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Part 4-Distribution of Procurement Documents

20-401 Distribution of Procurement Documents.

(a) Except as provided in (f) and (g) below, the basic contract and all modifications thereto shall receive the same distribution.

(b) The contracting officer executing a contract or modification is responsible for complete distribution of the document within ten working days after execution. The purchasing office shall, upon assignment of the contract, furnish the contract administration office the contract distribution list and shall provide changes to the list as they occur.

(c) Except as provided in this paragraph and in (d)(i)(C) below, the procuring contracting officer shall maintain the original executed procurement document in the official contract file. The original of each modification executed by the ACO or TCO shall be provided to the PCO. Unless otherwise directed by the Department concerned, the original executed copies of orders under Basic Ordering Agreements (3-410.2) and the original executed provisioning orders (4-302.2) shall be maintained by the office issuing the orders.

(d) Except as provided in (f) below, copies of contracts (including agreements) and modifications shall be distributed as specified below:

(i) one signed copy or one reproduced copy of the signed contract and each modification thereto to:

(A) the contractor (this copy shall be stamped "Duplicate Original");

(B) the contract administration office;

(C) the payment office, except the original executed order and, as required by Departmental regulations, additional copies of a purchase order for open market purchases of $10,000 or less, delivery order(s), and Federal Supply Schedule orders, and each modification thereto shall be distributed to the payment office. For those assigned to DCAS, only the original executed order is required which shall be sent directly to the DCAS payment office (not with the CAO copies);

(D) each accounting and finance office (funding office) whose funds are cited in the contract;

(ii) in addition to the distribution in (i) above, additional copies shall be distributed as follows:

(A) four copies to the contract administration office (distribution shall be effected simultaneously with the copy furnished in (d)(i)(B) above;

(B) one copy to each consignee indicated in the contract (a transshipping terminal is not a consignee);

(C) one copy to the appropriate transportation office when required by 19-402 and additional copies as required by Departmental regulations;

(D) ten copies to the MIPR initiating activity in the case of coordinated procurement;

(E) two copies directly to the contract administration office cognizant of each manufacturing location where contract administration services will be required (see DoD Directory of Contract Administration Services Components 4105.59H), when administration of the contract is performed at other than the place of manufacture;

(F) one copy of each of the following type contracts and of each modification thereto to the appropriate Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) field audit office (listed in the DCAA Directory-Headquarters and Field Offices):

(I) cost reimbursement; time and materials, or labor-hour con-

(II) fixed price contract with redetermination, incentive,
economic price adjustment or cost allowability provisions;
(III) any other contract which requires audit service

(if there is a question as to the appropriate DCAA field audit of-
fice, contracting officers may request the assistance of the
DCAA procurement liaison auditor or the nearest DCAA field
audit office); and

(G) one copy to the CAO ADP point, except when the DODAAD code (see DoD Directory 4105.59H) is the same as that of either the CAO or payment office.

(e) When a payment office is added to an existing contract by modification, a copy of the basic contract and prior modifications shall be furnished to such office. When a contract administration office, an accounting and finance office (funding office), a consignee or other activity is added by a modification, the contracting officer shall determine the extent to which each activity is concerned with the basic contract and modifications and make distribution accordingly. (f) Distribution of modifications issued pursuant to 20-204.3(a)(ii)(B) and 20-204.4(b)(ii) may be limited to the following:

(i) Contractor;

(ii) Receiving Activity;

(iii) Contract Administration Office;

(iv) Payment Office;

(v) CAO ADP point in accordance with (d)(ii)(G) above.

(g) Distribution of overhead rate agreements issued pursuant to 3-705 may be limited to the contractor and the executing contracting officer.

(h) When the purchasing office retains responsibility for administration of a contract containing the Cost Accounting Standards clause (7-104.83(a)), one copy of the contract shall be forwarded to the Contract Administration Office (Attn: ACO) cognizant of the contractor's facility (see DoD Directory 4105.59H). The following notation will be inserted in bold print on the face of the contract: "FOR COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION ONLY". (See 3-1208(c) for contracts at facilities under the cognizance of a nonDoD organization.)

Part 5-Contract Administration Services for non-DOD Organizations

20-501 General. Contract administration services similar in nature to those being performed for Department of Defense organizations may be performed also for other organizations pursuant to the procedures in this part. These services include quality assurance, engineering support, production progressing, pre-award surveys, price/cost analysis, termination, property administration, plant clearance, industrial security, small business industrial labor relations, transportation, contractor payment, and equal employment opportunity contract compliance review. A more detailed listing of tasks involving most of the above services is contained in 1-406.

20-502 Procedures for Performance. Department of Defense procedures will be utilized in performing contract administration services for other than Department of Defense organizations except when otherwise agreed between such organizations and the Department of Defense. To keep the number of such agreements to a minimum, nondefense organizations should be encouraged to accept Department of Defense contract administration procedures.

20-503 United States Government Departments, Agencies and Corporations. Department of Defense contract administration services components shall, upon direct request, provide contract administration services to:

(i) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in accordance with the DOD-NASA Agreement (DODI 5030.42); and

(ii) other United States Government Departments and Agencies, including such government corporations as the Civil Air Patrol, National Shipping Authority, Tennessee Valley Authority, St. Lawrence Seaway Company and the Panama Canal Company.

20-504 Department of National Defence Production (Canada). In accordance with Section VI, Part 5, Department of Defense components shall upon direct request, provide contract administration services to the Department of National Defence Production (Canada). Performance for other Canadian Government organizations shall be in accordance with 20-505.

20-505 Foreign Governments and International Agencies.

20-505.1 Performance of Services in the United States. Department of Defense contract administration services components shall, on receipt of requests from the DOD Central Control Point, provide contract administration services to foreign governments and international organizations who are making direct procurements from United States producers. "Direct procurement" is the procurement of defense supplies in the United States by a foreign government or contractor or international organization in which the supplies are purchased through commercial channels for use by the foreign government or international organization.

20-505.2 Operations of DOD Central Control Point (CCP). Requests from foreign governments and international organizations shall be forwarded to the Defense Control Administration Services Region (DCASR), New York, N.Y., which is the designated CCP. The CCP will:

(i) determine that the request is from a friendly foreign government or from an international agency in which the United States is a participant;

(ii) determine that the services requested are consistent with Department of Defense mutual security program policies (Questions as to eligibility of foreign governments or international organizations to receive services from DOD contract administration services components will be referred to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs));

(iii) assure that the reimbursement arrangements are consistent with 20-506;

(iv) determine that the requested services can be provided, and acknowledge receipt of the request;

(v) distribute the procurement documents and related material to the cognizant contract administration services component, receive statements of costs from performing contract administration services components, bill the foreign governments or international organizations for services rendered, and distribute the remittance when received.

20-505.3 Performance of Services Outside the United States. When services are performed by Department of Defense contract administration services personnel outside the United States, the levels of technical capability and the administrative procedures, not already prescribed in existing laws or Department of Defense policies shall be in accordance with arrangements suitable and acceptable to the United States country teams or commanders of unified and specified commands, as appropriate.

20-506 Reimbursement. Reimbursement for services shall be required from non-DOD organizations covered by this part at the current standard rate determined by the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). Although services will be performed for the Department of National Defence Production (Canada) on a non-reimbursable basis, normal charges shall be required for work performed for all other agencies of the Canadian Government. Services performed for contracts awarded by the Small Business Administration in accordance with 1-705.5 will be on a non-reimbursable basis. Requests for other exceptions to the above reimbursement policy shall be submitted to the ASD (Comptroller) for resolution or approval when it can be shown that such exceptions are in the best interests of the U.S. Government.

Part 6-Contract Administration Services by non-DOD Organizations

20-601 General. When contract administration services are not available from U.S. Department of Defense components, performance of these services may be requested from other organizations of the Federal Government and from foreign governments and international organizations.

20-602 Request for Services. Unless otherwise specified in a formal agreement, Department of Defense requests for services will not specify performance procedures but will accept the contract administration services procedures normal to the performing organization.

20-603 Payment for Services Rendered. Department of Defense components shall pay for services rendered at the rate established by the performing activity for such services, except where formal agreements provide for reciprocal performance without reimbursement. When services are requested from foreign governments, and international organizations, DOD components should check with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) to determine whether any reciprocal agreements are in effect which would preclude payment for services requested.

20-604 Department of National Defence Production (Canada). Performance without charge of contract administration services by the Department of National Defence Production (Canada) for the U.S. Department of Defense components is provided for in Section VI, Part 5.

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