IN THE QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE EXAMINATION OF MINERALS, ORES, FURNACE PRODUCTS, AND OTHER METALLIC COMBINATIONS. BY PROFESSOR PLATTNER, ASSAY MASTER AT THE ROYAL FREYBERG SMELTING WORKS: AND DR. SHERIDAN MUSPRATT, F.R.S.E., M.R.I.A., Founder and PRINCIPAL OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY, LIVERPOOL ; Illustrated by Numerous Diagrams. "Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem, THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND FURTHER ENLARGED. LONDON: JOHN CHURCHILL, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. MDCCCLIV. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE interest excited in this country and America by this work, and the high encomiums that have been bestowed upon it by distinguished scientific men at home and abroad, all concurring in the opinion that the information and appliances it contains are most essential to the Chemist, Geognogist, Geologist, Mineralogist, Metallurgist and Agriculturist, have induced the call for a Third Edition, a proof of the increasing aptitude for this species of research. In preparing the present Edition, the English Author has endeavored to render it deserving of a continuance of the favor with which the previous ones were received. For that purpose, the subject of each chapter has been carefully reconsidered, and, in several instances, the matter almost entirely rewritten; many new drawings of apparatus have also been introduced, so that the results of the numerous valuable researches in this department of Chemistry which have been added to science within the last few years, will be found incorporated in their proper places, with as much detail as was due to their respective importance. When the work was first issued, Dr. MUSPRATT felt satisfied that its technical nature would preclude an |