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to 64,890, was reduced fomething more than one-third.


but he was not permitted at all to interfere in ecclefiaftical affairs, and was confidered and treated merely as a political agent or refident from the pope. Another nuncio had been established at Cologne, in the time of the late elector, and his continuance had hitherto been permitted by the prefent, although he affumed an authority, which only ferved to revive and increase the diflike to that character, both with the reigning prince and with his ecclefiaftical neighbours.

But the court of Rome was deftined to receive a greater fhock to its power in Germany from another quarter, than all perhaps that it had yet fuftained from the emperor. The German prelacy, taking advantage of his difpofition, feem determined not to lofe the golden opportunity, which they fo often before fought in vain, of calling in the great official powers lodged in his hands, to act in concurrence with their own, in emancipating. In this state of things, the bigotry themselves entirely from the Italian of the fecular court of Munich yoke in the adminiftration of eccle- would go to counteract or overthrow fiaftical affairs. The right affumed the defigns of the ecclefiaftical by the pope of interference in princes, who were the only comtheir metropolitan government had petent judges of their own rights nearly at all times, as well long and privileges, and of thofe things before, as at and fince the period which related to or affected their of the reformation, been confidered, government, whether temporal or and even fometimes flourly refifted ecclefiaftical, by officioufly inviting by the German bishops, not only a nuncio to refide in that city, with as an intolerable grievance, but as a view to his affuming a fupreme a grofs invafion of their rights, and ecclefiaftical jurifdiction over Baa badge of fervitude which they varia and the Palatinate, under the very unwillingly wore. immediate fanction of the electoral power. Upon the firft intelligence of this defign, the elector of Mentz, and the archbishop of Saltzburg, took the alarm, and immediately applied to the emperor for his official interpofition and protection in / the prefervation of their rights.

The refidence of nuncios, who were the pope's immediate inftruments, and the ecclefiaftical jurifdiction which they affumed, were confidered as fumming up in themfelves the whole amount of the grievance, and as being the ftanding monuments of the wrong and oppreffion complained of. This was accordingly that part of the evil which it was in contemplation firft to shake off. The emperor, notwithstanding all his reforms, fill permitted the continuance of the nuncio at Vienna, which was probably in reverence to the memory and character of the late emprefs queen, whofe attachment to the holy fee was univerfally known;

That prince accordingly publifhed throughout the empire a document under the title of a memorial, upon the fubject; in which, after reciting the application, and the motives to it, he acknowledges it to be his duty, as the fupreme patron of the Germanic conftitution in church and state, to grant the protection required; and that as he had never failed in any inftance in giving the fulleft proofs of his pa


triotic zeal for the welfare and fupport of both, fo it behoved him in the prefent, as a good friend to his moft gracious brother and affociate, the elector of Mentz, not only to maintain the rights of bishops within their respective diocefes, but alfo to contribute, with all his might, to their recovering all fuch rights as they had been originally entitled to, of which they have been difpoffeffed for many centuries, and the lofs of which was occafioned by temporary accidents, and unwarrantable encroachments.

That he was therefore refolved to make known to the whole empire, in the clearest and most explicit manner, his way of thinking on that fubject; and alfo to declare to the court of Rome, that he will never fuffer any prelates of the empire to be any ways annoyed in the free exercife of their metropolitan rights, which they hold from God and the church; that he means to look on the nuncios as fo many envoys from the pope, both in political matters, and in such cases as more immediately concern him as head of the church: that he abfolutely cannot permit their having in future any jurifdiction in ecclefiaftical matters, nor can he allow them to prefide in any private court of judicature. He then earneftly exhorts the prelates, in the terms of dearly beloved, that as he thus imparts to them his real fentiments, they will, on their fide, refift all attempts upon their metropolitan rights, as well as thofe of their fuffragans, and sternly to oppofe all encroachments and ufurpations which the court of Rome might be guilty of againft their rights and government: in doing which he gives them the moft pofitive affu

rances of the imperial protection in its utmoft extent.-He concludes by declaring, that he will be ftrictly attentive to all queftions concerning benefices, in order to keep up to the very letter the ecclefiaftical conftitutions peculiar to the Germanic body.

It was not very long after the publication of this memorial, when, at a conference held by the ecclefiaftical princes of the empire at Ratifbon, the following refolutions were debated, and (according to the most authentic information we are able to procure) received the affent of the convention.-To withdraw themselves entirely from the jurisdiction of the pope in their ecclefiaftical government.-To acknowledge no other fupreme than the emperor. To revive the antient complaints of the German nation against the encroachments of the holy fee; and to claim his protection for the restoration of all their former rights to the German bifhops. And, to establish new regulations relative to ecclefiastical difcipline.

Thus did the rash and untimely interference of a mifguided prince in its favour accelerate that final overthrow to the power of the court of Rome, which might otherwife, perhaps, have been yet for some time longer evaded; and thus was an end put, in the year 1786, to that domination in Germany, which the had for fo many ages fucceffively maintained.

The emperor, notwithstanding the multiplicity of his objects of reform, did not overlook even the focieties of free-mafons; upon those in his German dominions he impofed feveral restrictions which muft to them be exceedingly grievous;


and though he acknowledged himfelf totally ignorant of their myfteries, (an ignorance which he declared his full determination of continuing in) and acknowledged his having known or heard of benefits arifing from the inftitution, yet the language of the regulations conveyed implications of an odious or degrading nature against them. Their focieties in Germany, befides being very numerous, abounding with names of high rank and confideration, great intereft was used to prevent the obnoxious paffages from making their way into the world, by propofing to fubftitute other terms, which would produce the fame effect, without the fting of implication; but no relaxation whatever could be obtained, and the edict was published in its original form. Their brethren in the Netherlands were, however, ftill befs fortunate, the order there being entirely abolished (fo far as power could reach to do it) and their future affembling prohibited.

This prince, befides the fignal benefits which he had before conferred on the Jews, engaged fo warmly this year in their favour, as to write letters himself to the different trading and handycraft corporations of Vienna, requesting that their youth might be received as apprentices in the various trades and callings of that city.

The ruinous vice of gaming, fo deftructive in all places, and fo difficult, if not impoffible, to be entirely reftrained in any, has, poffibly from that very circumftance, excited the indignation of J feph (who will not admit any difficulty to ftand in the way of reform) in the highest degree. All games of chance are particularly prohibited


under the fevereft penalties; and fo rigidly is the law enforced, that eleven officers of grenadiers were, in a fingle inftance, not only deprived of their commiffions, but degraded to the humiliating condition of ferving in the ranks as common foldiers: a punishment which we hitherto conceived to have been peculiar to the Ruffian service.

It would have been more curious, if there had not been previous inftances of it, that the emperor, who in the commencement of his reign held out fuch unlimited freedom, as well as protection to the prefs, fhould now iffue an order totally forbidding any mention whatever of the Germanic league, or of the exchange of Bavaria, in any publication within his dominions. It was, however, rendered rather fingular by the circumftance that a celebrated court writer had just finished and prepared for the prefs an elaborate treatife, intended to overthrow every thing that had ever been advanced, whether against the propofed exchange, or in juflification of the Germanic league.

The ufual difpofition to new arrangement, or perhaps, with more propriety, the ufual prevalent defire of rendering every thing within his dominions perfectly Auftrian, as well with refpect to arrangement as government, the one habitually preparing the people by degrees to flide the more eafily into the other, appeared this year in the Nether lands, as we have seen it before did in Hungary. Thefe confined provinces are to be apportioned into circles; but as Germany in its antient and molt extended ftate was circumfcribed within ten circles, in a corner of one of which these were


then included, fo, in due gradation, the Netherlands are now to be comprised in nine. By this means the people in each circle will not only be admitted into the enjoyment of such portion of splendour and happiness as may be fuppofed incident to a diftinct government, but they will likewife (as it is fondly conceived) by degrees lofe all vexatious recollection of their former governments and condition; for it cannot be forgotten, how great are the effects of terms, as diftinguished from ideas, both in facilitating the government of mankind, and in rendering them intractible to it. The Auftrian Lombardy is to undergo. a fimilar arrangement, and to be tortured into eight divifions; which will undoubtedly serve to increase the local felf-importance of the people, how ever deficient it may prove in extending their improvements, or in promoting their profperity.

The spirit of innovation continues ftill to fhew itself in Hungary in small matters as well as in great, of which a fresh inftance was given in removing the courts of juftice, and the feat of government, from Prefburgh back to Buda, the antient capital of that kingdom, from which they had been removed about two centuries ago, upon that city's falling into the hands of the Turks. It is, however, to be obferved, that Buda feemed defigned by nature for being the capital of that country; that its fituation is much more centrical than that of Prefburg; and that the motive for a predilection for the latter could only proceed from its vicinity to Vienna, by which it was immediately under the eye of the court.

It was not to be expected that

the fame keen eye, from which no other object of regulation could efcape, would fuffer the numerous body of proftitutes in Vienna to país unnoticed. They are now compelled to take up their refidence in four large buildings affigned for the purpose, and are totally dif qualified from appearing in the ftreets in their profeffional character. A fuppreffed convent is faid to be one of the buildings affigned to this order of nuns.-Such is the mixture of burlesque which accompanies this activity of regulation, both civil and religious!

But notwithstanding the multiplicity of domestic business in which the emperor feemed entirely immerfed, it did not prevent his paying the most watchful attention to the affairs and distractions of Holland. It was not, however, underflood, that he furveyed the condition of that republic by any means with a friendly eye. On the contrary, difputes were raised relative to the navigation of the Swin, and every petty occafion feized which could afford room for difpute. At the fame time, a public requeft made by the ftates general to the government of the Auftrian Netherlands, for liberty to export Dutch herrings to Oftend, was rejected by the emperor himself, in terms the moft peremptory as well as laconic that could be devised.

In defiance of the fo lately concluded treaty of peace, and apparently of friendship, a new and ferious claim was likewife prepared, and ready to be enforced when the proper feafon arrived. This was a renewal of the claim upon the East India trade, which a Mr. Rancour was employed to justify in a treatife published for the purpose.

This writer was not content to reft the juftice of the claim upon the natural and inalienable rights of the Austrian Netherlands to a fhare in that commerce, but he undertook. to prove that thofe rights had been confirmed and established, not only

by the treaty of Munster and all former ones, but by the late treaty of 1785, one of whofe principal objects, on one fide, had been entirely to do away that claim, and thereby finally close the difpute.



Death of the king of Pruffia. Some account of that great prince. Hofpitals for diftreffed old age of all nations endowed by him in Berlin. Temper and difpofition foftened and rendered more kindly by age. Leaves bis fucceffor the beft fecurities to a kingdom, in a full treasury, excellent armies, and subjects strongly attached to the government. Popular measures pursued by the prefent king. Reftores the German language to its proper place, in the room of the French, which had been ujed at court, and in all public tranfactions, during the late reign. Patronizes the native literature as well as language. Prohibits irreligious publications. Forbids duelling, and erects a court of honour.-Perfecution of the free-mafons by the Elector Palatine, occafions M. de Born indignantly to return his diplomas, and to abandon the academy of Sciences at Munich-Northern kingdoms. Dearth, and its confequent diftreffes, continued in both. Diet held at Stockholm, after an intermiffion of eight years. King of Sweden abolishes the torture. Danish Eaft India company refign their flock into the hands of the king. Junction between the Baltic and ocean, by a navigable canal drawn across the peninfula of Jutland.-France. Commercial treaty with England. Attention to her marine and commerce. Stupendous works carrying on at Chera burgh, in order to render it a great naval arfenal King vifits that place. Religious prejudices happily wearing away. Foreigners of ligious perfuafions and countries invited to jettle in the kingdom, with the privileges of purchafing lands, and of enjoying the rights of citizens. Colony of quakers and baptifts arrive from North America, to fettle at Dunkirk. Great encouragement to foreign mer hants, artists, and manufacturers to fettle in France. Meajures already adopted in favour of the native proteftants, to be confidered as a happy opening towards their refioration in a more perfect degree to the rights of citizens. Edict in favour of the peafantry. Edict in favour of the jubject with respect to perfonal arrefts, and the feizure or detainer of his property, under the local authority of cities and corporations in which he is not a refident. Singular inftance of a Free Black of the Isle of France, being elected a corresponding member of the royal academy of Sciences."

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