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(c) The scores for the factors of color, size, defects, and character are determined immediately after thawing to the extent that the product is substantially free from ice crystals and can be handled as individual units.

(d) "Good flavor" means that the product has a good, characteristic normal flavor and odor and is free from objectionable flavors and objectionable odors of any kind.

(e) "Fairly good flavor" means that the product may be lacking in good flavor and odor and is free from objectionable flavors and objectionable odors of any kind.

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apples that fall into this classification shall not be graded above U. S. Grade C or U. S. Standard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Fairly good color" means that the frozen apples possess a color that is typical of apples of similar varietal characteristics, that may be variable, and that the product may possess a slight but not markedly brown or gray cast and shall be practically free from internal discoloration.

(c) (SStd) classification. Frozen apples that fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section may be given a score of 0 to 13 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule).

§ 52.367 Size.

(a) General. The factor of size refers to the degree of wholeness and to the uniformity of thickness of the units.

(1) "Practically whole slice" means that the slice may be cut or broken but at least 4 of the original slice remains.

(b) (A) Classification. Frozen apples that are practically uniform in size may be given a score of 17 to 20 points. "Practically uniform in size" means that: At least 90 percent, by weight, of the product consists of whole or practically whole slices of 14 inches in length or longer, and that of the 90 percent, by weight, of the product consisting of units of the most uniform thickness, the thickness of the slices does not vary more than 1/4 inch.

(c) (C) classification. Frozen apples that are fairly uniform in size may be given a score of 14 to 16 points. "Fairly uniform in size” means that at least 75 percent, by weight, of the product consists of whole or practically whole slices of 14 inches in length or longer.

(d) (SStd) classification. Frozen apples that fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section may be given a score of 0 to 13 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule).

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(1) "Harmless extraneous matter" means any vegetable substance (including, but not being limited to, a leaf, stem, or portions thereof, cores and portions of cores, and seeds), that is harmless.

(2) "Damaged unit" means any unit possessing green peel that exceeds in the aggregate an area of a circle 1⁄2 inch in diameter, or red peel that exceeds in the aggregate an area of a circle 4 inch in diameter, light brown bruise that exceeds the area of a circle 1⁄2 inch in diameter or which is more than 1/4 inch deep, and any unit in which the appearance or eating quality is materially affected by blossom end material, dark brown bruise, or other internal or external discoloration, or by any other means.

(3) "Seriously damaged unit" means any unit damaged to such an extent that the appearance or eating quality is seriously affected.

(4) "Practically free from carpel tissue" means that for each 16 ounces of the product, the carpel tissue present does not exceed in the aggregate an area equal to 34 square inch.

(5) "Fairly free from carpel tissue" means that for each 16 ounces of the product the carpel tissue present does not exceed an area equal to 12 square inches.

(b) (A) classification. Frozen apples that are practically free from defects may be given a score of 17 to 20 points. "Practically free from defects" means that extraneous matter may be present that does not materially affect the appearance or eating quality of the product; that the product is practically free from carpel tissue; and that not more than a total of 5 percent, by weight, of the units may be damaged, of which not more than 1 percent, by weight, of all the units may be seriously damaged: Provided, That extraneous matter, damaged and seriously damaged units, singly or in combination, do not materially affect the appearance or eating quality of the product.

(c) (C) classification. Frozen apples that are fairly free from defects may be given a score of 14 to 16 points. Frozen apples that fall into this classification shall not be graded above U. S. Grade C or U. S. Standard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Fairly free from defects” means

that extraneous matter may be present that does not seriously affect the appearance or eating quality of the product; that the product is fairly free from carpel tissue; and that not more than a total of 15 percent, by weight, of the units may be damaged, of which not more than 3 percent, by weight, of all the units may be seriously damaged: Provided, That extraneous matter, damaged and seriously damaged units, singly or in combination, do not seriously affect the appearance or eating quality of the product.

(d) (SStd) classification. Frozen apples that fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section may be given a score of 0 to 13 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule).

§ 52.369 Character.

(a) General. The factor of character refers to the texture of the units and to the tendency to retain their conformation without material softening or disintegration.

(1) "Mushy apples" means slices or units or portions thereof that are a pulpy mass and of a consistency approximating applesauce.

(b) (A) classification. Frozen apples that possess a good character may be given a score of 34 to 40 points. "Good character" means that the units possess a reasonably uniform texture, are firm but not hard, with not more than 3 percent of the weight of the product consisting of mushy apples.

(c) (C) classification. Frozen apples that possess a fairly good character may be given a score of 28 to 33 points. Frozen apples that fall into this classification shall not be graded above U. S. Grade C or U. S. Standard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Fairly good character" means that the slices may be varlable in texture, with not more than 12 percent of the weight of the product. consisting of units that are markedly hard, markedly soft, or mushy.

(d) (SStd) classification. Frozen apples that fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section may be given a score of 0 to 27 points and shall not be graded above substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule).

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(a) "Spears" (or "stalks") style consists of units composed of the head and adjoining portion of the shoot that are 3 inches or more in length.

(b) "Tips" style consists of units composed of the head and adjoining portion of the shoot that are less than 3 inches in length.

(c) "Cut spears" or "cuts and tips" style consists of the head and portions of the shoot cut transversely into units 2 inches or less but not less than one-half inch in length. To be considered of this style, head material shall be present in these amounts for the respective lengths of cuts:

(1) 11⁄4 inches or less. Not less than 18 percent (average) by count, of all cuts, are head material.

(2) Longer than 11⁄4 inches. Not less than 25 percent (average) by count, of all cuts are head material.

(d) "Center cuts" or "cuts" style consists of portions of shoots (with or without head material) that are cut transversely into units not less than one-half inch in length and that fail to meet the definition for "cut spears" or "cuts and tips" style.


§ 52.384 Definitions of terms.

(a) Absolute limit (AL). Limit for maximum number of defects permitted in a sample unit.

(b) Defects. Any specifically defined variation from a particular requirement. Defects are classified as to "minor," "major," "severe," and "critical."

(c) Head. In "cut spears" or "cuts and tips" style means:

(1) A tip end which is three-eighths inch or more in length; or

(2) An upper portion of a shoot which possesses a substantial amount of compact head material.

(d) Sample. The number of sample units to be used for inspection of the lot.

(e) Sample unit. The amount of product specified to be used for inspection. It may be:

(1) The entire contents of a container, or

(2) A portion of the contents of a container,

(3) A combination of the contents of two or more containers, or

(4) A portion of unpackaged product. (f) Unit. The term "unit", not otherwise qualified, means any individual portion of an asparagus shoot threeeighths inch of more in length.

(g) Loose material. "Loose material" means any loose or shattered asparagus material and cut or broken pieces that are less than three-eighths inch in length.

[34 F.R. 5152, Mar. 13, 1969, as amended at 35 F.R. 5662, Apr. 8, 1970]


§ 52.385 Sample unit size.

Compliance with requirements for factors of quality is based on the following sample unit size for the respective style of pack:

(a) Spears; tips-50 spears or 50 tips. (b) Cut spears; cuts and tips; center cuts and cuts-100 pieces.


§ 52.386 Size of frozen asparagus.

The size of frozen asparagus in spears or tips style is determined by measuring the longest dimension at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the unit at the largest dimension of the unit. The word and number designations of the various


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1 In any sample unit, except the first one of 50 spears or tips.

2 "Total"-the sum of "Severe", "Major", and "Minor" defects, as applicable. In "Blends of Sizes", "Minor" and "Total" defects are the same.

[34 F.R. 5152, Mar. 13, 1969, as amended at 35 F.R. 5662, Apr. 8, 1970]

grit or silt present that affects the appearance or edibility of the product; in which no more than 5 percent, by weight, of loose material may be present; and that has an attractive appearance and eating quality within the limits specified for the various quality factors.

(b) "U.S. Grade B" or ("U.S. Extra Standard") is the quality of frozen asparagus that is of similar varietal characteristics; that has a good flavor and odor; that has no more than a trace of grit or silt present that slightly affects the appearance or edibility of the product; in which no more than 10 percent, by weight. of loose material may be present; and that has a reasonably attractive appearance and eating quality within the limits specified for the various quality factors.


(c) "Substandard" is the quality of frozen asparagus that fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade B.

[34 F.R. 5152, Mar. 13, 1969, as amended at 35 F.R. 5663, Apr. 8, 1970]

§ 52.389 Factors of quality and grade compliance.

(a) The grade of a lot of frozen asparagus is based on compliance with requirements for the following quality factors:

(1) Color (Table IV);

(2) Uniformity of lengths (Table IV); (3) Character (Table V); (4) Damage (Table V); and (5) Harmless extraneous vegetable material (Table VI).

(b) Defects are classified as to minor, major, severe, or critical. Each "X" mark in Tables IV, V, and VI represents "one (1) defect."

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