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not exceeding twelve months for the second; at the expiration of which, he shall depart within a time to be limited and if such alien be found therein after such time so limited, he or she shall be transported for life.

ALIMENTARY duct, a name by which some call the intestines, on account of the food's passing through them. See ANA


ALIMONY, alimonia, in law, denotes the maintenance sued for by a wife, in case of a separation from her husband, wherein she is neither chargeable with elopement nor adultery.

ALIQUANT parts, in arithmetic, those which will not divide or measure the whole number exactly. Thus, 7 is an aliquant part of 16, for twice 7 wants 2 of 16, and three times 7 exceeds 16 by 5.

ALIQUOT part, is such part of a number as will divide and measure it exactly, without any remainder. For instance, 2 is an aliquot part of 4, 3 of 9, and 4 of 16.

To find all the aliquot parts of a number, divide it by its least divisor, and the quotient by its least divisor, until you get a quotient not farther divisible, and you will have all the prime divisors or aliquot parts of that number. Thus, 60, divided by 2, gives the quotient 30, which divided by 2 gives 15, and 15 divided by 3, gives the indivisible quotient 5. Hence the prime aliquot parts are 1, 2, 2, 3, 5; and by multiplying any two or three of these together, you will find the compound aliquot parts, viz. 4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30.

Aliquot parts must not be confounded with commensurable ones; for though the former be all commensurable, yet these are not always aliquot parts: thus 4 is commensurable with 6, but is not an aliquot part of it. ALISMA, great water pluntain, in botany, a genus of the Hexandria Polyginia class of plants, the calyx of which is a perianthium composed of three oval, hollow, permanent leaves; the corolla consists of three, large, roundish, plane, and very patent petals; the fruit consists of capsules, arranged together in a roundish or trigonal form: the seeds are single and small. There are nine species.

ALKAHEST, or ALCAHEST, among chemists, denotes an universal menstruum capable of resolving all bodies into their ens primum, or first matter; and that without suffering any change, or diminution of force by so doing. See ALCHEMY.

ALKALI, in chemistry, a word applied

to all bodies that possess the following properties: they change vegetable blue colours, as that of an infusion of violets, to green: they have an acrid and peculiar taste: they serve as intermedia between oils and water: they are capable of combining with acids, and of destroying their acidity: they corrode woollen cloth, and, if the solution be sufficiently strong, reduce it to jelly: and they are soluble in water. The alkalies at present known are three; viz. ammonia, potash, and soda: the two last are called fixed alkalies, because they require a red heat to volatilize them; the other is denominated volatile alkali, because it readily assumes a gaseous form, and is dissipated by a very moderate degree of heat. Barytes, strontian, lime, and magnesia, have been denominated alkalies by Fourcroy; but as they possess the striking character of earths in their fixity, this innovation does not seem entitled to general adoption.

Since writing the above, some discoveries of great importance, on the subject of alkalies, have been made known to the philosophical world by Mr. Davy, Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution. We shall in this place give a sketch of the two papers which he has just laid before the Royal Society, referring to some subsequent articles for further particulars. In a former discourse read before this learned body, Mr. Davy, in speaking of the agencies of electricity, suggested the probability that other bodies not then enumerated might be decomposed by the electric fluid. In the course of the last summer, this celebrated philosopher was employed in making a number of experiments with this particular view, and by means of very powerful galvanic troughs, consisting of a hundred pair of plates, six inches square, and one hundred and fifty pair four inches square, he has succeeded in decomposing potash and soda. A more brilliant discovery has not been made since those which have immortalized the names of Priestley and Cavendish. This was effected by placing moistened potash, or soda, on a plate of platina, and exposing it to the galvanic circle. Oxygen was disengaged, and the alkalies reduced to their primitive base, which is found to be a peculiar and highly-inflammable matter, and which assumes the form and appearance of small globules of mercury. These globules are, however, lighter than water, and when potash is used, they are in the proportion of 6 to 10. At the freezing point they are hard and brittle;

and when broken, and examined by a mieroscope, they present a number of facettes with the appearance of crystallization: at 40° Fahrenheit they are soft, and can scarcely be discriminated but by their gravity from globules of mercury; at 60° they are fluid, and at the small heat of 100° voJatile. When exposed to the atmosphere, they rapidly imbibe oxygen, and reassume the alkaline character. In distilled naptha they may be preserved four or five days, but if exposed to the atmosphere, they almost instantly become incrusted with a coat of alkali: the incrustation may be removed, and the reduced globule will remain, either in naptha, or otherwise separated from all contact with oxygen. See BITUMEN.

One part of the base of alkali and two of mercury, estimated by bulk, form an amalgam, which when applied in the circle of a galvanic battery, producing an intense heat, to iron, silver, gold, or platina, immediately dissolved them, and converted them into oxides, in which process alkali was regenerated. Glass, as well as all other metallic bodies, was also dissolved by the application of this substance: the base of the alkali seizing the oxygen of the manganese and of the minium, potash was regenerated. One of these globules placed on a piece of ice dissolved it, and burnt with a bright flame, giving out an intense heat. Potash was found in the product of the dissolved ice. Nearly the same effects followed, when a globule was thrown into water: in both cases a great quantity of hydrogen was rapidly liberated. When laid on a piece of moistened turmeric paper, the globule seemed instantly to acquire an intense heat; but so rapid was its movement in quest of the moisture, that no part of the paper was burnt, only an intense deep red stain marked the course it followed, and showed a reproduction of alkali. The specific gravity of the base of soda is as seven to ten of water: it is fixed in a temperature of about 150°, and fluid at 180°. Mr. Davy next tried its effects on the phosphates, phosphurets, and many other salts of the first and second degree of oxydizement, all of which it decomposed, seizing their oxygen, and reassuming its alkaline qualities. From many experiments it appears, that 100 parts of pot-ash contain 15 of oxygen and 85 of an inflammable base, and that the same quantity of soda contains 20 of oxygen and 80 base. This ingenious chemist, after a great number of complex experiments, in which he

was assisted by Messrs. Pepys and Allen, ascertained that oxygen is also an essential ingredient in ammonia; of which 100 grains appeared to yield 20 of oxygen. Mr. Davy has also found that oxygen is one of the constituent principles of the muriatic and fluoric acids, and likewise of the earths barytes and strontites. See CHEMISTRY, POTASH, and SODA.

ALLAMANDA, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order: corolla twisted; capsule lens-form, erect, echinate, one-celled, two-valved, manyseeded. One species, viz. cathartica, a climbing plant, found in Guiana. The infusion of its leaves is used in the cholie.

ALLANTOIS, or ALLANTOIDES, in comparative anatomy, a vesicle investing the fœtus of several animals, as cows, sheep, goats, &c. and filled with an urinous liquor conveyed thither from the urachus.

ALLEGIANCE, is the lawful duty from the subject to the sovereign; and is either natural, as every subject born ought to pay; acquired, where a man is naturalized; local, which a man ought to pay who comes under the dominion of the king.

ALLEGORY, in matters of literature, a mode or species of writing, wherein something else is signified than the words in their literal meaning express. An allegory may be considered as a series or chain of metaphors, continued through a whole discourse. For example, when the prophets represent the Jews under the allegory of a vine planted, cultivated and watered by the hand of God, which instead of producing good fruit, brings forth verjuice and sour


ALLEGRO, in music, an Italian word denoting that the part is to be played in a sprightly, brisk, lively, and gay manner. Allegros move swifter in triple than in common time. Sometimes in conjunction with another word, placed at the beginning of compositions, it is intended to rouze and stimulate the more violent passions.

ALLEMANDE, in music, a slow air or melody in common time of four crotchets in a bar. A species of composition, supposed from its name to be of German origin. It is found in Handel's harpsichord lessons, and other works of about that date; but as a sonata movement it is now obsolete. The dance known by this name is still used in Germany and Switzerland, and is written in common time of two crotchets in bar.

ALLEN (THOMAS) a celebrated mathe

matician of the 16th century. He was born at Uttoxeter in Staffordshire, in 1542; was admitted a scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, in 1561; where he took his degree of master of arts in 1567. In 1570 he quitted his college and fellowship, and retired to Gloucester Hall, where he studied very closely, and became famous for his knowledge in antiquities, philosophy, and mathematics. He received an invitation from Henry, Earl of Northumberland, a great friend and patron of the mathematicians, and he spent some time at the Earl's house; where he became acquainted with those celebrated mathematicians, Thomas Harriot, John Dee, Walter Warner, and Nathaniel Torporley. Robert, Earl of Leicester, too, had a great esteem for Allen, and would have conferred a bishopric upon him; but his love for solitude and retirement made him decline the offer. His great skill in the mathematics gave occasion to the ignorant and vulgar to look upon him as a magician or conjurer. Allen was very curious and indefatigable in collecting scattered manuscripts relating to history, antiquity, astronomy, philosophy, and mathematics: which collections have been quoted by several learned authors, and mentioned as in the Bibliotheca Alleniana. He published in Latin the second and third books of Ptolemy, "Concerning the Judgment of the Stars, or, as it is usually called, of the quadripartite construction, with an exposition. He wrote also notes on many of Lilly's books, and some on John Bale's work, "De Scriptoribus Mag. Britanniæ." He died at Gloucester Hall in 1632, being 90 years of age.

Mr. Burton, the author of his funeral oration, calls him "the very soul and sun of all the mathematicians of his age." And Selden mentions him as a person of the most extensive learning and consummate judgment, the brightest ornament of the university of Oxford, Also Camden says he was skilled in most of the best arts and sciences. A. Wood has also transcribed part of his character from a manuscript in the library of Trinity College, in these words: "He studied polite literature with great application; he was strictly tenacious of academic discipline, always highly esteemed both by foreigners and those of the university, and by all of the highest stations of the church of England, and the university of Oxford. He was a sagacious observer, an agreeable companion," &c.

ALLIGATION, in arithmetic, is the

rule of mixture, which teaches to compound several species of ingredients or commodities together, according to any intent or design proposed; and is either medial or alternate.

ALLIGATION medial shews the rate or price of any mixtures, when the several quantities of the mixture, and their rates, are known.

Rule multiply each quantity given, by the price; and then, by direct proportion, say, as the sum of the quantities given, to the sum of the products; so is any part of the mixture, to the value of that part. Example: a goldsmith melts 3 ounces of gold, at 41. 6s. 8d. per ounce, with 12 ounces at 44. per ounce, and 8 ounces at 41. 58. per ounce: when they are all melted together, one ounce will be found to be worth 41. 28. d. Thus,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Then as 23: 95::1:4 2 7 Ans. ALLIGATION alternate teaches to mix goods, of different prices, in such proportion, that the mixture may be sold for any price proposed.

Rule: set down the names of the things to be mixed, together with their prices; then, finding the difference between each of these, and the proposed price of the mixture, place these differences in an alternate order, and they will shew the proportion of the ingredients.

ALLIONIA, in botany, so called in honour of Charles Allioni, professor of botany at Turin, a genus of the Tetrandria Monogynia class and order, of the natural order of Aggregatæ ; the calyx is a perianthium common to three flowers; and the perianthium proper is obsolete superior; the corollæ proper, one-petalled, funnel-shaped, and erect: the stamina have setaceons filaments; anthers roundish; the pistillum has a germ inferior, oblong, style setaceous, longer than the stamens, stigma multifid and linear, no pericarpium; seeds solitary, the receptacle naked. There are three species.

ALLIOTH, a star in the tail of the Greater Bear, much used for finding the latitude at


ALLITERATION, in rhetoric, is a figure or decoration in language, chiefly used in poetry, and consisting in the repetition

3. Schæno

of the same letter or letters at certain in- characters. &c. of which are the same as tervals, whence the name is derived. those of garlic, the species are these: 1. Cepa, or common onion; the best garden varieties of which are the Strasburgh or common round onion, the oval or long-keeping common onion, the Spanish large flat onion, the Spanish silken-skinned onion, the Spanish red-skinned onion, and the Portugal great roundish oval onion. 2. Fistulosum, or the ciboule or Welsh onion. prasum, cives or chives. 4. Ascalonicum, eschalot or schallot. 5. Canadense, or Canada-tree onion. All the first species and varieties have large bulbous roots, and the plants are biennial, or being sown in the spring, arrive at perfection in the root the same year, and next year shoot up into stalk, flower, and ripen seed, when the stalks quickly die, and the individuals are annihilated. But the second and third species never form any bulbs at bottom; they are, however, hardy and perennial, and may be continued many years. And the fourth and fifth species are bulbous-rooted perennials, multiplying greatly by off-sets, as is evident from their culture.

ALLIUM, garlic, in botany, a genus of the Hexandria Monogynia class and order; the calyx is a common sheath, and manyflowered, the corolla consists of six oblong petals: the stamina have six filaments, generally of the length of the corolla, the anthers are oblong and upright; the pistillum has a a germ, superior, short, bluntly three-cornered: the pericarpium is a capsule, short, broad, three-celled and three-valved; the seeds are many and round. There are 53 species distributed into several divisions. The common garlic has a large round white bulbous root, of an irregular form, with numerous fibres at the bottom, composed of many smaller bulbs denominated cloves, which are included in a common membranous covering, each of which being planted, grows, and in one season attains the size and structure of the parent bulb; the leaves are cauline, or form a kind of stalk, which seldom spindles, except when the same roots remain in the ground two or three years, when they run up and bear a flower and small bulbs at the top. It deserves to be cultvated in the garden for the sake of its root, which is in great estimation for culinary and other domestic purposes. Indeed, the roots, as well as all the other parts of the plant, have a very acrid taste, with an highly-offensive smell, which has rendered its cultivation in gardens less desirable. It is a hardy plant, capable of growing in most sorts of soils and situations, and readily propagated either by roots or seeds.

Rocambole has very small compound bulbs, which grow in clusters; the stalk generally spindling two or three feet high, with many bulbs at its summit, which, as well as the 100t bulbs, are useful for the same purposes as garlic, though much inferior. The latter, or the flowery kinds, have the flowerstems rising immediately from the root, growing erect and attaining different heights, from twelve to thirty inches; in some the leaves are radical, in others cauline, or elevated with the stalk, some are broad like those of a tulip, others long and narrow like a daffodil, and some taper and rush-like; but in all the sorts the stems are terminated by a sort of sheath, from which is protruded an aggregate of many small flowers, forming a kind of umbel. The flowers singly are composed each of six petals, which, though separately small, from many being collected into large heads, are very conspicuous. Of the second division, or the onion kind, the

Ciboule or Welsh onion. This is a perennial plant, which never forms any bulb at bottom; therefore deserves to be cultivated only to be drawn as young green onions for salads, &c. in spring; but on account of its strong taste it is greatly inferior to those of the common onion. From the plants being so extremely hardy as to survive the severest winter, in which, though their blades be cut off, the roots remain sound, and shoot forth with great vigour early in spring, furnishing seasonable supplies till May, when they generally run to seed. From this singular hardiness they may be cultivated more or less as a winter standing crop, with advantage, for spring use.

Cives or chives. all the onion kind, rising but a few inches high; but its roots are perennial, and increase considerably into clusters, from which large tufts of slender awl-shaped leaves issue, which are the principal part used, the roots never forming any bulb, at least not bigger than small peas. This is a hardy plant, which merits a place in every garden, Its clusters of leaves rise early in spring, and are useful both in salads and for culinary purposes, in default of onions. thod of gathering it is to cut the leaves off near the ground, by which a fresh supply is soon produced from the bottom; or occasionally the plants in clusters may be slipped quite to the root in separate little

This is the smallest of

The me

plants, resembling young onions, and used as substitutes for them. It is easily increased by dividing the roots in spring, and planting eight or ten of them together in holes, at six inches distance; in this way, by autumn, they will multiply into bunches of a large size.

Escalot or shallot. This is a species of onion which is bulbous-rooted, and which increases greatly by off-sets, the largest of which are the proper parts of the plant for use. The bulbs are oblong, irregular, and seldom grow large; as they generally increase into clusters, they do not swell like roots that grow singly. From the roots are produced many long, narrow, infirm leaves in the spring, and which wither in July or August, when the roots are full grown; they are then taken up, made dry and housed, when they keep in good perfection till the following spring.

Canada or tree-onion. This deserves to be cultivated, both as a curiosity in producing the onion at the top of the stalk, and for the use of the onions, especially for pickling, in which they are excellent and superior in flavour to the common onion. It is perennial, and propagated by planting the bulbs in spring or autumn. Either the root bulbs, or those produced on the top of the stalk, being planted in a bed or beds of any good earth, in rows a foot asunder, six inches distance in each row, and two or three inches deep, they shoot up leaves and stalks in the spring and summer, and produce the bulbs for use in July or August; and the root-bulbs remaining, furnish a production of top-bulbs, annually in that season; the root-bulb increasing by off-sets, may be taken up occasionally at the time the stem decays in autumn; or once in two or three years, in order to separate the sets, and replant them when necessary.

inches, dividing upwards into many large, long, thick leaves, arranging themselves in somewhat a fan-shape.

ALLODIAL, an epithet given to an inheritance held without any acknowledg ment to a lord or superior, in opposition to feudal.

ALLODIUM, or ALLEUD, denotes lands which are the absolute property of their owner, without being obliged to pay any service or acknowledgment whatever to a superior lord; in which sense they stand opposed to feudal lands, which pay a fee to some superior.

ALLOPHYLUS, in botany, a genus of the Octandria Monogynia class of plants, the calyx of which is a perianthium composed of four leaves of an orbicular figure, and two opposite ones smaller than the others; the corolla consists of four petals less than the cup, of an orbicular figure, and equal one to another, with large ungues of the same length with the smaller leaves of the cup. There are three species: A. zeylanicus is a tree having the appearance of persea, and a native of Ceylon. A cominia rises 30 feet in height, with a stem as thick as a man's thigh, with numerous flowers, to which succeed berries the size of a pin's head, with shell and kernel: grows plentifully in Jamaica. A. ternatus is a native of Cochin China.

ALLOY, or ALLAY, a proportion of a baser metal mixed with a finer one. Thus, all gold coin has an alloy of silver and copper, as silver coin has of copper alone; the proportion in the former case, for standard gold, being two carrats of alloy in a pound troy of gold; and in the latter 18 pennyweights of alloy for a pound troy of silver. According as gold or silver has more or off-less alloy than that mentioned above, it is said to be coarser or finer than the standard. However, it ought to be remarked, that the coin of different nations varies greatly in this respect; some using a larger, and others a less proportion of alloy, the original intention of which was to give the coin a due degree of hardness.

The leek is the third division of the genus, the general characters of which are the same as those before described, and the species and varieties are the porrum, or common leek, which may be said to be an annual-biennial plant, for although the roots often survive after perfecting seeds, yet the plants always attain perfection the same year they are sown, and the year afterwards run up to stalk, and become unfit for use. The seed-stalk of this plant does not belly like that of the onion. The best of the varieties of this plant for general culture is the broad-leaved or London leek, which attains a large growth, the neck acquiring a thick substance, in length from six to nine or ten

ALLOY, in a chemical sense, may be defined a combination of two or more me. tals into one homogeneous mass, not separable from each other by mere heat. The most valuable and useful of these are brass, type-metal, tutenag, bronze, speculum-metal, for which see the different articles. If two metals being fused together produce a mass, whose specific gravity is either greater or less than the mean specific gravity of its

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