Subpart 304.8-Contract Files 304.801 General. OPDIVS shall prescribe the contents of contract files and establish filing procedures consistent with the nature of the contracting actions and in accordance with FAR 4.801, 4.802, and 4.803. Contract files should contain an index of the contents to facilitate review and should be separated into logical categories (see FAR 4.803). 304.804 Closeout of contract files. 304.804-1 Closeout by the office administering the contract. (3) Files for all cost-reimbursement type contracts should be closed within 20 months of the month in which the contracting officer receives evidence of physical completion (see FAR 4.804-4). The contracting officer responsible for contract closeout may negotiate settlement of indirect costs for a specific contract, in advance of the determination of final indirect cost rates in accordance with FAR 42.708. 304.870 Closing review. (a) Contracting officers shall assure the applicable items in FAR 4.804-5, other than a field audit, have been accomplished prior to closing any physically completed contract. Cost-reimbursement type contracts will be subject to the additional requirements set forth below before they may be closed. (b) Contracting officers shall use the instructions in the October 5, 1982 memorandum from the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Procurement, Assistance and Logistics to closeout cost-reimbursement type contracts physically completed prior to fiscal year 1977 and cost-reimbursement type contracts completed subsequent to that date for which field audit information is available. (c) Contracting officers shall closeout all other cost-reimbursement type contracts physically completed after September 30, 1977 in accordance with the following procedures: (1) Field audits will be conducted for contracts in excess of $250,000 awarded to commercial organizations and non-profit organizations other than colleges and universities, hospitals and State and local units of government for which an agency other than HHS has audit cognizance. Field audits will also be conducted each year on approximately 25 of the same type contractors for which HHS has audit cognizance. These contracts may be closed after receipt of the field audit report. (2) Contracts of any dollar value with non-proprietary colleges and universities, hospitals and State and local units of government and contracts not in excess of $250,000 with other institutions/organizations shall be closed out on the basis of a desk audit. The desk audit should include (i) a confirmation from the project officer that labor, material, travel, and other types of direct costs are commensurate with contract requirements, (ii) a review of available audit reports to determine if any adjustments were made that may be applicable to the contract under review, and (iii) discussions with the cognizant government auditor when considered appropriate. These contracts shall be closed with the condition that they are subject to adjustment should an on-site audit be conducted at a later date and should unallowable costs be identified as a result of that audit. The release executed by the contractor shall contain the following: The Contractor agrees, pursuant to the clause in this contract entitled Allowable Cost (for cost-reimbursement contracts) or Allowable Cost and Fixed Fee (for CPFF contracts), that the amount of any sustained audit exceptions resulting from any audit made after final payment will be refunded to the Government. (3) The contracting officer may request a field audit of any contract when, in his/her judgment, the risk attendant with the contract warrants it. The contracting officer, however, shall exercise discretion in requesting such audits on creditable evidence such as unsatisfactory dealings with the contractor during the period of contract performance, prior audit reports containing serious findings against the contractor, the known experience of other government officials in dealing with the contractor when the contracting officer is personally knowledgeable about the circumstances, formal third party complaints or allegations which bear upon the contractor's integrity or the propriety of costs charged to the Government, and other comparable allegations or advice of a derogatory nature about the contractor made by responsible individuals which in the contracting officer's judgment should be investigated. Except where a contracting officer suspects misrepresentation or fraud, audits should not be requested if their cost of performance is likely to exceed their potential cost recovery. (4) When an audit is warranted prior to closing out a contract, the contracting officer should request the audit directly from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General, Office of Audits (HHSOA). The request should cite the reasons the contracting officer believes an audit is warranted. A copy of the request should be forwarded to the Office of Procurement, Assistance and Logistics (OPAL), ASMB. In the event the Office of the Inspector General cannot honor the request in a reasonable period of time, it will consult with OPAL and the contracting officer. The final decision on the need and scope of an audit will be made on the basis of the value of the contract, the nature of the contracting officer's concerns, and the availability of HHSOA or other existing resources in the Department to perform a review to satisfy the contracting officer's concerns. (5) Closeout procedures are to be followed in conjunction with the regular procedures now followed in administering contracts. These procedures are not meant or to be interpreted as imposing any requirement or responsibility on contracting officers or necessitating any reviews on the part of the contracting officials not currently required by the FAR. With some rare exceptions, Standard Form 1035, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other than Personal, or Form HHS 646, Financial Report of Individual Project/Contract, will contain sufficient information to allow a contracting officer to satisfy requirements for desk audits. Accordingly, these closeout procedures shall not cause contracting officers to engage in extraor dinary oversight or review and shall not be used by contracting officers as the basis for requiring contractors to submit extraordinary documentation such as payroll listing, labor billings, travel details, etc. Subpart 304.70—Acquisition Instrument Identification Numbering System 304.7000 Scope of subpart. This subpart prescribes policy and procedures for assigning identifying numbers to contracts and related instruments, including solicitation documents, purchase orders, and delivery orders. 304.7001 Numbering contracts. (a) Contracts which require numbering. The following contracts shall be numbered in accordance with the system prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section: (1) All contracts, including letter contracts and task orders under basic ordering agreements, which involve the payment of $2,500 or more for the acquisition of personal property or nonpersonal services. (2) All contracts which involve the payment of $2,000 or more for construction (including renovation or alteration). (3) All contracts which involve more than one payment regardless of amount. (The number assigned to a letter contract shall be assigned to the superseding definitized contract.) (b) Numbering system. All contracts which require numbering shall be assigned a number consisting of the following: (1) The three digit code assigned to the contracting office by the Division of Management Information Systems Services, OMAS, OS; (2) A two digit fiscal year designation; and (3) A four digit serial number. While it is required that a different series of four digit serial numbers be used for each fiscal year, serial numbers assigned need not be sequential. (c) Пlustration of contract numbers: The initial contract executed by the Division of Contract and Grant Operations, Office of Management Services, Office of the Secretary, for fiscal year 1983 should be numbered 100-830001, the second contract 100-83-0002. Alternatively, if it is desirable for internal identification purposes to establish separate series of numbers for sealed bid and negotiated contracts, this procedure is permissible. In this instance, the initial sealed bid contract might be numbered 100-83-0001 and the initial negotiated contract numbered 100-83-0500. (d) Assignment of identification codes. Each contracting office of the Department shall be assigned a three digit identification code by the Division of Management Information Systems Services. Requests for the assignment of such codes for newly established contracting offices shall be submitted by the headquarters acquisition staff office of the contracting activity to the Director, Division of Management Information Systems Services. Conversely, in the event that a contracting office is to be disestablished, the Director, Division of Management Information Systems Services shall be notified. A listing of the contracting office identification codes currently in use is contained in the Department-wide Contract Information System Manual (DCIS). [49 FR 13961, Apr. 9, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 23126, May 31, 1985; 50 FR 38004, Sept. 19, 1985] tivity. However, individual contracts entered into pursuant to the terms and conditions of a basic agreement shall be numbered in accordance with 304.7001(b). 304.7005 Numbering basic ordering agreements. Basic ordering agreements shall be numbered in accordance with procedures prescribed by the headquarters staff office of the contracting activity. However, task orders placed under an agreement shall be numbered in accordance with 304.7001(b) if the dollar amount of the order is $2,500 or more. Subpart 304.71-Review and Approval of Proposed Contract Awards 304.7100 Scope of subpart. This subpart prescribes review and approval procedures for contract actions to ensure that: (a) Contract awards are in conformance with law, established policies and procedures, and sound business practices; (b) Contractual documents properly reflect the mutual understanding of the parties; and (c) The contracting officer is informed of deficiencies and items of questionable acceptability and corrective action is taken. 304.7101 Contracts requiring review and approval. (a) General. All contractual documents, regardless of dollar value, are to be reviewed by the contracting officer prior to award, even if the review and approval procedures prescribed in this section are applicable. However, under no circumstances may the individual who signs a contract instrument as contracting officer perform final review and approval of that contract action if it, or any modification to it, is expected to exceed the levels set forth in (b) (1) or (2) below. (b) Required reviews and approvals. (1) Officials responsible for the acquisition function in the Office of the Secretary, OPDIVS (except the Public Health Service), and regional offices are to assure that sealed bid or negoti ated contracts, and/or modifications to them, expected to exceed $300,000, are reviewed and approved prior to award. In order to assure the propriety of smaller dollar acquisitions, a statistically significant sample of contract actions not expected to exceed $300,000 are to be reviewed and approved prior to award. (2) Contract actions of the Public Health Service are to be reviewed and approved prior to award in accordance with the dollar thresholds stated in Subpart PHS 304.71. In order to assure the propriety of smaller dollar acquisitions, a statistically significant sample of contract actions not expected to exceed those dollar thresholds referenced in Subpart PHS 304.71 are to be reviewed and approved prior to award. (c) Reviewing officials. Officials assigned responsibility for review and approval of contract actions must possess qualifications in the field of acquisition commensurate with the level of review performed, and, as a minimum, possess those acquisition skills expected of a contracting officer. The following officials are responsible for preaward contract review and approval: Office of the Secretary-Director, Division of Contract and Grant Operations, Office of Management Services. Office of Human Development ServicesChief, Contracts Branch, Division of Grants and Contracts Management. Social Security Administration-Director, Division of Contracts and Grants Management. Health Care Financing Administration-Director, Division of Procurement Services. Public Health Service-The reviewing official is designated in Subpart PHS 304.71, as approved by the Director, Office of Procurement and Logistics Policy, OPAL. However, if any of the officials are to serve as the contracting officer and sign the contractual document, the review and approval function shall be performed by an appropriate official at least one level above. (d) Regional offices. The Director, Regional Administrative Support Center (RASC) is responsible for review and approval of contracts, or modifications to them, expected to exceed $300,000 and executed by the regional office's contracting staff. The RASC may obtain the advice of the Regional Attorney in the review of proposed contract awards. [49 FR 13961, Apr. 9, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 23127, May 31, 1985; 50 FR 38004, Sept. 19, 1985] 304.7102 Conduct of the review. (a) General. Reviewing officials may solicit the participation of specialists in various technical and administrative disciplines to aid in the review. The method of the review is not prescribed here in order to permit discretionary judgment in determining the depth to which significant areas are to be examined. (b) Contract file. The reviewer is to: (1) Determine that the contract file constitutes an independent record, documented to provide a complete chronology of actions related to all aspects of the acquisition, and that the documentation is consistent with the requirements of FAR 4.803; (2) Determine that each contract file contains documentation or other data (i.e., technical and business management evaluation, cost advisory and audit reports, negotiation memorandum, etc.) sufficient to explain and support the rationales, judgments, and authorities upon which all decisions and actions were predicated; and (3) Ascertain: (i) If the proposed acquisition action is to be awarded by other than full and open competition, that the documentation and approvals supporting the decision are present in the contract file; (ii) That proper publicizing of the proposed acquisition was made pursuant to FAR Part 5; (iii) That approval was obtained for any deviation from prescribed contract clauses; (iv) That sufficient competition was obtained, the competitive range was appropriately determined, and oral or written discussions were conducted with all firms in the competitive range; (v) That all the rules set forth in FAR Part 14 were complied with when the proposed award is a result of an IFB; and (vi) That appropriate determinations and findings which justify the type of contract and advance payments are a part of the contract file. [49 FR 13961, Apr. 9, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 23127, May 31, 1985; 50 FR 38004, Sept. 19, 1985] 304.7103 Approvals. (a) Awards are not to be made until approval is granted by the reviewing official identified in 304.7101. All approvals are to be in writing, except that when time is of the essence approval may be given orally and subsequently confirmed in writing. (b) The reviewing official shall not approve a proposed contract award if a substantive issue (or issues) remains to be resolved. However, in appropriate circumstances, the reviewing official may use discretion and grant approval on a conditional basis and require the contracting officer to submit follow-up written documentation that the substantive issue has been resolved. This provides the reviewing official the option to require the contracting officer to resolve the substantive issue and submit documenting evidence before award approval is given, or to grant conditional approval providing the substantive issue is resolved before the contract is awarded and require the contracting officer to submit documenting evidence either before after the award. The reviewing official also has the option to determine the extent of documentation evidence to be submitted by the contracting officer. This may range from complete resubmission of the contract file to submission of a memorandum stating the contracting officer's actions in resolving the substantive issue. or SOURCE: 49 FR 13969, Apr. 9, 1984, unless otherwise noted. Subpart 305.1-Dissemination of Information 305.102 Availability of solicitations. Potential offerors or bidders must be allowed a reasonable period of time in which to request and receive a solicitation and prepare and submit a response to that solicitation. As a result, the Department has established thirty (30) calendar days as the minimum time period between the date of distribution of a solicitation and the date set for receipt of proposals (opening of bids). The minimum 30 calendar day period is applicable to all sealed bid and negotiated acquisitions and for small purchases over $10,000. Adequate quantities of the solicitation must be maintained to fulfill all anticipated requests during the 30 calendar day period. If a solicitation response period greater than 30 calendar days is used, or, in an urgent situation, a response period less than 30 calendar days is used, the contracting officer must ensure that adequate quantities of the solicitation are available to fulfill all anticipated requests. (A solicitation response period of less than 30 calendar days may be used when the contracting officer determines that the urgency for the supplies or services does not permit delay. This decision must be documented in the contract file.) See FAR 5.203 for publicizing and response time. [49 FR 13969, Apr. 9, 1984, as amended at 49 FR 36110, Sept. 14, 1984; 50 FR 23126, 23127, May 31, 1985; 50 FR 38004, Sept. 19, 1985] Subpart 305.5-Paid Advertisements 305.502 Authority. The contracting officer is authorized to publish advertisements, notices, and contract proposals in newspapers and periodicals in accordance with the requirements and conditions referenced in FAR Subpart 5.5. |