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have been top-heavy. In this fituation, expecting every moment to be their laft, they were providentially preferved by the humanity of Capt. Raphael, who brought them


Out of a fleet of 13 fail of Swedifh merchant-fhips, laden with naval ftores, configned for l'Orient, in France, two only have reached their deftined port, the other eleven having been wrecked in that heavy gale of wind in which the Halfewell perifhed. The coaft of Effex has been covered with the fpoils of this unfortunate fleet.

On account of the league, offenfive and defenfive, between France and Holland, the following medal has been ftruck.

A woman reprefenting Holland, feated on a throne, the Batavian lion by her fide, armed with even arrows, a fymbol of the Belgic Union, alluding to the peace concluded with the Emperor; Holland offering the olive to a nymph of the Efcaut; Renown appears in the air, blowing a trumpet, with a ftreamer ornamented with the fleur de lis. In the centre is a garland, forming a civic crown, fupported by two hands, with feveral other fymbolical figures. On the exergue is,

Duplice foedere falva.
Nov. pace cum Romano Imperatore.
10 ejufd. fædere cum Rege Gal-

lia initis.

On the reverse is a Mercury, with his attributes, and the following infcription:

Grati animi monumentum illuftriffimis hujus difficilimi negotii præfectis dicatum, quibufdam civibus mercatoribus Amftelodamenfibus.

paffed the found the laft year, amounts to 10,268, of which 2535 were English; 2136 Swedes; 1789 Danes; 1571 Dutch; 114 Ruffians; 176 Bremens; 161 Dantzickers; 1358 Pruffians; 110 of Roftock; 79 Lubeckers; 66 Imperialifts; 61 Hamburghers; 28 Portuguefe; 25 Courlanders; 20 French; 20 Americans; 15 Spanish; and 4 Venetians.

The number of veffels that entered the port of Dantzick in 1785, was 684, and 837 failed out; 57 wintered there. Of those who failed out, 76 were Dutch, 59 Pruffian, 153 English, 153 Danish, 239 Swedith, and 162 Dantzickers.

Came on in the Court of 10th. King's Bench, before Lord Mansfield, and a very crowded court, the trial of 13 prifoners for debt in the King's Bench prison, who fome months fince were committed to the New Gaol, for attempting to blow up the walls of the faid prifon. The indictment was laid against them for a confpiracy and misdemeanour; and, after a very long trial, they were all found guilty. They have all, fince, received fentence: the four principal ringleaders to be confined in Newgate three years; three of them to find fecurity for the fame term, after the expiration of their imprisonment; fix to be confined in Surrey bridewell for two years; and three in the house of correction for the fame term, and to find fecurity for their good behaviour for two years.

About one in the morning 11th. a molt barbarous and extraordinary murder was attempted on the body of Mr. Walter Horfeman, milk-feller at Kentish Town. While afleep in his bed, with his little girl The number of vessels that have of four years old by his fide, his



kull was split afunder with an iron window-bar, and one of his eyes beat out in this difmal ftate he continued to breathe eight days, though without the leaft hope of recovery. A wretch of about 18, who from motives of humanity had been brought up in the family from a child, but who lately had been turned off for idleness and ill behaviour, is taken up on fufpicion, and very ftrong circumftances feem to put it beyond all doubt that he was the culprit. The wife of Mr. Horfeman was on the next floor with a fick child; and his fon, two men, and a boy, were on the fame floor. DIED, Lately, at the extraordinary age of 110 years, 8 months, and 14 days, in the full enjoyment of every faculty, except ftrength, and quickness of hearing, Cardinal de Salis, archbishop of Seville. He used to tell his friends, when asked what regimen he obferved, "By being old when I was young, I find myfelf young now I am old. I led a fober, ftudious, but not a lazy or fedentary life. My diet was fparing, though delicate; my liquors the best wines of Xerez and La Mancha, of which I never exceeded a pint at any meal, except in cold weather, when I allowed myself a third more. I rode or walked every day, except in rainy weather, when I exercifed for a couple of hours. So far I took care for the body; and as to the mind, I endeavoured to preserve it in due temper by a fcrupulous obedience to the Divine commands, and keeping (as the Apostle directs) a confcience void of offence towards God and man. By thefe innocent means I have arrived at the age of a patriarch with lefs injury to my health and conftitution than many experience at forty. I


am now, like the ripe corn, ready for the fickle of death, and, by the mercy of my Redeemer, have ftrong hopes of being tranflated into his garner." "Glorious old age!" faid the king of Spain; to Heaven he had appointed a fucceffor; for the people of Seville have been fo long ufed to excellence, they will never be satisfied with the best prelate I can fend them."-The cardinal was of a noble houfe in the province of Anda. lufia, and the laft furviving fon of Don Antonia de Salis, hiftoriographer to Philip IV. and author of the Conqueft of Mexico.

At Tetbury, aged 102, Anne Davis. This woman had the perfect ufe of her faculties till the laft minute. She had not been out of her room for upwards of thirty years, nor ever during that period, even in the most extreme cold weather, would fuffer any fire in her chamber.


Dublin, March 15. We just now hear, that the famous Connaught Chief, O'Connor, (who has been in arms, and fet himself up as fupreme magistrate, under a pretence of being defcended from the ancient kings of that province, which is however far from the truth) is deferted by the principal part of his followers, on the news that the dragoons were on their march for that part of the kingdom; fo that we hope this threatening infurgency will be quelled without bloodshed.

At Plymouth, on the 9th inftant, his Royal Highness Prince William Henry was initiated into the ancient and honourable fociety of Free and Accepted Mafons.

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Portsmouth, March 24. This morning the convicts on board the prifon-fhip rofe upon their keepers, and were not fubdued till eight were fhot dead, and 36,wounded.

The San Pedro d'Alcantara, a Spanish galleon, from Lima to Cadiz, with eight millions of dollars on board, was stranded at Paniche, on the 17th of January: the wind blowing off the fhore, 186 of the people were drowned. It is hoped that a great part of the money will be recovered, otherwife the lofs will be felt all over Europe. By accounts from the Havanna, they have discovered, about 50 miles from Arnpa, a northern city of Mexico, a vein of virgin gold, which proves to be 22 carrats fine.

His Neapolitan Majefty, about the middle of January, gave the diverfion of hunting to the Duke and Dutchefs of Cumberland, to which the foreign minifters, and the principal nobility about the court, were invited. Armed with fpears only, the noble fportfmen diftinguished their dexterity in the flaughter of the game. After which a magnificent entertainment was provided under tents for their Royal Highneffes, at which their Neapolitan Majefties prefided.

A literary establishment has lately been opened at Paris, under the title of the Lyceum, where lectures are read by the following profeffors -Hiftory, M. de Marmontel-Literature, M. de la Harpe-Mathematics, M. Condorcet-Phyfics, M. Monges-Chemistry and Natural Hiftory, M. Bourcroy-Anatomy and Phyfiology, M. Tue-and the Modern Languages by proper mafters.-The Lyceum is to open every day, morning and evening, and each

profeffor is to read two hours in each week.

The gold medals given annually by his Grace the Duke of 31f. Grafton, Chancellor of Cambridge, to those who, after having taken their A. B. degree, pafs the beft claffical examination, were adjudged to Mr. Rd. Ramfden, and Mr. Ralph Leycefler, both of Trinity college.

The Pope has formally fufpended Cardinal Rohan, now in the Baftile, from all honours, rights, and privileges, pertaining to his dignity of Cardinal, till he appears before his Holinefs, and clears himself of the crimes laid to his charge.

An action upon the cafe was tried this month before Mr. Juftice Buller, at Guildhall, London, in which Lord Loughborough was plaintiff, and John Walter, printer of the Univerfal Regifter, defendant, for a libel, in propagating an infamous and injurious report, highly injurious to the honour and character of the plaintiff. The facts being fully proved, the jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff, with 150l. damages.

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DIED. Feb. 2d, in the evening, at his houfe in Parliament-street, in the fifty-firft year of his age, John Jebb, M. D. F. R. S. formerly fellow of St. Peter's college, Cambridge, and afterwards rector of Homersfield, and vicar of Flixton, in Suffolk, which he refigned in 1775, because he could no longer conform to the worship of the Church of England, for the reasons which he published at the time.

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hocking murders ever committed. A difference had for fome time fubfifted between G. R. Fitzgerald and Patrick Randal M'Donald, Efqrs. Mr. McDonald kept much on his guard, as he received many informations, that several parties of Fitzgerald's men were looking out for him, with an avowed determination to destroy him. In the evening of the 20th of Feb. laft Mr. McDonald went for the greater fecurity to the houfe of Mr. Martin, in the neighbourhood of Castlebar, in company with Mr. Gallagher and another gentleman. They had been there but a very few minutes, when the houfe was furrounded by a large party of armed men, who inftantly broke in, bound Mr. M'Donald, Mr. Gallagher, and the other gentleman, and immediately carried them off to the house of Rockfield, where Fitzgerald as it is faid then was. After a fhort stay an armed party led out the unfortunate gentlemen into the park. In a few feconds a platoon was fired, and laid one of the devoted victims dead on the spot. Mr. McDonald and Mr. Gallagher were ordered to go about 59 yards farther, when a fecond platoon was fired. Mr. McDonald inftantly fell dead, upwards of 50 flugs paffing into his body. Mr. Gallagher received also several flugs, but, as Providence would have it, he was not mortally wounded. However, he thought it prudent, after staggering a few yards, to fall and appear motionlefs, in order to deceive the murderers. In this wounded state they brought him back to Fitzgerald's houfe, where they had returned but a few minutes, when the houfe was furrounded by the army from Castlebar, many of the volunteers, gentlemen,

and crowds of people from that town and neighbourhood. They fpeedily got into the house, delivered Mr. Gallagher in a moft critical moment, feized several of the murderers, and after a very strict and long fearch found Fitzgerald locked up in a large cheft, and hid under two blankets. He and several of his people were immediately conducted to Caftlebar, and fafely lodged in the gaol, which has been continually. guarded both by the army and volunteers, to prevent any poffibility of an escape.

Castlebar, April 12. Mr. Fitzgerald was brought upon a bed into court, when, upon affidavit ftating his ill health, &c. the trial was postponed until Friday the 18th of this month.

At Godstone, in Surrey, a murder was lately committed, attended with circumftances of the most vindictive barbarity. An impoftor, under pretence of being a cripple, had long been a charge upon the parish; but being detected by Mr. Burt, a furgeon of that town, the villain vowed revenge; and, on the 13th instant, feized the opportunity to put his diabolical purpose in execution. He had on that day, as ufual, taken his ftand upon the road to beg alms, fupported by crutches; and, on Mr. Burt's paffing from his own houfe to the poor-house, accompanied by his fon, a lad about ten years of age, after exclaiming, "There goes "that rafcal Burt," he threw a bill at his legs, which fortunately miffed them, and then pursuing, and prefently overtaking him, by a blow from his crutch brought him to the ground; this was followed by a repetition of blows upon the head with his hand-bill, till he actually buried the bill in Mr. Burt's full. [N] 4



Burt's hand was fevered from the arm in endeavouring to fave his head, and a thumb was afterwards found at fome distance, which had been chopt off, and had fprung from the hand by the force with which the blows had been directed. At this horrible moment, the little boy, feizing the murderer's crutch, struck him fuch a blow as to ftagger him; but, fearing his father's fate, ran to call affistance; and in the mean while the villain made off; but was foon after found hid in a copfe. On his being feized, he lamented that the overfeers had efcaped his vengeance. Had he done for them, he fhould have died contented. What he was not able to effect, his wife has threatened to perpetrate, if her husband is hurt.

At the affizes held at Kingston, ift. before Mr. Juftice Gould, was decided the great caufe which held three days, brought by way of indictment, at the fuit of the corporation of London, as confervators of the river Thames, again ft Mr. Watfon, a fhipwright and wharfinger at Rotherhithe, for obftru&ting the navigation of the faid river, by erecting a floating-dock. The jury, after five hours deliberation, found the defendant guilty.


Came on the election of a governor and deputy governor of the bank of England for the year enfuing, when George Peters, Efq. was chofen governor, and Edward Darell, Efq. deputy governor.

And on Wednesday came on the election of 24 directors, when the following gentlemen were chofen :

Samuel Beachcroft, Efq. Daniel Booth, Efq. T. Boddington, Efq. Roger Boehm, Efq. Samuel Bofan-, quet, Efq. Lyde Browne, Efq. Richard Clay, Efq. William Cooke, Efq. Bignel Coney, Efq. Thomas Dea,

Efq. William Ewer, Efq. Peter Gauffen, Efq. Daniel Giles, Efq. John Harrifon, Efq. T. Scott Jackfon, Efq. Richard Neave, Efq. Edward Payne, Efq. Chriftopher Puller, Efq. Thomas Raikes, Efq. Godf. Thornton, Efq. Samuel Thornton, Efq. Mark Weyland, Efq. Benjamin Winthrop, Efq. Benjamin Whitmore, jun. Efq.

Mr. Burke prefented, in the most folemn manner, nine articles of impeachment against Warren Haftings, late Gov. Gen. of Bengal, which were ordered to be printed, and ta-" ken into confideration on the 26th instant.


The Court of Directors of the India Company made the following arrangement of their fervants at Bengal and Madras in confequence of the new India bill having received the royal affent, viz. Earl Cornwallis is appointed governorgeneral and commander in chief; Gen. Sloper recalled, and to receive an annuity of 1500l. a year for life; the Bengal council to confift of Earl Cornwallis, Meff. Macpherfon, Stables, and Stuart; and Mr. John Shore to fucceed to the first vacancy in the fupreme conncil; the fystem of uniting the chief, civil, and military authority to take place at each prefidency; of courfe, Governor Sie Archibald Campbell is appointed governor and commander in chief at Madras; Gen. Dalling alfo recalled, with an annuity of 1000l. a year for life. The Madras council to confift of Sir Archibald Campbell, Meff. Daniel, Davidson, and Caffamajor.

Came on the ballot for fix Di12th. rectors of the East-India Company, at the close of which the numbers were, for Jofeph Sparkes, Efq. 755; Richard Hall, Efq. 754; William Bendley, Efq. 746; John


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