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Power Commission 3 million 3 to 4 million 2; Federal Trade Commission 2 million 5 to 3 million 9; Interstate Commerce Commission 9 million 6 to 11 million 9; National Archives 1 million to 1 million 7; National Labor Relations 4 million to 7 million 9; Securities and Exchange Commission 4 million 9 to 6 million 5.

Those are just examples, and I am not going to burden you with any more statistics, but the fact of the matter is you can sum it all up by saying that 30 years ago the number of executive establishments of the rank of bureau or equivalent was 158, and that figure had gone to 521 in 1932. By 1944 it had hit 1,141.

During the same period of time the civilian employees of the executive branch went from 438,000 in 1916 up to the grand total of 2,766,000 in 1946. Well, you know that story. And you know what the reaction up here has been to it.

I speak from my personal observation here when I was in the press, and particularly on account of the 6 years I spent on the Appropriations Committee and saw the way the Congress attempted to deal with this thing.

First, you get a wave of indignation which is very natural and very proper, and you get men like Senator Byrd and Representative Wigglesworth who compiled these statistics and figures to show the extravagance and to show the overlapping.

But then, the follow-through on all that is not as effective as the findings are. We get a complaint about extravagance, but the way in which we deal with it evidently has not been adequate. This is due to the fact that our whole Government seems to go along on the basis that fiscal responsibility goes one way and management responsibility goes the other way.

Now, in the Navy they are making some studies, under Secretary Forrestal's direction, of this question of management and fiscal responsibility.

I would like to just pass this around to show you the way in which the functions of the Navy go and then the way in which the allocations of funds go. You can see that the functions go down this way and allocations of funds go across. I will pass this around. I don't know whether it might be possible to put these two charts in the record. This is the way it should be.

Senator FERGUSON. Mr. Chairman, I ask that it be put in the record, because I think it would help us.

Senator LODGE. Perhaps I can illustrate.

The CHAIRMAN. Without objection they will be put in the record if it is possible to do so. It will probably be possible to do, although the form might have to be changed somewhat. I think they could be put in the record all right.

Senator LODGE. I am delighted to hear you say that, Mr. Chairman, because that is an example. It is just one little example of the kind of thing which I think could be done not only within the departments but among the departments.

(The charts referred to face this page.)

Senator LODGE (continuing). You can illustrate it this way. Here is the father. Here are his five sons. And, here are five farms. Now, one way would be to take this son here and say, "You repair all the fences on all these farms," and, "You feed all the pigs on all these

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