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M.A., late Scholar, First Senior Moderator, and Univ. Stud. Trin. Coll. Dublin; B.D. Ch. Ch. Oxford. Crown 8vo. The Rudens of Plautus, edited, with Notes, Critical and Exegetical, and an Introduction, by E. A. Sonnenschein, M.A., Professor of Classics at the Mason College, Birmingham.

New Volumes of Bohn's Classical Library:

Lucian's Dialogues, namely, the Dialogues of the Gods, of the Sea Gods, and of the Dead, Zeus the Tragedian, the Ferry Boat, &c., translated, with Notes and Preliminary Memoir, by Howard Williams, M.A. Plutarch's Morals-Ethical Essays, translated by Rev. A. R. Shilleto.

The Works of Flavius Josephus, Whiston's Translation, revised by Rev. A. R. Shilleto, M.A., with Topographical and Geographical Notes by Sir C. W. Wilson, K.C.M.G. MODERN LANGUAGES.

New volume of Bohn's Scientific Library:
The Building of the British Islands, a study
in Geographical Evolution, with numerous
maps, by A. J. Jukes-Brown, B.A., F.G.S.,
small post 8vo.

New volume of Books for Young Readers:
The Two Parrots, a reading book for stan-
dard I., illustrated, by M. E. Wintle.
New volume of Bohn's Philosophical Library:
Schopenhauer on the Fourfold Root of the
Principle of Sufficient Reason, and on
the Will in Nature, translated from the


The Century (T. Fisher Unwin) as usual is full of well chosen and interesting articles, to which the beautiful illustrations form an additional attraction. Many an old boy' will read with avidity the paper on Uppingham,' by English Passages for Translation into French, George R. Parkin, which worthily opens the by the Rev. A. C. Clapin, M.A. number. It is an excellent contribution, exceedKey to the above. ingly well written; accompanying it is a portrait

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Key to German Examination Papers, compiled of the late headmaster, Edward Thring, and by R. J. Morich.


New Volumes of the Cambridge Mathematical


several engravings of the school-house and its surroundings. Another engaging article to which Administrative Process,' which deals with the we may draw attention is entitled Exile by

Russian method of banishment to Siberia. The Mathematical Examples, a Collection of author, Mr. George Kennan, has had exceptional Examples in Algebra, Trigonometry, &c., opportunities of studying the subject, and the for Army and Indian Civil Service Candi- evidence he brings forward of the reckless and dates, by J. M. Dyer, M.A., Senior Mathe- indiscriminate manner in which Russian citizens matical Scholar at Oxford, and R. Prowde are thus punished is certainly very strong. UniSmith, M.A., Assistant Masters at Chelten-versity and educational topics form no inconsiderham College.

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The Elementary Geometry of Conics, by C.
Taylor, D.D., Master of St. John's College,
Cambridge, fifth and enlarged edition.
A Treatise on Hydrodynamics, by A. B. Bas-
set, M.A., Vol. II.
A Key or Companion to Wrigley's Collection
of Examples and Problems in Pure and
Mixed Mathematics, being Illustrations of
Mathematical Processes and Methods of
Solution, by the Rev. A. Wrigley, M.A.,
F.R.A.S., &c., of St. John's College, Cam-

New volumes of the School Examination Series,
edited by A. M. M. Stedman, M.A.
History and Geography Examination Papers,
compiled by C. H. Spence, M.A., Trinity
College, Cambridge, Assistant-Master in
Clifton College, crown 8vo.
Uniform with the above:

able portion of the magazine's contents. Thus we have 'The University and the Bible,' by T. T. Munger; Women who go to College,' by Arthur Gilman; The Industrial Idea in Education,' by Charles M. Carter; ' College Fraternities,' by John Addison Porter; Modern Collegiate Education,' and Individuality in Teaching.' These, with several acceptable pages of fiction, a paper on Edward Rowland Sill,' by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, and other contributions and poems, make up an excellent number.

Longman's Magazine (Longmans, Green & Co.) offers the introductory chapters of a new serial story by David Christie Murray and Henry Murray, entitled 'A Dangerous Catspaw.' The narrative at once rivets the attention of the reader, and promises well for future numbers. Additional fiction is provided in Poor Harry,' a clever little story by W. E. Norris, and the continuation of Dorothea Orthodox.' The Ven. Archdeacon Farrar (John Ward, Preacher'); Edmund Gosse (Song for Music'); W. T. Henderson ('A Formal American for Painters and others') are also contributors to Yacht Cruise'); Graham R. Tomson (Picardy the number, which as usual is brought to a conclusion by Andrew Lang.


Gerard's creation

Few magazines can boast of so fascinating and entertaining an array of contents as Harper's Magazine (Sampson Low & Co.). The illustrations, too, are numerous, well drawn, and produced in the highest style of the engraver's art. The Examination Papers in Book-keeping, with September number possesses many noteworthy Preliminary Exercises, compiled by John features. Articles which have proved most T. Medhurst, A.K.C., F.S.S., Fellow of interesting in previous numbers-i.c. Studies of the Society of Accountants and Auditors, the Great West,' by Charles Dudley Warner, and and Lecturer at the City of London Col-A Midsummer Trip to the West Indies,' by lege, crown 8vo. Lafcadio Hearn-are continued, and the novels,

In Far Lochaber,' by William Black, and Annie | for September appears the first instalment of Kilburn,' by William Dean Howells, absorbingly A Mosaic of Memories,' by Eleanor E. Christian. pursue their way. A short story, At Byrams,' Mrs. Christian is the daughter of Andrew Picken, by Lucy C. Lillie, is also included in the number, whose 'Dominie's Legacy' and 'Tales and Sketches which contains readable papers in Our Journey of the West of Scotland' had considerable poputo the Hebrides,' by Elizabeth Robins Pennell; | larity half a century ago. He was intimate with Old Satsuma,' by Professor E. S. Morse; Two all the literary notabilities of his time, and he Montana Cities,' by Edward Roberts; and 'The assisted his daughter in keeping a diary, in which Woodland Caribou,' by Henry P. Wells. As usual, she entered an account of meetings and events the illustrations of Edwin A. Abbey, Alfred of which she was a spectator. Her reminiscences Parsons, and A. B. Frost are a marked feature of include her impressions of, and conversations the magazine. with, Paganini, Lytton Bulwer, Benjamin Disraeli, James Hogg, William Godwin, Wentworth Dilke, Barry Cornwall, Thomas Hood, Edward Irving, the elder Rothschild, Louis Haghe, Sir Jas. Clark, Sir Benjamin Brodie, the Great Duke,' Charles Dickens, and other celebrities.

Scribner's Magazine (F. Warne & Co.) possesses an excellent frontispiece in 'Show Your Tickets!-Passenger Station, Philadelphia,' from a drawing by Walter Shirlaw, engraved by Peckwell. One of the most interesting of a number of

are veritable works of art.

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attractive articles that follow is to be found in Cassell's Magazine (Cassell & Co.) remains, Hugh McCulloch's Memories of some Contem- as ever, characterised by the multiplicity, variety, poraries,' but others hardly less worthy of note are and brightness of its contents. Every taste is 'Scenes in Cyprus,' by W. H. Mallock; Railway consulted and this with a nicety and fine disPassenger Travel,' by General Horace Porter; and crimination that should earn for the magazine a 'The Modern Greeks,' by Thomas D. Seymour. The large body of readers. Perhaps the most noteinteresting story A London Life,' by Henry worthy contribution in the present issue is a James, is brought to a not very satisfactory con- paper on William Edward Forster, about whose clusion, and further chapters are supplied of judgment there is just now no slight amount of 'First Harvests,' by F. J. Stimson. The 'Letter discussion; but, as opinions differ, there are to a young Gentleman who proposes to embrace many other articles that will please readers the career of Art,' by Robert Louis Stevenson, equally as well, and the whole is enlivened with contains some excellent advice, and is written gay snatches of fiction, intermingled with matter after the best style of the distinguished novelist, of more practical kind, such as advice on illwhile A Letter to the same young Gentleman,' health and the style of dress appropriate for the by Will H. Low, is scarcely less inferior in whole-season. The entire magazine is most interesting. some teaching. The number throughout is admirably illustrated, and some of the engravings Little Folks (Cassell & Co.) is a charming magazine for children. Not only are the contents admirably selected, but the letterpress is The English Illustrated Magazine (Mac-accompanied by illustrations equally appropriate, millan & Co.) concludes with this number the volume for 1887-1888, and a general winding up of the serial story, 'The Mediation of Ralph Hardelot,' by Professor W. Minto, takes place. The second and concluding portion of The Patagonia,' by Henry James, is also given. All the articles are interesting; but special attention for Londoners may be called to London Street Studies,' by J. Ashby Sterry, the illustrations for which embrace many faces familiar to the frequent pedestrian. The remaining contents are: In the Polish Carpathians,' by Adam Gielgud; and Hampton Court,' from the pen of Barbara Clay Finch. The finely executed frontispiece, 'Dorothy,' is from a drawing by Henry Ryland, engraved by O. Lacour. Several improvements will be introduced in future numbers of the magazine, and to these we have made reference in another column.


and throughout the mental capacity of the reader has been thoroughly kept in view. The September number fully sustains the artistic average of former issues. From the same publishers we have also received The Quiver, containing a mass of devotional and other reading; Part 56 of the The Encyclopedic Dictionary, which carries work along as far as piercing, and The Woman's World, edited by Oscar Wilde, who is supported on this occasion by Ouida, Arthur Symons, Alan S. Cole, Miss Mary Robinson, and other writers. The frontispiece to the latter magazine is by Gordon Browne and represents Child Players in the Sixteenth Century."

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The frontispiece to the Magazine of Art (Cassell & Co.) for September is the Convalescent,' a plate after Sir J. E. Millais. The chief articles of the number are 'Old Arts and Modern Thoughts;' Sculpture at the Royal Academy;' the 'Stopping Point in Ornament;' the Kepplestone Collection;' the 'Barbizon School, Rousseau;' and Bernard van Orley.' All these are illustrated.

Murray's Magazine (John Murray) has a very captivating list of contents. The leading position is occupied by Some Recent Criticism of America,' by Theodore Roosevelt, which deals with the utterances of Lord Wolseley, Sir Lepel With this month Messrs. Cassell & Co. comHenry Griffin, and the late Matthew Arnold. Amence a work descriptive of the Cathedrals, further instalment of The Reproach of Annesley,' Abbeys, and Churches of England and Wales, Maxwell Gray's serial story, follows. A short edited by Prof. T. G. Bonney, D.Sc., LL.D., and tale also appears, entitled 'A Tale of a Ten Pound well illustrated. It is to be completed in twenty Note,' by George Rae. Remaining articles are parts, and, judging from the first part, treating the Feast of St. Partridge,' by Horace Hutchin- of Canterbury and York, which now lies before son; The Great Eastern Railway,' by W. M. us, the undertaking should be exceedingly sucAckworth; Village Opinion,' by the Author of cessful. 'The Danvers Jewels'; and Foundation Stones of English Music-National Melodies,' by A. M. Wakefield. Throughout, the number is most readable.


Cornhill (Smith, Elder, & Co.) contains a variety of interesting reading. A new story is commenced in the present number entitled 'French Janet,' which promises well for future In The Welcome (S. W. Partridge & Co.) | enjoyment, and further chapters are given of ‘A

Life's Morning,' by George Gissing. The idea of 'An Original Edition' is not original, though fairly well worked out. Vide Anstey's Fallen Idol' and other works. In the 'Notes by a Naturalist' series, The Heron and its Haunts' is this month considered. Amongst other agreeable contents 'A Coach Drive in the Lakes' may be especially mentioned. The magazine is very readable throughout.

From Messrs. Ward, Lock & Co. we have to acknowledge a number of useful and interesting publications, all of which have advanced a month's stage. Prominent among these may be mentioned Amateur Work, an admirable periodical for those who are desirous of manufacturing for themselves; Our National Cathedrals, being a history of these beautiful edifices, with the architecture and modern restoration of the same; and The World's Inhabitants, by G. T. Bettany, M.A., B.Sc. The other works, which make satisfactory progress, are 'The Child's Instructor,' 'Hone's Every Day Book,' 'Ward & Lock's Illustrated History of the World,' 'Captain Cook's Voyages,' 'Forster's Life and Times of Goldsmith,' Moore's Irish Melodies,' 'Ward & Lock's Family Journal,' and that useful publication, Sylvia's Home Journal.'

Reviews, &q.

From Messrs. W. H. Allen & Co.- Public and Private Life of Arthur, first Duke of Wellington,' by G. Lathom Browne. The matter of this stout crown octavo volume is taken from the great Duke's own writings, from the relations of his comrades, and from the accounts of intimate friends. The work is divided into two portions: I. public life, military and political; and II. private life. There are two indexes-one of the ordinary kind, and another according to subjects. This is chronologically arranged, and the name of the authority for each narration being given in the margin this index becomes an interesting guide to the chief sources of information with regard to the Duke of Wellington's life. The books which are referred to in the course of Mr. Lathom Browne's work are briefly reviewed in the preface. The frontispiece is a portrait of the Duke in his cap and gown as D.C.L. at Oxford, and there are one or two plans of celebrated sites in connection with the Peninsular War, besides

facsimiles of letters.

From Messrs. George Bell & Sons.-The latest volume of Bohn's Select Library is Goldsmith's


Vicar of Wakefield,' edited by Mr. J. W. M. Gibbs, who has added some interesting and useful notes. The preceding volume Demosthenes On the Crown,' edited with conspicuous care by Mr. C. R. Kennedy. From Mr. Spencer Blackett. A Mere Child,' by L. B. Walford, worthily maintains the favourable reputation gained by the former issues of Blackett's Select Novels.' It is an interesting story, of the class that some people will call sentimental, relying more on the author's powers of narration than on any displayed dexterity of construction. The character of the heroine, Geraldine Campbell, is well drawn.

From Messrs. Carr & Co., Paternoster Square.'The Way to the Winning Post,' by Albert Gate. A considerable amount of information concern. ing turf life and customs has been gathered

into this little book, which by those interested in such matters should be found excellent reading.

From the Office of the Congregational Union.

The Inspiration of the Old Testament inductively Considered,' by Alfred Cave, B.A. A very good study of a religious subject which involves doctrinal points of very great controversial interest. Mr. Cave's work is thoughtful, and replete with evidences of earnest study. From Messrs. Diprose & Bateman. Our Saturday Nights,' by James Greenwood, is after the best style of the author; lively, humorous, and diverting, many readers will here find themselves introduced into society of which they have no previous conception. The work is only another interesting illustration of Mr. Greenwood's subtle observation, vast literary experience, and gossipy curiosity.

From Oscar Ehrhardt, Marburg.-'A First Essay on English Pastoral Poetry' (Erster Versuch ueber die englische Hirtendichtung). Von Dr. H. Oskar Sommer, Lector der englischen Sprache an der königlichen Universität Marburg. In this treatise, which he modestly styles a first essay,' Dr. Sommer gives us in the short compass of 130 pages a concise yet most readable account of English pastoral poetry, in which our national literature is so rich. An introduction summarises the development of pastoral poetry in general from the time of Theocritus to the date of its introduction into our literature. The number of authorities to which reference is made shows what pains have been taken by the author to render this account thoroughly complete and accurate, although brief. Then we come to the special subject of Professor Sommer's labours, English pastoral poetry. Considering the limited space, this is most fully dealt with, and we find specimens and notices of our pastoral poets, from the Benedictine monk, Alexander Barclay, who wrote the first published English eclogues about the year 1514, down to the pastoral poets of the last century. The specimens are judiciously selected, and the criticisms display good taste and judgment. The paper, type, and care shown in the get up reflect the greatest credit on the printer and publisher of this attractive and valuable essay, which well merits and will repay the attention of students of English literature.

From Messrs. Firmin-Didot & Co., Paris.- La Cour de George IV. et de Guillaume IV.' Although this little volume is but a series of extracts from the famous Journal of Mr. Charles C. F. Greville, translated into French, it will have an interest and a value for many an English reader, because of the footnotes. These give short biographical accounts of personages who are named, explain political combinations, give the composition of a ministry, make clear indistinct allusions, and supply current rumours or anecdotes. Thus, what seems a mere translation of passages becomes a really useful companion to the original work. The preface gives a short account of Mr. Greville, and explains that in some cases omission has enabled the authoress to make a more harmonious whole of the detached passages.

From Messrs. H. Grevel & Co.-Plainly direct and to the point is the characteristic of Mr. A. S. Cole's translation of a French popular history of Embroidery and Lace,' and its manufacture from the remotest antiquity to the


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present day. The translator will be remembered on account of his previous work of a somewhat kindred character, namely, Ancient Needlework and Pillow Lace.' The present volume, a remarkably handsome book, possesses all the grace of style, minuteness of description, and historical interest which was evinced by the translator in his previous book; and, considering the large amount of attention which is now devoted to art in needlework, there can be little doubt that the efforts of Mr. Cole will find

many admirers. From even an industrial point of view, the history is of permanent interest. From Messrs. Griffith, Farran, Okeden, & Welsh. Popular Poets of the Period,' edited by F. A. H. Eyles. It is a pity that this work is so badly printed. The idea of presenting notices of the lives of popular contemporary poets and extracts from their works is an excellent one, and we have no doubt that the present serial will be a success. The first number contains five names, those of Sir Edwin Arnold, Miss Burnside, and Mr. G. R. Sims being most familiar.

From the same. A Jubilee Jaunt to Norway,' by Three Girls, is a pleasantly graphic work on a time-worn subject. To say the least of it, the reading of accounts of holiday journeys is not an alluring occupation, whether they refer to jubilees or not. Three Girls, however, have given us a bright story of wandering life, tinged with thoughtful descriptions of historic and scenic localities.

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From Messrs. Harrison & Sons, Pall Mall.-Varieties of Whist,' by Agrarius.' These two pretty little books deal with Solo Whist ' and Boston and French Boston,' describing the fundamental principles of the games with precision. The introductory notes are most interesting.

From Messrs. Macmillan & Co.-No collection

of Mrs. Craik's books will be complete without the new volume of exquisite verse just published under the title 'Poems,' by the Author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman.' Few are aware of the grace of fancy which Mrs. Craik could show in versification, and although there are critics who dispute her poetical ability, the work under notice is a good reply to hostile acerbity on the part of reviewers.

From the National Society's Depository. Teachers and others interested in the progress of education will be gratified with Mr. E. Herbert Lyon's Summary of the Final Report of the Royal Education Commission,' a very masterly condensation.

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From Messrs. S. W. Partridge & Co.-A new edition of The Pilgrim's Progress,' beautifully illustrated, comes to us from this enterprising firm. In typographical and pictorial appearance it is the finest book we have seen at the moderate price of five sbillings.

From the Religious Tract Society. - Foster Brothers of Doon: a Tale of the Irish Rebellion of 1798,' by the Author of 'Golden Hills: a Tale of the Irish Famine.' There is much in this story to interest and instruct, and the style, if scarcely powerful, is always pleasant and!

readable. Praiseworthy care has been taken to keep as closely as possible to historical accuracy in referring to the events of 1798; and the book, as a whole, is worthy of high commendation. 'Cedar Creek,' by the same author, is a narrative of Canadian life, in which the adventures of Robert Wynn and his brother Arthur, from their first emigration to the time when the story ends happily to the usual sound of wedding bells, are attractively related. Both works are illustrated.

From the same.-Stories that with pleasant reading convey a moral that is irreproachable may be mentioned in 'Dorothy Tresilis; or, Down at Polwin,' by M. H. Pollard: 'Hindered and Helped a Story for Boys'; Marching Orders; or, Soldier Bobbie,' by Lucy Taylor; and Mrs. Morse's Girls: a Tale of American Sunday School Life and Work,' by Minnie E. Kenney. A small but exceedingly interesting work is entitled Back Streets and London Slums,' by Frederick Hastings.

From the same.-"The Latch Key; or, Too Many by Half,' by the Rev. T. S. Millington, is the account of how a family going down to Hastings got into the wrong house and the consequences that ensued from their strange error. Interwoven with this is the eldest son's experience in his uncle's counting-house at Liverpool. Though scarcely in the author's best style, the narrative possesses many elements of interest, and is bright and unaffected to the close.

From Messrs. G. Routledge & Sons.-Volume I. of My Novel' has appeared in the Pocket Edition of Lord Lytton's novels. We have likewise received the new volume of Routledge's Pocket Library, Lays and Lyrics,' by Mr. Clement Scott. Many of the most familiar of contemporaneous popular verses will be found in this volume.

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From the South Eastern Railway Co. (Publishing Department.)-Mr. Percy Lindley need not have apologised for publishing an autumn edition of his delightful guide, Walks in the Ardennes.' On account of its style, and its genuine enthusiasm of description, any reader will long to cover the pleasurable fields which Mr. Lindley describes with a fascinating pen. From Messrs. Virtue & Co.-The splendid new Library Edition of Knight's Pictorial Shakespeare' has reached the second volume of the historical plays, including the various parts of King Henry VI.; King Richard III.; and King Henry VIII.

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From Mr. G. Woolley, Ludlow.-Judging from the ability shown by writer and artist, as well as the excellence of the typographical work, admirers of the scenery and associations of a charming locality ought to be delighted with the book Ludlow: Town and Neighbourhood,' by Oliver Baker. The writer is also the artist, and the skill, taste, and discretion shown in the work are beyond praise. A very handsome volume is the result, so that subscribers (a goodly list) and purchasers should have no cause to complain.

Index to the Books published between August 16 and 31.

The Words in Italics are those under which the Tilles are given Alphabetically in full, with the Publisher's Name.

All or Nothing, Hoey (Mrs. Cashel) 2s. 6d. & 2s.
Alphabet, Wiegand, Our Little Pets, 1s.

Anabasis, Xenophon, Book 2, by A. S. Walpole, 1s. 6d.
Annual, Every Boy's, Routledge, for 1889, 68.

Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature, Halkett, v. 4, 42s.
Ardennes, Walks in the, Lindley (P.) new edit. 1s. & 6d.
Avatar, or the Double Transformation, Gautier, 1s.
Baboe Dalima, Perelaer (T. H.) 7s. 6d.

Beatitudes, Glover (Richard) 1s. 6d.

Beautiful Jim, Winter (J. S.) a Story, 2 vols. 21s.

Bello Civili, Cæsar de, Abridged by Awdry, 2s. 6d.
Black Arrow, Stevenson (R. L.) 58.

Blue Sky, Beneath the, Pikes (G. H.) 3s. 6d.
Borders, Tales of the, Wilson's, vol. 10, 1s.

Browning, Robert, Poetical Works, new edit. vol. 5, 5s.
Buddhism, Esoteric, Sinnett (A. P.) 6th edit. 48.
Business Man's Vade-Mecum, Cooper (A. C.) 3s. 6d.
Buttercups and Daisies, 1s.

Buyers and Sellers, Deacon's Handbook, 3s. 6d.

By Woman's Wit, Alexander (Mrs.) new edit. 2s.
Calculous Diseases, Preventive Treatment, Thompson, 2s. 6d.
Caldecott, There was an Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe, 1s.
Calendar, Cambridge University, 1888, 6s. 6d.

Case of Mr. Lucraft, &c., Tales, Besant & Rice, n. e., 68.
Cedar Creek, a Tale of Canadian Life, 2s. 6d.

Chaplain's Secret, Tinseau (Léon de) 1s.

Chemistry, Wills (G. S. V.) vol. 1, 3s.

Child Life, Peep into, Lecky (S. & E.) 1s.

Children, Picture Stories, 18.

Children, Town and Country, Lecky (S. & E.) 1s.

Church History, Chapter in English, 5s.

Clown, a Society, Grossmith (G.) Reminiscences, 1s. 6d.

Coasting Trips, &c., Holidays Afloat, 1s. 6d.

Conics, Elementary Geometry, Taylor (C.) new edit. 43. 6d.
Cotter's Saturday Night, Burns, Illustrated, 1s. 6d.
Courtesan, Kock (Paul de) 1s.

Craik, Mrs., Poems by the Author of 'John Halifax,' 6s.
Crowquill, Alfred, Seymour, Sketches, new edit. 21s.
Daughter of Dives, Derwent (Leith) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Decameron, Boccaccio, new translation, 58.
Defences, National, Law, Loss of the Expire, 6d.
Devon, North, North Cornwall, &c., Ward (C. S.) 3s. 6d.
Dion, Brutus, Artaxerxes, Plutarch's Lives, 6d. & 3d.
Don Quixote, Cervantes, 28.

Dorothy Tresilis, Pollard (M. M.) 1s. 6d.
Dunmore, or the Land League, Murphy (L.) 18.
Dynamo-Electric Machinery, Thompson (S. P.) new edit. 16s.
Eastbourne, Handbook, Chambers (G. F.) 19th edit. 1s.
Eastern Counties of England, Tour, Defoe, 6d. & 3d.
Eczema, Neale (Alfred) 1s. 6d.

Electric Lighting Act, 1882, Poley (A. P.) and Dethridge, 28.
Embroidery and Lace, Lefébure (Ernest) 12s. 6d.
English Writers, Formation, Longridge (C. C.) Part 1, 2s.
Fasti, Ovid, by F. A. Paley, Books 1, 2, 2s., 3, 4, 28.
Field Companies, Memorandum Book, Roll, &c., 28.
Filey Bay, Fisher Folk, Oxley (W. H.) new edit. 1s. 6d.
First Nowell, 1s.

Forbidden Fruit for Young Men, Churchill (S.) 1s.
For Maimie's Sake, Allen (G.) new edit. 3s. 6d.

Forder, W. E., Life, by T. Wemyss Reid, n. e. 2 vols. 32s.
Foster Brothers of Doon, 2s. 6d.

From First to Last, Lecky (S. & E.) 1s.
Gairloch, Recent Traditions, Dixon (J. H.) 68.
Gallic War, Casar, Books 1, 2, by C. E. Moberly, 28.

Geometry, Practical Plane and Solid, Rawle (J. S.) 1s. 6d. & 1s.
George IV. and William IV., Greville, Journal, vol. 8, 68.
Girl in Scarlet, Zola (Emile) Is.

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Hieron, Xenophon, by H. A. Holden, new edit. 3s. 6d.
Hindered and Helped, a Story, 2s.

Humour, American, Illustrated Book, 1s.
Imitation of Christ, Kempis, new edit. 28. & 1s. 6d.
Imps, Flint (Catherine Seton) 2s.

In and Out and Round About, May (Rose E.) 1s. 6d.
Infantry Fire Tactics, Mayne (C. B.) 2nd edit. 6s.
Infirmaries, School, Construction and Maintenance, 1s.
Ireland, Essays, Daunt (W. J. O.) 1s.

Ireland Under Coercion, Hurlbert (W. H.) 2 vols. 15s.

Jack Tier, Cooper (J. F.) by S. Fenimore Cooper, 3s. 6d.
Jersey and Guernsey, Tourist's Guide, Black (C. B.) n. ed. 1s.
Johnny Ludlow, Wood (Mrs. Henry) Series 1, new ed. 3s. 6d.
Jolly Fellowship, Stockton (Frank R.) 2s. 6d.
Kelly (Mrs. Tom) Memoirs, 2s.

Keraban the Inflexible, Verne, Part 1, new edit. 2s.
King's Own, Marryat (Capt.) new edit. 2s. & 18.
Last Hurdle, a Story, Hudson (Frank) 3s. 6d.
Latch Key, Millington (T. S.) 2s.

Latin Exercises in the Oratio Obliqua, Raven (J. H.) 1s. 6d.
Leoline, Harding (Emily Grace) 1s. 6d.

Letter Painting Made Easy, Badenoch, new edit. 1s. 6d.
Little Songs for Little Singers, 1s. 6d.

Livingstone, David, Life and Travels in Africa, 1s. 6d.
Livy, Book 22, by T. Tatham, 2s. 6d.

London Slums, Hastings (F. M.) Back Streets, &c., 1s.
London, Social Reformer, Curve Pictures, M'Dowell, 18.
Lost Tide, Findlay (Jessie Patrick) 1s. 6d.

Love or a Name, Hawthorne (Julian) 2s.

Love the Pilgrim, Crommelin (May) 2s.

Mabel Berrington, Paull (Mrs. H. B.) new edit. 2s.
Man with a Shadow, Fenn (G. Manville) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Marching Orders or Soldier Bobbie, Taylor (Lucy) 2s. 6d.
Marguerite de Valois, Dumas (A.) new edit. 6d.
Martius, His Last Passion, 2s.

Master Timothy's Book Case, Reynolds (G. W. M.) 6d.
Mediation of Ralph Hardelot, Minto (W.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d.
Medicine, Fagge (C. H.) and Smith, Principles, n. e. 2 v., 38s.
Modern Circe, new edit. 3s. 6d.

Moor and the Loch, Colquhoun (John) new edit. 21s.
My Brother's Love, Shadwell (Mrs. Lucas) 1s.
My Novel, Lytton, Lord, new edit. 2s., 1s. 6d., & 1s.
My Playmates, Day (Elizabeth) 1s.

Mrs. Morse's Girls, a Story of American Life, 3s. 6d.
Nedworth's Choice, Prentiss (Mrs. E.) 1s. 6d. & 1s.
New Era of Thought, Hinton (C. Howard) 4s. 6d.
Nitrous Oxide, Manual, Silk (J. F. R. W.) 5s.
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