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Address to Canadian Parliament, 163

Recommendations of special commit-
tee on, 54 and n.
Voluntary restrictions on, 163
Reserves, 28

U.S.-Canadian discussions on, 153
Oil depletion allowances, 28
Old-age and survivors insurance
Budget message, 5 (pp. 23, 51-53)
Military service credits, 5 (p. 53)

Social Security Amendments of 1958,


Older persons

Effect of inflation, 120, 308
Housing, 5 (p. 59)

Olin, Spencer, 287

Olympic Winter Games, 5 (pp. 72-73)
Omaha, Nebr., SAC headquarters, 88
O'Neill, Michael J., 11

Open skies proposal. See Disarmament
Operations Coordinating Board, 63
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 11
Order of Liberation, 120

Organization of American States, 207
Letter to President Kubitschek, 197
Technical assistance activities, funds for,

Organization for Trade Corporation, bud-
get message, 5 (p. 38)

Orthopaedic Association of the English-
Speaking World, remarks, 104

Ottawa, Canada, address to Canadian
Parliament, 163

Oxcart, 93

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[References are to items except as otherwise indicated]

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Peiping, China, 261, 263

Penghu (Pescadores) Islands, 261, 277
Letter to Premier Khrushchev re, 263
News conference remarks, 222, 274
Pennsylvania, 28

Candidates for public office, 56, 303
Gettysburg, I n., 103, 123, 283 n.
Ligonier, 269

Martin, Sen. Edward, 269, 303
Philadelphia, 138 n., 303
Pittsburgh, 153, 288, 303
Primary election, 30, 103
Reading, 303

Scott, Repr. Hugh, 303
Shippingport, 113

Stassen campaign badge, 56

Pension plans and funds. See Welfare and
pension plans and funds

People-to-people program, 36, 91, 104,

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Pericles, 93

Persons, Maj. Gen. Wilton B., 274

Demonstration during visit of Vice Pres-
ident, 101

Economic problems, 103

Pescadores (Penghu) Islands, 261, 277
Letter to Premier Khrushchev, 263
News conference remarks, 222, 274
Petroleum, imports, 58, 96
Philadelphia, Pa., 138 n., 303
Philippines, 71
Bataan Day, 69

Campaign remarks, 293

Garcia, Carlos P., 69, 139, 140, 141
Joint statement with, 143
Malacanang, 140 n.
Manila, 140 n.

Military alliance, 96
Mindanao, 140

Moros, 140

Mutual security treaty, 261

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Ambassador Jacob Beam, 261

Letters to Premier Bulganin re, 7, 31
Technical conference, Geneva, 131

Warsaw, U. S.-Communist China talks,

257, 261, 263

Polar ice cap, cruise of Nautilus beneath,

15, 201, 210, 211

Polaris (IRBM). See Missiles
Police functions, international, 89
Police power, 288

Poliomyelitis vaccinations, statement, 109
Political philosophy, the President's, com-
ment on, 11, 318

Pollack, Daniel, 78

Polls, public opinion, on summit confer-

ences, 70

Pope, Fortune, 284 n.

Population growth, 5 (p. 56), 110

Porter, H. J., 37

Portsmouth, N. H., naval shipyard, wage
rates, 191
Portugal, Lisbon, 144

Post Office Department

Budget message, 5 (pp. 55, 72)
Lease-purchase contracts, 5 (p. 72)
Modernization of physical plant, 29, 33,

43, 49, 70, 110, 117

Postal bill, statement on signing, 117
Postal deficit, budget message, 5 (pp. 53,

Postal employees

Pay rates, 169

Salary increase, 5 (pp. 25, 55, 71), 120
Approval of bill, 117

Postal rates

Approval of bill, 117

Budget (1959), message, 5 (pp. 45, 53,

Budget (1960), statement, 324

Postal Savings System liquidation, 5 (p.


Postal services, 117

Budget message, 5 (p. 53)

Table, 5 (p. 54)

Postmaster General (Arthur E. Summer-

field), 29

Potsdam, 318

Potter, Sen. Charles E., 213

Powell, Repr. Adam Clayton, II

Power, sale of, 5 (p. 68)

Power projects

Atomic, 5 (p. 33), 292
Appropriations, 193
Shippingport, Pa., 113

Budget message, 5 (pp. 33, 68, 70)
Campaign remarks, 292, 294

Euratom Cooperation Act of 1958, 236
North Counties Hydro-Electric Co.,
damages claim, 229
Nuclear, for Europe, 145

Pratt, Mrs. Thomas, 93 n.
Prayer, National Day of, 274

Presbyterian church document on foreign
policy, 153

[References are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Presentation ceremonies, addresses or mes-

sages. See Addresses or messages at
presentation ceremonies
Presidency, comments on, 37, 88
Presidency, The (Lorant), 288

President of the Senate. See Vice President
President of the United States, 1972-1976,

letter to, 314

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Price supports-Continued
Dairy products, 60
Escalator clause in basic law, 12
Farm "freeze" bill, veto, 59, 60
News conference remarks, 37, 56
Price undercutting, 83

Price and wage controls, 120, 308
Moratorium on prices, 103
See also Controls
Prices, consumer, 63, 110
Economic report, 16
Statement, 298

Prices, rise in

Food, 56

News conference remarks, 56, 70, 103,
120, 213
Steel, 120, 213

Primary elections, Pennsylvania, 30, 103
Private enterprise. See Enterprise system
Privileged documents, II

Reports of Killian and Gaither panels,
withholding of, letter, 19

Proclamation on National Day of Prayer,
remarks on, 274

Proclamations, list, Appendix B, p. 884
Procurement, Government, 96

Procurement, military, defense reorganiza-
tion message, 65

Professional and Technical Compensation,
Defense Advisory Committee on, 169
Budget message, 5 (p. 31)

Promotions and assignments, military offi-
cers, 80

Inflammatory propaganda, United Na-

tions address on, 207

Soviet use of international diplomacy, 74
Property, Federal

Budget message, 5 (pp. 45, 72)

Declaration of Taking Act, amendment,

Sale of, 5 (p. 45)

See also Buildings, Federal
"Prussian" general staff, 80

Psychological warfare board, news confer-
ence remarks, 63

[References are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Public assistance programs
Budget message, 5 (pp. 46, 47, 51, 52)
Social Security Amendments of 1958,


Public Education, Committee for, Char-
lottesville, Va., letter to chairman, 267
Public facility loan program, 224
Public housing. See Housing
Public Housing Administration, budget
message, 5 (pp. 58, 59)

Public lands, budget message, 5 (pp. 68,

Public works, 29, 43, 223, 292
Appropriation Act, approval, 244
Budget message, 5 (pp. 42, 68)
Letter to minority leaders, 85

News conference remarks, 37, 74, 103
Rivers and harbors bill

Approval, statement, 155

Veto, message, 73

Public Works Administration, 43
Publicity activities of military services, 80,

"Pump-priming" schemes to aid economy,

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Radio, gift to the President, 99

Radio broadcasts, inflammatory, in Near
East, 207

Radio Month, National, statement, 87
Radio networks

American Forces Network anniversary,
remarks, 158

NBC radio-TV facilities, dedication re-
marks, III

Radioactive fallout

Clean and "dirty" bombs, 70, 88
Letter to Premier Khrushchev, 67
News conference remarks, 56, 74, 88
Soviet atomic test, 74

Railroad retirement benefits, budget mes-
sage, 5 (pp. 51-53)

Railroad Retirement Board, 53

Commuter services, 82 n.
Excise taxes, 88

Mail transportation charges, 5 (p. 55)
Recommendations on, 82 and n.

Randall (Clarence) Commission on For-
eign Economic Policy, 56, 318

Rayburn, Repr. Sam. See Speaker of the
House of Representatives

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