length portrait of one of Scotland's most interesting characters.-Athenæum. 'Old Boston,' by Miss A. de Grasse Stevens, is, we understand, now on sale at Messrs. W. H. Smith & Sons' bookstalls. The new work by Q., which will be published by Messrs. Cassell & Co. under the title of The Astonishing History of Troy Town,' is now in a forward state of preparation, and will be ready for publication by the end of the present month. A Milwaukee (U.S.) bookseller has taken, says the Athenæum, to issuing his catalogues in a novel form, which he states his intention of patenting. The books offered for sale are unpriced, and customers are invited to make their offers, on the understanding that each book must go either to the first bidder, or, if the first offer is not accepted, to the highest bidder at the end of four weeks. On Saturday, September 1, the employés of Messrs. Hamilton, Adams & Co. had their first annual excursion to Chingford. Favoured by beautiful weather, a most enjoyable time was spent. Among other festivities a cricket match, married versus single, was played during the afternoon. In the evening a concert was given by the members of the house, Mr. John Ellis in the chair. The toast of The Firm' was given by Mr. Hallett and responded to by Mr. Long, and drunk with cheers and acclamation. The party returned home, resolving that this should not be the last of these enjoyable gatherings. Continental Notes Amongst the important announcements of new publications, which show as plainly as the fall of the leaf the approach of winter, that of Sir Morell Mackenzie's work on 'Frederick the Noble' eclipses all others in interest. M. Paul Ollendorff announces 'La Dernière Maladie de Frédérick le Noble,' and Herr Ad. Spaarmann, of Styrum (Rheinland), 'Friedrich der Edle und seine Aerzte.' Both the French and the German translations of Sir Morell Mackenzie's answer to the Berlin doctors will be published simultaneously with the English original edition. Sir Morell Mackenzie has found many advocates and defenders in Germany. For instance, Mackenzie und seine Verläumder' (Mackenzie and his Traducers), by Hermann Norvid; and the valuable contribution of Dr. J. L. Kleist to the literature of this subject of undying interest, Die Krankheit und der Tod Kaiser Friedrich III., und der Kampf gegen Mackenzie' (The Illness and Death of the Emperor Frederick III., and the Conflict with Mackenzie). Herren Breitkopf & Haertel, of Leipzig, announce a new edition of Beethoven's works. The vocal and piano music will be published in weekly parts, and his chamber music will appear in monthly parts. Herren Mahlan & Waldschmidt, of Frankfort-on-the-Maine, have just published an International Montefiore Album, edited by Dr. Joseph Fiebermann, in royal 8vo., with illustrations and a likeness of the late respected baronet. 'Le Kassai et la Louloun de Kwamouth à Louebo levés à bord du Steamer "Stanley," par le Capitaine Thys,' is a new map which forms an important contribution to the hydrography of the Congo State, and is issued by the Institut National de Géographie, at Bruxelles. 'Nero' is the title of a new novel by Ernst Eckstein, which will be published on October 1 by Carl Reissner, of Leipzig. Herr J. P. Bachem, of Cologne, will publish shortly 'Peter Pázmány, Cardinal Erzbischof und Primus von Ungarn und seine Zeit,' von Dr. Johann Heinrich Schwicher. The subject of this biography, who died more than 200 years ago, was not only a distinguished ecclesiastic, but also one of the most prominent writers and statesmen of his time. Die Anwendung und der Betrieb von StellA work of interest to railway engineers, werken zur Sicherung von Weichen und Signalen,' von Richard Kolle, with 133 woodHerren Ernst & Korn, of Berlin. The author cut illustrations, has just been published by government inspector of Prussian railways. is Herr F. A. Brockhaus has just published the fourth edition of his 'Kleines ConversationsLexicon.' Although called a small cyclopædia, it nevertheless comprises 80,000 articles illustrated with 98 maps and pages of plates, thirteen being chromo, and forms two volumes, each containing about 1,000 pages of clear type on good paper. For such a work in halfleather binding, the price of 18 marks seems very low. Georges Ohnet's popular story, 'Le Maître des Forges' is now appearing in an illustrated edition by the Librairie Illustrée. The same house will also publish periodically 'La France Pittoresque' in weekly parts at 50 centimes. The second of the separate plays of Molière, annotated by Auguste Vitu and illustrated by Louis Leloir, contains Le Dépit Amoureux.' It is published by the Librairie des Bibliophiles, which has now ready Almanach des Spectacles,' tome xiv., 1887. 6 6 M. Edouard Guillaume will publish by subscription next month an édition de grand luxe of Pierre Loti's clever book, Madame Chrysanthème,' illustrated by Rossi and Myrbach with 200 designs, in one volume, octavo Tellière, printed by Lahure. M. Guillaume proposes publishing three or four standard French works annually in the same style as Madame Chrysanthème.' Amongst those announced for early publication are Notre Dame de Paris,' by Victor Hugo, and Jack,' by Alphonse Daudet. MM. J. Lebègue & Co. announce Paris: Histoire et Description,' par Robert Harthany; in one vol. 4to., with thirty-four engravings on wood, forming the first of a series of descrip We have received from Herr Richard Bong in Berlin the 7th Heft of Vol. II. of 'Moderne Kunst in Meisterholzschnitten.' This part contains six large whole-page woodcuts besides text-engravings, printed with the greatest care on excellent paper. Everyone will turn to the contribution of the present German Emperor Wilhelm II., which represents a fight between an ironclad and torpedo boats. It is full of spirit, and shows artistic talent in the young Emperor, an excellent portrait of whom accompanies the descriptive text. 6 of Thackeray's rare Second Funeral of Napoleon,' was sold in a bundle of tracts for 3s. It was in matchless state. At Leiden, on the 8th prox., commences a sale of books. They are, though many in number, of a mediocre class, and form the library of Dr. Ledeboer, of Leiden. Mr. E. J. Brill is the auctioneer. Obituary RICHARD ANTHONY PROCTOR.-This celebrated astronomer died of yellow fever at New York a day or two ago. The Times obituary notice says:-Richard Anthony Proctor was born in Chelsea, March 23, 1834. His father, William Proctor, was a gentleman of ample means, who was called to the Bar, but never practised. Proctor was a weak boy physically, and was educated at private schools. His father died in 1850, and a protracted lawsuit so impoHerr Otto Harrassowitz, of Leipzig, sends verished the family that in 1854 he entered us the 9th and 10th Heft of Centralblatt für the London Joint Stock Bank as a clerk. The Bibliothekswesen for September and October, family position, however, soon improved, and containing the conclusion of Herr von Geb- Richard entered King's College, London, in hardt's interesting article, A Book Treasure-1855, and almost a year later King's College, trove in Bobbio'; Emil Henser's Year's Cata- Cambridge, where, though he seems to have came out twenty-third logue of German University Publications'; worked little, he together with critical notices and library news. wrangler. In 1860 he graduated B.A. It was "Samson Wertheimer der Oberfactor und only in 1863 that Mr. Proctor took to the serious study of mathematics and astronomy, as Landesrabbiner (1658-1724) und seine Kinder,' von Professor Dr. David Kaufmann, recently born. His first production seems to have been a distraction from grief at the death of his firstpublished by Herr Friedrich Beck, of Vienna, is a valuable contribution to the history of a paper on double stars in the Cornhill Maga zine for 1863, and next year he began a series culture in Germany in the 16th and 17th centuries. Samson Wertheimer was not only bodied in his first important work, 'Saturn of investigations which ultimately were ema Rabbi, but also a man of business and and His System' (1865). Up to 1866 Mr. culture and a prominent public character in Proctor worked simply because he liked it; his day. A General Meeting of the Austrian Book- in that year deprived him of his all and combut the failure of Overend, Gurney, and Co. sellers' Union was held at Vienna on the 1st pelled him to use his talent and knowledge inst., under the able presidency of Herr to earn a living for himself and his growRudolf Lechner, who opened the proceedings by a short but telling speech, in which he ing family. Though his articles were readily thanked those assembled for their presence, it difficult to persuade publishers to undertake accepted by magazines, he for some time found and solicited their support in obtaining for the his works. But his popularity soon grew, and Austro-Hungarian Book Trade a reasonable with unusual rapidity his name soon became a reward for their labours in diffusion of litera- familiar and favourite one with English readers ture and knowledge throughout the Empire, all the world over. The works to which we A great number of resolutions were submitted have already referred now appeared in rapid to the meeting, at the conclusion of which a succession:- Constellation Seasons,' " Sun dinner was given, at which the health of the Views of the Earth,' Emperor Francis Joseph, the cordial protector Half-Hours with the Stars,' 'Orbs Around Planetary Orbits,' and promoter of the Arts and Sciences, was Us,' and many others too proposed by Herr Rudolf Lechner, the President of the Assembly, and drunk with the greatest enthusiasm, and three times three cheers were given for the popular Sovereign of Austria-Hungary. Ernst Eckstein's new novel 'Nero' will be published next month by Herr Carl Reissner, of Leipzig. Sale Jottings Messrs. Puttick & Simpson open the new season in London by a sale, about October 15, of good modern miscellaneous books. At a sale in Hull a few days since, a copy mention. numerous to tion his great life work, is his Old and His last, and in his own estimaNew Astronomy,' now publishing in parts, in which he embodies the gist of all he has written. It was in order to be able to finish this that he retired to Florida, where he had bought an orange estate, and where he hoped to be free from distraction. We believe that the manuscript of the work is nearly complete. Some years ago Mr. Proctor started a scientific journal under the name of Knowledge, at first weekly, but latterly monthly. He was elected a Fellow of the Astronomical Society in 1866, and was for some time one of its secretaries and editor of its Proceedings. Trade Changes Mr. G. E. Stechert, of 26 King William Street, W.C., has undertaken the agency for the North American Review in Great Britain. Mr. Iredale, bookseller, has just secured, on a long lease, the premises No. 13 Strand, Torquay, which he proposes to adapt to the requirements of his library, to the new and second-hand book trade, book-binding, and to the provision of reading-rooms for residents and visitors. The premises have a 40-feet frontage, with a depth of 170 feet, and are three stories high. He expects to have all in readiness in about six weeks hence. Mr. Walter Knightley, who served his apprenticeship in Cambridge, with Mr. Harry Johnson, has commenced business at the Clissold Library, 160 Green Lanes, Highbury New Park, N., as a bookseller and stationer. He was for many years in the well-known houses of Messrs. Hamilton, Adams & Co., and George Philip & Son. For the past eighteen months he has had the management of a branch of the North London Book Depôt of Stoke Newington. THE BARCELONA EXHIBITION. To the Editor of the PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR. SIR,-I have observed the remarks of your correspondent at the Barcelona Exhibition printed in your last issue. In describing the exhibits, he remarked with reference to this journal's stand that it was seemingly always empty. This inferred that proper attention and display were neglected. I at once communicated with our agent in Barcelona, as to its accuracy or otherwise, and to-day I have received a reply containing convincing and conclusive evidence that, from the date of the opening of the Exhibition down to the present time, an attendant has been constantly on the spot exhibiting the journal, and receiving subscriptions to the Spanish edition; and I am satisfied that the best interests of the British Trade Journal have not in any form or manner been neglected. I could show you a letter forwarded to us in June from an independent source in which the writer states that the British Trade Journal is the only paper of any language having an installation which is complete in itself in the entire exhibition.' In justice to the journal, I have to ask you to publish this letter. I am, your obedient servant, GEORGE EVANS, Publisher, British Trade Journal. A REMONSTRANCE. To the Editor of the PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR. SIR,-The interesting article which_appeared in your recent number, on The Last Publisher of Manuscript Books,' is copyright. From Mr. E. W. Allen, Ave Maria Lane.Ideala: a Story from Life.' The heroine is an 'ideal' woman, one who has a high notion of her sex's share in endeavouring to make the world better. What I want to do' (she says, p. 296) is to make women discontented-you have heard of a noble spirit of discontent? I thought for a long time that everything had been done that could be done to make the world better; but now I see that there is one thing more to be tried. Women have never yet united to use their influence steadily against that of which they disapprove,' &c. The book is enlivened by many a quotation. The author writes of Lessing as quoting from Minna, who is apparently a Frenchwoman, for her. The words are: Which made me think of a favourite quotation of Lessing's from Minna ; "Tout (sic) les gens d'esprit aiment le jeu à la folie." From Messrs. F. J. Bright & Son, Bournemouth (London: Mason & Payne).--We have before us an édition de luxe of 'Bright's Illustrated Guide to Bournemouth,' which includes graphic descriptions of Christchurch, New Forest, Poole, Wimborne, Swanage, Corfe Castle, &c., compiled by Mr. C. H. Octavius Curtis, F.S.A. A book of this description deserved to be well embellished, and there cannot be the slightest doubt that the manner in which it has been produced by the publishers shows that even the metropolis itself will have to look to its laurels, and Edinburgh as well, in the matter of printing. The etchings especially are very beautifully produced. From Mr. James Clegg, Rochdale (London: Mr. Elliot Stock). The directories published by Mr. Caspar of New York, are more complete than Mr. Clegg's Directory of Second-hand Books and List of Public Libraries,' though comparison is hardly fair when we remember the difficulties of the task of compiling such a work in this country. Notwithstanding some failings, clerical and typographical, Mr. Clegg's book has the merit of supplying what was wanted by the British trade and all who are brought in contact with it. Moreover, it is an interesting book to look over, for the editor has not confined his attention to the essential but dry list of names, preferring to add particulars of the book-world which are not usually incorporated in works of reference. For example, we find lists of pseudonyms and initials, notes on ancient centres of printing, on bibliographical works of reference, trade directories, journals of the book trades, and so forth. The remarks on copyright are somewhat misleading and might well have been subject to revision. On the whole Mr. Clegg is to be congratulated upon the appearance and genuine value of his volume, which we have little doubt members of the trade will cordially support. From Messrs. Diprose & Bateman, London. Sharks of Society,' by Bracebridge Hemyng. This is a racily written book in Mr. Hemyng's best style. The sharks are divided under three heads, viz., The West End Shark, The Domestic Shark, and The Marrying Shark. Mr. Hemyng is a close observer of the niceties and shades of human (haracter and he brings them out in a crisp manner that cannot fail to attract and please, if only by reason of the strong dramatic interest created. It is an exceedingly good shilling's-worth to take up to while away the tedium of a long railway journey. From Mr. Elliot Stock.-The first part of the new volume (II.) of Book Prices Current' is before us. It shows very clearly the market value of books sold in the principal auction rooms of the metropolis, from December 1887 to February 1888. Remembering the fluctuations of the value of old books, we can honestly commend this guide, which bears the appearance of practical and accurate supervision. From the same. The Early Writings of William Makepeace Thackeray,' by Charles Plumptre Johnson. The author of this bibliographical monograph deserves all praise and honour. There is an amount of genuine enthusiasm shown in the work, which is coupled with a scrupulous regard to the fundamental principles of honest research. We question if a dull line could be written about Thackeray by anyone who has read and even half-digested his works. For our own part we have little or no sympathy with the cry that this or that should not have been published; nothing in literary study is more useful than tracing the development of a great man's genius. Concealing or burying the crudities of early thought is a form of snobbery which could only be tolerated in exceptionally vain folk. When dealing with genius, not mere talent, one should analyse everything, and towards the elucidation of Thackeray's lifework Mr. Johnson has done yeoman's service. From Mr. Ernst Eulenburg, Leipzig.- Eulenburg's Musikalischer Haus- und Familienkalendar, 1889,' herausgegeben von Franz Huldschinsky. This is a very attractive publi cation. It contains not only interesting and amusing literary contributions, but also pieces of music and illustrations, the latter of various degrees of merit, it is true, but some of undoubted merit. The headpieces to each month's almanack are very piquant and clever. In the literary portion of the Almanack the 'Neue Erinnerungen an Richard Wagner' will perhaps attract most attention. There are also some amusing tales and sketches, of which Das Rundreise Konzert' and 'Der Tenor's Die Friedrich' are perhaps the most amusing. Of the nine musical contributions one is by Sir Arthur Sullivan and another is from Carl Maria von Weber's posthumous opera, drei Pintos.' We had almost forgotten to mention that the Almanack contains some capital anecdotes of celebrated musicians, and we have no hesitation in commending it to the notice of our musical readers. From Messrs. Macmillan & Co.-Graced by a noble preface from the pen of Mr. Ruskin, A Popular Handbook to the National Gallery,' compiled by Edward T. Cook, is one of the most useful of art guides, or companions. Mr. Cook's descriptions are elaborate without being diffuse; they are artistic without having the objections of dilettante pedantry. Some difficulty must have been encountered by the compiler with regard to the arrangement of his materials, but there can be no question that the department has been sensibly managed. Each room and 'school' have their special descriptions. With regard to our great collection we cannot refrain from repeating what Mr. Ruskin says in a portion of the preface: We have indeed, be it to our humiliation remembered, small reason to congratulate ourselves on the enlargement of the collection now belonging to the public, by the sale of the former possessions of our nobles. But since the parks and castles which were once the pride, beauty, and political strength of England are doomed by the progress of democracy to be cut up into lots on building leases, and have their libraries and pictures sold at Sotheby's and Christie's, we may at least be thankful that the funds placed by the Government at the disposal of the Trustees for the National Gallery have permitted them to save so much from the wreck of English mansions and Italian monasteries, and enrich the recreations of our metropolis with graceful interludes by Perugino and Raphael.' From the same.--Chris,' by Mr. W. E. Norris, is one of the author's cleverest things, and the new cheap edition for two shillings is peculiarly welcome to his many admirers. From the same.-'The Reverberator,' by Henry James. The uncommon attention attracted by this book when published in June will be well remembered, and there can be little doubt that the story has taken a place that is more permanent than the general run of every-day fiction. The new cheap edition is a very convenient volume, nicely printed, tasteful in appearance and handy in size. From Messrs. Marpon & Flammarion, Paris.— 'Teurkia,' par Albert Caise. Under the guise of a novel, or story of the day, this is an elaborate picture of Algeria and of its native population. We learn from it many curious particulars as to the influence of religion and ancient custom on the relations between resident Frenchmen, Arabs, and Arabs who have become French by law. The author, already known as a writer of fiction, here gives us pictures from the life. The book, in effect, while depicting the condition of the Arabs in Algeria, is an ardent plea in their favour, and its plain speaking is likely, we imagine, to cause much controversy in Algerian circles. From Messrs. Pfautsch & Co., Stuttgart.— 'Mackenzie und seine Verläumder,' von Hermann 'Golden The From Mr. W. Stevens, London. Mists,' by the Author of Squabbles ' &c. 'Family Story-Teller' is a popular series and one which, no doubt, affords delicious gratification to numberless readers. The present volume contains 208 pages of closely written matter, yet in a readable type. The scene is laid in Ireland, and two young ladies, daughters of a man who is kept on a bare maintenance by a rich father, are the heroines. They both feel, and rather energetically utter, their disgust of poverty, and would do anything, short of criminal, to liberate themselves from it. May, one of the daughters, manages to marry a rich old nobleman, who conveniently dies, leaving her his wealth, upon which she incontinently marries an old love, who has dissipated his fortune. The book is well written and full of incident. From Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, London.- Gladys Fane: a Story of Two Lives,' by T. Wemyss Reid. This is a story of high life. Gladys Fane is beloved by Lord Lostwithiel, who is immensely wealthy, but his homely appearance and curious manner of opening a campaign against the fair Gladys' heart, excites her ridicule, and no wonder, for she is only a child, and if she were not it is fair to suppose that a man moving in the same circle as any lady with whom he wished to be acquainted would adopt the usual course rather than try surreptitiously to catch her eye and throw kisses at her from a balcony in a house over the way, where lived the object of his admiration. However, the novelist like the poet is allowed some license, and if we think the above somewhat outré, we may forgive it on account of the general excellence of the writing. The beautiful Gladys, heiress of a time-honoured name, seems to be rather fond of escapades, which, however, shows that human nature cannot be altogether fettered and made to perform a series of actions in accordance with the dicta of society. Gladys is wilful and headstrong, the consequence of which is that she is always in disgrace. Her escapades and flirtations fill up the long pages, some of which are amusing, if not thrilling. She, however, falls in love with Rex Mansfield, a man who tried to win her father's seat in Parliament from him, and after a variety of incidents the book ends with a fire at a theatre, and Gladys is rescued by Rex, who then dies from his injuries, and perhaps Gladys made Lord Lostwithiel happy after all. From the same.-'Six Girls: a Home Story,' by Fanny Belle Irving, illustrated by F. T. Merrill. We are rather inclined to think that Messrs. Unwin are too generous in giving such a vast amount of reading in one volume. Here we have 456 pp., cr. 8vo., of rather closely printed matter in one domestic story. It is very prettily, even elegantly written, and a strong interest is created and maintained throughout, which must prove exceedingly good reading. It will make an excellent gift-book, for not only is it prettily got up, but the illustrations are good. We regret that space precludes us from quoting from its well-written pages. From Mr. F. Volckmar, Leipzig.-'Atlas Universal para las Escuelas primarias, secundarias y normales, segun los ultimos adelantos de la Pedagogia Alemana publicada por F. Volckmar.' Edicion grande con 38 mapas para el Reino de Espana. Mr. Volckmar, by the publication of this Atlas, has conferred a real benefit on Spanish teachers and learners. German maps and atlases have long been celebrated for their accuracy, and it was an excellent idea to produce so good and yet handy an atlas as the one before us with the names of places printed in Spanish. The work deserves to be largely circulated in the Peninsula, and cannot fail to be of the greatest assistance to Spanish students of geography. It is evident that no pains have been spared in the production of this atlas, which contains 38 maps beautifully engraved and coloured. The cloth binding is neat and strong. From Messrs. Ward, Lock, & Co.- Miss Lou,' by Edward P. Roe. Not a few situations that may reasonably be termed dramatic appear in this story. Perhaps the most original of Mr. Roe's previous works was 'He Fell in Love with His Wife'; but we must say that there is hardly a chapter in this new work which has not its share of absorbing qualities. True, it opens rather tamely and is suffused with hackneyed humours in negro dialect; yet still it has not a little of that power, freshness, and quaintness which are so evident in the author's previous stories. The story ought to be one of the most successful minor books of the season. From the same.--The editor of The Technical Journal has compiled a work bearing the following title: A Dictionary of the Leading Technical and Trade Terms of Architectural Design and Building Construction.' This somewhat extensive designation explains the aim of the book thoroughly. Most of the materials have been gathered from the columns of the journal which the compiler edits. The descriptions are practical and tersely put together in a manner that makes reference easy. There is a sort of redundancy in the opening matter which consists of a preface, an introduction, and a preliminary dissertation, all of which might well have been amalgamated. |