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Resolved, That the Committee on Medical Legislation be instructed in favor of a draft for a law providing for nine districts in the state, for each of which there shall be a board of examiners representing each of the state medical organizations.

Dr. Weist, of Richmond-I move, as a substitute for this resolution, that this society instruct this committee to exercise their wisest judgment in relation to this whole matter, and draw up a bill accordingly, whether there shall be four boards, or six, or nine. I move that the entire matter be left with the committee for them to exercise their best discretion upon it.

The Chair decided both the resolution and the substitute out of order, the matter having been referred to the committee yesterday with certain instructions.

Dr. Jameson appealed from the decision of the Chair.

The vote being taken, the decision of the Chair was sustained.

Dr. Lowder, of Bloomfield, moved that the vote on the resolution adopted yesterday, requiring but one board of examiners, be reconsidered.

Dr. Edwins, of Frankton, moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table.

The question being put, the Chair declared the yeas to have it; so the motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

On motion of Dr. N. Field, of Jeffersonville, Dr. Jameson's resolution was referred to the Committee on Medical Legislation for their consideration.

The motion was agreed to.

Dr. N. Field, of Jeffersonville-I move that the Committee on Medical Legislation be authorized to change the programme. I submit the following motion :

That the Committee on Medical Legislation be instructed to prepare a bill providing for dividing the state into nine districts, and that for each of said districts there shall be boards of examiners representing the several state medical organizations.

The Chair decided the motion out of order until the society should vote to reconsider its previous action in the premises.

Dr. Edwins moved to lay the motion of Dr. Field on the table. The motion was agreed to.

Dr. Elder, of Indianapolis-The Committee of Arrangements have in their possession the following papers, which I will move to refer to the Committee on Publication without reading: "A Case of Ovariotomy with Recovery," by Wm. Lomax, M. D., Marion ; "Empyema," by A. A. Hamilton, M. D., Marion; "A Case of Twins, Artificial Delivery, Death," by A. Henley, M. D., Fairmount; "Etiology of Endemic Fevers," by N. Field, M. D., Jeffersonville; "Ergot-Its Use and Abuse," by W. Commons, M. D., Union City; "Diphtheria," by S. H. Charlton, M. D., Seymour; "Scarlatina," by G. W. Burton, M. D., Mitchell, and "A Case of Arsenical Poisoning," by Dr. A. G. Preston, of Greencastle. Dr. Edwins, of Frankton—I desire to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the names of all the delegates to the American Medical Association appointed by the different county societies must be sent in to the Secretary of the State Medical Society at least thirty days, with report of delegates, etc., before the yearly meeting of said State Society.

The resolution was adopted.

On motion of Dr. Eastman, the Secretary was directed to draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of Dr. Allison Maxwell in the amount of fifty dollars, as compensation for his services as chairman of the Committee on Publication during the past year.

On motion of Dr. Elder, the Secretary was instructed to furnish credentials to such members of the association as desire to attend the American Medical Association, the number not to exceed the number of delegates to which the society is entitled.

Dr. Weist-I move to take from the table the motion to reconsider the action taken yesterday instructing the Committee on Medical Legislation to report a bill providing for one board of examiners.

The motion was agreed to.

Dr. Weist-I now move to reconsider the vote taken yesterday in that matter.

The motion was agreed to.

Dr. Weist-Now, Mr. President, I move, as a substitute for the motion now pending, which is to instruct the committee to report a bill establishing one board for each of the schools-one central board for each school-that the entire matter be left with the committee.

The motion was agreed to.

Whereupon the society adjourned sine die.






The name and title of this society shall be THE INDIANA STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY.



The object of this society shall be to provide an organization through which the regular physicians of the state may be united in one great professional fraternity for the purpose of giving frequent and emphatic expression to the views and aims of the medical profession; to supply more efficient means than have hitherto been available for cultivating and advancing medical knowledge; for elevating the standard of medical education; for promoting the usefulness, honor and interests of the medical profession; for exciting and encouraging emulation and concert of action among its members; for facilitating and fostering friendly intercourse between those engaged in it; for enlightening and directing public opinion in regard to the duties, responsibilities and requirements of medical men; and for the promotion of all measures adapted to the relief of the suffering, and to improve the health and protect the lives of the community.



SECTION I. The members of this society shall consist of delegates from the various county medical societies of this state, organized in accordance with the pro

visions of this constitution, who shall serve one year, or until others are elected to succeed them.

SEC. 2. All members in good standing in the auxiliary county societies shall be members of this society in all its rights and privileges, except tha: none but delegate members shall transact the legislative business of the session.



SECTION 1. Any incorporated county medical society whose constitution embraces the objects of this constitution and the code of ethics of the American Medical Association shall, upon application, become auxiliary to the state society, and shall be entitled to one delegate for every five members, and one for every additional fraction of more than half this number.

SEC. 2. The names of the members of such county societies, with their postoffice addresses, shall be certified by their respective secretaries, and forwarded to the Secretary of the state society, who shall enroll them in a book kept for that purpose; and each member shall be entitled to a copy of all the publications of this society upon the payment of its assessments.



SECTION I. The officers of this society shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian.

SEC. 2. Each officer shall be elected by a vote of a majority of all the delegates present, and shall serve one year, or until another is elected to succeed him.



SECTION 1. The President shall preside over the meetings, preserve order, call meetings when in his judgment the interest of the profession may require it, and perform such other duties as custom and parliamentary usage may require. The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties, and, in his absence, preside over the meetings.

SEC. 2.

SEC. 3. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the society, and, when approved, fairly transcribe them in a book kept for that purpose. He shall have charge of all books and papers belonging to the society, excepting such as may properly belong to the Treasurer and Librarian, receive all moneys due the society, and turn them over to the Treasurer, keeping an account of the same; perform all other duties which the usage of corporate or organized bodies may require, and serve as a member of the Committee on Publication.

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