| Robley Dunglison - Human physiology - 1850 - 736 pages
...BLANCHARD & LJSA'S MEDICAL GROSS (SAMUEL D.), MO, Professor of Surgery In the University of Louisville, Ac. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...MALFORMATIONS OF THE URINARY; BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AJSD THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, wilu one hundred and eightylour illustrations.... | |
 | Edward Rigby - 1851 - 470 pages
...GROSS (SAMUEL D.\ M . D., Profeuor or Surgery in the Jefferion Medical College of Philadelphia, &c. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, with one hundred and eighty* four illustrations. In one... | |
 | William Benjamin Carpenter - Anatomy - 1851 - 624 pages
...deserving; ol diligent perusal and careful study. — Montreal Mia. Ckron., Sept. 1857. BY Tin- SAME AUTHOR. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, with one hundred and eightyfour illustrations. In one large... | |
 | Sir William Fergusson - 1853 - 676 pages
...deserving of diligent perusal and careful study. — Montreal Mtd. Ckron., Sept. 1857. BT THE SAME ACTHOR. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, with one hondred and eightyfour illustrations. In one large... | |
 | 1855 - 474 pages
...illustralions are remarkably well executed, and the mechanical execution of the work highly satisfactory. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases, Injuries, and...Urinary Bladder, the Prostate Gland, and the Urethra. By SD GROSS, MD, Professor of Surgery in the University of Louisville ; one of the Surgeons of the... | |
 | William Pirrie - Surgery - 1852 - 814 pages
...deserving; ot diligent perusal and careful study. — Montreal Meet. Ckron., Sept. 1887. BY THE SANE AUTHOR. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, with one hundred and eightyfour illustrations. In one large... | |
 | Bransby Blake Cooper - 1852 - 820 pages
...GROSS (SAMUEL D.\ M. D,, Profe»or of Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, ic. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, reviled and much enlarged, with one hundred and eightyfour illustration*. In one large... | |
 | Sir John Simon - Pathology - 1852 - 258 pages
...17 GROSS (SAMUEL D.), MD, Professor of Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, &c. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, with one hundred and eightyfour illustrations. In one large... | |
 | George Budd - 1853 - 514 pages
...BLANCHARD & LEA'S MEDICAL GROSS (SAMUEL DJ, MD, Professor of Surgery in the University of Louisville, &c. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, with one hundred and eightylour illustration». In one large... | |
 | Thomas Hepburn BUCKLER - 1853 - 188 pages
...MEDICAL GROSS (SAMUEL D.), MD, Professor of Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, kc. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES, INJURIES, AND...URINARY BLADDER, THE PROSTATE GLAND, AND THE URETHRA. Second Edition, revised and much enlarged, wilh one hundred and eightyfour illustrations. In one large... | |
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