1 Central Registry-System Entity Identification Number (CRS-EIN). CRS-EIN is a twelve digit number used to identify a recipient organization/individual in the HHS Central Registry System (CRS). This system utilizes a standard identification number within ATTACHMENT II-HHSAR SUBJECT INDEX Accessibility of Meetings, Conferences, and Seminars to Per- 370.1 Acquisition of Technical Requirements Under 8(a) Program. 319.870 307.1 Contents of........... "A-76" 307.105 307.3 315.410 301.201 342.70 339.7001 339.7002 307.71 332.4 305.5 306.5 301.3 303.303 333 301.603 307.105-2(a)(15) 304.804-1 Award Instrument, Selection of... Balance of Payments Program. ......... Competitive Range ...... Competition Requirements. Completion (Work Statement). Confidentiality of Information ....... Considerations in Selecting an Award Instrument. Consolidated Acquisitions Consulting Services Contingent Fee Violations..... Contract Awards, Review and Approval of Proposed........... 306.5 315.609 306 324.70 307.70 317.70 337.2 303.409 304.71 352.2 Foreign Purchases Forms, Acquisition (Illustration of) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Funding, Prohibition of Use of HHS Funds to Influence Leg- 325 353.3 324.2 306.2 332.7 332.770 General Provisions........ 352.3 Negotiated Cost-Reimbursement Contract with Educational Institutions ....... 352.3 Negotiated Cost-Reimbursement Contract With Nonprofit Institutions Other Than Educational Institutions...... 352.3 Negotiated Fixed-Price Research and Development Contract..... 352.3 Negotiated Fixed-Price Supply Contract......... 352.3 General Provisions (Additions, Modifications, and Substitu tions to).... 352.370 Government Employees Training Act (Acquisition Under)..... 317.71 Institutional Cost-Sharing Agreements............... Justification for Other than Full and Open Competition Letter Contract Letter of Credit, Recipients and Central Point Addressees. 342.705 See Debarment, 306.303 320.1 Attachment I 332.406 316.770-1 332.704 Major System Acquisition .... abled) Meetings, Conferences, Seminars (Accessibility to for Dis 334.003 370.1 Numbering System, Acquisition Instrument Identification Other than Full and Open Competition....... 352.243-70 342.70 315.672 315.670 315.1001 304.70 317.2 306.3 |