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With Several Hundred Original Illustrations.


With PART I. will be issued a LARGE PRESENTATION PLATE, handsomely printed in Tint.

*** Each Monthly Part will contain 64 Quarto Pages of Letterpress and Illustrations, with a handsome Engraving as Frontispicce in addition.




With 200 Original Illustrations.

Comprehensive Notes by the Rev. Dr. MAGUIRE, and a New Life of Bunyan by the Rev. J. BROWN, D.D., specially

prepared for this Edition.


NOTICE.—The New Volume of

Cassell's Saturday Journal

commences with No. 261, published Sept. 25, price 1d. Two Striking Serial Stories and many Novel Features will appear in No. 261.

Prospectuses, Show Bills, &c., of the above publications may now be had on application to the Publishers,

CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, London.

Printed by SPOTTISWOODE & CO., of 5 New-street Square, in the City of London; and Published for the Proprietors, SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON, LIMITED, at the Office, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West.-Saturday, September 1, 1888.

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Publishers will greatly oblige and assist us by sending in their Advertisements and Lists of Announcements as early as possible, so that they may be duly mentioned in the Literary Intelligence.

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ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, E.C. September 15, 1888. LASGOW should be proud of an auspicious year in her annals. Not only has a noble exhibition flourished, but more than one of the learned societies have this year made the city their place of conference. Among them have been the Archæological Society and the Library Association of the United Kingdom.

Bookmen, outside the limited circle of English librarianship, take more interest in the latter body than the members themselves may imagine; and the Glasgow meeting has attracted special attention for one reason especially, to which we shall presently refer. Before doing so, however, the opportunity should be taken to point out the prominent subjects considered by the Association.

A good many members were probably surprised at the local book-lore brought under their notice by Professor Ferguson in his paper on the 'Brothers Foulis and other Glasgow Printers.' Those who were inclined, and naturally so, to look upon the second city of the Empire as being purely a manufacturing and mercantile centre could not fail to be struck by the details of the beautiful typography which emanated from the Foulis press between 1743 and 1746. The first book printed in Glasgow appeared in 1638 from the press of one George Anderson, a printer who hailed from the more erudite city of Edinburgh. We may remark that a characteristic feature of Glasgow librarianship seems to be the collecting of books actually printed in the city; if we mistake not, Mr. Barrett, of the Mitchell Library, inaugurated this plan, which might reasonably be adopted in all places where book production has been a comparatively limited business.

Other papers read at the various meetings raised discussions on subjects which already have occupied the attention of the association. The working of public Free Libraries and Board Schools in furthering national educa

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tion was treated by Mr. Wright of Plymouth. The Rev. P. Aitken described Water Marks in collation of Fifteeners.' But possibly the most interesting incident of the meeting was the production by Mr. Blades of a singular tract found in the Wigan Library by Mr. Folkard, the librarian, entitled 'An Overture for founding and maintaining a Bibliothecks in every Paroch throughout this kingdom, humbly offered to the consideration of this present Assembly.' This work was printed in 1699. It shows that arguments in favour of public libraries were quite as forcibly expressed two hundred years ago as they are now.

The special reason for noting the recent meeting of the Librarians is the absolute paucity of subjects at their command for consideration and discussion. They cannot go on for ever, year after year, speaking of the modes of preserving and distributing books. The art is as restricted and immutable as the science of arithmetic, and its laws are simplicity itself, unless a pronounced literary element be introduced, and that is an innovation which many of the most enthusiastic librarians would hardly care to see. We would, therefore take the part of that section of the association who think that the meetings might in future be triennial instead of annual. The interval would permit subjects to be treated fully, with freshness of spirit, and, we think, to the advantage of the cause; that is to say, if the pleasures of 'outing,' so much required by the hermit librarian, do not enter into the attractions and value of the programme. Should the annual meetings be upheld, we would counsel the introduction of a wider range of topics. As it is, the association, active and earnest as its chief members unquestionably are, is but a dead-and-alive affair after all. The recent meeting in Glasgow was only its eleventh annual assemblage, and yet it seemed as much fossilised as any of those most learned societies which have existed-how, it is difficult to say-for many a year longer.

THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION AT MEL- the dirtiest leaves in the books were rubbed BOURNE. It appears that not a little dissatis- first with the dry finger and then with the wet faction has been expressed regarding the finger. In the first case scarcely any microbes treatment of British exhibitors at this great were found on the finger; in the second case display. Exhibitors of books had special cause plenty were found, but all appeared to be of to grumble on account, as a correspondent a non-infectious character. Especially is it informs us, of the exhibits being scattered all noted that there were no tubercle bacilli. over the building and not in one department. Lastly, books were soaked for two days in We understand that Mr. M. L. Hutchinson, spirit containing 10 per cent. of carbolic acid. the agent for several publishers, managed to This treatment destroyed all the bacilli, and remedy this, and now the books are fairly well proved harmless to the volumes. The contogether. The colonial press speaks highly of clusion arrived at was that the danger of Mr. Hutchinson's efforts in connection with circulating libraries spreading infection is very the Exhibition. slight, but a recommendation is given to dust books well before reading them, and never to wet the finger in the mouth for the purpose of turning over the leaves.


The new volume (II.) of the new edition of this work continues from 'Beaugency' to Cataract.' The latter refers to the disease of

the eye only. As we observed with regard to the first volume, there is every evidence of careful editorial supervision, which is almost surprising when the scope of the work and the rapidity of publication are borne in mind. Mr. Patrick has in the present volume brought together a host of contributors who conspicuously excel in their special observations and modes of thought.

For the book world the volume is more

RARE BIBLES AND BOOKS.--Among the most important acquisitions made by the Trustees of the British Museum during the year are the following works: A Bible in the Georgian language, in folio, printed at Moscow in 1743 at the expense of Prince Bakar, the son of King Vachtang, who made use of materials collected by his uncle King Artchyl. This book is excessively rare, as nearly the whole impression was destroyed in the burning of Moscow in 1812. Only ten copies are known to exist, and no other edition of the entire Bible has ever been printed in the Georgian language. Another rare Bible is the one in Armenian, printed at Amsterdam, in 1666, 4to. illustrated with numerous woodcuts, as also a Psalter in Armenian, printed at Venice in 1565, 8vo. This book was the first production of the Armenian press established by interesting than any of the ten which we preAbgar at Venice, and is believed to be the sume will form the complete set. 'Bibliofirst portion of the Bible printed in Armenian.graphy' comes from the pen of Mr. H. A. To these should be added Archbishop Parker's Webster, the librarian of the University of rare work entitled 'De Antiquitate Ecclesiæ Edinburgh; the same gentleman also writes Britannica,' printed in Lambeth Palace by the article Book.' As we might expect from John Day in 1572, folio, and intended for the writer, both of these articles are characterprivate distribution among the friends of the ised by that scholarly universality of informaArchbishop. It is believed that no more than tion which ought to be found in all works of twenty-five copies of this work exist, and no this description, our insular views of the great two copies agree entirely in their contents. Four world being sadly pronounced. Mr. Webster, copies are now in the British Museum. Finally however, might have inserted a word or two the Missal of the use of the Diocese of Seville, under the heading catalogue,' a subject printed at Seville by Jacob Cromberger in sufficiently interesting for special notice, or at 1507, folio; a Service-book of the greatest least a cross-reference. The contribution on rarity, and printed on vellum. It is a mag-Bookbinding' comes from the experienced nificent example of early Spanish typography, pen of Mr. Joseph Cundall, than whom no and issued from the press of the first of a writer in this country is better fitted to speak family of German printers who worked at Seville until the middle of the sixteenth on the Book Trade' has been thoroughly on this most interesting subject. The article century. Only one other copy is known to overhauled by Mr. Robert Cochrane. British exist, and that is in the Casanati Library at Museum,' by Mr. A. W. Pollard, likewise Rome. possesses attractions for the bibliopole. One of Do LIBRARY BOOKS SPREAD INFECTION?-the most important literary articles in the A good deal of discussion having taken volume is 'Biography,' by Mr. Thomas Davidplace on the subject of the spread of in-son; it is noteworthy particularly on account fectious diseases by means of the books in of its showing how the greater subjects recirculating libraries, the Dresden municipal ceive more attention in the new edition than authorities, according to the Lancet, have they received formerly.

had a thorough experimental investigation To those who are outside of the book world of this question conducted. A number of these may appear subjects that do not call for much-used volumes from the town library were taken for the purpose. The dust from the leaves and covers was sown in nutrient media and cultures reared, the result being that no microbes belonging to infectious diseases were found--the dust being, in fact, nothing but ordinary dust of a harmless character. Again, W. & R. Chambers.

special mention. But on examination the new volume will be found rich in modern details respecting all branches of knowledge described by the most apt pens in this and other coun

Chambers's Encyclopædia, a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. New Edition. Vol. II. London and Edinburgh:

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tries. Looking hastily at the headings, without | Buildings,' illustrated; and other papers in regard to classification, we note Bechuana- the somewhat extensive range of subjects land,' by Sir Charles Warren; 'Beethoven,' covered by this pictorial threepenny.' by Sir George Grove; 'Blood,' by Dr. W. Messrs. Griffith, Farran & Co. are about to Hunter; Boccaccio,' by Mr. W. Whyte; publish the second number of Popular Poets 'Breviary,' by the Marquis of Bute; 'Brochs,' of the Period.' This will include sketches of by Mr. Joseph Anderson, LL.D.; Robert the careers, and selections from the poetical Burns,' by Andrew Lang; Calculating works, of Lewis Morris, the Rev. Newman Machines,' by Major-General Babbage; Hall, LL.B., Mrs. Isabella Fyvie Mayo, "Thomas Carlyle,' by Mr. W. Wallace; Clifton Bingham, and Coventry Patmore. Caspian Sea,' by Prince Peter Kropotkine, The work is being edited by Mr. F. A. H. &c. The reputation of this great reference Eyles, who promises its continuation in serial work should be vastly enhanced by the new form, it being his aim to make each number of volume. equal interest and merit.

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Notes and Newş

The sixteenth volume of the 'Dictionary of National Biography,' to be published on the 26th inst., extends from Drant to Edridge. Mr. H. Manners Chichester writes on General Sir William Draper; Mr. A. H. Bullen on Michael Drayton and Alexander Dyce; Mr. Lionel Cust on Martin Droeshout; Mr. R. Barry O'Brien on Thomas Drummond, the Under-Secretary for Ireland; Mr. Sidney L.

Lee on William Drummond of Hawthornden and Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester; Mr. Leslie Stephen on Dryden, John Dunton, and Maria Edgeworth; Canon Dixon on John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland; Mr. Francis Espinasse on Sir William Dugdale; Mr. Thomas Bayne on William Dunbar, the Scottish poet; Prof. T. K. Laughton on Admiral Duncan; Mr. G. F. Russell Barker on Henry Dundas, Lord Melville, and John Dunning, Lord Ashburton; Mr. J. M. Rigg on Duns Scotus; the Rev. William Hunt on Dunstan and King Edgar; Col. Vetch, R. E., on General Sir H. M. Durand and Col. A. W. Durnford; the Rev. J. W. Ebsworth on Tom D'Urfey; Canon Perry on Eadmer and Bishop John Earle; Mr. H. Morse Stephens on General Earle and George and William Eden, both Lords Auckland; Mr. Cosmo Monkhouse on Sir Charles Eastlake; Mr. J. G. Alger on the Abbé Edgeworth; Mr. G. J. Holyoake on Thomas Edmondson, inventor of railway tickets and the dating press; and Mr. T. A. Archer on St. Edmund (Rich), Archbishop of Canterbury.

In view of the Bunyan Bi-centenary, Messrs. Cassell and Company will issue a new and cheaper edition of their illustrated edition of Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress' and 'Holy War.' A new life of Bunyan has been prepared for this popular edition by the Rev. John Brown, D.D., Minister of Bunyan Meeting,


The author here

Messrs. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. will publish early in October an English edition of Dr. Baerneither's English Associations of Working Men' specially prepared under the author's supervision. presents us with a valuable contribution towards the solution of the problem-to what extent association has, by means of trades unions, co-operative societies, building societies, &c., affected the Capital and Labour Question, and secured for the working man a larger share of the national income.

Mr. R. Free has just completed a 'Memoir of Orange Street Chapel.' This is one of the oldest Nonconformist chapels in London, and has had a brilliant history as an Episcopal, a Congregational, and a Huguenot chapel. Its history is closely identified with the Revolution in 1688 and the religious revival at the end of the last century and the beginning of this. An important part of the work will consist of the biographies of Chamier, Saurin, Toplady, Cecil, Townsend, Dobson, Luke, and others, together with eight engravings and portraits of the most eminent among these divines.

Readers of Alphonse Daudet's 'L'Immortel,' as it has appeared in the Universal Review, will be interested to hear that the translation, which Messrs. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. will issue in one volume next month, is by Prof. A. W. Verrall of Trinity, Cambridge, and Mrs. Verrall.

Messrs. William Blackwood & Sons will publish on October 1 the second and concluding volume of Maitland of Lethington and the Scotland of Mary Stewart,' by John Skelton, C.B., LL.D. Commencing with Mary's return to Scotland in 1561, it will present, amongst characteristic features, an appreciative yet critical estimate of the astute statesmanship of Maitland, associated with a survey of the antagonistic attitude of John Knox towards the Queen, and an examination Mr. Francis George Heath's Illustrations, of the allegations as to the genuineness of the in beginning its fourth volume in October, will famous Casket Letters, which are declared to include a contribution from Mr. Blackmore be worthless as evidence. In treating of the and a new story by Mrs. Molesworth called conspiracies of the nobles and the Douglas 'Bronzie.' Amongst its new series of illus-wars Mr. Skelton will, it is understood, give trated papers will be portrait biographies of some new readings, the outcome of his study Royal Academicians; photogravure repro- of the available material calculated to throw ductions of National Gallery pictures; pen light upon these exciting incidents of Scottish and pencil portraits of distinguished authors history. With the completion of Mr. Skelton's and artists; a new series of Pretty Places'; work there will be presented to students of 'Railway Men,' with Portraits; Church biography and history for the first time a full

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