CONTENTS BOOKS FOR SALE INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT 1042 ...... 1042 1050-1052 1053 1053-1059 ASSISTANTS WANTED BUSINESS CARDS ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, E.C. The title of the book will be 'The Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble.' It is anticipated that the famous physician will herein throw light upon many important and obscure incidents of the past. The publishers, Messrs. Sampson Low & Co., expect that the book will be ready for publication about the end of September. evinced in what promises to be the sensation of the autumn season. September 1, 1888. THE THE winter of discontent in the book world is upon us. It has likewise fallen upon the newspaper world, though as yet we have not had any remarkable evidences of the curiosities of the silly season. One of these curiosities, it is true, has appeared, and we are glad of the opportunity to welcome a few notices of books in the columns of the daily press. Since the armistice in parliamentary squabbling, we have seen one or two reviews of books which were published a year or eighteen months ago, but though authors and publishers may think the interval rather long, it is best to be thankful for what we can get. The condition of affairs in reviewing is without doubt amazingly unsatisfactory. The daily papers, and some high-toned weekly ones too, seem to take not the slightest notice of new books until they have been so long before the public that reviews are uncalled for, or have disappeared so quickly from publicity that reviews are valueless. Newspapers receive very considerable support from the publishers of Great Britain. The proprietors are indebted to them for a regular course of tangible aid, more regular, perhaps, than that afforded by the theatrical fraternity, and yet the latter body gets a much larger share of notice than ordinary literary workers. Something ought to be done to induce the editors of our metropolitan dailies to give fuller attention quickly to the reviews of new books; this is a subject for the consideration of authors, of whom there are a goodly number at work on the newspaper press. One or two northern papers give an example in this respect which might be worthily followed by the great journals of London to their own credit, as well as to the advancement of literature viewed in its modern light as a profession. SIR MORELL MACKENZIE'S FORTHCOMING BOOK.-Great interest is naturally being A WARNING.-A correspondent has requested us to warn booksellers of a man, in the garb of a clergyman, stealing books in the Leeds district. He has been there two different times, when he stole two of Leigh Hunt's books first, and the second time a spotless copy of Rogers' poems. He is a man about 35 or 40, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high; pale face, black whiskers, and soft in speech; and carries a Gladstone bag. month. Notes and News 'The World of Adventure' is the title of a new serial work, the first part of which will be published by Messrs. Cassell & Company next the brave and daring deeds done in the present It will contain a graphic narrative of day and in past centuries, and will be illustrated with several hundred engravings from original drawings. A new and cheap edition of the splendid work 'Pioneers of the Alps' has just been published by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. This work contains portraits of nearly all the Alpine celebrities. 6 With reference to Mr. Farmer's Ameri- | Local Government Act, entitled The County canisms, Old and New,' announced in our last Council Compendium.' It is dedicated, by issue as about to be published by subscription, permission, to the president of the Local we may mention that the trade agents are Government Board, and contains several Messrs. Hamilton, Adams, & Co. appendices of statutes of a cognate nature to the new measure, together with extracts from parliamentary papers. Messrs. Reeves & Turner's New Trade Catalogue is before us. Besides their publications it includes a very miscellaneous lot of books upon all sorts of subjects, notably many of the desirable works issued by Mr. J. Russell Smith, offered at prices which should effect a speedy sale. A new autumn edition of Walks in Epping Forest,' by Percy Lindley, describing portions less known to pedestrians, is in preparation. Professor Boulger has contributed some Notes upon the recent extensive tree-felling and 'forestry' operations in Epping Forest to the same issue. Those of our readers who are interested in Indian law will be glad to hear that the second volume of the Anglo-Indian Codes, which Mr. Whitley Stokes is preparing for the Clarendon Press, is nearly ready for publication. It treats of Adjective Law, and includes the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Evidence Act, 1872, the Oaths Act, the Limitation Act, and other statutes. The work is fully furnished with notes and appendices, and forms a thick octavo volume of more than 1,200 pages. Early in October will be published by Henry J. Dane, of Paternoster Row, 'Juvenile Literature as it is,' by Mr. Edward Salmon. Mr. Salmon's name will be known in connection with various articles in the Fortnightly Review and the Nineteenth Century on boys' and girls' books. The interest taken in these articles has induced him to go much more thoroughly into the whole subject, and to endeavour to give an account of the books and magazines produced for the young. The work of individual writers has been carefully considered. The first chapter is made up of statistics, and remarks by young people on the books they like best, the material for which was placed at Mr. Salmon's disposal by Mr. Charles Welsh, whose name is so intimately associated with juvenile literature. No previous book has taken up the question of the recent development in children's literature. The question of a free and open church, which is just now attracting so much attention through the Canterbury Encyclical and the correspondence in the Times and other newspapers, is dealt with in a shilling story with a purpose,' entitled 'The Keys of Saint Martin's,' which will be published next week by Messrs. Houlston & Sons. It is intimated that shortly will be issued a new edition of the Ballads of Hans Breitmann, revised by the author, and containing a number of new Anglo-German poems, which it is believed will be found fully equal to any be taken to render this edition as perfect as of the old favourites. The greatest pains will possible. Messrs. Macmillan announce that future numbers of The English Illustrated Magazine will be enlarged to seventy pages. With the increased space at the editor's disposal it is proposed to enlarge the department devoted to fiction, and to further develop the literary portion of the magazine. In future each number will contain a complete story or part of a short serial in addition to the monthly instalment of the annual novel, and the frontispiece will be printed separately on thicker paper. The leading work of fiction for the new year will be supplied by F. Marion Crawford, and is entitled Sant' Ilario.' The price of the magazine remains as before. Wien, has just published a valuable report on R. Lechners K.K. Hofbuchhandlung in the Development of Industry and Technics in Austria from 1848 to 1888.' This work, which results from the labours of the Commission of the Technical Exhibition, held on the occasion of the Jubilee of the fortieth anniversary of Emperor Francis Joseph's accession to the throne, contains much information about the industrial, commercial, and technical schools of Austria-Hungary. At the present time, when the condition of agriculture in this country has so forced itself upon public opinion that the establishment of a Ministry of Agriculture has become an accomplished fact, M. Alphonse Allard's new work, 'Etude sur la Crise agricole, commerciale et ouvrière et ses causes monétaires en Angleterre,' is sure to attract attention. It is published by C. Muquardt, of Brussels. Miss Florence Warden, author of "The House on the Marsh,' will contribute a serial story of Yorkshire life to the new volume of Cassell's Saturday Journal, commencing with the number published on the 26th inst. Mr. Stephen, one of the editors of 'Stephen's Commentaries upon the Laws of England,' and Mr. Horace Milles, of the Middle Temple, have prepared a work on the L. to degree of interest attaching to it, that it has been devised by one who had hitherto warmly advocated Volapük. Michaelis' 6 made by them at that place. L'Acropole de Suse,' par Marcel Dieulafoy, ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, a quarto volume with three large illustrations in black and white, and 13 coloured plates. Les Grands Voyageurs de notre Siècle,' par G. Meisson. Of the 250 engravings illustrating this interesting work, forty are portraits and forty-five are MM. Hachette and Co. also announce maps. We have received from Herr F. A. Brockhaus, of Leipzig, a list of announcements bearing date the 20th ult. Amongst these we note 'Der neue Pitaval' (a collection of the most interesting criminal histories of all ages and countries), new series, vol. 22, which contains: Johann von Wesel and his times,' the first volume of an important work by Mr. 'A Case of Witchcraft in the 15th Century, Eugène Muntz, Conservateur de l'Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, 'Histoire de l'Art 'Remarkable Criminal Cases in England,' 'Vendetta in Kentucky, 1877-87, The pendant la Renaissance.' This volume, entitled Attempted Assassination of Bazaine,' &c., &c.; Italie, Les Primitifs,' will be illustrated with New Dictionary of the German 500 engravings inserted in the text, four wholeand Portuguese Languages, Part II., Deutsch-page woodcuts and two plans, four chromotype Portugiesisch'; and Historisches Taschen- plates, twelve coloured phototypes, sixteen buch, sixth series, eighth year. We do not typographic plates, and a coloured map. They know why this work is called Historical will also publish translations of NordensPocket Book,' for the size being octavo is a kiöld's Second Greenland Expedition,' and of serious objection to its being carried in the 'Greely's Arctic Expedition.' pocket; but there can be no question as to the interest of the subjects dealt with in this present volume. The Results of the Wallenstein Researches,' by Prof. Gaedeke; ‘Arnold of Brescia,' by R. Breyer; The Superstition of Philip Melanchthon,' by R. Hartfeldes; and The Origin of the Divorce of King Henry VIII. of England,' by W. Busch, are all of them attractive topics. The programme of the Festival of the Saxon-Thuringian Booksellers' Union, to be held on the 8th and 9th inst., appeared in the 'Börsenblatt' of the German book trade of the 17th ult. We note one or two items of hotel accommodation and charges which strikingly contrast with those at some other places. Here they are: Saturday, Sept. 8. Afternoon Arrival of guests. We recommend the Continental Hotel (Station Street 3). Single-bedded room, 2 m. 50 d. (2s. 6d.) Double-bedded ditto, 4m. (48.) Saturday, Sept. 8. Evening from 7 o'clock, Conversazione in the Bischofszimmer of the Magdeburg Town Hall Cellar. Very cheap wines (50 d. (6d.) half a bottle), and plentiful bill of fare. Sunday, Sept. 9. Afternoon : 3 o'clock, Festival dinner in the Café Hohenzollern (Broadway 140) 2m. (2s.) a head.' A new work on Venezuela, by Dr. W. Stevens, of the University of Würzburg, with an original Map, by L. Friederichsen, has just been published by L. Friederichsen & Co., of Hamburg, which firm has also issued a new work on naval architecture, entitled 'Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete des gesammten Schiff bauwesens,' von C. F. Sternhaus, in one quarto volume, with plates and woodcuts. MM. Hachette and Co. announce several important works. 'L'Alsace,' par Charles Grad, Deputy of the German Rechstag. A magnificent 4to. volume, with numerous illustrations on wood. 'A Suse, Journal de Fouilles,' par Madame Jeanne Dieulafoy, Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur, one vol. 4to., illustrations on wood. In this work Madame Dieulafoy relates the incidents of her stay at Susa in company with her husband, and describes the results of the excavations and researches OLD EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. To the Editor of the PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR. Some Educational Books of a Bygone Period,' SIR,-After glancing through your article, I remembered that among my miscellaneous collection I had two or three of the kind. I will give short particulars, and should any of your clients care to see them I will either lend or sell them.—I am, yours truly, A. LLEWELLYN. 20 Stockwell Park Road, Clapham Road, S. W.: August 17, 1888. Black Letter Arithmeticke, date 1600. Rules, Precepts, and Maxims composed in Meeter.' Small 4to. By Thomas Hylles. About forty specimens of Ancient Penmanship, mounted, the frontispiece or title page being by John Sedden.' Some of them are dated 1630. A Platform for Purchasers and a Mate for Mea- The English Grammar, or an Essay on the Art of Obituary PHILIP HENRY GOSSE.-We regret to announce the death of the distinguished zoologist, occurred at his residence, St. Marychurch, Mr. Philip Henry Gosse, F.R.S., which Torquay, on August 23. Mr. Gosse was born at Worcester in 1810, and at an early age displayed a strong taste for natural history. his investigations in Canada and the United Mr. Gosse published a general synopsis of States under the title of The Canadian Naturalist' (1840). In 1844 he visited Jamaica, and spent 18 months in the study of zoology, the result of his researches afterwards appearing in 'The Birds of Jamaica,' followed by an Atlas of Illustrations' and A Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica.' He devoted himself especially to the microscopic study of the British rotifera. In 1856 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Among Mr. Gosse's subsequent works were: The Aquarium,' 1854; A Manual of Marine Zoo logy,' 1855; 'Tenby, a Seaside Holiday,' 1856; | at 50 New Bond Street. He edited Dowland's Life in its Lower, Intermediate, and Higher songs for the society, and also edited and Forms,' 1857 ; Actinologia Britannica: a published (1838-40) a Collection of English History of the British Sea Anemones and National Airs,' which was afterwards exCorals,' 1860; 'The Romance of Natural panded into his 'Popular Music of the Olden History,' 1860-62; 'A Year at the Shore' Time,' published in two volumes, 1855-59. and Land and Sea,' 1865. In 1874 he In addition to compiling the works abovepublished at Philadelphia his Wonders of named, Mr. William Chappell assisted in the Great Deep; or, the Physical, Animal, editing The Roxburghe Ballads'; he also Geological, and Vegetable Curiosities of the edited 'The Crown Garland of Golden Roses,' Ocean.' Mr. Gosse was also the author of a The Dancing Master'; supplied notes to ' Wit number of works of a sacred and historical and Mirth; or, Pills to Purge Melancholy,' and, character. in conjunction with Mr. J. W. Hales, edited Bishop Percy's folio manuscript of 'Ballads and Romances.' In 1874 Mr. Chappell began the publication of his 'History of Music.' He had for many years been a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. 6 GUSTAVE MASSON.-We have to announce the sudden death of M. Gustave Masson, assistant-master and librarian of Harrow School, who expired on the 29th of August. M. Masson was in his 70th year, having been born in Paris in the year 1818. Among HENRY STEVENSON.-The death is anoriginal works by him the following may be nounced of Mr. Henry Stevenson, F.L.S., mentioned: The Early Chroniclers of for many years proprietor and editor of the Europe,' 'Life of Richelieu,' in the Home Norfolk Chronicle and a distinguished local Library'; A Chronological and Historical naturalist. His principal work was 'The Atlas of the Middle Ages,' 'Mazarin,' in the Birds of Norfolk, with Remarks on their 'Home Library;' Outlines of French Litera- Habits, Migration, and Local Distribution,' ture,' Introduction to the History of French published in 1866. Literature'; and Thirty Years of French ROBERT MORRIS. -Dr. Robert Morris, the Literature' (1856). He also wrote in 1881, for distinguished author and lecturer on FreeCassell's 'Popular Library,' 'The Huguenots: masonry, died on the 31st July. He founded a Sketch of their History from the Beginning the Voice of Masonry and the American Freeof the Reformation to the Death of Louis mason. In 1868 he visited the Holy Land in XIV. M. Masson edited, with notes and search of relics of Freemasonry. On his introductions, separate works and plays of return to America he published his Travels Corneille, Molière, Racine, Hugo, De Musset, in the Holy Land,' which at once became About, &c. His translations included the popular among Freemasons. During late following: Janet's 'Materialism of the Present years Dr. Morris devoted himself almost Day,' from French into English; Sir Samuel wholly to lecturing, but two years ago he Baker's Discovery of the Albert Nyanza,' began an annotated work on the life and English into French; and Sorel's Montes- poems of Burns. quieu,' translated into English from the series GUSTAV MAY.-We learn with regret that of Great French Writers. With M. Brachet the hopes expressed in our last issue with and M. Brette, he issued a series of educa- regard to the survival of Mr. May, of Messrs. tional works on the French language and Whittaker & Co., are at an end, the body grammar, &c. He also contributed volumes being washed ashore at St. Lawrence, near to the Clarendon Press series, and edited Ventnor, on Wednesday, August 22. The several sections from Guizot's History of deceased was interred at Ventnor, when the France,' from Madame de Staël's 'Directoire,' body was carried to the grave by six German from Voltaire's 'Age of Louis XIV.,' &c. students at their special request. Mr. May In 1880 he began the issue of his Choice was about 34 years of age, and had resided in Readings from French History.' In addition, England nearly six years, four of which were he was the compiler of a 'Class-book of French spent in the employment of Messrs. Trübner Literature,' and 'A Compendious Dictionary of the French Language.' on & Co., on leaving which firm he took the management of Messrs. Whittaker & Co.'s business. Previous to his coming to England he was in the employment of Mr. Auffarth, of Frankfort-on-the-Main, whose son lost his life at the same time. BENJAMIN STRETTON. Mr. Benjamin Stretton, of 3 London Lane, Mare Street, Hackney, died on August 19 in the seventyeighth year of his age. For many years the deceased was in the employ of Messrs. Reeves & Turner, and was much respected in the trade. WILLIAM CHAPPELL.-The death of this well-known musical publisher occurred at his residence in Upper Brook Street, W., August 20. Mr. Chappell, who was widely known for his efforts to popularise old English music, was born in 1810, and was thus in his 79th year. The musical firm of Chappell & Co. commenced business in January 1812, at 124 New Bond Street. In 1834, Mr. Samuel Chappell, the head of the firm, died. The business was then carried on for the widow by her sons, of whom William, the eldest, now under notice, was the moving spirit. Desiring to propagate a knowledge of the music of the Madrigalian era, Mr. William Chappell, in Mr. Robert Mowat, for many years chief 1840, projected the Musical Antiquarian clerk and cashier in the firm of W. & R. Society, which held its meetings and rehearsals | Chambers, Edinburgh, has been admitted as Trade Changes a partner into this old-established business, | and in very few cases had they the entire works the head of which is now Mr. Charles E. S. of an author. Chambers, son of the late Mr. Robert Chambers. Mr. A. G. Young, of The Poultry, Nottingham, has disposed of his business to Messrs. Freestone & Knapp, of Nottingham. This business was formerly carried on by Messrs. Carrick & Young and previously by Norris & Cockayne. Mr. William Hutt has removed from Clement's Inn Gateway to more extensive premises at No. 3 Hyde Street, New Oxford Street, W.C., nearly opposite Mudie's Library. THE LAST PUBLISHER OF MANU SCRIPT BOOKS. Before the invention of printing the making of a book was a work of high art. The scribe or copyist wrote the text; the painter illuminated its pages with gold and glowing colour on the finest parchment; and the binder covered it with the finest velvet or morocco from the Levant, or embroidery, or wrought beautiful covers in wood or inlaid ivory, embossed with gold, and frequently set with gems; the goldsmith chiselled delicate devices in niello on silver for clasps. Thus the painter, the sculptor, and the goldworker all combined to make the precious book a work of art. Of course such books were only to be obtained by wealthy princes. Borso d'Este paid 40 ducats for a Josephus' and a 'Quintus Curtius,' while his large two-volume Bible cost him 1,375 sequins (about £680). In reading Vespasiano's Lives,' one forms a very good idea of the business of a bookseller and publisher before the invention of printing. Vespasiano di Bisticchi (born A.D. 1421) was an author and bookseller in Florence. As an author his works go far to redeem the character of the age, for in his 'Vite delli Uomini Illustri' and his Ricordi delle Donne State in Italia degne,' he has shown all that those brilliant and corrupt times contained of the pure and good. His services to literature were immense; he assisted to form the three most famous libraries in Italythe Laurentian in Florence, that of the Vatican in Rome, and the library of Federigo, Duke of Urbino, which is now, since its purchase by Pope Alexander VII., incorporated with that of the Vatican. Vespasiano gives a detailed list of the works he obtained for the Duke of Urbino, which comprised all the known classics, the Fathers, books on astrology, science, medicine, art, music, and all the Italian authors and poets. In this magnificent library, which cost 30,000 ducats, every author was found complete, not a word of his known writings was missing; every page was written on parchment with a pen, and illuminated, and every book was properly bound. Vespasiano says there was not one written of which ne sarebbe vergognato (he could have been ashamed). The great Bible, illuminated throughout, was bound in gold brocade, and had rich silver clamps and clasps. All the editions of the Greek and Latin Fathers, and other classics, were bound in crimson velvet with silver clasps. Vespasiano prides himself on the completeness of his work. He says he went to England for the catalogue of the Oxford Library, and also obtained catalogues of the libraries of Italian cities, but in all he found that they only possessed fragmentary writings, The bibliophile Niccolo Niccoli, having spent a long life and all his patrimony in collecting books and MSS., left them, at his death, to Cosimo de' Medici to found a public library. Cosimo built the fine pillared hall in the convent of San Marco, and then conceived the idea of filling it, so as to form a worthy public library, of which the legacy of Niccoli should be the nucleus. Naturally, he had recourse to the great bookseller, advised him to furnish his bookcases. and sending for Vespasiano asked him how he 'You could not buy books-it would be impossible to find enough,' said Vespasiano. Then what am I to do?' asked Cosimo. Have them written,' replied the bookseller. On which Cosimo gave him the commission, and the bookseller forthwith employed forty-five scribes and illuminators, furnishing 200 volumes in twenty-two months; and so pleased was Cosimo with the books that he employed Vespasiano and his scribes to supply the illuminated psalters and missals for the new church of the Convent of San Marco. Vespasiano was the last of his profession, for, even while he worked, Gutenberg, in Mainz, had brought printing to perfection, had discarded his wooden blocks and used leaden types; and, while Vespasiano illuminated the Duke of Montefeltro's Bible, Gutenberg and Fust, in 1450, printed their Mazarin Bible.-Leader Scott, in Bookmart. Announcements Messrs. Bell & Co. CLASSICS: The Dramas of Sophocles, rendered into English Verse, Dramatic and Lyric, by Sir George Young, Bart., M.A. Sabrina Corolla in Hortulis Regiæ Schola Salopiensis contexuerunt tres Viri Floribus Legendis, new edit. Easy Translations of Nepos, Cæsar, Cicero, Livy, &c., for Retranslation into Latin, with Notes by T. Collins, M.A. Faciliora, an Elementary Latin Book on a New Principle, by the Rev. J. L. Seager, M.A. Key to Latin Examination Papers, by A. M. M. Stedman, M.A. Wadham College, Oxford. Greek Testament Selections, Second and Revised Edition, with Notes and Vocabulary by A. M. M. Stedman, M.A. New Volumes of Cambridge Texts with Notes (the Texts are for the most part those of the Bibliotheca Classica; the Notes are in English at the end of the volumes): Eschylus, the Choephorce, edited by F. A. Paley, M.A., LL.D. Virgil, the Bucolics, Georgics, and Eneid, Professor Conington's edition abridged, by Professors Nettleship and Wagner and Rev. J. G. Shephard, D.C.L., in 9 vols. Xenophon, the Anabasis, Macmichael's edition, revised by J. E. Melhuish, M.A., in 4 vols. Xenophon, the Hellenics, Book 2, by the Rev. L. D. Dowdall, M.A., B.D. Ovid, The Fasti, revised edition, by F. A. Paley, M.A., LL.D., in 3 vols. Virgil, the Eneid, Book 1, Professor Conington's edition abridged, with Vocabulary. New Volumes of the Public School Series: Livy, Book XXII., edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Maps, by Rev. L. D. Dowdall, |