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Mr. McFALL. In last year's hearings, on pages 274 and 275 you supplied a breakdown of your contract program. Would you provide a similar breakdown for the record indicating the allocation of your 1971 program and your requested fiscal 1972 program levels?

Mr. Toмs. Yes, we will.

(The information requested follows:)

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Committee on Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS)...

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Mr. McFALL. Turn to the Office of the Director and insert pages 14 through 18.

(Justification pages referred to follow :)

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This activity is responsible for the overall planning, direction and control of the functions, powers and duties authorized by the Secretary of Transporation relating to motor vehicle and traffic safety. Responsibilities include coordinating research and development efforts to meet legislative objectives, recommending program changes to meet changing needs and requirements, coordinating program and management policies, providing Departmental leadership to the U.S. Pilot Študy on Road Safety for the Committee on Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS), North Atlantic Council, NATO, and giving assistance to and coordinating committees appointed by the Secretary or NHTSA Administrator.

Moderate staffing increases are proposed in 1972 to cover increased executive coordination requirements associated with the expansion in the scope of Administration activities proposed in the budget request.

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The Administrator is responsible for the executive direction of the Agency and for the establishment and overall implementation of Administration policy. The allocations shown below cover the Administrator and his immediate staff.

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The Deputy Administrator assists the Administrator in discharging all assigned responsibilities and is assigned responsibility for the supervision of NHTSA regional administrators. The allocations shown below cover the Deputy Administrator and his immediate staff.

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The Chief Scientist acts as a principal staff advisor to the Administrator relative to the scientific, engineering, and technical aspects of the Administration's research and development program applicable to motor vehicle safety. He also advises on NHTSA international policy. The allocations shown below cover the Chief Scientist, his immediate staff and personnel assigned to assist in executing NHTSA's responsibilities under the "U.S. Pilot Study on Road Safety," an activity of the Presidential Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society, North Atlantic Council.

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Responsible for the review of all outgoing official correspondence, prepared for either the Administrator or Deputy Administrator's signature, to ensure completeness and policy coordination. The Secretariat also administers an executive correspondence program including the preparation of replies to public and Governmental inquiries and renders advice on correspondence to Administration offices. Provides services to and coordinates the activities of the National Highway Safety Advisory Committee, the National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory Council, and such committees as the Secretary or Administrator may establish.

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