TABLE XXVIII.-Number of banking offices, by geographic division and State, 1920-501 1 Comprises all commercial banks and their branches including, in 1950, 122 banking "facilities" at military and other Government installations designated as depositary and fiscal agents of the Treasury; these "facilities" perform limited banking functions and were not in existence prior to 1942. Excluded are mutual savings banks and their branches which are not usually considered in analyses of the banking structure; such offices are not numerous (529 banks and 213 branches in 1950), are concentrated largely in the Northeastern States, and their exclusion does not materially affect the results in Table XXVII. For 1920, figures are as of June for banks and as of an unspecified month for branches; for 1930, figures are as of June; for 1940 and 1950, figures are as of December. 2 Minus sign denotes decrease. TABLE XXX.-Distribution of counties, by number of commercial banking offices and population, 1950 Number of counties with populations of Number of banking offices in county Total Un der 1,000 1,000-2,000-4,000-6,000-8,000-10,000-20,000-30,000-50,000-100,000- 500,000 over TABLE XXXI.-Population and number of commercial banking offices, by county, |