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A Collection of Portraits of the Leading Guides of the Oberland, of the Valais, of Savoy, and of Piedmont. By C. D. CUNNINGHAM and Captain ABNEY, C.B., R.E., F.R.S. In 1 imperial 8vo. vol. cloth extra, price ONE GUINEA. CONTENTS.-I. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAINEERING. 1. Period 1387-1787. 2. Period 1788-1854. 3. Period 1855-1865. 4. Period 1866-1885. Alpine Accidents. Mountaineering without Guides. Mountaineering in Winter. Ice-Axe and Rope. Guidecraft. II. THE TRAINING OF MOUNTAINEERS. III. THE PORTRAITS. IV. GUIDES OF THE PRESENT DAY. V. IN MEMORIAM.' 'Captain Abney may be cordially congratulated on having succeeded in a by no means easy task. . . . The portraits as 'Mr. Cunningham has done well... in bringing together a series of lives of the great guides of the Alps, written as far as possible each by the amateur in whose company the guide most frequently worked.... The time is propitious for the appearance of such a work. . . . 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