standards 3, 4, 5, 6d. & 4d. each.
Text-book, Daily, What saith the Master, 18. 6d. & ls.
Texts for Quiet Moments, At Eventide, 6d.
Through Green Glasses, Allen (F. M.) 6th edit. 2s.
Tragedy of Brinkwater, Moodey (Martha L.) 2s.
Tragic Mystery, Hawthorne (Julian) 2s.

'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay, Besant (W.) and Rice, 6s.
Uncommercial Traveller, Dickens (Charles) 1s. 6d.

Presidential Elections, History, Stanwood (E.) new edit. 7s. 6d. Union Army, Livermore (M. A.) My Story of the War, 11s. Prisonniers du Caucase, Maistre (X.) 1s. 6d.

Property, Personal, Benjamin, Law of Sale, 4th edit. 38s.
Pueblos, Land of Wallace (S. E.) 4s.

Readers, New London, First, new edit. 7d.

Recollections of a Drummer Boy, Kieffer (H. M.) 7s. 6d.
Reverberator, James (Henry) 68.

Richard III., Shakspeare, by Tawney (C. H.) 2s. 6d.
Riven Asunder, a Story, Goldsmid (Howard J.) 1s.
Rectum, Diseases, Allingham (W.) 5th edit. 10s. 6d.
Religions, Living, Fradenburgh (J. N.) 78. 6d.
Renée, a romance, Wilson (M. C.) 7s. 6d.
Romulus and Remus, a story, Talbot (C. R.) 5s.
Ruth Seyton, Ausby (Edith) 1s. 6d.
Saint Margaret, Tirebuck (W.) 2s. & 1s.
Salute One Another, Neil (James) new edit. 18.
Scarpante the Spy, Verne (J.) new edit. 28.
Scholars, Great, Nicolls (H. J.) 1s.
Scott, Walter, Poetical Works, 2s. 6d.
Scripture Questions, Diocesan, Evans, 8d.

United States and its People, Eggleston (E.) 7s. 6d.
United States, Federalist, a commentary, 10s. 6d.
United States, Tariff History, Tausig (F. W.) 5s.
Upward and Onward, Partridge (S. W.) new edit. 2s. 6d.
Vane's Invention, Electrical Romance, Milbank (W.) 1s.
War Time Wooing, a story, King (C.) 6s.

War Times at La Rose Blanche, Davis (M. E. M.) 6s.
Welsh Elementary Schools, Bi-lingual Teaching, 1s.
Wesleyan Conference Minutes, July 1888, 28.
Who is John Norman? Beckett (Charles H.) 23.
Window in the Rock, Cornish Tale, Foskett (E.) 1s.
Winning His Spurs, Henty (G. A.) 2s. 6d.

Woman, Rights and Duties, 1s.

Worship Scripture, Family, Spurgeon (C. H.) 12s. 6d.
Yellow Snake, a tale, Bishop (W. H.) 2s. 6d.

Yoke of the Thorah, Luska (Sidney) 2s.

Young Prince of Commerce, Hopkins (S. R.) 68.
Youngest Miss Green, Robinson (F. W.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Your Heavenly Father Knoweth, Gorges (M.) 1s. & 6d.



The occasional Notes in italics after the titles are only given in cases of short or obscure tilles appearing for the first time They are not intended to be general, or to express any opinion on the literary merit of the books; the sole object being to explain the title-page, or to give such additional information concerning the nature of the work as may appear to be required. All books are in cloth when not otherwise described.

[ocr errors]

Abney (Capt.) and Robinson (H. P.)-The Art and
Practice of Si ver Printing. 2nd edit. post 8vo. pp. 136,
sewed, 2s. 6d. (Photographic Handy Books) Piper [4524
Adeney (W. F.)-From Constantine to Charles the Great :
Christiar ity from the Third to the Eighth Century. Post
8vo. pp. 188, 28. (Normal Studies for Sunday School Teachers)
Sunday School Union [4525
Esop's Fables for Little Readers. Told by Mrs. Arthur
Brookfield. Pictured by Henry Ford. Roy. 8vo. pp. 70,
3s. 6d. ......
Unwin [4526
Allbut (R.)-London and Country Rambles with Charles
Dickens. Revised edit. With Illustrations. 12mo. pp.
146, 2s. 6d.......
.....Sheppard & St. John [4527

Allen (F. M.)-Through Green Glasses. 6th edit. 12mo.
pp. 236, boards, 2s.
Ward & D. [4528

Allen (Grant)-For Maimie's Sake: a Tale of Love and
Dynamite. Post 8vo. pp. 314, 3s. 6d. ........ Chatto [4529

Allingham (W.) - The Diagnosis and Treatment of
Diseases of the Rectum, Edited and revised with much
additional new matter and numerous diagrams, by Herbert
Wm. Allingham. 5th edit. 8vo. pp. 366, 10s. 6d.

Churchill [4530

Angel Voices on Life's Pathway. Illustrated by J. F.
Weedon. With Texts of Counsel and Guidance for a Month.
32mo. sewed, 6d........
Book Society [4531

Anton (P.)-English Essayists. Cr. 8vo. 1s. (Ward & L.'s
1s. Library)...
........ Ward & L. [4532
The Politics of Aristotle;
B.C. 19. Cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d.
..Routledge [4533

Aristophanes-Three Plays of;
Virgil's Eneid. B.C. 425 to
(Morley's Universal Library)

Aschrott (P. F.)-The English Poor Law System, Past
and Present. Translated by Herbert Preston-Thomas.
With Preface by Henry Sidgwick. 8vo. pp. 350, 10s. 6d.
Knight & Co. [4534
At Eventide: Texts for Quiet Moments. Illustrated by
J. F. Weedon. 32mo. sewed, 6d. ...... Book Society [4535
Awsby (Edith)-Ruth Seyton; or, the Cross and the
Crown. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Nimmo), pp. 160, 1s. 6d.
Simpkin [4536

A tale.

Bacon (Francis) (Lord Verulam): a Critical Review of his Life and Character; with Selections from his Writings. By B. G. Lovejoy. Post 8vo. pp. 290, 6s. ....Unwin [4537 Bagnold (E. S. H.) The Handy Book of English Spelling. 3rd edit. carefully revised and corrected, 12mo. pp. 144, 1s. 3d. Lockwood [4538 Balzac (Honoré de) -- The Magic Skin (La Peau de Chagrin). Post 8vo. pp. 366, 3s. 6d. ......Routledge [4539



Barber (T.)-Essays and Thoughts on Various Subjects:
Theological, Literary, and General. Post 8vo. (Ipswich,
Pawsey) pp. 396, 6s. 6d......
......Simpkin [4540
Beckett (C. H.)-Who is John Norman ? Post 8vo. pp.
318, 28. (American Library of Fiction) Cassell....[4541
Benjamin's Law of Sale of Personal Property. 4th
edit. By A. B. Pearson Gee and Hugh F. Boyd. Roy. 8vo.
......Sweet [4542
Besant (W.) and Rice (J.)-Twas in Trafalgar's Bay,
and other Stories. Library edit. 8vo. pp. 396, 6s.
Chatto [4543
Bi-lingual Teaching in Welsh Elementary
Schools; or, Minutes of Evidence of Welsh Witnesses be-
fore the Royal Commission on Education in 1886-7. With
Introductory Remarks and the Recommendations of the
Commissioners on the Question as given in their Official
Report. 8vo. (Newport, Southall) pp. 128, sewed. 1s.


Simpkin [4544 Bickerdyke (J.)—Angling for Coarse Fish. Uncut edit. cr. 8vo. 28. .L. U. Gill [4545 Bickerdyke (J.)—Angling for Pike. Uncut edit. cr. 8vo. ......................L. U. Gill [4546 Bickerdyke (J.)—Angling in Salt Water. Uncut edit. cr. 8vo. 28. ..L. U. Gill [4547 Boisgobey (F. du)-Married for Love (Mariage d'Inclination) post 8vo. pp. 378, 3s. 6d...... ...Routledge [4548

[blocks in formation]

Cahun (L.)-The Adventures of Captain Mago; or, a
Phoenician Expedition B.C. 1000. Illustrated. Post 8vo.
pp. 330, 2s. 6d.
..Low [4557
Cahun (L.)—The Blue Banner; or, the Adventures of a
Mussulman, a Christian, and a Pagan. Illustrated. Post
8vo. pp. 356, 2s. 6d. ......
........Low [4558
Caldecott (R.) Gleanings from the Graphic. Oblong
folio, 6s.
.....Routledge [4559
Campbell (Helen)-The American Girl's Home Book; or,
Work and Play. Illustrated. New edit. 8vo. 78. 6d.
Putnam [4560


Captain Mugford; or, Our Salt and Fresh Water Tutors.
Edited by W. H. G. Kingston. With 8 Illustrations. Post
8vo. pp. 300, 2s. 6d...
.....Low [4561
Cassell's Complete Book of Sports and Pastimes.
Cheaper edit. 8vo. pp. 960, 3s. 6d. ............Cassell [4562

Cassell's Shilling Cookery. Edited by A. G. Payne.
Post 8vo. pp. 370, sewed, 1s.
......Cassell [4563
Chappell (Jennie)-Crossed with Silver. 12mo. (Edin-
burgh, Nimmo) pp. 126, 1s.
...Simpkin [4564
A tale of the gipsies.

Choice Anecdotes and Good Sayings of the Witty
and Wise. Edited by W. A. Clouston. Cr. 8vo. sewed, 1s.
Ward & L. [4565

Churchill (S.)-Stepping-Stones to Higher Things. 5th
edit. 12mo. pp. 210, sewed, ls...... .....Nisbet [4566

Cobbe (Frances Power)-The Duties of Women: a
Course of Lectures. 8th American edit. 12mo. pp. 196,
3s. 6d. ........
Williams & N. [4567
Coleridge (S. T.)-Poems. 12mo. pp. 310, 1s. 6d. (Chiswick
..........Bell & S. [4568
Compendious Composition Book, containing Speci-
men Essays, Hints, &c. Adapted to Code Requirements.
12mo. pp. 30, sewed, 3d.
Simpkin [4569


Cooper (J. F.)-The Pioneers; or, the Sources of the
Susquehanna: a Descriptive Tale. Post 8vo. pp. 386, 28.
(Crown Library)....
Warne [4570

Cunningham (C. D.) and Abney (W. de W.)-The
Pioneers of the Alps. 2nd edit. imp. 8vo. pp. 178, 21s.
Low [4571
Edited by
.Hachette [4572

De Maistre (X.)-Les Prisonniers du Caucase.
J. H. B. Spiers. Fcp. 1s. 6d. ...........

[blocks in formation]

Dictionary of the Leading Technical and Trade
Terms of Architectural Design and Building Construction :
being Practical Descriptions, with Technical Details, of the
different Departments connected with the various Subjects,
with Derivations of and French and German Equivalents
or Synonyms for the various Terms. By the Editor of the
Technical Journal and Industrial Self-Instructor. 8vo. pp.
316, 58.
Ward & L. [4576

8vo. 21s.



....Remington [4577 Dodge (M. E.)-Hans Brinker; or, the Silver Skates. New edit. post 8vo. pp. 304, 2s. 6d................... ...Low [4578

Bright (T.)-Pole Plantations and Underwoods: a Practical Handbook on Estimating the Cost of Forming, Renovating, Improving, and Grubbing Plantations and Underwoods; their Valuation for Purposes of Transfer, Digges (W.)-A Poor Player: a Story of Kent. 2 vols. cr. Rental, Sale, or Assessment; including Remarks on their Profitable Management, with Comprehensive Tables for facilitating the necessary Calculations. Post 8vo. pp. 120, 3s. 6d....... ......Lockwood [4552 Bright's Illustrated Guide to Bournemouth. 5th thousand, revised and enlarged, cr. 8vo. (Bournemouth. Bright) 1s. ....... Mason & P. [4553 Browne (A. J. Jukes-) - The Building of the British Isles a Study in Geographical Evolution. Illustrated by Maps and Woodcuts. 12mo. pp. 348, 7s. 6d. (Bohn's Scientific Library) ....... Bell & S. [4554 Bunyan (John)-Life of. By Edmund Venables. 12mo. pp. 220, 1s.; large paper, 2s. 6d. (Great Writers)

W. Scott [4555

Dumas (A.)-Chicot the Jester: an Historical Romance.
(Sequel to Marguerite de Valois.') 8vo. pp. 160, sewed, 6d.
Routledge [4579
Dumas (A.)-Paris Life at Twenty. New edit. 12mo. pp.
256, boards, 28.
...C. H. Clarke [4580
Dunlop (J. C.) History of Prose Fiction. New edit.
revised. With Notes, Appendices, and Index. 2 vols.
12mo. pp. 1220, 5s. each (Bohn's Standard Library)
Bell & S. [4581


[ocr errors]

Burns (R.)-Complete Poetical Works. With an Original Memoir by William Gunnyon. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh, English Illustrated Magazine, 1887-8. Roy. 8vo. 8s. (Nimmo) pp. 660, 2s. 6d.

...Simpkin [4556

Macmillan [4582

Simpkin [4605 A religious poem, printed in gilt letters and colours, with illustrations.

Halévy (L.) — L'Abbé Constantin. Petilleau, B.A. Fcp. 3s. 6d.....

Edited by George ...Hachette [4606

Esclangon (A.)-Third French Course. Advanced Gram- | Guided. 12mo. (Birmingham, Caswell) sewed, 8d. and 1s. mar, Idiomatic Phrases, Passages for Translation, and a complete Vocabulary. 12mo. pp. 320, 3s. (Collins' School Series) .Collins [4583 Evans (T.)-Midland Hardbook of Grammar Questions, with Answers after each Question, for all the Standards II. to VII. 12mo. 9d....... .....Simpkin [4584 Evans' Handbook of Scripture Diocesan Questions for all Divisions of the School. 12mo. pp. 64, sewed, 8d. Simpkin [4585 Fenn (G. M.)-One Maid's Mischief. New edit. 12mo. pp. 362, 2s. 6d.; boards, 2s. ....... Ward & D. [4586

Fifty-eight Short Stories from American Sources. Complete Stories by Joaquin Miller, French, Sheldon, the Queen of Roumania, O. S. Adams, &c. &c.; many of them republished from the Weekly Journal, American Humorist, and Story-Teller. 8vo. pp. 186, sewed, 1s. ....Saxon [4587 Foskett (E.)-The Window in the Rock: a Cornish Tale in Verse. 12mo. pp. 22, sewed, 1s. Simpkin [4588 Francis de Sales-Works. Translated. Vol. 4: Letters to Persons in Religion. With Introduction by Bishop Hedley. Cr. 8vo. 6s...... ....... Burns & 0. [4589


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Geard (C.)-Portable Lodgings in Dutch Waterways:
Holiday Cruise in a Steam Yacht. With Illustrations from
Photographs by the Author. Oblong, pp. 52, boards, 1s.
Mason & P. [4592
Geddes (P.)-Every Man His Own Art Critic (Glasgow
Exhibition, 1888): an Introduction to the Study of Pic-
tures. Svo. (Edinburgh, Brown) pp. 58, sewed, 1s.
Simpkin [4593
Gellius-Stories from Aulus Gellius: being Selections and
Adaptations from the Noctes Atticæ. Edited, with Notes,
Exercises, and Vocabularies for the use of Lower Forms, by
the Rev. G. H. Nall. 18mo. pp. 150, 1s. 6d. (Elementary
.....Macmillan [4594
Glen (A. and R. Cunningham) - A Handbook to the
Local Government (England and Wales) Act, 1888; for
the use of councillors and others. Post 8vo. pp. 248, 4s. 6d.
Knight & Co. [4595

Glover (R.)-Ministry of the Church to the Young: a Course of Five Lectures delivered in Regent's Park College to Students and Teachers. (Ridley Lectures, 1888.) Post 870. pp. 88, 1s. 6d..... ....Sunday School Union [4596 Golden Mists. By the Author of 'Poppet.' Post 8vo. pp. 210, ls. 6d.; sewed, 1s. (Family Story-Teller)

W. Stevens [4597 Goldsmid (H. J.) - Riven Asunder: a Story told to a Portrait. 12mo. pp. 220, sewed, 1s.........Vizetelly [4598 Gore (J. E.)-Planetary and Stellar Studies; or, Short Papers on the Planets, Stars, and Nebula. Post 8vo. pp. 260, 78. 6d. ..Roper & D. [45999

Gorges (M.)-Your Heavenly Father Knoweth. 12mo. (Birmingham, Caswell) sewed, 6d. and 1s...Simpkin [4600 A religious poem, printed in gilt letters and colours, with illustrations.

Grant (J. M.) The Origin, Progress, and Establishment of the Kingdom of God in the World. Post 8vo. pp. 134, 2s. 6d...... .Banks [4601 Greenwood (J.)-Strange Tales by 'One of the Crowd.' Cr. 8vo. sewed, 18....... Ward & L. [4602 Grote (G.)-History of Greece, from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation contemporary with Alexander the Great. With Portrait, Map, and Plans. New edit. 10 vols. post 8vo. 5s. each ..Murray [4603

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Hall (H. S.) and Stevens (F. H.)-A Text-Book of Euclid's Elements for the use of Schools. Part 2, containing Books III.-VI. 12mo. pp. 130, 3s..... Macmillan [4607 Hall (H. 8.) and Stevens (F. H.)-A_Text-Book of Euclid's Elements for the use of Schools. Parts 1 and 2, containing Books I.-VI. Post 8vo. pp. 394, 4s. 6d. Macmillan [4608

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Hamonet (A.) Dictées Françaises ayant servir aux Examens de Candidats. Cr. 8vo. 2s. 6d.....Hachette [4609 Havergal (F. R.) Advent Song. Illustrated by the Baroness Helga von Cramm. 12mo. (Birmingham, Caswell) sewed, 8d. and 1s. ...Simpkin [4610 Haweis (H. R.)-My Musical Life. 2nd edit. post 8vo. pp. 688, 7s. 6d. W. H. Allen [4611 Hawthorne (J.)—A Tragic Mystery. From the Diary of Inspector Byrnes. Post 8vo. pp. 270, boards, 2s. (American Library of Fiction).... ........Cassell [4612 Hawthorne (J.)-An American Penman. From the Diary of Inspector Byrnes. Post 8vo. pp. 280, boards, 28. (American Library of Fiction). ......Cassell [4613 Hawthorne (J.)-Section 558; or, the Fatal Letter. From the Diary of Inspector Byrnes. Post 8vo. pp. 244, boards, 28. (American Library of Fiction) Cassell [4614

Hawthorne (J.)-The Great Bank Robbery. From the Diary of Inspector Byrnes. Post 8vo. pp. 236, boards, 2s. (American Library of Fiction) ....... Cassell [4615 Heath (R. S.)--An Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Optics. Post 8vo. pp. 212, 5s. Cambridge Warehouse [4616

Hemyng (B.) -The Sharks of Society: the West-end
Shark, the Domestic Shark, the Marrying Shark. Post
8vo. pp. 128, boards, 1s.
.Diprose & B. [4617

Three tales.

Henty (G. A.)-The Cornet of Horse: a Tale of Marl-
borough's Wars. With 8 full-page Illustrations by H.
Petherick. Post 8vo. pp. 280, 2s. 6d. ..........Low [4618
Henty (G. A.)-Winning His Spurs: a Tale of the Cru-
saders. With numerous Illustrations. Post 8vo. pp. 320,
2s. 6d........
......Low [4619

Hill (J.)-The Corsars; or, Love and Lucre. 3rd edit. post
8vo. pp. 282, 2s. (Vizetelly's One- Vol. Novels) Vizetelly [4620
Hutchinson (H. D.)-Field Fortification: Notes on the
Text-Books, specially designed and arranged for the use of
Officers preparing for Promotion Examinations. Post 8vo.
(Chatham, Gale & P.) pp. 156, 48...........Simpkin [4621
Ideala: a Study from Life. 8vo. pp. 313, 5s.; sewed, 48.
E. W. Allen [4622

Industrial Self-Instructor. Vol. 5. 4to. 7s. 6d.

Ward & L. [4623 Irving (Fannie B.)-Six Girls: a Home Story. Illustrated by E. T. Merrill. Post 8vo. pp. 456, 5s. Unwin [4624 James (H.)-The Reverberator. Post 8vo. pp. 226, 6s. Macmillan [4625 A novel.

Johnstone (R.)-Lectures, Exegetical and Practical, on the Epistle of James. 2nd edit. post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Oliphant) pp. 450, 78. 6d. ....Hamilton [4626 Kaye (John, Bishop of Lincoln)-Works. Vol. 6: Sermons and Addresses. 8vo. 12s....... Rivingtons [4627

Kean (Edmund)-Life and Adventures: 1787-1833. By
J. Fitzgerald Molloy. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 580, 21s.
Ward & D. [4628

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Kelly's Directory of Birmingham, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire. edit. roy. 8vo. 36s. Kennard (Mrs. E.)-A Crack County: a Novel. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 31s. 6d.... .F. V. White [4630

Kennedy (J. H.)-Early Days of Mormonism, Palmyra, | New London Readers. First Reader. New and enKirtland, and Nauvoo. Post 8vo. 4s.....Reeves & T. [4631 larged edit. fcp. pp. 112, 7d. .Isbister [4656


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Nicoll (H. J.)--Great Scholars. Cr. 8vo. 1s. (Ward & L.'s
1s. Library)
...... Ward & L. [4657
Noble Words and Noble Deeds. Illustrated. Post
8vo. pp. 346, 2s. 6d.
......Low [4658
Norris (W. E.)—Chris. Post 8vo. pp. 310, boards, 28.
Macmillan [4659
Oak-Bough and Wattle-Blossom. Edited by A.
Patchett Martin. Stories and Sketches by Australians in
England. By Mrs. Campbell Praed, C. Haddon Chambers,
Douglas B. W. Sladen, Philip Mennell, Edmund Stansfield
Rawson, S. Oldmixon, and the Editor. 12mo. pp. 198,
sewed, ls. (Novocastrian Novels)....... ...W. Scott [4660
Palmer (F. B.) and Macnaghten (C.)-Company Pre-
cedents for use in relation to Companies. 4th edit. roy.
8vo. 348.........
Stevens & S. [4661

Lamb (Charles and Mary)-Tales from Shakspeare. Cr. 8vo. 23. (People's Standard Library) ...... Ward & L. [4632 Latimer (8. F.)-The English in Canary Isles: being a Journal in Teneriffe and Gran Canaria. With Latest information and a Map of the Islands and 8 Illustrations. Post 8vo. (Plymouth Western Daily Mercury Office) pp. 340, 48. ...... .......Simpkin [4633 Leigh (W.)-The Practical Cotton Spinner and Manager's Assistant. 6th edit. 12mo. (Skipton, Edmondson), pp. 126, ....Simpkin [4634 Leishman (W.)-A System of Midwifery. Including the Diseases of Pregnancy and the Puerperal State. 4th edit. 2 vols. 8vo. (Edinburgh, Glasgow), pp. 858, 248. Macmillan [4635 Linskill (Mary)-In Exchange for a Soul: a Novel. New edit. 12mo. pp. 314, boards, 28...............Chatto [4636 Partridge (S. W.)-Upward and Onward: a Thought



Little Wide-Awake. Vol. 1888. 4to. 5s.; boards 3s. 6d.
Routledge [4837

Locke. By Thomas Fowler. Post 8vo. pp. 196, 1s. 6d. ;
sewed, 1s. (English Men of Letters)........Macmillan [4638
Lockyer (A. M.)-Bubbles. New edit. 4to. boards, 2s. 6d.
M. Ward [4639

Longfellow (H. W.)-Poetical Works. Post 8vo. (Edin-
burgh, Nimmo) pp. 690, 2s. 6d. ........Simpkin [4640
Longridge (C.C.)-Composition made Easy. Part. II.
Themes. 12mo. (Preston, Watson) pp. 34, sewed, 2d. (Wat-
son's School Series)
....Simpkin [4641
Loreille (E.) - French and English Conversations. 4th
edit. 12mo. (Grantham, Clarke) pp. 156, 28. 6d.
Simpkin [4642
Luska (S.)-The Yoke of the Thorah. Post 8vo. pp. 320,
boards, 2s. (American Library of Fiction) ....Cassell [4643

Lyon (E. H.)-Royal Education Commission, 1886-88. A
Summary of the Final Report, containing the Conclusions
and Recommendations of the Commissioners. 8vo. pp. 132,
......National Society [4644

MacDowall (A. B.)-Curve Pictures of London for the
Social Reformer. 12mo. pp. 50, sewed, is.......Low [4645
Pictures representing by the course of a curve in graded
diagrams the state of London as to population, birth and
death rates, suicides, and other social questions.

Macgregor (W. M.)-Only for Jesus: Memorials of the
late Wm. M. Macgregor, Missionary to China. By Lewis
Munro. With Introductory Note by the Rev. J. H. Wilson.
Post 8vo. pp. 170, 1s. 6d....

Book for the Threshold of Active Life. New edit. 12mo. pp. 206, 2s. 6d. ..Partridge [4662 Perelaer (T. H.)-Baboe Dalima; or, the Opium Fiend. Translated from the Dutch by the Rev. F. J. Venning. Post 8vo. pp. 550, 7s. 6d. (Vizetelly's One-Vol. Novels)

[blocks in formation]

Platina (B.)-Lives of the Popes, from the Accession of
Gregory VII. to the Death of Paul II. Written originally
in Latin, and translated into English. Edited by the Rev.
W. Benham. 8vo. pp. 316, 1s. (Ancient and Modern Library
of Theological Literature)
..Griffith [4666

Poe (E. A.) -- Complete Poetical Works, and Essays on
Poetry, together with his Narrative of Arthur Gordon
Pym. Edited, annotated, and arranged, with Memoir, by
John H. Ingram. Post 8vo. pp. 396, 28.; sewed, 1s. 6d.
(Chandos Classics)
.................... Warne [4667
Reid (T. W.)-Gladys Fane: a Story of Two Lives. 5th
edit. 12mo. pp. 426, sewed, 2s. (Unwin's Novel Series)
Unwin [4668


Robinson (F. W.)-The Youngest Miss Green. 3 vols.
post 8vo. 31s. 6d....
.......Hurst [4669

...Partridge [4646 Roe (E. P.)-Miss Lou. Post 8vo. pp. 370, 2s.

Maude (Capt.)-The Invasion and Defence of England.
Cr. 8vo. sewed, 1s.
......Thacker [4647
Medhurst (J. T.)-Examination Papers in Book-keeping.
Set at the Civil Service, Society of Arts, City of London
College, and other Examinations, with Preliminary Exer-
cises. Post 8vo. pp. 180, 38. .............. Bell & S. [4648
Milbank (W.)-Vane's Invention: an Electrical Romance.
12mo. pp. 150, sewed, 1s. (Novocastrian Novels)
W. Scott [4649
Minto (W.)-The Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. 3 vols. cr.
8vo. 31s. 6d.
........Macmillan [4650

Moodey (Martha L.)-The Tragedy of Brinkwater: a
Novel. Post 8vo. pp. 240, boards, 2s. (American Library of
........Cassell [4651
Morrison (R. H.)-Questions and Answers on Cavalry
Outposts. 32mo. (Chatham, Gale & P.), pp. 32, sewed, 6d.
Simpkin [4652

Motteau (A.)-Petites Causeries; or, Elementary English
and French Conversations. (Illustrated French and Eng.
lish Talk Book.) 3rd edit. post 8vo. pp. 150, 1s. 6d.
Lockwood [4653
Muckley (W. J.) — A Manual on Fruit and Still-life
Painting in Oil and Water Colours.
80, sewed, 1s.

3rd edit. 12mo. pp.
Winser & N. [4654

Neil (J.)-Salute One Another; or, the Kiss of the Bible.
Kissing, its Curious Bible Mentions. New edit. 12mo. pp.
94, sewed, ls.
....Simpkin [4655

A tale.

Ward & L. [4670

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Salmond (Prof.)-An Exposition of the Shorter Catechism. Part Second, containing the Summary of Christian Duty. Sect 1 (Q. 39 to 81): the Law. 18mo. (Edinburgh, Clark) pp. 94, sewed, 6d. (Bible Class Primers)....Hamilton [4675 Scott (Sir W.) In the Olden Time. Sq. 16mo. sewed, 1s. 6d. .Hodder [4676 The well-known poem from Marmion,' with 48 pages of original drawings printed in sepia in eight tints.

Scott (Sir W.)-Poetical Works. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh,
Nimmo) pp. 640, 2s. 6d.
......Simpkin [4677
Shakspeare-King Henry V. 18mo. pp. 192, 6d.; sewed
3d. (Cassell's National Library).
Cassell [4678

Shakspeare-The Tragedy of King Richard the Third.
With an Introduction and Notes by C. H. Tawney, M.A.
Fcp. 2s. 6d.
Macmillan [4679

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