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"Short history of British co growth of the British colonial tion down to 1885.

Ireland's "Tropical coloniz tropical colonies, the material opment, with a discussion of sovereign state. The work i and is provided with a useful

Seeley's "Expansion of Eng of English history as illustrat eighteenth century. Woodw of the British Empire, 1500-1 acquisition and settlement of Professor Seeley in his "G history of the transformation a "great power.'


Cotton and Payne's "Color citizen series" is a compact a lish colonies.

Lucas's "Historical geogra valuable guide upon the polit the various British dependen

general treatise upon the colonies collectively, constituting a most reliable introduction to a study of colonial history.

Leroy-Beaulieu's "De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes" is an elaborate survey of colonies and colonial systems of the world by a political economist of high repute.

Merivale's "Lectures" is a study of the economic features of colonization and colonies.

Sir G. C. Lewis's "Essay on the government of dependencies" is a discussion of the historical and political principles of colonization. Heeren's "Political system of Europe and its colonies" is one of the earlier scientific studies of colonization, with copious bibliographical references.

The chapter on colonies in Adam Smith's Wealth of nations" is a scientific study of the economic value of dependencies.

The handbooks or annuals of various colonial governments are useful works of reference for statistical information.

The "Diplomatic and consular reports" issued at intervals by the foreign office of Great Britain embody information upon the history, the administration, and the commercial interests of British and foreign colonies. The "Consular reports" of this country also contain similar material.

The current statistics of the colonies are set forth in "Statistical abstracts for the several colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom," published by the British Government. These "Abstracts" are incorporated in the Parliamentary sessional papers.

The "Board of Trade Journal" published by the Government Board of Trade, London; and the "Imperial Institute Journal" are current sources of information upon the trade, resources, and administration of the English colonies.

The "Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute" is a repository of many valuable papers upon the colonial interests of Great Britain. The "Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly" deals with the literature as well as the politics of the colonies.

The periodicals, "Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales," the "Revue Maritime et Coloniale," and the "Bulletin de la Société des Études Coloniales," are mainly devoted to French colonial interests.

The following German periodicals deal with colonial subjects, particularly with German colonies: "Deutsches Kolonialblatt," "Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Organ der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft," "Deutscher Kolonial-Kalender," "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft," and the "Koloniales Jahrbuch."


Librarian of Congress.

A. P. C. GRIFFIN, Chief, Division of Bibliography.



Volume I. Of the political relations between a State and its colonies; of the commer-
cial relations between a State and its colonies; of the relation of a free colonial
trade; of the commercial relation between a State and its colonies, as modified by
the policy of modern Europe; of the particular relations of the colonies of the
European powers to their mother countries; of the colonial policy of the United
Provinces; of the colonial policy of Spain; of the colonial policy of Portugal, Den-
mark, and Sweden; of the colonial policy of England and France. Notes and
illustrations to the first volume of the foreign relations of colonies.



Brougham, Henry, Lord-Continued.

Volume II. Of the mutual relations of colonies with respect to their dependence on
the mother countries; of the interests of the European colonies as connected with
the re-establishment of the French power in the West Indies; of the consequences
of the establishment of a negro commonwealth in the West Indies to the interest of
the colonies which remain under the dominion of the mother country; of the for-
eign relations of States as influenced by their colonial relations; of the foreign
policy of States in general, and as influenced by their colonial relations; of the relative
interests of the different European powers, as well in their colonies as in other
quarters, on account of their colonial relations; of the intercolonial relations of the
European powers, as influenced by the position of affairs in America; of the external
relations of the European powers in different quarters, as influenced by their
colonial interests; of the domestic policy of the European powers in their colonial
establishments; of the free negro system, or the policy of cultivating the colonies
by means of free negroes; of the negro slave system, or the present state of society
in the slave colonies and the means of improving it.

Buller, Charles. Speech in the House of Commons, April 6, 1843, on systematic


(In Wakefield, E. G.: A view of the art of colonization, pp. 457–500. London, 1849.)

Cairnes, J. E. Colonization and colonial government.

(In his Political essays, pp. 1-58. London, 1873.)

Cerisier, Charles. Impressions coloniales (1868-1892). Étude


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