REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 2 OF 1977 (Agency for International Communication) HEARINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS NINETY-FIFTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION OCTOBER 18 AND 21, 1977 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS JACK BROOKS, Texas, Chairman L. H. FOUNTAIN, North Carolina JOHN CONYERS, JR., Michigan LEO J. RYAN, California RICHARDSON PREYER, North Carolina ELLIOTT H. LEVITAS, Georgia DAVID W. EVANS, Indiana ANTHONY MOFFETT, Connecticut ANDREW MAGUIRE, New Jersey HENRY A. WAXMAN, California JACK HIGHTOWER, Texas JOHN W. JENRETTE, JR., South Carolina FLOYD J. FITHIAN, Indiana MICHAEL T. BLOUIN, Iowa PETER H. KOSTMAYER, Pennsylvania FRANK HORTON, New York PAUL N. MCCLOSKEY, JR., California CHARLES THONE, Nebraska ROBERT W. KASTEN, JR., Wisconsin ROBERT S. WALKER, Pennsylvania CONTENTS Hearing held on- Statement of— Blaylock, Kenneth T., national president, American Federation of Government Employees, as presented by Stephen Koczak, special projects assistant to AFGE; accompanied by Bruce Gregory, president of AFGE Local 1812. ray, Charles W., III, Acting Director, U.S. Information Agency; accompanied by Stanley Silverman, Assistant Director for Budget and Finance; and Normand Poirier, Deputy General Counsel __ __ Brooks, Hon. Jack, a Representative in Congress from the State of Texas, and chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee: Opening statement... Hydle, Lars H., president, American Foreign Service Association; accompanied by Frank Cummins, secretary; and Janet E. Ruben, USIA constituency representative and standing committee chairperson Read, Ben H., Deputy Under Secretary for Management, Depart- Bray, Charles W., III, Acting Director, U.S. Information Agency: Fascell, Hon. Dante B., a Representative in Congress from the State Page 1 77 105 91 1 95 78 4° 94-95 9-14 Koczak, Stephen, special projects assistant to American Federation Read, Ben H., Deputy Under Secretary for Management, Department APPENDIX Additional material and correspondence submitted for the hearings...... – 86-90 30 44-76 141 REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 2 OF 1977 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1977 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, LEGISLATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:08 a.m., in room 2154, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Jack Brooks (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representatives Jack Brooks, John E. Moss, Don Fuqua, Dante B. Fascell, Frank Horton, and John N. Erlenborn. Also present: Representative Elliott H. Levitas. Staff present: Elmer W. Henderson, staff director; William M. Jones, general counsel, William H. Copenhaver, associate counsel; Joy S. Chambers, professional staff member; Craig J. Gehring, professional staff member; Guadalupe R. Flores, professional staff member; Susan E. Phillips, secretary; Richard L. Thompson, minority staff director; J. P. Carlson, minority counsel; and James L. George, minority professional staff, Committee on Government Operations. OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN BROOKS Mr. BROOKS. The subcommittee will come to order. This hearing has been called to consider President Carter's Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1977, which he submitted to Congress on October 11. As you know, unless a resolution of disapproval is passed by either the House or the Senate, the plan will go into effect in 60 days, barring recesses of more than 3 days. I have introduced House Resolution 827 as required by the Reorganization Act. The plan will create a new agency in the executive branch to be known as the Agency for International Communication. There will be transferred into it the U.S. Information Agency and its authorities, and the educational and cultural affairs functions now carried out by the State Department, among other transfers. Approximately 8,500 employees and a budget of $350 million are involved. The plan also establishes a U.S. Advisory Commission on International Communication, Cultural and Educational Affairs, which combines the functions of the existing Advisory Commission on Educational Cultural Affairs and the Advisory Commission on Information. The new Agency will carry out international communications programs, including the Voice of America, now being handled by the USIA and the international educational and cultural exchange activi |