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furnished and funded by the supporting activity.

$347.6 Relationships.

(a) In the performance of assigned duties, the Director, DoDDS, shall:

(1) Exchange information and advice and coordinate actions with DoD Components having collateral or related functions.

(2) Use established facilities and services in the Department of Defense and other Government Agencies, whenever practicable, to achieve maximum efficiency and economy of operations.

(3) Consult and coordinate with other governmental and nongovernmental agencies on matters related to the mission of the DODDS.

(b) All DoD Components shall coordinate with the Director, DoDDS, as appropriate, on matters affecting the mission and operation of the DoDDS.

$347.7 Authorities.

The Director, DoDDS, is specifically delegated authority to:

(a) Execute the responsibilities and functions described in § 347.5.

(b) Obtain reports, information, advice, and assistance, consistent with the policies and criteria of DoD Directive 7750.5,9 as deemed necessary.

(c) Communicate directly with appropriate representatives of the DoD Components and other governmental and nongovernmental agencies on matters related to the DODDS.

(d) Exercise the operational and administrative authorities in appendix A to this part when delegated by the ASD(FM&P).

§ 347.8 Administration.

(a) The Director, DoDDS, shall be a civilian selected by the ASD(FM&P).

(b) The DoDDS shall be authorized such personnel, facilities, funds, and other resources as the Secretary of Defense deems necessary.


Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense, and subject to the direction, authority, and control of the Secretary of Defense, and in accordance with

9 See footnote 1 to §347.1(c).

DoD policies, Directives, and Instruction the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Fores Management and Personnel) ASD(FM&P or in the absence of the ASD(FM&P), person acting for the ASD(FM&P), is herst delegated authority as required in the a ministration and operation of the DODDS

1. Exercise the powers vested in the See retary of Defense by 5 U.S.C. 301, 302, 3101 on the employment, direction, and ge eral administration of DODDS civilian pe sonnel.

2. Fix rates of pay for wage-rate employe exempted from the Classification Act of by 5 U.S.C. 5102 on the basis of rates esta lished under the Coordinated Federal F System. In fixing such rates, th ASD(FM&P) shall follow the wage sched. established by the DoD Wage Fixing Auth ity.

3. Establish advisory committees and en ploy temporary or intermittent experts :: consultants, as approved by the Secretary: Defense, for the performance of DODDS fun tions consistent with 10 U.S.C. 173, 5 U.S... 3109(b), DoD Directive 5105.4, and the agre ment between the Department of Defers and the Office of Personnel Managemen (OPM) on employment of experts and ac sultants, June 21, 1977.

4. Administer oaths of office incident | entrance into the Executive Branch of the Federal Government or any other oath r quired by law in connection with employ ment therein, in accordance with 5 U.S.C 2903, and designate in writing, as may be ne essary, officers and employees of the DoDI to perform this function.

5. Establish a DoDDS Incentive Award Board and authorize cash awards to, a incur necessary expenses for, the honor recognition of civilian employees of the Go ernment whose suggestions, inventions, 5 perior accomplishments, or other person efforts, including special acts or service: benefit or affect the DODDS or its subort nate activities, in accordance with 5 U.SC 4503, applicable OPM regulations, and Da Directive 5120.15.1

6. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 7532; E.C 10450, 18 FR 2489, 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp. P 936; E.O. 12333, 46 FR 59941, 3 CFR, Comp., p. 200; E.O. 12356, 47 FR 14874 an 15557, 3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 166; and DoD D rective 5200.2,1 "DoD Personnel Security Pro gram," as appropriate:

a. Designate any position in the DODDS & a "sensitive" position.

b. Authorize, in case of an emergency, the appointment of a person to a sensitive pos tion in the DoDDS for a limited period time and for whom a full field investigati or other appropriate investigation, includi

1 See footnote 1 to $347.1(c).

he National Agency Check, has not been completed.

c. Authorize the suspension, but not termiate the services, of a DoDDS employee in he interest of national security. 17. Authorize and approve:

a. Travel for DoDDS civilian employees in ccordance with Volume II, Joint Travel Legulations.

b. Invitational travel to non-DoD personel whose consultative, advisory, or other ighly specialized technical services are reuired in a capacity that is directly related o, or in connection with, DODDS activities, In accordance with Volume II, Joint Travel Legulations.

c. Overtime work for DoDDS civilian emloyees in accordance with chapter 55, subhapter V, of 5 U.S.C. and applicable OPM egulations.

8. Develop, establish, and maintain an acive and continuing Records Management 'rogram pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3102 and DoD Directive 5015.2.2

2. Authorize the publication of advertisenents, notices, or proposals in newspapers, nagazines, or other public periodicals as required for the effective administration and operation of the DoDDS, consistent with 44 J.S.C. 3702.

10. Establish and maintain, for the funcions assigned, an appropriate publications ystem for the promulgation of common sup›ly and service regulations, instructions, and *eference documents, and changes thereto, ursuant to the policies and procedures precribed in DoD 5025.1-M.3

1. Enter into support and service agreenents with the Military Departments, other DoD Components, or other Government Agencies, as required, for the effective performance of DODDS functions and responibilities.

12. Enter into and administer contracts, directly or through a Military Department, a DoD contract administration services component, or other Federal Agency, as appropriate, for supplies, equipment, and services required to accomplish the mission of the DODDS. To the extent that any law or Executive order specifically limits the exercise of such authority to persons at the Secretarial level of a Military Department, such authorty shall be exercised by the appropriate Under Secretary or Assistant Secretary of Defense.

13. Approve waivers of indebtedness for DoDDS employees in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5584.

The ASD(FM&P) may redelegate these authorities, as appropriate, and in writing, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation.

2 See footnote 1 to §347.1(c). 3 See footnote 1 to $347.1(c).

[blocks in formation]

Under the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense under the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 131(b), this part establishes the DMPA as a DoD Field Activity under the direction, authority, and control of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) (ASD(HA)), with responsibilities, functions, relationships, and authorities as outlined. The Defense Medical Support Activity, previously established under Defense Medical Support Activity, is hereby disestablished and its functions incorporated within the DMPA.

§348.2 Applicability.

This part applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Unified and Specified Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components").

§ 348.3 Responsibilities and functions. (a) The Director, DMPA, shall:

(b) Develop and maintain the Department of Defense Unified Medical Program to provide resources for all medical activities.

(c) Develop, maintain, and provide guidance for an integrated system for planning, programming, and budgeting for medical facility military construction projects (to include initial construction, replacement, modification, modernization, and supporting facili

ties) throughout the Department of Defense and for managing the allocation of the financial resources approved for such projects.

(d) Develop, maintain, and oversee the design, enhancement, operation, procurement, and management of information systems and related communications and automated systems in support of the activities of the DoD Military Health Services System (MHSS).

(e) Manage the DoD-wide automated MHSS information systems.

(f) Provide other support for DoD military medical programs, as directed by the ASD(HA).

§ 348.4 Organization and management. The DMPA shall consist of:

(a) A Director designated by the ASD(HA) from among personnel within the Office of the ASD(HA).

(b) Such additional subordinate organizational elements as are established by the Director within resources assigned by the Secretary of Defense.

$348.5 Relationships.

(a) In performing assigned functions, the Director, DMPA, shall:

(1) Coordinate actions with the other DoD Components having collateral or related functions in the areas of assigned responsibility.

(2) Maintain liaison with the other DoD Components and other governmental and nongovernmental agencies to exchange information and advice on programs in the field of assigned responsibility.

(3) Make use of established facilities and services in the Department of Defense and other Government Agencies to avoid duplication and achieve maximum efficiency and economy.

(b) The Heads of the DoD Components shall coordinate with the Director, DMPA, on all matters relating to DMPA functions and responsibilities.

§ 348.6 Authorities.

The Director, DMPA, is authorized to:

(a) Obtain from the other DoD Components, such advice, assistance, and information consistent with the policies and criteria of DoD Directive

7750.5,1 as necessary to carry out DMPA's assigned responsibilities.

(b) Communicate directly with ap propriate personnel in the other DoD Components on matters related to DMPA programs and activities.

(c) Communicate directly with other governmental agencies, representatives of the legislative branch, and member of the public, as appropriate, in carrying out the responsibilities and funetions assigned under this part.

§ 348.7 Administration.

(a) The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall assign military personnel to the DMPA in accordance with approved authorizations and established procedures for assignment to joint duty.

(b) Administrative support for the DMPA shall be provided by the Direc tor, Washington Headquarters Serv ices.



350.1 Purpose.
350.2 Applicability.
350.3 Responsibilities.
350.4 Functions.
350.5 Relationships.
350.6 Authorities.

AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 136 and 44 U.S.C 3506(c)(4), and E.O. 12356, 3 CFR, 1982 Comp p. 166.

SOURCE: 57 FR 7547, Mar. 3, 1992, unless oth erwise noted.

$350.1 Purpose.

Under the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by title 10, United States Code, this part reissues DoD Directive 5137.11 to update the responsibilities, functions, relationships, and authorities of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Com munications, and Intelligence (ASD(C31)).

1 Copies may be obtained, at cost, from the National Technical Information Service, 52 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.

$350.2 Applicability.

This part applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Unified and Specified Combatant Commands, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components").

$350.3 Responsibilities.

The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence shall have as his principal duty the overall supervision of C31 affairs of the Department of Defense. The ASD(C31) is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for C31, information management (IM), counter-intelligence (CI), and security countermeasures (SCM) matters, including warning, reconnaisand intelintelligence and ligence-related activities conducted by the Department of Defense.


$350.4 Functions.

In the exercise of assigned responsibilities, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence shall:

(a) Serve as principal staff assistant in carrying out the responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense as Executive Agent for the National Communications System.

(b) Serve as the Department's senior IM official pursuant to section 3506(b) of 44 U.S.C.; implement the Defense IM program, the Defense corporate IM initiative, and the principles of corporate IM throughout the Department of Defense; and ensure the proper integration of DoD computing, systems security, telecommunications, and IM activities.

(c) Conduct and account for any acquisitions made pursuant to a delegation of authority under section 111 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act (40 U.S.C. 759), in accordance with section 3506(c)(4) of 44 U.S.C.

(d) Serve as the Department's senior information security official pursuant to section 5.3(a) of E.O. 12356.

(e) Serve as the principal DoD official responsible for establishing software policy and practices, but shall not be responsible for computer resources, both hardware and software, that are:

(1) Physically part of, dedicated to, or essential in real time to the mission performance of weapon systems.

(2) Used for weapon system specialized training, simulation, diagnostic test and maintenance, or calibration.

(3) Used for research and development of weapon systems.

(f) Establish and implement IM policy, processes, programs, and standards to govern the development, acquisition, and operation of automated data processing (ADP) equipment by the Department of Defense, but shall not be responsible for ADP equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or weapon system, test support for a weapon or weapon system, or information technology basic research and development.

(g) Chair the Major Automated Information System Review Council (MAISRC). The ASD(C31) shall operate the MAISRC in a manner consistent with the acquisition policies in DoD Directive 5000.12 and, for automated information system programs below the Defense Acquisition Board thresholds, independently of the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB).

(h) Provide program management for the General Defense Intelligence Program, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program, and the Security and Investigative Activities Program.

(1) Serve as the principal DoD official responsible for preparing and defending the Department's C3I, CI, SCM, and IM programs before the Congress.

(j) Review and advise the Secretary of Defense on C3I, CI, SCM, and IM plans and programs; review and recommend requirements and priorities to ensure that DoD requirements are fully considered in the development of these plans and programs; monitor and evaluate the responsiveness of such programs to DoD requirements, particularly their readiness to support military operations.

(k) Provide guidance, and management and technical oversight for all

2 See footnote 1 to §350.1.

C3I, CI, SCM, and IM projects, programs, and systems being acquired by, or for the use of, the Department of Defense and its Components.

(1) Oversee applicable training and career development programs to ensure that trained manpower is available to support DoD C3I, CI, SCM, and IM mission needs, including manpower requirements for projected systems.

(m) Recommend, advise, and provide assistance to other OSD staff elements on C3I, CI, SCM, and IM matters relevant to the execution of their assigned responsibilities, including the execution of DoD-wide programs to improve standards of performance, economy, and efficiency.

(n) Assess the responsiveness of intelligence products to DoD requirements. (0) Promote coordination, cooperation, and cross-Service management of joint C31, IM, CI, and SCM programs to ensure essential interoperability is achieved within the Department of Defense and between the Department of Defense and other Federal Agencies and the civilian community.

(p) Participate, as appropriate, in the DoD planning, programming, and budgeting system for C3I, IM, CI, and SCM activities by reviewing proposed DoD resource programs, formulating budget estimates, recommending resource allocations and priorities, and monitoring the implementation of approved programs.

(q) Establish policy and provide direction to the DoD Components on all matters concerning the assigned functional areas in paragraphs (q)(1) through (q)(26) of this section; serve as the primary focal point for staff coordination on these matters within the Department of Defense, with other Government Departments and Agencies, and with foreign governments and international organizations to which the United States is party; and provide DoD representation to foreign governments and intergovernmental and international organizations when dealing with these matters.

(1) Strategic, theater, and tactical nuclear and conventional command and control.

(2) Information networks.

(3) C3I-related space systems.

(4) Special technology and systems.

(5) Telecommunications.

(6) Identification, navigation, and position fixing systems.

(7) Strategic C3 countermeasures. (8) Air traffic control and airspace management.

(9) Surveillance, warning, and reconnaissance architectures.

(10) North Atlantic Treaty Organization C31 architectures and systems. (11) Information systems security. (12) Intelligence programs, systems and equipment.

(13) National Communications System activities.

(14) Radio frequency policy and management.

(15) Mapping, charting, and geodsey. (16) Integration and/or interface of national and tactical C3I systems and programs.

(17) C3I, IM, CI, and SCM career development, including DoD foreign language training.

(18) Information management activities.

(19) Counter-narcotics C31 activities. (20) C31, IM, CI, and SCM technology programs and activities.


(21) Counterintelligence and investigations policy and programs.

(22) Defense investigative activities, to include personnel security investigations, unauthorized disclosures of classified information, and polygraph examinations.

(23) Security countermeasures activities, to include physical security, personnel security, industrial security, and security classification and safeguards policy and programs.

(24) Operations security and counterimagery security.

(25) Security-related research, including personnel security and polygraph activities.

(26) Data and information systems standardization programs, including DoD-wide data administration.

(r) Perform such other duties as the Secretary of Defense may assign.

$350.5 Relationships.

(a) In the performance of all assigned duties, the ASD(C3I) shall:

(1) Report directly to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense.


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