Because of the thirty-day legislative limitation on modification of Reorganization Plans incorporated in P.L. 95-17, I am writing to you directly and urgently regarding Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1977, to establish a new Agency for International Communication. During his testimony before the House Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security, October 18, 1977, Mr. Harrison Wellford, the Executive Associate Director for Reorganization and Management of the Office of Management and Budget, indicated that issues of labor-management relations had been discussed with the organizations representing employees of the United States Information Agency and the Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs. Our AFGE Local 1812 is the exclusive representative at the United States Information Agency for General Schedule civil service employees, under E.0. 11491, and for all Foreign Service Employees under E.0. 11636. I have been informed by the President of that Local, Mr. Bruce Gregory, that there have been no formal discussions at all with him on the status of labor-management arrangements under Reorganization Plan No. 2. I am Members of the House Subcommittee inquired from Mr. Wellford whether new Executive Orders might need to be issued clarifying certain points, including the conforming of labor-management relations in the new Agency to E.0. 11491 and E.0. 11636. certain that, under the successorship principles applied under E.O. 11491 and E.0. 11636, AFGE Local 1812 will be entitled automatically to represent all of the Agency for International Communication employees, including those transferred from the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. Nevertheless, in light of the Congressional interest in this issue, a clear statement of these facts would accommodate not only the Legislative Branch but also officials in the Executive Branch who are now in liaison with Congress. 99-651 289 In my testimony prepared for delivery to the House Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security, reviewing Reorganization Plan No. 2, a copy of which I enclose, I have indicated several textual modifications in the language of the Plan which I believe would clarify the intent which you expressed in your transmittal communication and press release. I should greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss with your representatives the prospects of incorporating these recommendations in any revised Plan which you may be transmitting to Congress before the elapse of the initial thirty-day legislative period provided in P.L. 95-17. Mr. BROOKS. We thank you very much. Mr. KOCZAK. Thank you. Mr. BROOKS. The information which the subcommittee has received this morning on Reorganization Plan No. 2 will be very helpful in our evaluation of this reorganization and in reaching a decision on whether we should recommend to Congress if the plan should be approved. I want to thank the representatives of the administration and the employee organizations for their testimony. I also appreciate the participation of the members of the subcommittee. We may have another day of hearings on this plan on a future date to be announced. The hearing is adjourned. [Whereupon, at 11.55 a.m., the subcommittee adjourned, to reconvene subject to the call of the Chair.] Please find enclosed the material that we promised to submit to the subcommittee during our testimony of October 18, 1977, on Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1977. The material includes the following: 1. Information on personnel aspects of the new agency, USIA and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, including the reimbursement arrangements between USIA and the Bureau, employee exchange arrangements, interchanges between the Foreign Service Officer and the Foreign Service Information Officer personnel systems, Secretary Vance's memorandum on transfers of State Department personnel to the Agency for International Communication, and employee representation in the new agency. 2.. Information on anticipated savings resulting from the reorganization. 3. One possible organizational arrangement for the Agency for International Communication, including responsibilities of the four Associate Directors. 4. Information on the prohibition on the dissemination within the United States of certain materials produced under the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (the Smith-Mundt Act). 5. The relationship between the Agency for International Communication and the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service. 6. A further discussion of the concept of mutuality. 7. Further information on recent studies and recommendations that were considered in the preparation of the plan. 8. Biographical material on the individuals who advised the President on the preparation of the plan. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (141) 99-651 - 78 - 10 |