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Grapefruit Juice (see Canned & similarly processed)

Grapefruit Juice, Concentrated____

Grapefruit Juice and Orange Juice, Concentrated Blended_.



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I Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (Parts 0-49)
Office of the Federal Register (Parts 50-299)



Administrative Conference of the United States (Parts 300-399) IV Miscellaneous Agencies (Privacy Regulations) (Part 400-end)

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I General Accounting Office (Parts 0–99)

II Federal Claims Collection Standards (General Accounting Office-Department of Justice) (Parts 100-299)

III Cost Accounting Standards Board (Parts 300-499)


Title 5-Administrative Personnel

I Civil Service Commission (Parts 0-1199)

Office of Management and Budget (Parts 1300-1399)

V The International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board (Parts 1500-1599)

VI Department of Defense (Parts 1600-1699)

VII Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (Parts 1700-1799)

IX Appalachian Regional Commission (Parts 1900-1999)

X National Capital Housing Authority (Parts 2000-2099)

XI United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home (Parts 2100-2199)

XII District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency (Parts 2200


XIII National Commission on Product Safety (Parts 2300-2399)

XIV Federal Labor Relations Council and Federal Service Impasses Panel (Parts 2400-2499)


VI Assistant Secretary for Administration, Department of the Treas

ury (Parts 600-699)

VII Council on Wage and Price Stability (Parts 700-799)

Title 7-Agriculture

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture (Parts 0–25)
SUBTITLE B-Regulations of the Department of Agriculture

I Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Mar-
keting Practices), Department of Agriculture (Parts 26-209)
II Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts

III Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 300-399)

IV Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 400-499)

V Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 500-599)

VI Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 600699)

VII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Agricultural Adjustment), Department of Agriculture (Parts 700-799)

IX Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department of Agriculture (Parts 900-999)

X Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1000-1199) XI Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1200-1299)

XII Statistical Reporting Service (Agricultural Statistics), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1300-1399)

XIV Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1400-1499)

XV Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1500-1599)

XVI Rural Telephone Bank, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1600– 1699)

XVII Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1700-1799)

XVIII Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1800-2099)

XXI Foreign Economic Development Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2100-2199)

XXIV Board of Contract Appeals, Department of Agriculture (Parts



XXV Export Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts


XXVI Office of Investigation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2600-2699)

XXVII Office of Audit, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2700-2799)

Title 8-Aliens and Nationality

I Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice (Parts 0-499)

II Office of Alien Property, Department of Justice (Parts 500-599)

Title 9-Animals and Animal Products

I Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 0-199)

II Packers and Stockyards Administration, Department of Agri-
culture (Parts 200-299)

III Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (Meat and Poultry Products Inspection), Department of Agriculture (Parts 300399)

IV Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 400-499)

Title 10-Energy

I Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 0-199)

II Federal Energy Administration (Parts 200-699)

III Energy Research and Development Administration (Parts 700


Title 11-Federal Elections

I Federal Election Commission (Parts 0-199)

Title 12-Banks and Banking

I Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury (Parts 0-199)

II Federal Reserve System (Parts 200-299)

III Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 300-399)

IV Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 400-499)
V Federal Home Loan Bank Board (Parts 500-599)

VI Farm Credit Administration (Parts 600-699)

VII National Credit Union Administration (Parts 700-799)
VIII Federal Financing Bank (Parts 800-899)

Title 13-Business Credit and Assistance

I Small Business Administration (Parts 100-199)

III Economic Development Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 300-399)

IV Emergency Loan Guarantee Board (Parts 400-499)

V Regional Action Planning Commissions (Parts 500-599)

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