1 Additional sample average (average of all sample units) requirements denoted by "(avg...--).” TABLE VI.-STYLE: MIXED PIECES OF IRREGULAR SIZES AND SHAPES 1 Additional sample average (average of all sample units) requirements denoted by "(avg. ........).” *Mixed pieces of irregular sizes and shapes. bpart-United States Standards for Grades of Canned Pimientos SOURCE: $ 52.2681 to 52.2695 appear at 2 FR 13373, Sept. 22, 1967, unless otherise noted. IDENTITY AND TYPES OF PACK 52.2681 Identity. (a) "Canned pimientos" means the anned product properly prepared from lean, sound, succulent pods of the piiento plant (Capsicum annuum) as uch product is defined in the standard f identity for canned pimientos (21 FR 51.990) issued pursuant to the Fedral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. (b) For the purposes of these grade tandards "Pimientos" are a group of weet peppers of the pimiento-type or Spanish pepper. This group includes Pimiento, Perfection, Truheart, and imilar varieties. Pimiento fruit pods are mooth, typically conical or hearthaped, pointed at the blossom end, thick walled, red to reddish-yellow color, and Dossess a mild and sweet distinct pimiento flavor. (c) The finished product is prepared from peeled pods and may contain acidifying and firming agents and any other ingredient permissible under the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. § 52.2682 Types of pack. (a) Regular pack (see Table I). § 52.2683 Styles of canned pimientos. "Whole" or "whole pimientos” means pimientos that retain the approximate conformation of a whole pod pimiento. (b) "Halves" or "halved" means pimientos cut longitudinally into two approximately equal parts. (c) "Pieces" means pimientos cut or broken into units with at least 1 square inch area each and may include less than 50 percent, by weight, of whole pods. (d) "Whole and pieces" means pimientos consisting of a combination of whole and pieces of pimientos and containing not less than 50 percent, by weight, of whole pimientos. (e) "Slices" or "sliced" means plmientos sliced into strips. (f) "Diced" means pimientos cut into approximate cube-shaped units or cut into approximately square pieces. (g) “Chopped” means pimientos cut or broken into units of less than 1 square inch area each. § 52.2684 Grades of canned pimientos. (a) "U.S. Grade A" (or "U.S. Fancy") is the quality of canned pimientos that possess similar varietal characteristics; possess a normal flavor; and for the applicable type and style: (1) Possess good color; (2) are practically uniform or fairly uniform in size for the applicable styles; (3) are practically free from defects; (4) possess a good character; and (5) score not less than 90 points as outlined in this subpart. (b) "U.S. Grade C" (or "U.S. Standard”) is the quality of canned pimientos that possess similar varietal characteristics; possess a normal flavor; and for the applicable type and style: (1) Possess a fairly good color; (2) are fairly uniform in size and shape for the applicable styles; (3) are fairly free from defects; (4) possess a fairly good character; and (5) score not less than 80 points as outlined in this subpart. (c) "Substandard" is the quality of canned pimientos that fail to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C. FILL OF CONTAINER AND DRAINED WEIGHTS § 52.2685 Recommended fill of container. The recommended fill of container is not incorporated in the grades of the finished product since fill of container, as such, is not a factor of quality for the purpose of these grades. It is recommended that each container of canned pimientos be filled with pimientos as full as practicable without impairment of quality. § 52.2686 Recommended drained weight. The drained weight recommendations in Table I are not incorporated in the grades of the finished product since drained weight, as such, is not a factor of quality for the purpose of these grades. The drained weight of pimientos is determined by emptying the contents of the container upon a U.S. Standard No. 8 circular sieve of proper diameter containing 8 meshes to the inch [0.0937-inch (2.38 mm.), ±3%, square openings] so as to distribute the product evenly, inclining the sieve slightly to facilitate drainage, and allowing to drain for 2 minutes. A sieve 8 inches in diameter is used for No. 21⁄2 size cans (401 x 411) and smaller sizes, and a sieve 12 inches in diameter is used for containers larger than the No. 21⁄2 size can. § 52.2687 Compliance with mended drained weights. recom Compliance with the recommended drained weights in Table I is determined by averaging the drained weights from all the containers in the sample which represents a specific lot; and such lot is considered as meeting the recommendations if the following criteria are met: (a) The sample average meets the recommended minimum drained weight; and (b) The containers which do not meet the recommended minimum drained weight are within the range of variability of good commercial practice and there is no unreasonable shortage of pimientos in any container. FACTORS OF QUALITY § 52.2688 Ascertaining the grade of a sample unit. (a) General. The grade of a sample unit is ascertained by considering certain factors which are not scored; the ratings for the factors of color, uniformity of size and shape, defects, and character which are scored; the total score; and the limiting rules which may apply. (b) Factors not rated by score points. (1) Varietal characteristics. (2) Flavor: "Normal flavor" means that the canned pimientos have a good, characteristic, mild but distinct pimiento flavor and are free from objectionable or bitter flavors and objectionable odors of any kind. (c) Factors rated by score points. The relative importance of each factor which is scored is expressed numerically on the scale of 100. The maximum number of points that may be given each factor is: Factors: Color Uniformity of size and shape... Defects Character § 52.2689 Points 80 20 40 10 100 Ascertaining the rating for the factors which are scored. The essential variations within each factor which is scored are so described that the value may be ascertained for each factor and expressed numerically. The numerical range within each factor is inclusive (for example, "27 to 30 points" means 27, 28, 29, or 30 points). § 52.2690 Color. (a) Evaluation of color. The evaluation of color of canned pimientos shall be determined immediately after opening the container. The color is based upon the brightness and the uniformity of the exterior red to reddish-yellow color of the units. Green or dull oxidized reddish-brown units are scored under this factor when the overall color is affected. (b) Color standards. The color of the units is classified by using the USDA plastic color standards for canned pimientos as follows: (1) "Pimiento Red" means a red color equal to or more red than the USDA Pimiento Red color standard. (2) "Pimiento Reddish-Yellow" means a reddish-yellow color equal to or more red than USDA Pimiento Reddish-Yellow but less red than USDA Pimiento Red color standard. (3) Information regarding these color standards may be obtained from: Processed Products Standardization and Inspection Branch, Fruit and Vegetable Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. (c) (A) classification. Canned pimientos that possess a good color may be given a score of 27 to 30 points. "Good color" means that the overall color of the product is bright, practically uniform, and typical of canned pimientos; and that the color on the exterior surfaces complies with the requirements for the applicable style as outlined in Table II. (d) (C) classification. If the canned pimientos possess a fairly good color, a score of 24 to 26 points may be given. Canned pimientos that fall into this classification shall not be graded above U.S. Grade C, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Fairly good color" means that the overall color of the product may be variable and slightly dull but none of the units may be green or of a greenish cast or off color; and the color on the exterior surface complies with the applicable style as outlined in Table II. (e) (SStd) classification. Canned pimientos that fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section or that are definitely off color may be given a score of 0 to 23 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). 1 Except permit 1 unit to fail in any container with less than 10 units, provided, the average of all sample units from the lot meets the percent, by count, tolerance. § 52.2691 Uniformity of size and shape. (2) Length of whole and halved pi- (3) Square area measurement of a piece. The square area of a piece is cal culated by multiplying the average width (4) Length and width of sliced pi- (5) Size of diced pimientos. The size (b) Definitions of shapes, sizes, and (2) "Very small pieces" in sliced style (3) "Well trimmed" in whole style |